Developmental Plasticity – Sensitive Periods and Risk of Obesity Karen A Lillycrop Institute of Developmental Sciences Centre for Biological Sciences University of Southampton Genotype E P I G E N O M E Environment Environment Environment Chronic disease susceptibility (CVD, obesity, type II diabetes, cancer) 2 Early life environment can alter the epigenome Establishment of imprinting Gametogenesis Cell lineage specific methylation Erasure of parental methylation conception birth weaning Epigenome Prenatal Nutrition/ Body composition Maternal stress /childhood adversity Endocrine disruptors /pollution Neonatal Pubertal Growth maturation aging What is the evidence that early life environment can induce epigenetic and phenotypic changes? High fat High fat Protein restriction Biochemical Journal 2010 427, 333-347 - Matthew J. Warner and Susan E. Ozanne Maternal protein restriction induces the hypomethylation of the PPARα Promoter in the liver of the offspring Hypertension Dyslipideamia Insulin resistance Maternal protein restriction 110 100 * 90 80 70 Control PR Maternal dietary group Lillycrop et al., 2005,.2007 Β oxidation PN34 700 1400 * 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 hyroxybutyrate concentration (mol/l) 120 PPAR expression PN34 mRNA concentration compared to control (%) DNA methylation compared to control (%) Hepatic PPAR methylation PN34 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 con Control PR PR maternal dietary group Maternal dietary group 5 150 100 * * ** * ** 50 E18 PN34 PN84 PR on C PR on C PR on 0 C % Methylation ( mean ±SD) Maternal protein restriction induces a change in PPAR α methylation in fetal liver Maternal high fat feeding alters the methylation of the FADS2 gene Female Liver 20:4n-6 % Total Fatty acids 40 7% Butter 21% Butter 7% Fish Oil 21% Fish oil 30 20 10 1 0 Expression (normalised Ct) % methylation 2 40 20 sh % 21 r2 = 0.56, P<0.0001 1 0 l oi il h Fi s 21 % Fi 7% B % 21 sh ut O te r te ut B 7% Fi 21 % r l sh O 7% Fi s h ut B % 21 oi il r te r te ut B 3 7% Butter 21% Butter 2 7% Fish Oil 21% Fish oil 0 7% Log DD Ct (mean SD) CpG -394 7%80Butter 21% Butter 7%60Fish Oil 21% Fish oil 3 Fi sh Fi 7% CpG -394 Female Hepatic FADS2 expression 4 oi l il O te ut % 21 7% B B ut te r r 0 40 50 60 70 CpG methylation 80 7 7 Over –feeding in early postnatal life leads to obesity and the hypermethylation of the POMC promoter Rat pups raised in small litters (SL) POMC methylation in the hypothalamus (PN21) Rapid fat accumulation Hyperglyceamia Obesity NL SL Plagemann et al., 2009 Nutrition in early life can induce long term changes in DNA methylation conception birth weaning Growth maturation aging sperm GR, PPARa IL-13R, PPARa High Fat Protein restriction Paternal diet GR, PPAR, PEPCK HNF4,ATR1 FADS2 Global High Protein restriction fat restriction Maternal diet Epigenome POMC Long term changes in gene expression & metabolism Over feeding Altered disease risk The Dutch Hunger Winter A period of severe food shortage in the Netherlands in 1944. Energy intakes dropped from 1800 to between 400 and 800 kcal per day (equivalent 100 - 200g pasta). Individuals born to women exposed to famine during pregnancy have an increased risk of CVD, T2D and obesity in later life Alterations in DNA methylation has been shown in individuals from mothers who Were exposed to famine during pregnancy compared to their non exposed siblings IL10 GNASAS IGF2 Lep ABCA1 MEG3 Tobi et al., 2009 Developmental plasticity – Same genome, different phenotype Early embryo Adapted Normal Future Actual Postnatal Environment e.g. High Calorie Diet Developmental Plastic Stage “prenatal environment” Environmental Cue e.g. Poor Nutrition Reduce energy demands Increase capacity for fat storage Less investment in muscle mass High Disease Risk MISMATCH Response Alternative Developmental Path Future Actual Postnatal Environment e.g. Poor Nutrition Low Disease Risk MATCH 11 Waddington 1942 birth conception GR, PPARa Growth maturation Epigenome GR, PPAR, PEPCK P16, p21,HNF4,ATR1 Protein restriction weaning FADS2 p16 Global restriction High fat POMC Over feeding FADS2 aging Long term changes in gene expression & metabolism Folic acid Altered disease risk Detect changes in methylation Predict metabolic capacity & future disease risk Epigenetic marks as biomarkers? In humans limited tissue availability? Available tissues: Umbilical cord Cord blood Placenta buccal cells Blood Methylation at the retinoid X receptor α (RXRA) promoter at birth vs child’s fat mass SWS children age 6 yrs PAH children age 9 yrs r= 0.32 P=0.009 n=64 r= 0..20 P=0.002 n=239 8 7 Child's fat mass age and sex adjusted (kg) Child's fat mass age and sex adjusted (kg) 6 6 5 4 5 4 3 0 Umbilical cord RXRA methylation Godfrey et al., 2011 3 8 0 8 -8 0 0 -8 -6 0 0 -6 -4 0 0 -4 Umbilical cord RXRA methylation Values are means + SEM Genome wide methylation array Methyl DNA capture Genomic DNA from SWS subjects sonicated and precipitated using His-tagged MBD2b to enrich for methylated sequences Hybridised to Human Promoter Array 60 mer probes spaced across promoter regions of 17,000 best characterised transcripts covering -8kb to +2kb downstream of TSS DATA analysis Methylation levels of 100nt regions were estimated using the Bayesian algorithm BATMAN Differentially methylated Regions (DMRs – 100 nt) identified (Fishers Exact test) associated with % fat mass age 6 yrs 93 DMRs identified, associated with changes in % fat mass age 6 years Confidential Among the identified DMRs, the top pathway enriched was DNA replication & repair This pathway includes a DMR linked with cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (CDKN2A) UCN Igm CD40 IDH1 MapK GATA6 HLA-C ENDRB AKAP8 Akt SAA1 CDKN2A Jnk P13K complex CCND1 PCPB2 capsase Hintone H3 RNA pol II NFKb complex E2f cyclin A APP SIAH1 OAS1 SP1 26s proteosome PCNA Alpha tubulin NGFR ID1 FEN1 GAPDH VMP1 GTPBP4 CDKN2A ● Encodes for 2 cell cycle inhibitors p14ARF and P16INK4a , which play roles in cell proliferation, differentiation and senescence Lower umbilical cord CDKN2A methylation is associated with higher child’s % fat mass (SWS children) At 6 years At 4 years CpG1 CpG3 P=0.003 n=208 P=0.003 n-204 P=0.007 n=221 P=0.007 n=215 CpG4 CpG6 P=0.005 n=231 P=0.015 n=230 P=0.007 n=247 P=0.04 n=244 Lower CDKN2A methylation at birth associated with greater ponderal index at age 18 months in 161 GUSTO infants, reflecting higher adiposity P=0.015 Perinatal CDKN2A methylation in an independent cohort from Singapore with adiposity data at age 18 months Lillycrop & Godfrey et al, unpublished Epigenetic biomarkers Temporal stability of DNA methylation Recent data suggests that DNA methyation can be dynamically regulated Methylation stability over time The Early Bird Study Longitudinal non-intervention study of healthy children between ages 5 to 16. Annual measurements include physical activity, body composition and insulin sensitivity and annual whole blood samples taken Sirt1/PGC-1a (PPAR gamma co-activator (PGC))-1α Sirt1 (energy sensor) HNF4a Energy homeostasis Glucose metabolism PGC1α Muscle fibertype switching Insulin secretion Mitochondrial biogenesis Adipogenesis Methylation stability over time PGC1a Sirt1 HNF4a 80 CpG CpG -8 4 1 100 -9 4 -1 0 3 -1 1 7 -8 1 6 -5 1 5 -7 8 3 -6 1 7 40 -6 5 2 M e t h y la t i o n ( % ) M e t h y la t i o n ( % ) 60 -1 2 1 90 -5 2 1 20 80 0 5 - 7 8 - 9 10 11 12 A g e (y e a rs ) 13 14 -7 9 5 - 7 8 - 9 10 11 12 A g e (y e a rs ) Methylation not affected by the proportion of neutrophils or lymphocytes (all P > 0.1; neutrophils r = -0.002 to 0.34, lymphocytes r=0.001 to 0.23). 13 14 Methylation of CpG loci in PGC-1α was associated with adiposity at 14 years • Significant association between the methylation of 4 of the 7 CpG’s at 5-7 years and % body fat from 9-14 years (P<0.05). For each 10% difference in methylation at 5-7 years, % body fat differed by 6.3% to 12.5% (P<0.03) at age 14. Does differential methylation of the CpG loci within PGC1a have functional significance? Methylation increases binding of the pro-adipogenic HOXB9/PBX1 heterodimer. Early life environment is critical for future health In vitro Culture? Maternal/paternal Nutrition Maternal behavior Nutrition 1.Early life environment is an important determinant of later obesity risk 2.Early life environment can alter the epigenome and these epigenetic changes induced in early life make a significant contribution to later phenotype and disease susceptibility. 3.Detection of such altered epigenetic marks in early life may allow the identification of individuals at increased risk of metabolic diease in later life. Pathways to obesity Epigenetic signatures? CDKN2A? Are there modifiable epigenetic marks? mis-match pathway? Rapid catch up growth Epigenetic signatures? PGC1a/Sirt1 obesity ? Are there modifiable epigenetic marks? Greater fat mass, less lean mass and lower IQ at age 4 Poor educational attainment Poor diet Take less exercise Obese Ill-prepared for pregnancy. Maternal drivers? Undernourished Dietary restriction IUGR Minimal changes in diet and health behaviours Maternal drivers? Over nutrition Maternal high energy diet Maternal obesity GDM Southampton Developmental Epigenetics group Graham Burdge Keith Godfrey Mark Hanson New Zealand Peter Gluckman Teejal Bhatt Nicki Irvine Elisoe Cook Leanie Grenfell Becki Clarke Paula Costello Mark Burton Danya Agfa Jordan Price Rob Murray Emma Garratt Sam Hoile Charlie Simmons Singapore Joanna Holbrook Walter Strunkel Australia RaeChi Huang Leiden Bas Zwaan Plymouth Terry Wilkin Jo Hosking Jon Pinkey
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