3 March 2015 Volume 6 Principal’s Message – Sr Ann-Maree Nicholls, sgs Dear Parents, Caregivers and Children Prep Enrolments - 2016 Prep enrolment details for 2016 are now required from our existing families. If you have a child due to st st commence Prep next year (born between 1 July, 2010 and 31 July, 2011) and already have children attending Saints Peter and Paul’s School please ensure that the enrolment form together with a copy of th your child’s birth certificate and baptismal certificate is returned to the school office by Friday 20 March, 2015. The demand for Prep enrolment in 2016 is once again extremely high; therefore it is essential that we have our current families accounted for. If you do not have an enrolment package please download one from the school website or collect one from the school office. Welcome Back Day on the Green An enjoyable afternoon was held on Sunday to welcome new and existing families to the 2015 school year. Thanks to the Parents and Friends for hosting this event and to everyone who came along. A special thanks to Brendan & Chrissy Quinn, Paul & Ali Dollar, Gen Piggott, Megan Channer & Neil Coop, Michael & Jenny Hovey, John & Tara Collins, Adam Cairns, Ken Gargan, Terry Shaw and Mark Spencer for organising and assisting with this event together with the many assistants who made the day a huge success. It was great to see so many families relaxing and enjoying themselves on the Green! Parking I would like to remind families that SCHOOL PARKING IS NOT PERMITTED along the driveway in front of the Church and beside the Parish Pastoral Centre. Also, this area should not be used as a pick up or drop off zone for students coming or going home from school. Parking in this area is strictly for Parish use only. Thank you for your continued support as we strive to ensure a safe environment for our school community. Let us pray that the special time of Lent will help us to lead better lives. Wise and loving God, by our Lenten prayers and actions, may we discover your wonderful gifts of mercy and grace. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Peace and Best Wishes Sr Ann-Maree Nicholls, sgs PRINCIPAL APRE News – Mr Brendan Schostakowski LENT PRAYER ASSEMBLY Year 4 Blue will lead our Lenten Prayer assembly this Wednesday, 4 March, with the theme ‘Hearing God’s Word’. Due to the Senior Swimming Carnival on Wednesday 11 March, our Lenten assembly for next week will be held on Friday morning 13 March. PROJECT COMPASSION Essential food for life At each Lenten assembly members of the Year 6 Care and Concern Committee will share the stories of people from different parts of the world whose lives have been transformed with help from Caritas Australia. This week Project Compassion focuses on Niger, where life is very tough. Many live in extreme poverty, often unable to afford or access food and water. We meet Mariama who is raising her daughter in Niger, a country that suffers widespread poverty. When her little girl became malnourished, she received life-saving food and care at a Nutrition Centre, supported by Caritas Australia. Your donation to Project Compassion 2015 helps save the lives of people living on the brink of survival in Niger, giving them access to nutritional support and essential food for life. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FRIDAY 6 MARCH The World Day of Prayer is a worldwide movement of Christian women of all traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer on the first Friday of March each year to which all people are welcome. The event is born from a vision of Christian unity. It wishes to take up the burdens of other peoples and pray for them. This year our Year 6 students will be attending this prayer service which is being held in Sts Peter and Paul’s Church beginning at 10.00am. The symbol for the World Day of Prayer was developed by the women of Ireland and adopted as the international logo. Its design is made up of arrows converging from the four points of the compass, persons kneeling in prayer, the Celtic cross, and the circle representing the world and our unity through all our diversity. GOSPEL REFLECTION FOR THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT – 8 March John 2:13-25 Cleansing the Temple The Jews revered the Temple in Jerusalem as the place where God was present in a special way. One day Jesus came to the Temple and found a lively trade going on in animals and birds for sacrifice, and money changing. Taking a small whip Jesus drove the traders out of the Temple and overturned the tables of the money changers with the words: ‘Stop making my Father’s house a marketplace!’ The vigorous reaction of Jesus was due not only to the desecration of the Temple but also to the fact that these traders were part of a system which used the Temple to exploit the poor. During this time of Lent we pray. That we might follow the example of Jesus in opposing systems that exploit the poor. That we might recognise and be advocates for the right of the poor to have access to nutritious food. That we might seek more ways together to share what we have with the poor and disadvantaged. Wishing you God’s blessings for the coming week. Brendan APA News...Mr Damien Sullivan Student protection Because schools like Sts Peter and Paul’s are located in busy suburban areas, students before and after school can regularly come into contact with members of the wider community. For this reason parents are asked to have regular discussions with their children about stranger danger, taking great care in public places and about talking to trusted adults about any incident that makes them feel less safe. Many schools in the area are sending out similar alerts at this time so please give appropriate reminders to your child/ren. If you are ever concerned about your child’s safety after any contact with a member of the public please inform the school. Parents are also asked not to hesitate in phoning the police. The police Link phone number 131 444 can be called for a quick response or parents can speak to an officer at Morningside Police Station on 3823 8666. Of course in an emergency situation always dial 000. Alexandra Street (Bottom) Drop Off Line Recently we have had some hold ups for parents dropping off children before school particularly in Alexandra Street. To help keep this busy traffic area flowing smoothly in the morning it is important that all families know the correct procedures. Enter the drop off line from Riding Road. Only the first three cars are to unload in the space between the school driveway and the parking sign. Subsequent cars are asked to wait and move to the top of the line once the cars unloading have left. Do not unload in the driveway or the curve of the road between the Church and the School as it creates a safety hazard for other cars trying to proceed to the drop off zone. Please remain with your vehicle as your children unload. If parents need to speak with their child or help carry bags up to the stairs or driveway, they should pull up further along Alexandra Street towards the bus shelter where afternoon pick-ups are done. This area is a two minute zone. Drivers must remain with their vehicle in this area. Please do not park here to walk your child up to school. A big thank you to the parents who assist on our pick-up and drop off areas before and after school. These parents are volunteers who give up their own time to help traffic continue to flow and to ensure that our children are safe. They are following procedures set down by the school and P & F and so we ask that parents follow any directions that these volunteers give. If you do not agree with what you are being asked by our parent volunteers, please do not challenge them – you are more than welcome to take up the issue with a member the school admin team. Public Transport Arrangements Many children travel to and from school by means of public transport (eg: buses). If your child is travelling this way we ask that you complete a form available at the office which details these arrangements. Some children may need to be dismissed from class a few minutes early each afternoon to ensure they catch their bus. Children who leave school early are required to sign out at the office before leaving the school grounds. If your child needs to leave school before 3:00pm on a regular basis to catch public transport, the school office requires these details in writing along with your written permission allowing your child to leave early. We would also appreciate you detailing any alternate arrangements or contact details should your child miss their bus for any reason. Naming Children’s Belongings We ask that parents please check their children’s belongings to see that they are named and have this year’s class. In particular hats, lunch boxes and drink bottles are turning up in the lost property with last year’s details which makes it more difficult for our helpers to get them back to their rightful owners. Thanks for your help with this. Bee Champions Congratulations to Levi (2B), Terry (3B), Anton (1G) and Caitlin (2G) who were drawn out of the box as Bee Champions at our last assembly. They have been helping our school to be a happy and safe place for students. All the best for the week ahead! Damien Sullivan Sports News SENIOR SWIMMING CARNIVAL – 11 MARCH 2015 Preparations are almost complete to enable our child/ren to enjoy the first house event for 2015. Please join us at the 2015 Senior Swimming Carnival: Date: 11 March 2015 Venue: Langland’s Pool, 5 Panitya Street, Stones Corner - located directly behind the Langland’s Park Busway Station. (Additional Parking is available in the overflow car park off the Easts Rugby League Club) Transport: Children must come to school in the morning and travel with their class to the pool. Buses will depart from school at 8.45am. Students “What to bring list”: Swimmers (one piece for girls), swimming cap, goggles (if preferred), towel, sunscreen, hat, water bottle, healthy morning tea and lunch. There will be no canteen facilities available to the students so there is no need for children to bring any money. The sports uniform should be worn to school, however a house coloured shirt is encouraged. (Students may swim without their rash shirt if preferred for racing). Program Details of timetabled events: (approximate anticipated times) 8.45 am SHARP Children assemble in their year groups and leave by bus 9.20am Events will be marshalled in the following order: 13/12years followed by 11’s, 10’s, 9’s and 8 years age groups (as of 31/12/2015) 50m distances followed by 25m distances 9.30am Freestyle 10.20am Breaststroke Morning Tea Break in House areas after 2nd Event – no break in swimming races 11.10am Backstroke 11.50am Butterfly 1.00pm Lunch Break 1.10 pm Senior Intermediate and Junior Invitational 50m / 100m Freestyle 1.20pm 8’s, 9’s, and 10’s Age House Colour Relays x 20m down the pool from the shallow end 1.50pm Senior House Colour relays x 25m down the pool from the shallow end 2.00pm Clean up 2.15pm Buses depart Presentation of Age Champions – Senior Swimming and Sports Award Assembly on Thursday 12 March 2.30pm. Parents are reminded that as this is a school swimming carnival, and the main aim of the day is to encourage children to participate and be a part of their house as a team. Students have swum nominated times during classes recently and these will be used to assist with their placement in events that suit each student’s ability as indicated by these times. The decisions made by the teachers who are judging/timing the races will be final. Students will sit in their house areas. A spectator area on the other side of the pool will be set aside for parents. Please bring a chair or rug to set up on for the grassed area. Thank you to the parents who have nominated to assist us on the day. I will be in touch next week with details of your roles and responsibilities. Your support is greatly appreciated as a School Event of this size relies on such wonderful support. FIT CLUB See the flyer attached for dates and times in preparation for the School Cross Country Carnival SAVE THE DATE School Cross Country Carnival 27 March 2015 at Hawthorne Park – More details to come METROPOLITAN EAST SWIMMING: Congratulations to Tiana Smith and Ella Monckton who swam at the Met East Championships today. LYTTON DISTRICT TRIALS: Congratulations to the following students on their recent trials at school. They are invited to attend the Lytton District Trials as our Bronze awardees for their selected sport in the coming weeks: Touch: Sophie Hrstich, Ella Monckton and Lydia McCarthy Football: Thomas Druve, Cooper Nordberg, Julian Lytras, Xavier Rees, Sophie Hrstich, Annalise Ganter Basketball: Claire Robertson SCHOOL TO LYTTON DISTRICT TRIALS: * School Hockey Trials for possible Lytton District selection – Thursday 12 March, 11.00am – 11.45am - (Weather permitting) on the oval – Protective gear COMPULSORY. The trials will be held for Boys and Girls 12yrs (DOB 2003 – 2005). Eligible students are invited to attend school trials for possible Lytton District nomination. Please meet outside the Good Samaritan Hall at 11.00am. Ensure you bring your hockey stick, personal Hockey ball and ALL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT including mouth guard with appropriate shoes and sports shirt. Please bring your hat and lunch with you. Yours in sport Mrs Conaghan Library Bites Welcome to Week 6! It has been wonderful to see so many students in the habit of regular borrowing. Thank you for supporting students to return and borrow their books. We are helping them establish lifelong learning habits. Have you seen our new display? Which Australian Author produced this book? What are some of his other books? Writing competition The 2015 School Writing Competition is NOW OPEN! Calling all Australian school students... Prep to Year 12... Write a poem or short story for your chance to win $1,000 cash ($500 for you & $500 for your school) as well as lots of AWESOME prizes! All it takes is a burst of inspiration, a dash of creativity and a little bit of effort for great poems and stories to appear! We can't wait to read yours! Entry is FREE! Entries close Sunday March 29, 2015. For more information head to http://www.write4fun.net/ Entry forms are also available at the Library. Library Working Bee We are holding our first working bee for the year this Term. We are looking for volunteers to organise, process and cover a large number of new resources. When: Thursday March 19 @ 8:45 in the Library. We will supply morning tea and no experience is required. Please let us know if you can help out by dropping into the library, send us a note or email. Happy reading, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Rimmer, Mrs McEniery and Mrs Brooks [email protected] [email protected] P & F News Day on the Green was a great success! The P & F and the Social Committee would like to thank the following people for making it all happen - Jumpin’ Around for the generous donation of the jumping castles; Dan and Lucy Clarke; Terry Shaw for the amazing job he did with running sound for the band; The band, Slip On Stereo. We are sure everyone would agree the music was great! The Team of volunteers who supervised the children on the jumping castles; and Sr Ann-Maree, Damien, Brendan and Father Tom for allowing us to hold the event on the oval and assisting with preparations and supervision on the day and finally, all those that assisted with the pack down and rubbish collection at the end of the day! The Dinner Dance preparations are in full swing for Friday 22 nd May. We are moving the event to the school oval under a marque bathed in moonlight. More exciting details will follow in the coming weeks but we promise there will be fun, frivolity and lots of dancing…..so watch this space! If anyone would like to help the committee (there are always lots of jobs!) please contact Lucy Clark on 0409 588 876. The next P & F Meeting will be held on Wednesday 18th March from 7:30pm in the staffroom (above Year 1 classrooms). All are welcome! Tuckshop The current menu is available on the school website at www.stspp.qld.edu.au. ROSTER: Wednesday, 4 March Lana Killian, Lisa Oberthur, Kylie Howes Friday, 6 March Claire Malyon, Sarah Dowd, Lucy Clark, Tracey Irvine, Kerryn Archbold, Kylee Harnisch Monday, 9 March Fiona Robertson Many thanks everyone, Chris Watt, Tuckshop Convenor 0413 590 109 Year 6 Care & Concern Committee – ‘Just Leadership Day’ Reflection Last Thursday 8 students from the Care and Concern Committee, Mrs Mobsby and Mr Schostakowski travelled to St William’s Grovely to attend the ‘Caritas Just Leadership Day’. We shared our thoughts about social justice issues with students from the three other schools in Brisbane that attended. These students were from St William’s (Grovely), St Dympna’s (Aspley) and Villanova College (Coorparoo). We also shared ideas about projects that had been previously done at our schools and discussed new ways we could help the less fortunate people in our communities. Melissa Murga, a representative from Caritas, who led the day, also discussed the 2015 Project Compassion Appeal. She told us about how Caritas has helped many communities around the world. We learnt more about the different Project Compassion stories for 2015 and that the theme for this year is ‘Food for Life’. We participated in many activities during the day. One activity was to sort out a variety of different needs and wants into two piles – ‘Important’ and ‘Not Important’. This gave us a better understanding of what we need and what we can live without during our lives. Melissa told us many surprising facts about the issues of world hunger and poverty. She told us that 1.3 billion people live on less than $1.25 a day. We also learnt that more than a quarter of edible food produced in Australia is wasted and that 98% of people who live in developing countries around the world (805 million) do not have enough food to eat. This means that 1 in 9 people in our world go to bed hungry every night. Overall we had a great day. We enjoyed learning about ways in which we can help people who are not as fortunate as us in this world. It was exciting to think that each of us has a voice and when we all join together we can work towards stopping world hunger! Written by Annie Jackson, Blaire Kemp and Claire Robertson on behalf of the Student Care & Concern Committee. OSHC ACTIVITIES: We have lots of fun activities planned for OSHC this week! In the kitchen we are cooking delicious Chocolate Brownies, making Savoury Pita Chips, poaching Pears and making a Caramel Sauce, and baking Cheese & Herb muffins with fresh herbs from our garden. Craft activities include Foam Art, Mask decorating, making Bookmarks and Painting. Inside we are playing top trumps, restaurants, trio and building with lego. We are using the Lunar Calendar to organise our garden. As the moon becomes full we will be planting sugar snap peas & cherry tomatoes. Outside we are skipping, playing parachute games, using hula hoops & pogo sticks, and playing tag. We have oval games on Tuesday and Thursday for Years 2-6, which include soccer & capture the flag. 2015 BOOKINGS: All families are reminded that a new Enrolment Form and Booking Form must be completed every year for each child. Please contact OSHC for an Enrolment Form or more information. BOOKING CHANGES: Thank you to all families who have completed a permanent Booking Request form this year. All permanent changes to bookings must be made in writing (can be emailed to [email protected]). Two weeks’ notice is required to cancel a booked session. OSHC CHAMPIONS: OSHC Champions this week are Sebastian Collins, Sebastian Sellars, Ruby Webb and Tai Patterson. Well done Sebastian, Ruby, Tai & Sebastian! Kind regards, Claire Ravenswood OSHC Coordinator Educational Leader Bookclub Thankyou to all parents who ordered from the first Bookclub issue last month. Your orders raised over $350 for the school to use to purchase new books and classroom resources. We had about half the families use the new Scholastic online ordering system and it worked very well. The brochures for the second issue will go home this week. For those parents who would like to order books at a different year level than your child receives, the brochures for all year levels are available on the Scholastic website at www.scholastic.com.au then clicking on the Bookclub link. You can then use the book numbers from the other brochures when you place an online order, or print off an order form if you were placing a paper order. Please place all online orders or return your paper orders to the school office by Thursday 12 March. Please note, you do not need to send in a paper order if you place an online order with Scholastic. Kylie Hayes and Justine Haddrill, Bookclub Co-ordinators Care & Concern Meal Register The Care & Concern Committee Meal Register would appreciate any new volunteers to help out and make 2015 a great year. A simple home-cooked meal can make all the difference to someone suffering difficult times. Approximately one meal per term is all that is asked. The system is very easy. Meals are to be placed in a non-return takeaway or aluminum foil container and labelled with ingredients used. Please drop off at the School Office and they are then placed in a freezer in our tuckshop, for distribution to families experiencing difficulties including bereavements, sickness etc. The group is meeting next Thursday 12th March after drop off from 8.45am at Pompidou Café for a get together, all are welcome. Anyone interested can contact Amelia Robinson [email protected] or Karen McKeering-Smith (0421 451 545) for more information. More hands make light work! School Banking Welcome to our new School Bankers who have joined over the last few weeks. We are so excited to have so many new bankers at school. Here are a few helpful hints to make your school banking experience stress free. School banking is held weekly on a Tuesday at 9am. The deposit slip needs to be completed as the form below indicates: Please place money in the velcro section of the banking book as it is easy for money to fall out of the books with a non velcro side. When you have banked, a plastic 'token' is sent home with the bank book. Collect ten tokens to request a reward. The rewards are displayed in the library for you to have a look at. As the banking co-ordinators are all ‘mum volunteers’ we do ask if you can help by not sending in huge quantities of coins. If you have coins over $10 please replace these with a note to be considerate to our counters, thank you. Please pop in on a Tuesday with any questions, just ask the office where to find us. Happy Banking from your school banking co-ordinators Deb Waldron, Amanda Monckton, Melody Phillips, Cath Palmer, Sonia Horsburgh and Airoleene Chaw. DATES TO REMEMBER 4 – 6 March 10 March 11 March 12 March 12 March 18 March 27 March 2 April 20 April 22 May Year 5 Camp – Tallebudgera ‘Let’s Chat’ Changing Bodies (Year 5) Swimming Carnival (Years 3 to 6) Swimming Assembly – 2.30pm Bookclub Orders Due P & F Meeting – 7.30am Cross Country (Years 1 to 6) Term 1 Ends Term 2 Begins P & F Dinner Dance Child of the Week PB: James O’Regan PG: Samuel Cook PR: Cooper Richardson PY: Maelee Folkes 1B: Lili Vassallo 1G: Alexander Carter 1R: Liam Campagna 1Y: Archie Griffin 2B: Ruby Strutton 2G: Daniel Spencer 2R: Poppy MacDougall 3B: Lucas Vrijsen Fierros 3G: Louis Emanuel 3R: Priya Maxwell 4B: Rose de Lore 4G: Thomas Harnisch 4R: Lucinda Davidson 5B: At Camp 5G: At Camp 6B: Ella Monckton 6G: Mia Brennan 3Y: Daniela Purnot Aussie Hoops Tips off this week We had nine girls at Aussie Hoops yesterday which is a great response as usually we have more boys than girls. There are still spots available in the girls program and the cost will be discounted by $5 if anyone would like to join in. Register below: https://reg.sportingpulse.com/v6/regoform.cgi?formID=44466&programID=1091 There is also still time to register for the boys program which starts on Saturday at 9.30am. Just follow this link https://reg.sportingpulse.com/v6/regoform.cgi?formID=44466&programID=1092 Calling all those who like to bake! The Parish of Sts Peter and Paul Need You! Parish Cake Stall – 14th and 15th March The Sts Peter and Paul’s School Care & Concern Group manages 4 cake stalls each year with the proceeds of these stalls helping Sr Mary in her work within the parish community. This may include providing bread, milk and other necessities to families who may need it from time to time. We require donations of cakes, biscuits, brownies, slices and individually packed items such as cupcakes for our stall to be a success. If you would like to help us with these baked goodies please contact Lea Reid or Brooke Power and join our Cake Stall Register. For those already on the register, thank you for your continued support. Your baked items are very much appreciated by Sr Mary and the Parish. The next Parish Cake Stall will be held after the Saturday night and Sunday morning masses of the 14th and 15th March. If you are able to supply some baked goodies, they can be dropped off to the school office on Friday (the 13th March) or to the stall before either of the masses. Please contact Lea or Brooke for how to package and label your items, like more information or if you would like to join the baking register. Many thanks Lea Reid (0418774896), [email protected] Brooke Power (0408064560, [email protected] FIT CLUB IS BACK WHO: STUDENTS AND PARENTS of STS PETER & PAUL’S SCHOOL WHERE: MEET ON THE SCHOOL OVAL UNDER THE BIG TREE NEXT TO THE WATER FOUNTAIN (WET WEATHER – GOOD SAMARITAN HALL) WHEN: BEFORE SCHOOL FROM 7.30am – 8.10am DRESS: COMFORTABLE CLOTHES AND A HAT WITH RUNNERS Remember to apply sunscreen before arriving and to bring your full school uniform to change into at 8.10am Bring a second breakfast snack for before class DATES: 1: Tuesday 10 March 2. Thursday 12 March 3: Tuesday 17 March Further dates may be announced next week. WALK THE COURSE – Thursday 26 March Meet before school at 7.30am WITH PARENTS at Hawthorne Park, Hawthorne Rd side near carpark FINAL GOAL Sts Peter & Paul’s School Cross Country Carnival Years 1 – 6 Friday, 27 March 2015 Hawthorne Park, Hawthorne Road Side
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