YARRALUMLA PRIMARY SCHOOL 24 Loftus Street, Yarralumla ACT 2600 Phone: 6142 3250 Fax: 6142 3265 Email: [email protected] Website: www.yarralumlaps.act.edu.au "Certamen Praeter Palman" - "The endeavour is more important than the prize." NEWSLETTER NO. 5 5 MARCH 2015 NOTES HOME THIS WEEK School Photo Envelopes PARENTS’ CHECKLIST (Reminder of things to DO) *Please pay your child’s S.E.P. (Student Educational Pack) for this year. * raffle tickets and money due 16/3/15. DATES TO REMEMBER Monday 9 March Friday 13 March Wednesday 16 March Sunday 22 March Wed 25 – Fri 27 March Friday 3 April Monday 6 April Wednesday 8 April Friday 10 April Tuesday 28 April Canberra Day Assembly hosted by Year 2/3 2.10pm Parent Reading Information Night P&C School Fete 11am-3pm Camp at Coastlife – Year 5/6 Good Friday Easter Monday World of Maths at school Last Day of Term 1 First Day of Term 2 TOMORROW IS A UNIFORM FREE DAY TO FUNDRAISE FOR THE FETE – BYO GOLD COIN OR CHOCOLATE BAR DONATION FOR THE CHOCOLATE TRAILER STALL! P&C SCHOOL FETE – SUNDAY 22 March Please don’t forget to put your name on the roster for your child’s class stall. It is posted in the Piazza foyer or you can email Renée Shuttleworth –[email protected] Cari genitori, What a great day was had by all who participated in the Water Fun Day last Thursday at CISAC. The positive feedback about the day was testament to the organisational skills and hard work of our coordinator, maestra Katherine Fielding and her team - maestro Dave Matthews and maestra Cheryl Couch. The day ran like clockwork thanks also to the the commitment by our talented 100m swimmers to do their big races early in the morning before the arrival of the rest of the school, the 25 metre races being conducted before the 50m races and the excellent activities organised for our Junior school students. Of course such an event cannot run smoothly without our volunteer parents who were everywhere on the day whether as junior class rotation helpers, timekeepers, judges, scorers and ribbon writers. Huge bouquets to them all! Instrumental Music Program It was terrific to see so many families at school early on Tuesday morning for the Instrumental Music Program Information Session. The advantage of the growth in our enrolments is that we are now eligible to have two IMP bands - a Year 4 Fife and Drum Band and this year a combined Years 5 and 6 Woodwind Band. These will morph next year into a Year 5 Woodwind Band and a Year 6 Woodwind Band. The session was hosted by the IMP teacher allocated to our school – Ms Jane Rayner and maestra Sarah Veitch who is our band coordinator /conductor and also a graduate of the IMP program having played clarinet and tenor saxaphone in her primary and high school years. Both teachers bring a wealth of musical experience to their roles including their own expertise with woodwind instruments and in Sarah’s case, also as a member of the 2000 Olympics Marching Band. SCHOOL BOARD Deb Hicks (Board Chair) Phone: 0412 237 519 Email: [email protected] P&C PRINCIPAL Lea Chapuis (Principal) Phone: 6142 3250 Email: [email protected] Our Year 5 students’ mouths and fingers are now being assessed for their suitability for particular instruments and within a fortnight will be able to take their instruments home and start practising! Fife and drum band members already have their instruments. We are really looking forward to seeing both bands perform at assemblies and school functions as the year progresses. No pressure of course! For your information, Band tuition times are as follows: Fife and Drum: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11.50 – 12.35 with a Tuesday lunch time rehearsal Woodwind: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12.35 – 1.20pm with a Thursday lunch rehearsal. Teacher Professional Learning Today our school hosted two educational associations’ professional learning events for other ACT schools. The first was an all day workshop conducted by PETAA – the Primary English Teachers’ Association Australia on strategies to enhance inferential and interpretive comprehension skills, presented by Margery Hertzberg. The second one after school was the Promethean Interactive White Board ACT Users’ Group meeting which enabled teachers to share best practice using an IWB. Hosting events of this nature enables a greater number of our staff to participate in cost free, quality professional learning in the areas we have prioritised in the three priorities of our Strategic Plan – to improve student learning outcomes in English and Italian literacy and numeracy, to build teacher capacity and to enhance student engagement in their learning. Those staff who enrol in these courses then share their learning with colleagues through our weekly team and PC (planning cohort) meetings and by observing one another in action in the classroom. We are all committed to being individually and collectively responsible for changes in practice that are required to achieve our school’s priorities. And the results are starting to show: Today in the Canberra Times, YARRALUMLA PRIMARY is identified by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) as one of 20 ACT Schools that demonstrated above-average gain for students in the 2014 NAPLAN numeracy results. This list is not a league table that attempts to compare schools, but far more importantly demonstrates which schools are value adding to students’ results between Years 3 and 5. Yarralumla PS has been identified for our significant growth in numeracy but we also had gains in our students’ reading results. A big congratulations to our Year 5 students on their achievement and particularly to their teachers for their commitment to teaching practices that make a difference to our students’ learning. QUOTE OF THE WEEK – what we aim to do at Yarralumla and how we try and make that difference! ‘If we are going to get better at what we do, constructive feedback and an open mindset are needed. The easiest starting point is watching others and allowing others to watch us in the real-non staged environment of the classroom.’ Peter Smith – AP at East Berghold HS from the UK Guardian’s Teacher Network BOUQUETS Students: To the hardworking house captains and vice captains, Slim – Lola Archibald and Sam Ferguson captains, Myles Johns and Amanda Vunipola vice captains, McKell – Oliver Lockey and Olivia Castle captains, Alec Wilson and Alice Collins vice captains, Menzies – Gaius Frezza and Isabella Buchanan captians, Daragh Hayes and Eliza Coggan vice captains for their organisation of their house members in races and in cheer squads at the Water Fun Day. To Henry Lezaich for being the only student left in the stands to cheer for SLIM house when all the other year 3 to 6 students were participating in the fun activities on the slide etc. Staff: To Maestri Fielding, Couch and Matthews for their superb organisation of the Water Fun Day. To maestra Veitch for her organisation and liaison with IMP to facilitate two bands this year. Parents: To all the following parents for their valuable assistance at the CISAC Water Fun Day: Travis Hicks, Zoltan Backsai, Andy Castle, Nim Hehir, Alex and Mark Snow, Andrew Willis, Bernadette Mihaljevic, Colette Harkin, Lanie Stephens, Raeleigh Rogers, Roberta Ruffulo, Giovanna Mazzoli, Scott Lockey, Zyanna Fuery, Josephine Calalbria, Suzy Geelan, Helen Eastly, Suzie Piani, Melinda Jamieson, Lizzie Christiansen, Felicity Moharam, Emilia Stanojcic, Constanza Napoli, Madeline Denham, Marina McDonald, Lex Vaccarella, Renee Shuttleworth, Annaliese Tozzi and Daniela Origa. Swimming anecdote from the CISAC front line: Nervous Year 2 student waiting on a chair for her first 25 metre race ever! ‘What race is this please Signora Chapuis?’ Signora Chapuis: ‘25 metre freestyle G…….’ Student: ‘Oh!!! what’s freestyle?’ Signora Chapuis: knowing words on this occasion aren’t going to work, does a quick demo with her arms! Student: ‘Oh, OK! I think I know that one!’ YPS students are up for anything! This student went onto to get third place in her age group! COMMUNITY TRIP TO BERGAMO 2015 Dear families, Please contact me if you are interested in taking part in the school Community Trip to Bergamo this year in September/October. If you are intending to take part in the school trip, it is important that you inform me no later than Friday 27 March. We are aiming for a maximum of 10 families per year to take part in the trip. So far we have five families that have expressed interest so there is still time to register! Svelti, svelti!!! Maestra Brissoni [email protected] P&C News Non-Uniform Day – Friday 6 March Come in non-uniform and bring a large block of chocolate or a $2 coin donation on Friday 6 March. Your donations will support our great Lob-a-choc stall at the YPS fete. We are after large family size blocks of chocolate or boxes of chocolates. Volunteers will collect your donations at the front of the school. This stall will help raise funds to be used in our school. Save up your 50c pieces and at the fete try your luck at landing a coin on a block of chocolate at the Lob-a-Choc Stall. Even if you miss you still get a prize. CALLING ALL COOKS We need volunteers to help for the school fete's Italian Trattoria hosted by Oro Class (but you don’t have to be an Oro parent to volunteer or make a sauce!) How you can help: 1) You volunteer to help us on the day Just one hour of your time will make a huge contribution. There is a sign up sheet at the school or just ring Felicity Moharam. 2) You can cook up a storm We need the following types of sauces: - plain tomato (i.e. vegan and gluten free) - pesto Please put all sauces in takeaway plastic containers that can be frozen. Alternatively if you have a little more time available you may wish to consider making vegetarian lasagne or pizza that can be reheated on the day. Sauces can be pre-made and frozen or prepared for the day of the fete (Sunday 22March). 3) You can donate raw ingredients We need bottles of red and white wine, canned tomatoes, fresh basil, herbs, pine nuts, almonds, lemon barley cordial, apple juice, dried pasta, plastic cutlery and serviettes A big thank you to Rosalba, Natasha, Alex and again to Pina also to our year 6 helpers Alice, Alec and Alyssa for volunteering last week, we seem to be getting busier every week! Please check the roster to find out when your class is scheduled to provide volunteers and email me at This week's special is a selection of nachos, next week is chicken nuggets. Please keep the orders coming via Flexischools, you can order for weeks in advance! To register or order please go to www.flexischools.com.au Thanks and regards Raeleigh and Sarah Canteen Volunteer Roster Term 1 2015 Week 5 Date Class Year 6-Mar Rosa 1 Corallo 1 Scarlatto 1 Rosso Kinder Blu Kinder Verde Kinder Platino 6 Oro 4/5/6 Avorio SLSU Marino 2/3 Verdolino 2/3 JLSU If you are able to assist with any of the above please contact Felicity Moharam ([email protected] or Tel: 0439470775) or sign up on the boards in the piazza. Please label the ingredients of your sauces - and no meat (for health reasons we aren’t allowed to serve meat sauces that were not cooked on site) Thank you in advance for your generosity. Week 6 Week 7 13-Mar 20-Mar Claire, Susie, Anna, Felicity The Trattoria team Canteen News HELP! We REALLY need volunteers for tomorrow! Year 1 Rosa, Scarlatto and Corallo are rostered to provide help tomorrow, please contact me asap if you are available. Next week, Kindergarten - are rostered to help, and have already provided 2 helpers THANK YOU! We do not have ANY helpers for the remainder of the term please check the roster and email me if you can help: [email protected] The canteen can only operate with help from volunteers. Week 8 27-Mar Week 9 3-Apr Perla Good Friday Week 10 10-Apr Sausage Sizzle Week 6: Week 8: Week10 : N/A Everyone! Assembly Roster Yr 2/3 Yr 2/3+JLSU ANZAC Assembly – Yr 1 BOOK CLUB Book Club will be going home today with all the children. Please read the information sheet attached, this will explain how to order and pay. DUE DATE: Friday 13 March Kindergarten Dear Parents/Caregivers, Four weeks are behind us, and here is our summary expressed in numbers. Three classes of enthusiastic students are taught by five enthusiastic teachers. Students are learning in two languages about what it means to be an individual and how to build relationships with new people and in new settings. This big idea is covered through nine learning areas and supports seven general capabilities which will shape our students’ skills to prepare them for life. You have received the Unit overview to help you monitor how we do this, and you can always consult the Australian National Curriculum to see in more detail what we expect to achieve. We had one Nuts and Bolts night with parents. At every assembly six students receive an award for their outstanding achievement and behaviour. Eight out of ten is our mark to parents so far for bringing their child to school on time, for preparing their child’s lunch box with healthy food, for leaving their toys at home, for letting us know when their child is sick, and for collecting their child on time from school. Ten out of ten is our mark to students for being friendly, independent, curious and engaged. Who would argue that being a teacher in Foundation (Kindergarten) class is not as easy as counting from one to ten? For the Kindergarten Team maestra Meri SCHOOL PHOTOS School Photos are on Monday 16 March . Envelopes were given to each student this week. Please place correct cash, cheque or credit card (place your credit card details inside envelope) in the sealed envelope and return to child’s class teacher on photo day. Family photo order forms are available from the Front Office. A discount applies for families with 3 or more children. After purchasing individual packs for each child a siblings presentation pack of your choice will be free. Only children who present a siblings presentation order form to the photographer on photo day will have their Family/Siblings photo taken. CONGRATULATONS EXTRA BOUQUET THIS WEEK Charlie represented the ACT at the National Super 10s tennis championships during the second week of the 2015 Australian Open. Four of the best 10/U players from each of the 8 states and territories competed for 5 days in both singles and doubles. Charlie won against WA, lost to QLD and drew against no 1 seeded players from VIC, NT and TAS in a 50 minute timed event. He was also lucky enough to present the Davis Cup flag to Australian team member Lleyton Hewitt and toss the coin for the mixed doubles final on Rod Laver Arena between Martina Hingis/Leander Paes and Kristina Mladenovic/Daniel Nestor. Community News Italian Language School for Children School Banking Yarralumla Primary School offers the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program to all students. The School Banking program provides children with an opportunity to make deposits into their personal Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account at school each week during school terms. The program is about how often your child makes deposits, not how much they deposit. To encourage regular savings behaviour the program offers an exciting Rewards Program. Every deposit earns your child a Dollarmites token, and once they’ve collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for a reward. The curriculum promotes the Italian Language, Heritage and Culture through Song, dance and other forms of art for all children from 5 to 15 years of age. When: Every Saturday 1.30pm to 4pm during the ACT School Term Venue: Gambarri Annex Yarralumla Primary School Loftus St. Yarralumla Cost: $150 per child per term includes workbook (sibling discounts apply). 1 free trial lesson available. Find us on the web: www.italianlanguageschool.org.au Or Facebook: www.facebook.com/ItalianLanguageSchoolCanberra For further information Phone: Giuliana on 0414 269 335 or email [email protected] Throughout the year there are ongoing competitions for students and schools to enter, not to mention the commission paid to the school by the Commonwealth Bank for participating in the program. CREATIVE COMMUNITIES PROJECT Please note from next week School Banking day is Thursday. In September last year, Majura and North Ainslie Primary Schools established a new, creative partnership with artists within their local communities including writers, musicians, dancers, visual artists, and theatre directors. Our school Co-ordinators are Colette Harkin and Lousie Rawlings. For any enquiries or assistance please email [email protected] The Commonwealth Bank will be holding an account opening day at 8.30am on Monday 16th March 2015 at the School. If you are interested in opening a Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account for your child please bring along your driver’s licence or another form of photographic identification. Alternatively, you can open an account at any branch, by calling 13 22 21 or online if you are an existing Commonwealth Bank customer. You might be able to assist with bringing more creativity, self-expression, fulfillment, and joy to your child and other children at our school. This partnership resulted in bringing to those schools new, exciting projects benefiting all involved – the students, the artists, and the broader community (Canberra Times article Bringing Artists to Schools, 22 November 2014, Panorama section) Do you know any artists in our community, or are you perhaps an artist yourself? If so, please let us know, as we wish to organise a meeting with local artists to talk about all possible creative ideas that our school community might consider. More detailed information about the project can be obtained by contacting Dr Jolanta Gallagher on 6262 8689 or [email protected] North Canberra Free autism workshop for families in North Canberra Like all school-age students, children with autism spectrum disorder benefit from strong, positive relationships between the home and school. Positive Partnerships uses evidence based materials and practical resources to help support these relationships by facilitating workshops for parents and carers in your local community. Details for the upcoming one day workshop Dates: 18th March 2015 Venue: Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club, Cnr Gundaroo and Gungahlin Drives, Nicholls Cost: Free - including resources, lunch, morning tea and refreshments Full details and online registration at www.positivepartnerships.com.au The workshop is funded as part of an Australian Government Department of Education initiative to support school-age children with ASD across Australia. South Canberra) Free autism workshop for families in South Canberra Like all school-age students, children with autism spectrum disorder benefit from strong, positive relationships between the home and school. Positive Partnerships uses evidence based materials and practical resources to help support these relationships by facilitating workshops for parents and carers in your local community. Details for the upcoming one day workshop Dates: 25th March 2015 Venue: Southern Cross Club, 92 – 96 Corinna Street, Woden ACT 2606 Cost: Free - including resources, lunch, morning tea and refreshments Full details and online registration at www.positivepartnerships.com.au The workshop is funded as part of an Australian Government Department of Education initiative to support school-age children with ASD across Australia. Canberra Balloon Spectacular The Canberra Balloon Spectacular returns for the 29th year this Saturday. More than 30 giant hot air balloons will participate in this year’s event including Yoda from Star Wars and an Angry Birds balloon. Please note ballooning is weather dependent and the decision to fly will be made at 6am daily and posted on the website, as well as Events ACT’s on Facebook and Twitter pages. Date: Saturday 7 March – Sunday 15 March Time: Balloons launch from 6.15am daily Location: Lawns of Old Parliament House Website: www.balloonspectacular.com.au Lights! Canberra! Action! On Friday night a piece of Hollywood will come to Canberra as the annual Lights! Canberra! Action! short film festival is screened at the Senate Rose Gardens outside Old Parliament House. Bring your own chair or a beanbag, pack a picnic and enjoy a fun night out with friends and family. Date: Friday 6 March Time: From 7pm Location: Senate Rose Gardens, Old Parliament House Website: www.enlightencanberra.com Yarralumla Primary School P&C Dear Parents / Guardians, Generally, the response to the Hamilton Island Holiday Raffle has been positive, but only 25 of the total 300 books of raffle tickets have been sold and returned. We would be grateful if you sold each raffle ticket supplied as all monies raised will assist in providing resources for the education of our children. If you are able to sell more than one book of tickets, you can get additional books from the front office, from [email protected] or 0404 061 201. Legally we need to account for each raffle ticket issued. Please return all monies and tickets (including unsold tickets) to the front office by Monday 16 March. As well as the major prize of the family holiday to Hamilton Island including a $1500 Virgin Australia voucher, there is a second prize of $500 cash. Also on offer are the following incentive prizes: BOOK SELLER’S PRIZE Each family/member who sells or purchases a complete book of raffle tickets will be placed into a draw to win an iPod Shuffle 2GB. INDIVIDUAL PRIZES Each family/member who sells or purchases a complete book of raffle tickets will receive a motivational support wristband. BALI FAMILY HOLIDAY PRIZE We are offering our family/members who sell or purchase a complete book of raffle tickets an opportunity to win a holiday to Bali. Accommodation is at the Holiday Inn Resort, Bali, Benoa for two (2) adults and 3 (children 0-12 years) in a Family Connection Room including a $2,000 Virgin Australia airfare voucher and $1,000 spending money. Please go to www.australianfundraising.com.au/online, click onto the Raffle Fundraiser icon, and in 25 words or less tell us why fundraising is important to our school/club. A lucky winner, based on the most creative response wins! Full T&C’s online. Thank you for your assistance. Bernadette Mihaljevic P&C Treasurer LOLLY DONTATIONS REQUIRED!!! Dear Parents This year the Kindergarten classes are hosting the ‘Old Fashioned Lolly Pick & Mix' stall at the Fete on the 22nd of March 2015. As the stall contact, I am calling on volunteers, and lolly donations! I will need at least 2 parents on the stall at any one time, plus additional helpers for set up and pack up. A volunteer roster has been put up on the 'Fete wall' just near the front office. There will be a box at the front desk for a collection of lollies. Below is a list of lollies that we are asking to be donated as part of the ‘Pick and Mix’. Snakes Strawberry and Cream Milk bottles Jersey Caramels Lollipops Sherbet straws Musk Sticks Teeth Banks Street, Weston Park YARRALUMLA ACT 2600 Ph: Fax: (02) 6281 7373 (02) 6281 7400 Dear School Principal This weekend (7th and 8th March) over 100 Garden Centres Australia-wide have teamed up in a massive fund-raiser for Beyond Blue, raising awareness and supporting people suffering from anxiety and depression. We have planned various activities over the weekend. Participation for each event/activity requires a $2 Gold Coin Donation (which goes directly to Beyond Blue): -Children may pot up a Blue Pansy/Viola into a Terracotta Pot 2-4pm Saturday and Sunday (and take home). -“Guess how many Blue Dutch Iris Bulbs in the Glass” – Prize is a Blue Birdbath or XL Blueberry Plant. -Huge Blue Plant, Blue Pot and Debco Premium Potting Mix sale. -Purchase a Blue Paper Flower to hang on our Wishing Tree. Write words of hope, or dedicate your flower to someone who has been affected by anxiety/depression. -Purchase a Blueberry Muffin, freshly baked by Peter at Café D’Lish, Deakin. -Attend talk given by Canberra Urban Honey 2-4pm Saturday and Sunday. -$2 for all Gift Wrapping. We are hoping that you will inform your teachers of this awesome community fund-raiser, and pass it on to children and parents, so all can come along and have a great weekend of fun and excitement, in support of Beyond Blue. Yours sincerely Bruno Zimmermann (Proprietor) YPS Canteen Menu Term 1, 2015 Week Date Item 5 6/3 Nachos 6 13/3 Chicken Nuggets 7 20/3 Pizza 8 27/3 Wedges 9 3/4 Good Friday – No Canteen 10 10/4 Sausage Sizzle Notes Price Meat or vege tomato based sauce. Grated cheese/sour cream 5 Nuggets per serve, choice of sweet chilli/tomato sauces. Hawaiian, meat lovers or vegetarian Choice of sour cream, sweet chilli/tomato sauces. $3 bowl Standard Beef and Halal sausages available TBA $3 ea $3 large slice $3 bowl
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