newsletter - Sacred Heart Parish School Cunnamulla

Sacred Heart
Parish School
Offering a Catholic Education.
Phone: 46551486
Fax: (07) 46551400
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: 0409110662
Address: 46 John St
Cunnamulla 4490
February 10th 2015
Term 1 Wk 3
Acting Principal: Sue-Ellen Hazelman
Centenary FACT 3: The school began with three Sisters of Mercy: Sr M Scholastica, SM Gertrude & Sr M
Irene. Sr Irene remained on staff until her death in 1952.
From the Middle Leader:
District Swimming Carnival.
I have learned to live each day as it comes and notThis
to borrow
are tomorrow.
hosting the District
Thank you to all the parents and guardians who
Swimming Carnival. Students from schools
attended the Parent Information sessions lastDorothy
night. Dix.
around the district will be coming together to
Those who came got the opportunity to meet with
compete in all strokes. Only students born from
teachers to find out what the students will be
2003 to 2006 who can swim 50m will be
learning about this year and the expectations in each participating in the carnival. The rest of the
students will be staying at school with either Miss
The Sacred Heart Twilight Swimming Carnival was Cross or Miss Dunn. Students attending the
carnival need to wear WHITE shirts and green
held on Friday evening. It was wonderful to see so
many children in their green and yellow, supporting bottoms and MUST HAVE THEIR HAT!!
Students not dressed correctly will be asked to
their sports house. Congratulations to all students
change before being allowed to go to the pool.
who participated and thank you to the parents who
This is very important as students are
representing our school and will be seen by a
Last week our Year 6 students presented their
number of people in the community. Parents
leadership speeches as they ran for various
and friends are more than welcome to come
leadership roles in the school. They all did a fantastic along to support the students. Students can
job with their speeches. These leadership roles were order Tuckshop as normal.
announced on assembly last Friday.
School Captain: Hayley Athorn
School Vice-Captains: Emma Mair and Jared
McAuley House Captains: Aiden Webster and Jack
Xavier House Captains: Laura Driver and Blake
Library Monitors: Dominique Ramsay and Brandy
Congratulations school leaders on your leadership
roles. I am sure that they will fulfil these roles and
represent our school with pride.
I hope everyone has a great week!
Mrs Phillips
Leadership Liturgy – 2pm Monday
Next Monday 16th February we will be having
our Leadership Liturgy at 2pm in the Church.
The students will be presented with the
Badges. All are welcome to attend.
Prep – Ruby King
1/2 – John Roberts
3/4 – Jacob Russell
5/6 – Tiana Allardice
Uniform – Alex White
Birthdays – None This Week.
Tuckshop Volunteers & Cake Cookers
Friday 13th February
Volunteers: Debbie & Anita White
Cake Cooker: Yvonne Webb
Monday 16th February
Volunteers: Fay & Paul Webster
Cake Cooker: Kerry Athorn
Tuckshop Price Change to Ice Blocks
Behaviour Promotions
Congratulations to the following students on
their promotions to Level 2. These students
have met the Behaviour Policy requirements.
Level 2: Paige Mills & Aleisha Webb
Class Swimming Times for the rest of Term 1
Sacred Heart Student Protection Contacts
Students Protection Officers are:
Miss Polly Crawford (APRE/Yr 3/4 Teacher)
Miss Kathleen Cross (Prep Teacher)
These will begin in Week 4. (Next Week)
Prep - Thursday at 2:15pm
Parish Clothing Sale
1/2 – Thursday at 12:15pm.
The Sacred Heart Parish will be holding a
Clothing Sale in the Convent.
3/4 - Friday 12:15-12:45 pm
5/6 - Friday 2:15-2:45pm
Sacred Heart
When: Friday 20th & Saturday 21st February
Where: Sacred Heart Parish Convent
Junior Girl Runner Up: Paige Mills
Time: 9am – 3pm
Junior Girl Champion: Kellie Brain
For more information please see Sr Maureen
Junior Boy Runner Up: Noah Tuckwell
Junior Boy Champion: Sam Bourke
Intermediate Girl Runner Up: Phoebe Collins
Intermediate Girl Champion: Holly Anderson
Intermediate Boy Runner Up: Trey Thomas
Intermediate Boy Champion: Gideon Webster
Senior Girl Runner Up: Dominique Ramsay
Senior Girl Champion: Laura Driver
Senior Boy Runner Up: Blake Mills
Senior Boy Champion: Aiden Webster
Winning House: McAuley
Congratulations to all students.
Saturday 14th – NO Service
Sunday 15th – Mass – 6pm Sacred Heart
Saturday 21st – Mass – 6pm Sacred Heart
Children’s Liturgy
Sunday 22nd – NO SERVICE
Coming Events
Week 3
Monday 9th – Parent Information Night
Tuesday & Thursday – Homework Centre 3pm-3.45pm in the Literacy 1 Room
Tuesday 10th – Friday 13th – Miss Hazelman Away
Thursday 12th – Swimming Club – 6pm
Thursday 12th – 8.45am Assembly
Thursday 12th – Friday 13th – Mrs Crick Away
Friday 13th – Book Club Due
Friday 13th – District Swimming Carnival – 9am
Sunday 15th – Tupperware Party – 2.30pm at Boulders
Week 4
Monday 16th – Leadership Liturgy – 2pm
Tuesday & Thursday – Homework Centre 3pm-3.45pm in the Literacy 1 Room
Wednesday 18th – Alex Young visiting from TCEO
Thursday 19th – Swimming Club – 6pm
Friday 20th – 8.45am Assembly
Friday 20th – Meals on wheels
Friday 20th – Mrs Phillips Away
Week 5
Monday 23rd – Wednesday 25th – Miss Crawford Away
Tuesday & Thursday – Homework Centre 3pm-3.45pm in the Literacy 1 Room
Thursday 26th – Swimming Club – 6pm
Friday 20th – 8.45am Assembly
Friday 20th – Meals on wheels
Sacred Heart Parish Fete
The Sacred Heart Parish Fete will be held on Friday 13th March
This will be the beginning of the St Catherine’s / Sacred Heart
School Centenary Celebrations.