The Uniter - Unitarian Universalist Church of Urbana

The Uniter
Newsletter of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Urbana-Champaign
March 4, 2015
Worship Services
March 8, 2015
10:15 a.m.
“Spring Cleaning for the Soul”
The Worship Committee
Second Sunday Potluck
March 15, 2015
10:15 a.m.
“Immigration Stories”
The Rev. Axel H. Gehrmann and
Jennifer J. Carrillo, Community Organizer,
Illinois People's Action
Join us after the service for an Immigration
Justice Lunch Talk with our guest speaker,
in the Children's Chapel.
March 22, 2015
10:15 a.m.
“What Will You Give Up?”
The Rev. Axel H. Gehrmann
Book Exchange Sunday
Our Mission
Build Community.
Seek Inspiration.
Promote Justice.
Find Peace.
Minister’s Message
– The Rev. Axel H. Gehrmann
After what has seemed like a cold but unusually
snow-free winter – now that the days are finally
growing noticeably longer, the sun rising higher
into the sky, and I find myself increasingly eager
to welcome spring – now we are getting the winter
weather we had been spared earlier. And I find
myself growing impatient.
Why is it that this year’s winter always seems to
drag on longer than others?
And I find myself silently reciting a poem by C.
Faischlen, which my grandfather taught me when
I was a child, entitled “Februarschnee” –
“February Snow.” (Actually I have also been
reciting it out loud at various church gatherings, at
the risk of overtaxing folks’ tolerance for German
verse.) This is how I would translate it:
February snow
no longer hurts,
because March is close by!
but in March
beware the heart,
that it not bud too soon!
wait, wait, and be still!
And if the sunniest sunshine,
and if the earth ever so green,
wait, wait, and be still:
it must first have been April
before it May can be!
Reciting the poem – whether quietly or aloud –
helps. Imagining my grandfather as a young man
over a century ago in East Prussia, learning these
lines, and coming to terms with his own seasonal
impatience is strangely comforting.
And what might have been my own private misery
becomes a link to my history, my ancestors, and
an experience I know has been shared by
countless men and women who have lived in these
latitudes. My impatience is diminished, and
instead I feel a quiet joy at being part of a
practically universal human longing for spring.
I find joy, because I know my impatience is silly.
Joy, because of course I know spring will come. It
will arrive at its own pace. Anticipation, they say,
is the purest joy. And I agree.
As the season slowly turns, may all our impatience
be tempered by a timeless joy.
See you in church!
Religious Education News
– Cindy Wakeland,
Director of RE
This week, I want to share with you some of the
learning from the Adult Faith Development and
Programming Module I am taking online. My
class will conclude the weekend of March 20th22nd in Bethesda, MD.
Many of the questions I face every other week
have made me think of the changes we have been
facing at UUCUC. These changes include the new
one-service worship, the two-year initiative, and
more. Here is a look at some of the items the class
has been discussing:
As adults, we are learning all the time. The things
we are learning tend to be things we feel are
important to our lives in some way. Think about
the last time you learned something. What was it
like? What did you need? Sometimes this learning
can cause us to have a “Shimmering Moment,” a
moment we go back to with awe and wonder. It
might be a spiritual moment or it could be
something that makes us think about our faith or
who we are. Shimmering moments can also be
moments of significant learning that lead to
continued development.
Another new lesson for me is the study we had on
the human brain. My leaders, Pat Infante and
Gabrielle Farrell, have shared “Stories of the
Human Brain.” You probably knew that human
beings were story tellers. But did you know, “Our
evolutionary heritage has left us with brains which
are ‘wired’ to make sense of what happens to us
and what we encounter and learn by arranging
The Uniter
information in narratives? Our brains establish
connections that make pieces of what we expect fit
together in a coherent narrative.” It is the stories
we learn in childhood that help develop our brain.
The telling of narrative stories is important to
education and learning. These narratives become
who we are and what we know until something
new is learned. Then we may experience
transformative learning, which is when we learn a
new thing that changes the way you think. The
change is not the learning of something brand
new, but the questioning that comes from
something you already know and how it becomes
a new understanding.
Adult Education can make this happen. We can
share our stories in a variety of ways in following a
curriculum about racism, or about our spirit, mind
and money, or even a discussion about what’s on
our mind. The big questions
being… How do we have
transformative learning so
we are advocates for change?
I have always been one to say that education
happens all the time in the church, not just on
Sunday morning. UUCUC is a good example. We
are trying new ways to worship, new ways to find
calmness, new ways to fight for immigration
justice, new ways to welcome, new ways to give,
and new ways to teach. Some of these new
learnings take place in a classroom on Sunday
morning and some out in the world. I think we are
telling our stories and being transformed, but we
can still raise the bar and learn more! Or maybe it
should be I can raise the bar and I learn more; I
will certainly try.
Musings on Membership
– Sam
Shore, Membership Coordinator
In a couple of weeks, the congregation will see the
fruit of some labors that have been occurring
behind the scenes to bring us a new and improved
website. One of the areas of improvement I have
most emphasized during my time as your
Membership Coordinator has been improving our
web presence, and some members have wondered
why that is. The answer is, I’m listening to the
visitors who come through the door.
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Our church asks those who visit us to let us know
how they heard about us, and I keep track of that
data. One conclusion that stands out is an
overwhelming number of our visitors do so after
primarily gathering information about our church
from the internet. Conversely, those News Gazette
and WEFT ads that current members are so proud
to hear? I’ve heard a newcomer mention each of
those just once over the past year.
And so, when it came time to pick a new, more
modern (and cheaper!) web host, your
Communications Committee decided to spend
some time to make the UUCUC website one that
strives to more strategically present information
in a way that will be friendly to those not yet
familiar with our community. Additionally, we
strived to more heavily incorporate imagery into
the site to better illustrate what it means to be a
part of our congregational community.
Very soon, we’ll be flipping the switch on the new
site. In addition to myself and your office
administrator Brittni Ballard, a team of volunteers
including Ryan Thomas, Erich Adickes, Marty
Booth Hodges, Jeff Unger, and Mary Barrineau
have devoted a great deal of time to create our
new website. So be sure to thank them, and let me
know if you have any questions or suggestions
about our work!
Until next time (or until “Cosmos,” showing at
7:30 p.m. on Sunday evenings),
Your Membership Coordinator, Sam
Membership Matters
Sunday Crew Needs You!
Did you know that it takes a Sunday Crew team to
make our Sunday services run smoothly – an
announcer, welcomers, ushers, decorations
provider, and hospitality snacks team? Sunday
Crew tasks are easy to do and vacancies exist for
most Sundays in March, April, and May.
Individuals, entire families, committees, or small
groups can sign up for Sunday Crew spots.
How? Sign up directly at VolunteerSpot or by
selecting “Volunteer at Sunday services” under the
Get Connected section on the church website.
Alternatively, sign up at the Connections Hub
table in Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings or
The Uniter
by contacting Peggy Patten at [email protected]. Thanks to those who have
assisted with Sunday Crew in recent weeks!
Photo Directories Put Names to Faces
The photo directories have arrived and are
available for pick up in Fellowship Hall after the
Sunday service.
If your photo is in the directory, if you are a voting
member of the church, or if you have made a
recent pledge, come and pick up a directory! We
have enough directories for each household to
have one copy; if more copies are desired, they can
be purchased for $10.
Please note directories will be reserved for you
until mid-April. At that point, all unspoken for
Photo directory copies will become part of the
holdings for future new members. So, please pick
up your directory as soon as possible!
Thank you to all who made this new directory
possible. In particular, thanks to Virginia
Brubaker and Gail Schiesser for their work. If you
have any questions, please contact Karen Retzer
at [email protected].
Karla’s Korner
– Karla Peterson, Chair of the
Board of Trustees
On February 24th, the Committee Council met.
This semi-annual meeting provides the
opportunity for committee chairs and/or
representatives from committees to share
thoughts and ideas, and to share with their
colleagues the valuable work going on in each of
the committees.
The list of activities “happening” in
those committees is too long to list
here, but some of the work is worth
Did you know…
The Membership Committee has introduced
game time during fellowship hour, Book Exchange
Sundays, a new Photo Directory, and new
programming ideas? Also, there will soon be a
new website produced in collaboration with the
Communications Committee!
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The Property Committee is collaborating with
the Communications Committee and
ECIRMAC to provide faster (and more
affordable!) internet connection
through UC2B. (BTW – YRUU
assisted in this endeavor by sharing
the funds raised for a laptop; they
preferred their funds go toward
this project to make internet
connection downstairs stronger and more
consistent, so thank you YRUU!) In addition,
improvements to the elevette continue as does
work with the Membership Committee on new
exterior signs. Watch for these.
The Partner Church Committee remains in
touch with our two partner churches in India and
Transylvania and expects to get busier this fall.
The Personnel Committee – in addition to
hiring our new staff – has produced a revised
Personnel Handbook and developed new
evaluation procedures.
Joys and Concerns
Finally, the Auction Committee is hard at work.
Coming up: Back to the fUUtUUre on
Saturday, April 11th! Would you too like to be
involved, if you’re not already? Just contact the
church office to find out how!
Thanks for all that you do in whatever capacity 
Our Church Family
This information is not available in the online
edition of The Uniter.
The Green UUs have submitted a grant for
native plantings
around UUCUC
and has entered
the U-C Energy
Star challenge.
The Social Action Committee continues to
offer workshops and films (often in collaboration
with Channing Murray, C-U Immigration Forum,
and other local groups) and is beginning work on
the Crop Walk, a Habitat build, and other projects.
The Worship Committee continues to provide
thought-provoking services as scheduled and is
training Worship Associates to assist with future
services. In addition, many of the new changes to
the services have come through this committee in
collaboration with our minister, Axel.
Care Core is continuing the vital service of
sharing information about the needs of UUCUC
members and finding help when needed.
Additionally, they are working to improve
methods of communication with all members of
the congregation.
The Religious Education Committee is
offering a new class on Meditation to be led by
UIUC professor Chris Menard and is also planning
for summer camp (exciting ideas – stay tuned).
The recently concluded Pen Pal project was a huge
success, and DRE Cindy Wakeland has been
working with RE classes to support ECIRMAC and
the Immigration Initiative.
The Uniter
Church Announcements
ReVisioning Task Force Has Task for You
Part of our Strategic Plan calls on us to “explore,
experiment, and evaluate new and innovative
worship services.” We are several weeks into the
experimental single service format each Sunday
morning, and the ReVisioning Task Force would
like your opinion on how it is going. Please take a
moment to complete this survey (available under
March 4, 2014
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ReVisioning Task Force Tasks You, cont.
the “What’s Happening” section on the church
website) and share your experiences with us.
Signup sheets for performers, helpers, and
DESSERTS will be available after Sunday’s
service. All ages are welcome.
The survey will be available until midnight on
Wednesday, March 11th. Thank you for your
Performers, we ask you to time your act so it runs
5 minutes or less to both allow the maximum
number of participants and keep the coffeehouse
length at two hours.
I Care, You Care: Care Core Galore
Do you or someone you know have Pastoral Care
needs? Help is just a phone call or email away!
Care Core is a network of caring volunteers among
our church family who are ready to assist you.
Care Core is the vehicle by which we share our
concerns as well as an invitation to deepen your
connection to our church family through reaching
out, pitching in, and stepping up to be there for
each other.
A Steering Committee meets monthly to consider
pastoral care needs, share concerns, and develop
ways for our volunteer network to help our church
community. Our volunteers have made and
delivered meals, as well as provided rides,
company, child care, and moving muscle among
other services. We send cards, make home visits,
and host memorial services. If there is some way
we can assist you, please email [email protected]
or call the church office so our office administrator
can forward your concern to us.
If you would like to join our network of caring
volunteers, please email [email protected].
Coming Events
C’mon, Get Happy; It’s Happy Hour!
Join us at the next UU Happy Hour on
Thursday, March 19th at Guido's. It is located
in downtown Champaign at 2 E. Main St. (corner
of Church and Neil St.). More information can be
found at Join us anytime
between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. to chat and relax.
For more information, contact Russ Rybicki at
[email protected].
UU Coffeehouse – Immigration Edition
Celebrate our Immigration Initiative! Get your
songs, poems, dances, etc. ready for our next
Coffeehouse beginning at 7:00 p.m. on
Saturday, March 14th in Fellowship Hall!
The Uniter
Questions? Contact Sarah Wisseman at
[email protected].
Make Like a Tree and Get Out Here
Please join us on Saturday, April 11th for the
annual Service Auction. Please note this date is
different than the one given in an earlier
Our theme this year is “Back to the fUUtUUre.”
Once again, we will feature our silent auction,
appetizers, music and open bar beginning at 4:30
p.m. Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. and the
auction will begin at 7:00 p.m. So put on your
most futuristic duds, jump on your hover board,
and head down to the church for an evening of fun
and entertainment.
UUCUC Hosts CROP Hunger Walk 2015
Our church will have the honor of hosting the
community-wide CROP Hunger Walk 2015 on
Sunday, April 19th. For the past several years,
many members of our church have been
enthusiastic participants in this annual event. As
you may recall, we hosted CROP Walk in 2013 and
found it immensely satisfying and fun.
This is a nation-wide effort aimed toward
alleviating hunger. Although started by Christian
churches, it now involves organizations from
many different religions working together for a
common goal. Of all the funds raised, 75% is sent
abroad where the need is greatest and 25% is kept
in the community. Local funds are divided among
the Eastern Illinois Food Bank, the Daily Bread
Soup Kitchen, The TIMES Center, and the Wesley
Evening Food Pantry.
Each year, the Feinstein Foundation donates a
total of $1 million to groups like the CROP Hunger
Walk which are raising money during March and
April to fight hunger. It is not a direct match, but
the more we raise, the more the Feinstein
Foundation will add.
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UUCUC and CROP Hunger Walk, cont.
The C-U CROP Hunger Walk will
take place on the afternoon of
Sunday, April 19th. The six-mile
walk will start and end at our
church. You can help in this effort
by walking and gathering donors and/or by
making a donation yourself. You can also help by
donating snacks for walkers or by being a building
host during the walk.
More detailed information, sign-up sheets for
helpers, and packets for walkers will be available
at the Social Action Table in Fellowship Hall after
each Sunday service.
Social Action News
Shared Offering: Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity of Champaign County and
ReStore is a nonprofit, Christian housing ministry
that works to both eliminate poverty housing
around the world and make adequate housing a
matter of conscience and action. Habitat
welcomes partners from any faith – or no faith
tradition –willing to help improve the lives of
families needing safe, affordable, decent housing.
Habitat builds quality, affordable houses through
volunteer labor and tax-deductible donations of
money, land, and materials. These homes are sold
to families selected on the basis of need, their
acceptance of the responsibilities of home
ownership, and their ability to repay a zero
interest mortgage. All families who participate in
Habitat must contribute “sweat equity” (time and
effort) to the building of their home and the
building of homes for other families.
Since beginning in 1991, Habitat for Humanity of
Champaign County has helped 77 families to
purchase Habitat built homes. Our church has
sent many work crews to help build houses.
Take Action for Environmental Health
Join fellow UUs in a Social Justice screening of
the cinematic feature-length documentary Living
Downstream, based on the acclaimed book by
ecologist and cancer survivor Sandra Steingraber,
Ph.D. This event, which is free and open to the
public, begins 6:00 p.m. Friday, March 13th at
The Uniter
the Channing Murray Foundation, located at 1209
W. Oregon in Urbana.
According to the movie’s website at, “This poetic film
follows Sandra during one pivotal year as she
travels across North America, working to break
the silence about cancer and its environmental
links. At once Sandra’s personal journey and her
scientific exploration, Living Downstream is a
powerful reminder of the intimate connection
between the health of our bodies and the health of
our air, land, and water.”
Groups and Chalice Circles
Board Game Group
All ages are invited to join this group! Whether
you've played your whole life or never touched a
game, we welcome you. We meet on the first
Saturday of the month for potluck and gaming
fun. Contact Anne Odom ([email protected]).
Caregiver’s Chalice Circle
All members are involved in some way with the
care of another adult and we welcome newcomers
at any time. Contact Sylvia McDermott at
[email protected] for more information.
Cosmos Screening and Discussion Group
Are you interested in the natural world? Then
come watch the next installment of our 13-week
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey with Neil deGrasse
Tyson screening! Join us every Sunday night
through May 3rd at 7:30 p.m. for an
exploration of the natural world followed by
discussion. Bring a friend and a snack!
Feminist Book Group
Do you like to discuss books featuring strong
women characters or addressing issues of
importance to women? Then drop by an FBG
meeting! This month’s discussion explores How to
Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran. Get involved
today; just contact Karen Folk at [email protected].
Gastronomical Society Group
Gastro meets monthly to enjoy potluck style
dinners covering every theme imaginable. Because
events are held in members’ homes, please RSVP
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Gastronomical Society Group, cont.
in advance. Contact leader Terry England at
[email protected] to join the listserv.
Grief Chalice Circle
This is a group where we can share our experience
and feelings about our lives and process of grief
following a death, whether weeks, months, or even
years after our loss. Contact Pamela Van Wyk
([email protected]) to learn more.
Women’s Brown Bag Luncheon
Make new friends with fellow UU women over
lunch! This group is open to all female church
members able to get away the second Wednesday
of each month from noon to 1:00 p.m. in
Fellowship Hall. Contact Anine Singh-DeGrood at
[email protected].
How to Reach Us
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Telephone: (217) 384-8862
Mail: 309 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801-3221
Email: [email protected]
Publications and Deadlines
The Uniter is published every two weeks from
September through May, and every three weeks
during the holiday season and summer months.
Send announcements to [email protected]. To
receive The Uniter electronically, contact the
office. The next submission deadline is noon,
Thursday, March 12th.
Subscribe to our weekly E-News!
The E-News comes out on Fridays and provides
last-minute news and reminders of events taking
place in the coming week. To sign up, contact
[email protected].
For questions about pledge payments or
Trust Fund donations, contact the
Financial Secretary, Amy Robison,
at [email protected].
The Uniter
Axel Gehrmann, Minister
([email protected])
Tu., Wed., Fri., 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Cindy Wakeland, Director of Religious Education
([email protected]) 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., M-Th
Brittni Ballard, Office Administrator
([email protected]) 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., M-F
Samuel Shore, Membership Coordinator
([email protected])
Wed. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Sun. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Matt Sheppard, Music Director
([email protected])
Matthew Gladden, Accompanist
([email protected])
Beth Cobb, Assistant for Services
([email protected])
Anine Singh-DeGrood, Childcare Coordinator
([email protected])
Myron Winkler, Sexton
([email protected])
Stephanie Cobb, Kitchen Helper
([email protected])
Board of Trustees
Karla Peterson, Chair
Chris Hannauer, Vice Chair
Lynn Wiley, Treasurer
Barbara Childers, Clerk
David Prochaska, Finance Liaison
Mona Shannon, Membership Liaison
Brian McDermott, Moderator
Barbara Hudgings, Personnel Liaison
Jared Lofrano, Property Liaison
Libby Tyler, Religious Education Liaison
Mike Retzer, Social Action Liaison
Sue Searing, Worship Liaison
Committees & Chairs
Care Core: Peri Ceperley, [email protected]
Finance: Tanja Hodges
Green UUs: Andy Robinson
Membership: Peggy Patten & Karen Retzer
Ministry: Jeff Unger
Music: Sarah Wisseman
Partner Church: Brigitte Pieke
Personnel: Kathleen Holden
Property: Jerry Carden
Social Action: Ryan Latvaitis
Stewardship: Emily Laugesen, Kathleen Holden, &
Kathleen Robbins
Religious Education: TBA
Worship: Amanda Ramey
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Calendar – March 4, 2015
Thursday, March 5
12:00 p.m. E-News and OOS Deadline
7:00 p.m. Finance Committee – Fellowship Hall
Friday, March 6
9:00 a.m. Playgroup – Nursery
Saturday, March 7
2:00 p.m. Grief Chalice Circle – Library
6:00 p.m. Board Game Group – Fellowship Hall
Sunday, March 8
9:15 a.m. Mindful Meditation Class – Children’s Chapel
10:15 a.m. Worship Service, RE, and Child Care
11:15 a.m. Second Sunday Potluck – Fellowship Hall
11:30 a.m. Adult Discussion Group – Library
7:30 p.m. Cosmos Group – Fellowship Hall
Monday, March 9
1:00 p.m. Bridge Group – Children’s Chapel
Tuesday, March 10
7:00 p.m. Board of Trustees – Children’s Chapel
Wednesday, March 11
12:00 p.m. Women’s Brown Bag Lunch – Fellowship Hall
6:15 p.m. CrUUners Rehearsal – Sanctuary
7:00 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal – Sanctuary
The Uniter
Thursday, March 12
12:00 p.m. E-News, OOS, and Uniter Deadline
4:30 p.m. Membership Committee – Fellowship Hall
Friday, March 13
9:00 a.m. Playgroup – Nursery
Saturday, March 14
5:00 p.m. Gastro Group – Off Site at Home of Julie Laut
7:00 p.m. Spring Coffeehouse – Fellowship Hall
Sunday, March 15
9:15 a.m. Mindfulness Meditation Class – Children’s Chapel
10:15 a.m. Worship Service, RE, and Child Care
11:30 a.m. Immigration Justice Lunch – Children’s Chapel
11:30 a.m. Adult Discussion Group – Library
3:00 p.m. Holt Babbitt Memorial Service –
Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall
7:30 p.m. Cosmos Group – Fellowship Hall
Monday, March 16
7:00 p.m. Caregiver’s Chalice Circle – Library
7:00 p.m. Social Action Committee – Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, March 17
7:00 p.m. Feminist Book Group – Library
Wednesday, March 18
9:30 a.m. Uniter Folding Party – Fellowship Hall
11:00 a.m. Care Core Steering Committee – Library
6:15 p.m. CrUUners Rehearsal – Sanctuary
7:00 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal – Sanctuary
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