ENCOURAGER - Graefenburg Baptist church

March 2015| Monthly Newsletter of Graefenburg Baptist Church
Contemplating Palm Sunday
Insider/Outsider Language in Matthew’s Gospel
Who We Are:
We glorify God alone
by transforming lives in Jesus
in order to love more and serve more.
Significant parallels exist between Matthew 20:29-34 and
Matthew 21:1-11. The former passage portrays Jesus healing
two blind men and the latter is the famous Triumphal Entry of
Christ into Jerusalem. With Palm Sunday approaching on
March 29, some reflection on these passages is in order.
There is theological significance, found in a kind of
foreshadowing, in that the two men who were blind and could
not see Jesus were healed. After the touch from Jesus, they
were able to physically see and, more importantly, have their
messianic understanding of Christ confirmed. The words from
the two men that caused Jesus to stop were “Son of
David.” Those words, referencing a messianic title from
chapter 1, turns Jesus’ attention toward the two men. Moved
with compassion, Christ opens their eyes so they can see.
The crowds during the Triumphal Entry in 21:9 used the same
title, “Son of David”, in their adoration. This crowd, in contrast
to the two men in chapter 20, could physically see Jesus, but
were mistaken about the true nature of his messianic kingship.
In this setting, Christ, who was certainly capable of “opening
their eyes” to the truth of his purpose, chooses not to “heal” the
crowds of their misinterpretation so that his ministry will reach
its completion. This blindness even among those who can
physically see also points back to 11:25 where Jesus praises
God the Father for “hiding these things from the wise.”
Continued on page 2….
Continued from page 1
The familiarity with insider/outsider language in
Matthew reaches a point of finality with those
who think they are on the inside ultimately being
the ones who send Christ to the cross. In that
regard, they could be considered ‘insiders” in the
sense that they are fulfilling the decreed
purposes of God established before the
foundation of the world, but from a redemptive
perspective, the cheering crowds praising Jesus
as he rides into Jerusalem remain on the outside.
Two pastoral applications are in order. First,
sincere examination of our hearts is prompted
from these two passages. Cheering for Jesus
isn’t enough, nor is a mere appreciation of
church, bible study, theology, or religion. Palm
Sunday highlights the haunting possibility of
distracting people from the sacrificial love of
Jesus while thinking we are celebrating and
honoring him.
Second, in Matthew 20, Jesus kept his eyes open
to the needs and hurts of those around him even
while keeping his eyes on the big picture of
eternity. It is a powerful example. Isn’t it
amazing that Jesus, who was only steps away
from the torment of the cross, takes the time to
stop and heal these two men? Most of us would
have “zoned out” at that point in order to
concentrate on the big deal of the cross. Just like
many of us “zone out” on the day to day
ministry of those in need because we are focused
on what seems like bigger, more important
issues. People need the Lord. We are the
ambassadors for Christ. Let’s not forget that
during Holy Week. We should attend Holy
Week services. We should meditate on the cross.
We should attend worship on Easter. But Holy
Week should also find us saying, “Yes, I will
help feed the poor!” “Yes, I will take the time to
talk to that struggling friend!” “Yes, I will pray
for those who are desperate.” “Yes, I will love
more and serve more.”
Yes, Lord, help us be more like Jesus.
Pastor Philip
Worship and Music Notes for March 2015
From Pastor Jay
The Body of a Hymn, Part 2
Summary from last month
The most widely used poetic meters
are Short Meter (, Common
Meter ( and Long Meter
( Rhyme schemes are varied
but some include aaba, abba, and
abab. The classic hymn “Amazing
Grace” is common meter (,
meaning it has four lines of verse
with eight syllables in the first and
third lines and six syllables in the
second and fourth lines. It also has a
corresponding rhyme scheme of
abab. Meter allows texts and tunes to
be interchangeable. For example,
BEECHER appears with four
different texts!
Other Meters.
The Metrical Index of Tunes in the
hymnal is a valuable resource. There
you will find all sorts of metrical
patterns. If you see a “D” at the end
of the series of numbers, it simply
means “double.”
Irregular Meter
But many hymns do not fit into a
regular metrical pattern. In our
hymnal “Fairest Lord Jesus” is listed
as an irregular hymn. It is irregular in
poetic meter only. It is not irregular
in its theology. It is irregular because
it has a different amount of syllables
in each line (though I can make a
strong argument that it is
Literary Devices and Patterns
We learned about these in high
school English. Here are some of the
more familiar poetic devices that you
will find in our hymnal: simile,
personification, paradox, metaphor,
hyperbole, chiasmus and alliteration.
Authors of worship congregational
songs will often employ structural
such as
dialogue, litany and call and response
for thematic purposes.
I imagine that some of you, if you’ve
stuck with me and read this article,
have wondered, “Why is Jay taking
up so much space to explain song
texts, meters, poetic devices and the
like?” Here are a few brief reasons.
First, these paragraphs deal with
congregational song – the faith we
sing. Second, writing texts for the
church to sing lies somewhere
between art and science – it’s
difficult to do right. Third, I am
committed to Colossians 3:16 which
says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in
you richly, teaching and admonishing
one another in all wisdom, singing
psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, with thankfulness in your
hearts to God” (emphasis added).
Pastor’s Class Update
I am enjoying leading the new
Pastor’s Class on Sunday mornings!
The class is designed for those who
are not currently engaged in a Sunday
morning Bible study.
We will study the
book of Nehemiah
through March. After
a short break, the
class will resume
with Pastor Philip
teaching. The class meets Sundays at
9:30 am in the Music Suite located
between the elevator and the library.
Sunday Sermon Series Schedule
Acts: The Mighty Works of God will
guide our morning worship until
Advent. I encourage you to read
through the book
of Acts multiple
times in the
coming months
as you prepare for worship. Since the
book has twenty-eight chapters, you
could read a chapter a day for every
month and immerse yourself in the
sermon text. As you study Acts with
your pastoral staff, I encourage you
to take time to notice repeating words
and/or phrases (the name of Jesus),
reoccurring themes (empowering of
the Holy Spirit, bearing witness), and
theological content (the death, burial,
resurrection and ascension of Christ).
Children’s Choir
Son Shine and Joyful
Noise Choirs are
working on Down by
the Creek Bank! It’s not too late for
your child to get involved! Children
from ages three through the sixth
grade are welcome at rehearsals
every Sunday night at 6:00 pm in the
Music Suite.
After Death: What Happens When I
Die? On Sunday evening, March 15
we return to the Sanctuary Sermon
Series What Happens When I Die?
and will consider the following
questions: What happens to the body
and to the soul? Can people go to
heaven and return again to earth?
Then, just before Easter we address
What Happened
When Jesus Died?
Did Jesus really
descend into hell
like the old Creeds
teach? What about the stories of dead
people walking the earth when Jesus
died? How should we respond when
folks suggest that Jesus never died?
The Sanctuary Sermon Series takes
place most Sunday nights at 6:00 pm.
Grace Notes Update
The Grace Notes will soon be singing
favorite hymns of the cross at local
nursing homes, assisted living
facilities and retirement communities.
As of this printing the schedule has
not been finalized. Watch your
weekly bulletin for an up-to-date
performance schedule. Please know
that you are invited to join us in
rehearsal or performance Friday
mornings at 10:00 am in the Music
Suite. Contact me for more info.
Sanctuary Choir Update
Each week Sanctuary Choir is in the
continual process of preparing
congregational and choral music for
worship. Currently, Sanctuary Choir
is rehearsing choral settings of Psalm
46, 86 and 91. The choir is also
working on two of my arrangements
for Good Friday. In addition, we are
preparing other service music. If you
are new to our church, please know
that you are invited to Sanctuary
Choir rehearsal every Wednesday at
7:30 pm in the Music Suite.
Dr. Jay
“You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8
Our Community (Jerusalem)
North America (Judea/Samaria)
Shelby Touched Twice Clinic
The 6th Annual Shelby Touched Twice Clinic will
be held on Saturday, March 14, at First Baptist
Church, Shelbyville. We continue to be in need of
volunteers, particularly shepherds who escort our
guests to each of the services they request. This is a
wonderful day of service where the Christ-centered
churches in our community come together to meet
the physical needs of our neighbors. While meeting
these needs, we seek to meet their spiritual needs as
well. At last year's Clinic, 12 individuals made
salvation decisions.
North American Mission Study
Please join us on Sunday evening, March 8 at 6:00
pm as our Acts 1:8 Team leads us through a North
American Mission Study in the Hosanna House area.
KY WMU Celebration and Annual Meeting
The KY WMU Celebration and Annual meeting will
be held in Lawrenceburg at Sand Spring Baptist
Church on Friday and Saturday, April 10 and 11. In
addition to hearing from North American Mission
Board and International Mission Board missionaries,
we will also gather at the State Capitol on Friday
afternoon for a special time of prayer for our
government leaders. On Saturday morning, we will
have a missions fair designed to help churches learn
how they can conduct block parties or fairs in their
own communities. Friday evening will include a
special commissioning service for Kentucky
Please go to the Clinic website shelbytouchedtwice.com - for more information and
to register your participation.
Frankfort Soup Kitchen
Thank you for your service to the Frankfort Soup
Kitchen. We volunteer the second Monday of every
month and workers are always needed. You can sign
up for a month at the guest welcome center.
Reservations are not required for attendance at the
meeting; however, box lunches on Friday and child
care require pre-registration. Please see Susan
Bryant for more information.
May I tell you my story?
It’s as easy as 1-2-3
You’ve been hearing Pastors Philip and Jay talk a lot
about telling your story. In fact, you’ve been hearing
people tell their story each week in worship. If you
haven’t taken the time to tell your story, here is a
helpful resource to help you.
Constructing Your Story. In God’s hands, your
story is a powerful and compelling. Use the following
outline as a guide for writing your story. Make each
section about three to five sentences long. Use this
written version to guide you as you record your story
at www..tellyourstory.today
1. My life before I encountered Jesus.
Describe your life in a way that best helps a nonChristian relate to you. Family life / Defining
moments / What were you living for and how did it let
you down?
Take the journey! This summer, GBC takes your
kids to uncharted territory where they will begin to
understand that obedience to God can lead them
2. How I encountered Jesus.
beyond the expected. So, toss the map, stick close to
Describe how you came to trust in Jesus as your
your guide, and prepare to listen for God’s direction
Savior and Lord. Circumstances / I knew I needed
that is unknown to us, but known by Him.
Jesus because...” / When and how did you come to
VBS Motto: This is the way. Walk in it.
know Jesus?
VBS Scripture: And whenever you turn to the right
or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind
you: “This is the way. Walk in it” (Is 30:21, HCSB).
3.My life since I encountered Jesus.
Describe the difference Jesus has made in your life
since you trusted in Him. Your approach to problems
and failures / “What’s most important to me now?” /
“My attitude toward the future.”
VBS Training
Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 9:00 am till noon at
Rich Pond Baptist Church, 200 Brad Avenue,
Bowling Green, KY 42104
The training events have breakout sessions that will
focus on specific age groups and activities. GBC VBS
volunteers are encouraged to participate in this
training and experience the Journey Off the Map
Worship Rally!
See Erin Peach for more info!
On Thursday February 12th the Good Timers got
together for a Valentine's lunch of soup, sandwiches
and dessert. We had bean soup, vegetable soup,
chicken noodle soup, broccoli cheese soup and chili.
There were ham sandwiches, pimento cheese and
bologna and cheese sandwiches. An assortment of
desserts and to top it off Darlene's punch. Even
though the day was very cold, thirty Good Timers
made it out to enjoy good food, great fellowship and
bingo. Thanks to Janet Hammonds for calling the
bingo numbers.
Good Timers will be having a Pot Luck luncheon
n Tuesday, March 17 starting at 11:00 am. The meat
and rolls will be provided.
Please bring your favorite dish to share with
everyone. Sweet tea, unsweetened tea, water and
coffee will be provided. We will be playing the
wonderful game of BINGO and there will be plenty of
wonderful surprises to win!
Please come and enjoy the fun with everyone!
Jesus Saves
I just want to thank
you all personally for
giving my aunt the
Kroger gift card and
We Get Mail
the resources to help
find more food if she
needs it. She was
very surprised and
like I said, she told us over and over that we shouldn’t
have done that. She cried, which made us cry. I think
it’s wonderful to be able to share the love our church
has with those that don’t go to church. It allows them
to see how great our God is! Thank you again for
helping me show her God’s love. We have a
wonderful and loving church family that we are so
blessed to be a part of.
Dee Dee & John Hulker
6:00 pm - Hosanna House
6:30 pm - Deacons’ Meeting
6:30 pm - Academy Classes
10:00 am - Grace Notes
6:00 pm—North American Mission Study
6:30 pm - Academy Classes
10:00 am - Grace Notes
10:00 am - Touched Twice Clinic at First Baptist
10:30 am - Observance of Lord’s Supper
6:30 pm - Academy Classes
10:00 am - Grace Notes
Spring Begins
6:30 pm - Academy Classes
10:00 am - Grace Notes
Palm Sunday
Ushers & Greeters
Kevin & Robin Hill, Henry & Annette Mitchell,
Rick Woodside, Mike Hedges, Harold Moore
8 Christopher England, Mike Robinson, Wayman
Bartlett, Larry Austin,Kenny7 Jones, Bud &
Phyllis Shely
15 Donna Langley, John Rhea, David Harrod,
Connie Page, Jeremy Roberts, Don Richardson,
John Clay Gabbard
22 Lane Burdette, Jerry D. Roberts, Dan Nall, John
Morrow, Tim Roberts, Jeremy Gaertner, Nancy
29 Jim McIver, Brenda Richardson, Chris England,
Lindsay Sibert, Travis Cabell, Carrie Padgett
Sound, Video & Power Point
Jordan, R. W., Janet
Louis, Adam, Janet
Kurt, Janet, Jessica
Glen, Rick, Dora
Jordan, R. W., Janet
Pastor’s Class
Irvin Smith, Nina Mattox, Kathy Burton
Debbie Waits, Kathy Bland, Mark Matthews,
David Blackburn, Jimmy Blackburn, Kaitlyn
Darrell Smith
Daphne Hopkins, C. J. Lipps
Janice Devers, Vicki Smith, Kurt Robinson, Lisa
Bowman, John Franklin
Josh Sudduth, Rebecca Gibbs, Joe Carter,
Leah Hulker
Bethanie Sircy
Emily Jo Ball
Rita Shepherd, Madison Hamel
Rocky Drew
Stephanie Willard, Tim Bruner, Ryan Cook
Chad Cooke, Bill Jennings, Doug Satterley
Shelia Murphy, Linda Wallace
James Hall
David Harrod, Wayman Bartlett, Tommy Nation,
William Okes
Joyce Jennings, Ronnie Dixon
Jeff Bruner, Sharon Maquire
Chase Roberts, John Thomas Myles
Violet Rice, Brittany Walls, Todd Jennings,
Brenna Gipson
Anna Hearn, Billie Carter, Jimmie Rogers
Morgan Wood, Reba Lewis, Debra Roberts,
Leah Aubrey, Linda Sharp
Dorothy Harney, Jimmy Snider, Donna Sisk
Aaron Bradford, Willa Fultz, Bonnie Haydon,
Kaylin Jennings
Scott & Robin Nation
Bill & Gladys Wingate, Jeff & Tina Quire
Bud & Phyllis Shely
Jim & Nanette Mitchell
H. T. & Lisa Bowman
Benji & Veronica Bohannon
Toby & Debbie Sacre
Dan & Stacy Nall
Budget Update
Sunday’s at 9:30 am
In the Music Suite
Total Yearly Offering Goal
Weekly Goal
Monthly Offering Goal
Monthly Offering Received
January 2015
The Encourager is published monthly by
Graefenburg Baptist Church
11288 Frankfort Road
Waddy, Kentucky 40076
829-5324 or 223-5325
Pastors: Philip Meade, Jay Padgett
Resurrection Celebration
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy,
He has caused us to be born again to a living
hope through the resurrection of Jesus
Christ from the dead (1 Pet 1:3).
Sunday, April 5 at 10:30 am in the Ministry Activities Center