Spring Issue 2015 Volume 42 Issue No 3 National Camping Travelers, Inc News To Campers March 2015 A MASONIC FAMILY CAMPING CLUB BALLOT ISSUE !! 2015 Camping Schedule 50th NCT NORTH AMERICAN RALLY July 26-30, 2015 Inside this issue: Essex Junction, Vermont Special Points of Interest Officers, Directors, Committee Members 2 New, Facts, Updates 2 Officers Messages 3-5 Ballot 7 Candidates 9 Proposed By-law Information 10 2015 Camping Schedule 11-12 District, State & Chapter News 13 Innumerable Caravan 15 Rally Registrations 17 NATIONAL OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND COMMITTEES 2014-2015 NATIONAL PRESIDENT * Jack Mulhall 20301) Pat 48 Greenwood St Sherborn, MA 01770 508-655-1907 Email: [email protected] NATIONAL FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Stuart (Joe) Dawes-Knowles (12455) P.O.Box 341 Manotick, ON K4M 1A4, Canada 613-821-9561 Email: [email protected] * NATIONAL SECOND VICE PRESIDENT * Larry Aylestock (21474) Janet 14 1/2 Elias St. Buckhannon, WV 26201 Email: [email protected] NATIONAL THIRD VICE PRESIDENT * Doug Buckle (21700) Lisa 266 Greenbriar Road, Lucasville, OH 45648 Email: [email protected] NATIONAL SECRETARY-TREASURER David Fant (20716) Pam P.O. Box 136 E. Longmeadow, MA 01028 413-523-2437 (cell) 484-529-0090 Email: [email protected] NATIONAL TRUSTEES * Dale Verran (20269) Lue Email: fdv1935@gmailcom Hiram Robinson (21652) Betty Email: [email protected] Jim Jackson 2014 (9509) Patricia Email: [email protected] * NATIONAL DIRECTOR * Wayne Aldrich Email: [email protected] NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER Jim Jackson Email: [email protected] ASSISTANT NATIONAL DIRECTOR – EAST Ed Rothfuss Email:, [email protected] NATIONAL RV LEGISLATION DIRECTOR Robert Brownback Email: [email protected] ASSISTANT NATIONAL DIRECTOR - WEST Ken Frack Email: [email protected] NATIONAL HISTORIAN Barbara Powers Email: [email protected] NATIONAL CHAPLAIN Dave Vassar Email:[email protected] NATIONAL PARLIAMENTARIAN Jim Johnston Email: [email protected] ASST NATIONAL CHAPLAIN Lois Bult Email:[email protected] NATIONAL BANNER TRUSTEE Diane Rothfuss Email: [email protected] NATIONAL RALLY CHAIRMAN Bob Coates Email: [email protected] NATIONAL RALLY FINANCE CHAIRMAN Ken Howard Email:[email protected] NAT. RALLY REGISTRATION OFFICERS Paul Curry Email: [email protected] Maryann Purcell Email: [email protected] NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Jack Johnson Email: [email protected] ASST NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER John Groves Email: [email protected] NATIONAL ORGANIST Judy Vassar Email: [email protected] NATIONAL MUSIC DIRECTOR Lisa Buckle Email: [email protected] NATIONAL YOUTH DIRECTOR Debbie Maust Email:. [email protected] NATIONAL GOODWILL AMBASSADOR Doug Buckle Email: [email protected] IMMEDIATE PNP * Ron Cobes,PNP (18458) Fannie Email: [email protected] NATIONAL Rally Secretary Donna Howard Email: [email protected] NATIONAL FIRST AID DIRECTOR Susan Carey PNP REPRESENTATIVE * John A. Lehmann, PNP (20712) June Email: [email protected] NATIONAL PARADE CHAIRMAN Joan Groves Email: [email protected] YNCT NATIONAL OFFICERS President—Katrina Mauk Vice President—Alex Maserati Secretary/Treasurer –Gabby Coates * National Board Members News, Facts & Updates!! A BIG WARM WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS !! We all have a great time camping and I am sure you will to. We are happy to have you and are looking forward to seeing you at many campouts ant rally’s. Remember to pack a smile and plan on having a great time. You will make great friends you will have for life. And the NCT hugs aren’t bad either. NCT NAME 22226 Claude & Jackie Lindquist 22227 Michael & Jennifer Caallahan 22228 Wayne & Janice Hansen CHP 154 11 229 2 Recommended by Bob Morgan #21645 John Williams #22023 Luther Hall #22013 2015 NATIONAL OFFICERS !!! NATIONAL PRESIDENT — Jack Mulhall Dear Fellow NCTers: With the start of the new year, we are on the road again. This winter will include a luncheon with the Winter Texans in the Rio Grande Valley, and visits with the Gold Panners #154 at their February camp-out in Lodi, California and NCTers in the Tucson, Arizona area. Once we have had a chance to look at the Chapter schedules in this issue, we hope to hit a few more NCT camp-outs on our way home from the west, and later this spring. I hope you are doing the same as you travel outside your area. Along with the Chapter schedules in this issue is the balloting for Bylaws changes. I hope that you will take the time to talk about these issues with your fellow NCTers, and then ballot. One of the ballot items is dealing with Membership. It has been a topic of discussion wherever we have visited. This is an important issue for our National organization . . . PLEASE VOTE! Your Board of Directors has finally come into the20th Century (the 21st Century is next!) by holding conference call meetings during the year to watch over the business of our organization. This has allowed all the Board members, wherever they are in the country, to participate in the meetings, to hear reports from the various committees, and to monitor the finances. I believe we have all found these meetings very productive for sharing ideas and opinions. Minutes are available upon request from our National Secretary, Dave Fant. Items other than routine business will be brought to the membership at the Annual Meeting in Essex Junction in July. Please bring any issues of concern directly to my attention or to that of a Board member. Our National Director, Wayne Aldrich, has also found this conference call system an effective way to communicate with the Regional and District Directors, and is giving the Districts nation wide an opportunity to share ideas and excitement about what is happening in their individual areas. Don't forget to get your registration in for our 50th National Rally, July 26 – 30, 2015, in Essex Junction, Vermont. If you got your registration in early but didn't sign up for any of the optional extras, including the dinner cruise on Lake Champlain (and a chance to see Champ up close and personal . . . maybe), and Ladies activities, please do so now so we can accommodate everyone. You can do this by submitting another registration form with the additional items selected and at the top noting “Previously Registered”. While you are at it, order your Rally T-Shirt now so that we can all be wearing them for the opening ceremonies. They will also be available at the Rally, but the selection will be limited. The forms are on our website: www.gonct.org . Most importantly, don't forget to bring your children and grandchildren to join in the fun activities of the YNCT. Carwash, outing, “talent” show, and hamburg and hotdog luncheon are a few of the activities planned. Sitting around a campfire, visiting at a luncheon, attending camp-ins and camp-outs, or participating in some other activity and having FUN is what NCT is all about. Keep up the good work, fun and excitement. You are NCT! Happy camping and safe travels, Jack & Pat NATIONAL FIRST VICE PRESIDENT — Joe Daws-Knowles A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you all. As I sit here trying to think of something inspiring to say, all I can think of is that I am happy that God in His Wisdom has blessed me with good friends and a few events which will make my life a lot better in the future. As a lot of you know I have been mostly blind in my left eye for almost two years with not much prospect of any change. Well at my last checkup in December my eye surgeon told me that he is sure that he will be able to finish the repairs to that eye and that all will be well with my sight. What a gift!! May we have a thought and a Prayer for quick recovery to those who are having health issues. As I sit here in my home in Ottawa I think of all of the upcoming events that are in their final stages of becoming a reality. All of the little things that have to be done, "I's" to be dotted and "T's" to be crossed so that everything will run like an old railroad pocket watch. (cont’d page 4) 3 NATIONAL FIRST VICE PRESIDENT — Joe Daws-Knowles (Cont’d from pg3) I am looking forward to attending the National Rally being held in Essex Junction, Vermont in July and all of the other rallies that I am hoping to attend. Time and available resources will determine which ones I can attend. My rig is presently covered with about 1 1/2 feet of snow and ice which I will remove in the next month or so. Looking forward to seeing a lot of you at National. Happy Camping. God Bless all of you Joe Daws-Knowles 1st VP NATIONAL SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Larry Aylestock Happy Spring & Greeting to all my fellow NCT’ers: It’s only January now at this writing, but it’s already been a long winter. Janet and I didn’t join the ‘snowbirds’ this winter, we stayed home in West Virginia to build snowmen. When this is published in March’s addition of News-To-Campers, it will be spring-time, winter will be all but a memory, ‘for the most part’ and we will be looking forward to the start of a new camping season. Let us all support our great organization by attending as many Club Campouts and State Rallies as possible. AND of course, the 50th NCT North American Rally to be held in Essex Junction, VT in July. I know President Jack and his team has been working long and hard to assure that we all have a memorable time in Vermont. So let’s ‘Camp with Champ’ in July. This addition of News To Campers is very important, its election time once again. In order to remain strong it is important that all card carrying members of National Camping Travelers take the time to read and vote on the proposed By-Laws changes and for the candidates of your choice. It only takes a few minutes to vote, an envelope and a 49 cent stamp. Never think that ‘your vote doesn’t count’ because every vote counts equally. In past elections, results have been determined by two or three votes. Hope to see many of you in the upcoming camping season. So ‘let’s get those rigs ready for the season. It’s never too early. Fraternally, Larry & Janet NATIONAL THIRD VICE PRESIDENT — Doug Buckle Well hello again fellow NCT’ers. Hope each and every one of you had a very happy holiday season. Hope Santa brought New Campers and Motor homes to those that ask for them. Lisa and I again just settled for him to be extra special to the our children, and the grand kids. We want to thank God for our special gift we received this year. Our son Nick and his unit came home from Afghanistan on Dec. 8th. They were not scheduled to come back until sometime in April, but they completed the task that they went over there to do and came home early. It was a very thankful time in our house as we celebrated with our family. As I am typing this we are receiving our first snowfall of the year, we have about 10 inches on the ground and expecting 4 to 6 more tonight. Looking forward to Spring, and getting the Truck and Trailer headed down the road for another wonderful Summer of Camping, Fun, and Fellowship. Still working full time, unlike my wife, who gave it up on January 30th. Of this year with over 34 years with the federal government. I believe she thinks she can go camping without me, but we will see. We moved Mom into an assisted living facility the first of December, and she is doing great. She gets out and walks the hall to go to dinning hall, and has been attending some of the church services and things that they have for them. When she was home, we couldn’t get to get out of her chair. Thank all of you so much that sent her cards, she really enjoyed hearing from you (cont’d page 5) 4 NATIONAL THIRD VICE PRESIDENT — Doug Buckle (cont’d from page 4) Lisa and I are getting really excited about the upcoming National Rally in Essex Junction, that NP Jack Mulhall and the crew are planning. I am for sure going CHAMP hunting while we are there. The membership committee worked very hard to propose some changes to our By-Laws with our membership in mind. I hope each and every one of you read over the proposed changes in this issue and cast your vote on how you feel about the proposals. Remember, without YOUR input, we are just a body without a voice. I encourage you to be an active part of NCT And lastly, for all you snow birds, and specially brother Dorsey Rudd, who loves to post those pictures on face book from down south, in his short pants, washing his car, while we are at 8 degrees for a high, and snow falling, I don’t like you very much....Just kidding, hope each and every one of you have a great time enjoying your weather. Love you all and wish we were there. Have safe travels, and hope to cross your path very soon Doug and Lisa NATIONAL SECRETARY/TREASURER — Dave Fant Wow! Another year to tuck under our belts! Another chance to remember to change the dates on all of our checks. But more importantly another year to enjoy the great out of doors and to go camping for most of us. Sadly many of our brothers and sisters will hang up the keys to their campers this year and no longer camp with us. We will miss you and invite you to drive in to at least one chapter campout this year. Stay with us and we will continue to keep you up to date with the news in News To Campers. Normally in this article I remind everyone to vote in the election of officers using the ballot in this issue, This year will be no exception. Less that 15 percent of our members exercise the selection of officers and determine the changes in the bylaws. This year we have important bylaw proposals that will affect membership and procedures in YOUR Camping club. I truly hope that you will not be one of those who give up your right to vote. The membership proposals will affect NCT for the future. See the ballot page for your choice as to how to vote. We have made it easier for those who do not want to cut up their News to Campers or receive their copy via the electronic forum. Also in this issue is the 2015 Camping schedule as I have received it to date. Many chapters have not submitted their schedule as I write this (if I receive them before printing, I will try and add them otherwise they will be on the Web site. If you are traveling this summer check and see who is having a campout and try and drop in. See how the other chapters do things. Maybe you will get some good ideas for your own chapters. Until next time, Happy Trails, Pam and Dave National Safety & RV Legislation Chairman - Robert Brownback From RVBusiness.com: Thetford Tentatively Settling 2012 Norcold Suit. Norcold, Inc. has agreed to a $33 million settlement of two class action law suits filed in 2012. A potential 569,000 Norcold gas absorption RV refrigerators could be included under the settlement. The tentative settlement applies to consumers who own Norcold 1200 series refrigerators manufactured between Jan 1, 2002 and Oct 1, 2012 or who currently own Norcold Series N6 or N8 units assembled between Jan 1, 1009 and Dec 31, 2003. Class action plaintiffs must approve the settlement before it can finalized by the court. The brakes on a tow vehicle or motor home are designed by the manufacturer to stop the weight of that particular vehicle, not the additional weight being towed behind it. It sometimes happens that people assume that, because of the size of the motor home there is no need for a brake system in the unit being towed. A properly installed and adjusted brake system on your towed vehicle, travel trailer, boat trailer, utility trailer, et c. can safely reduce the stopping distance, help protect you, your loved ones and contribute to the safety of others. Whatever brake system suits your needs, the important thing is that you have one. Among the many reasons to have a brake system on your towed unit: 1) In many states, it is the law, 2) Not having one may void your insurance or, 3) Not having one may void your vehicle warranty, 4) A supplemental system can reduce wear and tear on RV brakes and other components, 5) Liability. 5 National 2015 RALLY Chairman - Bob Coates 2015 50th National Rally – Register Now Come camp with Champ (the Lake Champlain monster) and celebrate our 50th Anniversary National Rally to be held in Essex Junction, Vermont, July 26 30, 2015 at the Champlain Valley Exposition Center. Your National Rally team is looking forward to making this a celebration of our 50 years of Masonic family camping together. Along with the optional sunset dinner cruise on Lake Champlain, there will be lots of time to visit the many attractions in the area including the Cabot cheese operation, the Teddy Bear Factory, Ben & Jerry's ice cream, and for history buffs, the Shelburne Museum. Other events to look forward to are the golf tournament and other games, the theme parade and pet parade, ladies tea and craft sale, and a 50th Rally celebration dinner with photos from the past by our National Historian, Barbara Powers, followed by a sock hop right out of the 60s, complete with a local DJ spinning the tunes of the time. Along with a major trip to a local park, the YNCT will be holding their car wash and luncheon. Morning hospitality will be hosted by several Districts including a pancake breakfast with real Vermont maple syrup by members of District 1. Rally schedule, registration materials, and shirt order forms are available on the NCT website gonct.org, or in the back of several issues of News to Campers. Please register as soon as you can, especially for the dinner cruise, as this is the busy tourist season in the region and we want to be sure everyone gets on board. Drive-ins and late registrations are welcome but we can't guarantee a space on the cruise. The craft activity making patriotic wreaths (Canada or USA) also requires a preregistration so materials can purchased. Be sure to order your rally shirt early and wear it (with tan slacks or shorts if possible) on the cruise, at our opening and closing ceremonies, and celebration dinner. Shirts will be available for sale at the Rally, but they will sell out quickly and not all sizes and styles will be available. If you have already registered, be sure to sign up for the cruise or other optional events, order shirts, or add YNCT members to your registration by simply printing out another form and note on the top “Previously Registered”. Hope you can join us in celebrating our first 50 years, and looking forward to the next 50. Bob Coates 2015 National Rally Chairman 2015 NATIONAL RALLY LADIES ACTIVITIES Ladies Fancy Hat Tea: Baseball cap, Kentucky Derby High Fashion, or anything you fancy – your hat is your admission ticket! Goodies, tea, coffee, lemonade, prizes and Fun. Sign up by writing Ladies Hat Tea on the bottom of the registration form or at Rally registration. Chinese auction: – during hospitality – Lots of hand-crafted items. Buy your raffle tickets for the NCT Afghan and the carved wooden Masonic table at the same time. Handcrafts sale and judging: Open to any NCTer – No entry fee – Reserve a table and/or sign up as an exhibitor in the judging at Rally Registration (This is not a yard-sale event). Craft Classes:– Patriotic wreath, either U.S. Or Canadian. Please preregister on the registration form. Indicate U.S. or Canada. Cost is $15. Taught by Diane Rothfuss.. Embroidered paper cards will be offered as an alternative class by Pam Fant. Sign up at Rally registration. Space is limited for both classes. If you have already registered for the Rally, please send in an additional registration form to sign up for these activities. Questions on these activities: contact Pat Mulhall, call 508-655-1907, or e-mail [email protected] 6 OFFICIAL 2015 BALLOT PLEASE READ CAREFULLY Put an “X” in the box beside the name of the candidate of your choice. After you have marked your ballot, indicate the State or Province to receive credit for the ballot. The ballot should then be PUT IN AN ENVELOPE Do not put your return address on the envelope, Add your NCT # only in the return address position on the envelope. Upon receipt, the number will be checked and deleted before the sealed envelopes are delivered to the counters. BALLOT NATIONAL CAMPING TRAVELERS PO BOX 136 EAST LONGMEADOW, MA 01028 VOTE FOR ONE CANDIDATE IN EACH CATEGORY BYLAW CHANGES Vote Yes or No for each Proposal NATIONAL THIRD VICE PRESIDENT Ray Geer ************************************************************************************** Andy Krasnansky NATIONAL TRUSTEE Vote for 1 Candidate with highest votes will be elected for Jim Jarnagin full Four year term. The other candidate will fill unexpired term vacancy on board (1 year remaining ) ************************************************************************************** NATIONAL SECRETARY/TREASURER David Fant ************************************************************************************** BYLAW CHANGES 1. AUDIT COMMITTEE 2 FRIENDS OF MASONS 3 HONARY MEMBERS FOR AGAINST State or Province to receive credit for the ballot __________________________________________________ Ballots must be Postmarked by May 10, 2015 to be Counted 7 OFFICIAL 2015 BALLOT Put in an envelope and mail to BALLOT NATIONAL CAMPING TRAVELERS PO BOX 136 East Longmeadow, MA 01028 8 CANDIDATES THIRD VICE PRESIDENT Raymond A Geer NCT # 20868, 637 Lantern Hill Rd. PO Box 4, North Stonington, CT 06359 Lodge: Franklin Lodge #20 F&AM, Westerly, RI NCT Positions: Past MOT and Wagon Master of Connecticut 1 Chapter 6,;District 1 Director, National Goodwill Ambassador. Community Affiliations and Activities: First Baptist Church of N. Stonington, N. Stonington Historical Society, Walter Palmer Society. Member of NCT since 2001. Other: Married to Wife Susan for 16 years, Assoc degree from Mohegan Community Colllege and a BS degree in Data Systems from Johnson & Wales College, Providence, RI. Past Tribal Chairman of the Paucatuck Eastern Pequot Tribe, Past President of the Conn. River Powwow Society, Life Scout, Tribal Medicine Man, Justice of Peace, Founding member of Friends of Wheeler Library. Member of Hodges Square Village Association, VP of Travelers Woods of New England Campground. Owner of Sun Turtle Office Furniture Co. NATIONAL SECREETARY/TREASURER David L Fant NCT # 20716 9 Somerset St. East Longmeadow, MA 01028 Lodge: Union Lodge #749 F&AM, Birdsboro, PA NCT Positions: Incumbent National Secretary Treasurer, Past National Chaplain, MOT, Wagon Master, Chaplain Green Mountain Chapter 78 Community Affiliation and Activities: Member of St. Paul Lutheran Church , E. Longmeadow, Past Treasurer of Church (E. Longmeadow, Gibraltar, PA, Troy, NY. Secretary of Hampden County Radio Association,. Past Executive Board Member of Local Councils, BSA, Reading PA & Albany, NY. Other: Married to Wife Pam for 49 years, Two Daughters, One Grandson Alex (VP, YNCT) NATIONAL TRUSTEE Andy Krasnansky NCT # 14861 2430 Applebutter Rd. Hellertown, PA 18055 Lodge: WM Hellertown Lodge, # 563 1995-1998 when it merged with Bethlehem Lodge #283. Secretary Bethlehem Lodge 2004 to present. Treasurer 2002 to 2004. Board Member of Temple Assoc, Member of Valley of Allentown Consistory, Bethlehem Forest #61 Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Rajah Shrine and the Rajah Caravaner’s Camping Club. NCT Positions: Member ofo NCT since 1986. Past Wagonmster ( 1988, 2012), MOT (1989. 1999. 2011 & 2014-2015). District 5 Director 2002-2003 (District Director of the year 2004). National Director 2014. Member of East Penn Chapter #12, Associate Member of Del Val Vagabonds # 179 and West Virginia Pioneers Travelers #200 of NCT. Community Affiliations and Activities: Lifetime member of Incarnation of Our Lord Parish. Active in Parish Activities such as holiday decoration, Fundraising, community outreach, food bank. Secretary of South Bethlehem Volunteer Fireman's Relief Association Other: Married to wife Tina for 31 years, One Son Andrew who is Past Master Councilor of Allentown DeMola, and member of Bethlehem Lodge #283, and was President of PA YNCT and awarde numerous awards at NCT National Rallies. Employed at Penn Color in Hatfield, PA for 38 years as Production Manager. Has attended 12 National and 24 PA State Rallies James (Jim) Jarnagin. NCT # 21563 14714 Cohasset St. Van Nuys, CA 91405 Lodge: Reseva Lodge #666 F&AM, Van Nuys, CA NCT Positions: MOT 2010 to Present of CA Venturers Chapter #162. California State Director, 2011-2013 Community Affiliations and Activities: Past Master 1982, Treasurer 1995-Present Reseva Lodge #666. Completed Grand Lodge of CA courses in Finance and Audit, Served Grand Lodge of CA from 1993-2001 on Charters Committee, Patron Van Nuys OES Chapter 338 1990 & 2007. Past Monarch Cinrnia Grotto MOVPFR 1998, Secretary Cinrmir Grotto 1986-Present . Past President Western Grotto Association 1988, Treasurer 1990 to Present, Grand Chaplain Grottoes of North America 1996, Current member of Pasadena Scottish Rite - Van Nuys 135 RAM—Omega Council—Los Angeles Commandary, Past Sovereign Master San Fernando & San Juan AMB Council #105. 9 PROPOSED BYLAW CHANGES Proposal 1: To change the Audit Procedure (Proposed Change by National Board) In SEC 6f: Under National Secretary –Treasurer: Change in the 4th line Replace: “With the approval of the National President, he shall select an accounting firm that operates in the vicinity of the National Office to audit the books.” With: “He shall appoint an auditing committee of three members, approved by the National President, including at least one member of the board, who lives in the vicinity of the National Office to audit the books.” Rational: This is based upon the lack of need for an audit that reviews the assets and the equipment owned by NCT and that costs in excess of 5 to 10% of the total income of the organization. ***************************************************************************************************************** Proposal 2: To add a Friend of Membership Category: (Proposed by National Membership Committee) In SEC. 2: Add: “SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY-‘FRIENDS OF MASONS’ (FOM)” “A FOM member is not a Master Mason, but may become a member of a Chapter, by invitation of a Chapter member in good standing only. There will be no lines of jurisdiction between the FOM member and National Camping Travelers, Inc. A FOM membership will consist of one family unit, husband, wife and all unmarried children under 18 years of age or a single adult with or without unmarried children. A prospective FOM candidate, by invitation, will be required to attend no less than two (2) Chapter campouts during camping season. The Chapter will vote to approve the FOM candidate’s membership after the second campout. The Chapter must vote and a 2/3rds majority in the affirmative of those present is required to grant membership. A FOM member can be expelled from the Chapter by a 2/3rds majority vote of the entire Chapter. A FOM Membership granted under the following restrictions: 1. FOM Members will not be eligible to hold any elected offices. 2. FOM Members do not qualify for Dual Membership. Membership will be in one (1) Chapter only. 3. FOM Members can not join as Members At Large. 4. FOM Members do not qualify for Life Membership 5. FOM Members cannot have Honorary Membership conferred by another NCT Chapter. 6. National initiation fee will be collected with petition. National dues plus local chapter dues shall be collected.” Rational: The above will be the proposed change to the constitution defined membership by adding a special membership category. It will provide for a Non-Master Mason to become chapter members. The object of this special membership category is to promote National Camping Travelers as a ‘more’ Masonic ‘friendly’ organization whereas Masonic affiliated organization members as well as friends of current NCT members will be able to join us and in time, some may join our Fraternity . ****************************************************************************************** Proposal 3: To add a National Honorary Membership (Proposed by Garth McElree, Trillium 2 Chapter 71, In SEC. 2: Add: “HONORARY MEMBERSHIP CONFERRED BY NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS “Notwithstanding Section 2a, The National Board of Directors may, at their discretion to recognize any individual who has provided outstanding assistance to the NCT, confer a Honorary Membership including a NCT roll number and to waive National dues if the Board deems it appropriate.” Rational: Over the years, since the inception of the National Camping Travelers Inc in 1966, the National Board of Directors, has been aware of certain non members, who, unable to qualify for membership under section 2a of the Bylaws, have never the less provided significant and ongoing contributions of their time, experience, resources or expertise to the benefit of our beloved NCT. On occasion, the Board has felt it appropriate to recognize those individuals for their outstanding assistance and efforts. The purpose of this by-law is to enable the Board, at their discretion on such occasions, to confer a Honorary Membership and to waive National dues if the Board deems it appropriate. 10 Lets Go Camping!!! - Meet New Friends!!! Join the Fun!!! 2015 CAMPING SCHEDULE!!!!! MARCH Date ST CHP Location 27-29 PA 179 Roamers Retreat CG, Kinzers, PA APRIL Date 10-15 16-19 17-19 ST CHP Location WV 200 Holly Gray Pk, Flatwoods, WV NE 47 Weeping Water, NE CT 6 RiverBend CG, Oneco, CT 19–20 21-23 23-26 24-26 24-26 24-26 KS IA GA OR PA PA MAY Date 05-10 06-10 ST CHP Location WV 200 Five Rivers CG, Parsons, WV DISTRICT 4 RALLY, Stone Mtn, GA 08-10 14-17 15-17 15-17 15–17 15-17 15-17 PA NE OH OH MI PA NY 15-17 15-18 17–21 19–21 21-24 22-25 29-31 DISTRICT ! Spring Rally, Prospect Mtn, Grandville, MA OR 197 Olde Stone Village RV Pk, McMinnville, OR KS 161 Stallbaumer, Seneca, KS IA 144 Grundy County Park SC 139 Springfield COE Pk, Anderson, SC PA 12 West End Fairgrounds, Gilbert, PA CAN 71 Quinte Isle CG, Cherry Valley, Ontario 161 Cedar Oaks, Grove, OK 144 Rolling Hills KOA, Newton, IA 216 Piney Woods CG, Glenwood, GA 197 Wandering Spirit RV Park, Grand Ronde, OR 12 Camp Swatara, Bethel, PA 179 Tohickon CG, Quakertown, PA 23 Deer Hunter, Harrisville, PA 47 Viking Lake, Iowa 1 Indian Lake St Park, Lakeview, OH 92 Indian Lake St Park, Lakeview, OH 51 Wesleyan Woods, Vassar, MI 79 Dutch Cousin CG, Denver, PA 58 Stysh’s Brown Barn, Boonville, NY JUNE Date ST CHP Location 05-07 MI 51 Myers Lake CG, Byron, MI 05-07 NY 58 Adirondack Gateway CG, Colbrook,NY 05-07 MA 9 Village Green CG, Brimfield, MA 09-11 WV 200 Riffle Run, Burnsville, WV 11-13 CAN 71 Lower Beverly Lake Park, Delta, ON 11-13 PA 23 COE CG, Tionesta, PA 12-14 VT 78 Vermont 16-18 IA 144 Oakland Mills SP, Mt. Pleasant, IA 11 JUNE = continued Date ST CHP Location 18-21 OH STATE RALLY Champaign FG, Urbana, OH 18-21 NY 46 Cheerful Valley, Geneva, NY 19-21 PA 12 Lickdale CG, Lickdale, PA 21-25 KS 161 Arrowhead Point, Osceola, MO 25-28 PA STATE RALLY, CH Grange, Centre Hall, PA 25-28 GA 216 Indian Springs SP. Jackson, GA 25-28 SC 139 Palmetto Cove, Cleveland, SC 25-28 NE 47 Walnut Creek, NE JULY Date ST CHP Location 03-05 OH 1 Lively Lady , Aberdeen, OH 09-12 OR 197 Wenatchee River RV Pk,Monitor, WA 10-12 MI 51 Lake Huron CG, Port Sanilac, MI 10-12 PA 23 Sharps CG, Shelocta, PA 13-16 DISTRICT 11 RALLY Lower Beverly Lake Park, Delta, ON 17-19 CAN 71 Iroquois Muni CG, Iroquois, ON 20-22 District 1 Travelers Woods, Bernardston, MA 21-23 IA 144 Deer Run RV Resort, Elkader, IA 26-30 NCT NORTH.AMERICAN NATIONAL RALLY, VT AUG Date ST CHP Location 07-09 PA 23 COE CG, Tionesta, PA 09-15 NY 46 Ives Run, Tioga, PA 13-16 DISTRICT 10 OR/WA JOINT STATE RALLY, Devils Lake RV, Devils Lake OR 14-16 OH 1 Poor Farmers, Fletcher, OH 14-16 WV 200 Revelles CG, Bowden, WV 14-16 PA 12 Tohickon CG, Quakertown, PA 14-16 VT,MA,CT Seven Maples CG, Hancock, NH 14-16 CAN 71 Sleepy Pines Campground 16-20 KS 161 Rutlader’s, Louisburg, KS 18-20 IA 144 Hazelton, Iowa 20-23 SC 139 Coneross COE PK, Townville, SC 20-23 MI STATE RALLY, Wesleyan Woods, Vassar, MI 20-23 NE 47 Waubonsie St Pk Iowa 21-23 NY 58 Royal Mountain, Johnstown, NY 27-30 GA 216 FDR State Park, Pine Mtn, GA 28-30 NY 13 Royal Mountain, Johnstown, NY SEPT Date 04-07 08-10 10-13 10-13 11-13 11-13 11-13 11-13 11-15 11-15 17-20 18-20 24-27 ST CHP Location PA 12 Rajah Shrine CG, Maidencreek, PA PA 23 Sharps CG, Shelocta, PA DISTRICT 8-14 RALLY, Iowa OR 197 Outback RV Pk Rochester, WA MI 51 Evergreen County Pk, Cass City, MI NY 58 Cedar Valley CG, Morrisville, NY DISTRICT 1 RALLY, Laurel Ridge CG, Blanford,MA CAN 71 Smith Falls Victoria Pk, Smith Falls ON OH 1 Scenic Hills, Berlin, OH WV 200 Foxfire CG, Barboursville, WV NY 46 Fireman’s Park, Williamson, NY PA 51 Shady Oaks CGm Newmanstown, PA SC 139 Springfield COE Pk, Anderson, SC OCT Date ST CHP Location 01-04 WV State Rally, Holly Gray Park, Flatwoods, WV 02-04 MI 51 Turkeyville RV Resort, Marshall, MI 02-04 NY 58 Stysh’s Brown Barn, Boonville, NY 02-04 VT 78 Lazy Lions CG, Graniteville, VT 06-08 IA 144 Griff’s RV Park, Bondurant, IA 08-11 NY 46 Genesee Country CG, Caledonia, NY 08-11 OR 197 Harmony Lakeside RV, Silver Creek,WA 09-11 OH 1 Darke Co FG, Greenville, OH 09-11 PA 23 Deer Hunter CG Harrisville, {A 16-18 CT 6 Mineral Springs CG, Stafford Sprng, CT 18-22 KS 161 Osage Prairie, Nevada. MO 22-25 NE 47 Victorian Acres, NE 28-11/1 GA 216 Palementto Cove RV Pk, Cleveland, SC 30-11/1 PA 51 Pine Hill CG, Kutztown, PA NOV Date 20-23 ST CHP Location OR 197 Aurora Acres RV, Aurora, OR Attention Snow Birds This past year I have received a large number of E-mails from snow birds past and present who have not received their News to Campers. The change in addresses is becoming a real challenge to track. Some of you have relocated so that the winter address is no longer valid. Others are no longer snowbirds so when the News to Campers goes to the winter address, they don’t receive it. For some the dates overlap the mailing times of News to Campers so that they don’t go to the right addresses. For others an emergency or other issue delays the date of heading south or speeds up the date of return home so that the addresses don’t match. In short it has become an expensive issue in that re-mailing an issue to those for whom the physical address does not match the mailed address cost over $2.00 and usually a separate trip to the Post Office. In the future, your home (permanent) address will be the address of record. If you wish to have the address changed, the new (winter) address will become your address of record. An E-mail will need to be forwarded to the national office changing your address, each time it is to be changed. This needs to be sent to me 3 weeks prior to the date of change. I know this may seem like extra work on your part, but it is the only way that I can maintain an accurate mailing list. The option of receiving your News to Campers via E-Mail is also a method by which you will be assured of receiving your newsletter wherever you may be. Currently 10 percent of our members receive their Newsletter via EM. Additionally, you will be one of the first to receive it as it is sent out by e-mail at the same time it goes to print and mail. An E-mail to the National office: nctoffice@yahoo,com is all that it takes. Thanks for your assistance. Dave 12 District & State News !! District One – New England Who knows you are a Mason or that you belong to Eastern Star? District One shared a booth to promote NCT at Connecticut’s Grand Master’s Day celebration this past June at Masonicare in Wallingford, CT. The event consisted of a large parade for the residents of Masonicare, food and several booths manned by various Masonic Organizations. Connecticut Chapter #6 has served as parade marshals for this event for many years but not in 2014. While on break, I purchased a Masonic Ball Cap Hat from a nearby booth. The Hat has many of the Masonic Working Tools embroidered on the front. I like the hat very much and wear it almost every day. I have been surprised at how many comments the hat gets! Are you a mason? I didn’t know you were a mason. I’ve always wanted to join the masons. My dad was a mason etc….. The hat speaks for itself and has lead to some very nice conversations about masonry and National Camping Travelers. In fact, three of the conversations have brought candidates to the door of the lodge. I encourage each of you to wear something Masonic every day so people know you are connected to our great fraternity. You might be surprised at the interesting conversation that will take place. Have you sent in your reservation for NCT’s 50th anniversary National Rally? Hope to see you there. Ray Geer District One Director [email protected] ALABAMA STATE NEWS Let me begin by saying that Sally and I have cherished the memories of the many years we have about the loved ones we have met and have been involved with in National Camping Travelers. It will be something we will hold onto as long as we live. Thank you for remembering us. District 4 will be hosting a friendship Rally at Stone Mountain Park Campground May the 7th, 8th, and th 9 . The address is 1000 Robert E. Lee, Stone Mountain, GA 20083. Contact is Peggy Miller, 487-967-2264. Check this issue for the Rally registration form. If you happen to be passing this way, I have plenty of room if you would like to stay overnight. We have water and electricity, no sewage dump. Roger Simmons, Alabama State Director PENNSYLVANIA STATE NEWS Calling All NCT Campers Please accept my invitation to visit the 43rd annual Pennsylvania State Rally in Centre Hall on June 25 to 28, 2015. Many exciting changes are in store for the attendees of this year’s rally. There will be entertainment on both Friday and Saturday evenings. Saturday will also have a Roast Beef Dinner catered by the Centre Hall Grange. We will also have a picnic dinner on Friday, breakfasts & hospitality each day and plenty of events and activities for everyone. This weekend is also the annual Centre Hall Town-Wide Yard Sale. If you have never been there, it is quite an event to see. Our registration form and more details are included in this “News to Campers” issue. Stop by and spend a few days with us on your way to Vermont for the 50th National Rally! Darrell Moyer, Pennsylvania State Director [email protected] 267-231-6396 13 WV Pioneer Travelers #200 The New Year 2015 has arrived and in WV it started out with fridged weather accompanying a two day snow storm. Most of our members have fled to warm and sunny temperatures. We few are here for the duration, not to worry, we will enjoy the comfort of our homes and snuggle by the fireplace. We just had our January outing and had a small showing but then, we’re the few that are left or brave enough to come out in the weather. We have dinners in February and March before the camping season starts in April. We sure do look forward to that. We are setting up our camping schedules and they will be published in this issue of News To Campers. Our State Rally will be October 1-4, 2015. Please mark your calendar and make the WV State Rally one you will attend. Since we are only one club, we count on our neighboring states to support us, plus we really love putting this on so we can see all of our camping friends. Look forward to seeing you down the road come spring. CENTRAL IOWA TRAVEL MASTERS Chapter 144 NCT CAMPOUT October 7-10, 2014 Cutty’s Campground Grimes, IA Hosts: Ben and Jeaneen Kain and Larry and Connie Shears Seven couples arrived onMonday. We ate dinner at Ryan’s Buffet in Clive. After returning to Cutty’s we enjoyed a rousing game of Dirty UNO.! On Tuesday morning two more couples arrived. The campout officially began at 1:00PM with coffee, cookies and bars furnished by the hosts. The afternoon was spent playing more Dirty UNO. We enjoyed a potluck supper in the evening with the hosts furnishing beefburgers. After supper we had our business meeting. The rest of the evening was spent playing more Dirty UNO and Yatzee.! On Wednesday we left about 9:00AM for the World Food Prize Hall of Laureates in Des Moines. The World Food Prize is an annual award recognizing the breakthrough achievements of those who have improved the human condition by increasing the quality, quantity or availability of food for the world . The World Food Prize is housed in the old Des Moines Public Library Building. It was remod eled with the generosity of the John Ruan family and others.! On our way back to Cutty’s from the World Food Prize we ate lunch at the Overtime Restaurant in Urbandale. Back at Cutty’s in the evening we enjoyed finger food, more All too soon it was time to say “good bye” to our camping family for the season. Thursday morning lots of hugs and well wishes for the winter season.! ! SEE YOU NEXT SPRING!!!!!!! 14 Mass 1 Chapter 9 Mid-Winter News Brief & Highlights, February, 2015 Our District 1 Rally was a great success! Our National President, Jack Mulhall, was presented with his “CHAMP” hat by the Marshmallow Club and District Direc Don’t you? tor, Ray Geer! Jack loves it! At our meeting, it was voted that the election for District Director will now be held at the May District meetings rather than the September meeting to comply with National By-Laws. If you took the cruise on the replica of the “African Queen”, you know how scenic it was and very enjoyable it was for all (except for the rain at the end). Just so you know, Ken, Ray, Sue and I finally took the cruise a few weeks later and had a marvelous time, but saw no eagles (also had no rain). DECEMBER HOLIDY CAMP-IN at the Dakota My sources tell me that the CT hosted camp-in was a great success and the “Stuff-a-Cruiser” Campaign exceeded last year’s collection! The cruiser and a second vehicle were filled to overflowing! The OCTOBER TURKEY ROAST, hosted by CT 1 Chapter 6, was wonderful as usual, even though the rain cancelled out the Pumpkin Bowling. Dinner was great, the costume party very enjoyable, and the GALS WON THE BASEBALL GAME! AGAIN! Our Mass One HOLIDAY CAMP-IN at The Restaurant 45 in November had 22 attendees including our new member Lee Sanderson. Also Barbara and Lou Lasker had invited their cousin and his wife to join us. Unfortunately, it was Barbara and Lou’s final outing with us, as Lou died in December and Barbara died in February after fighting debilitating illnesses. Upcoming events include The Mass One Camp-in at Davenports Restaurant will be on April 11, 2015 We so look forward to spring and the melting of all this snow (slowly, of course). As always, we will See you campin’ Donna [email protected] Innumerable Caravan Warren McCarty Lee Loeb Lou Lasker Barbara Lasker Joe Harrison William Strader Walter Strader Nov. 2013 Sep. 2014 Dec 27, 2014 Feb 6, 2015 Jan. 23, 2015 Oct, 2014 Nov. 2014 13361 22111 21984 21984 18994 18009 16129 179 179 9 9 78 200 200 PA PA MA MA VT WV WV We would like to extend our extreme and heartfelt sympathy to the families and friends of those whose members have been called to the Celestial Lodge above where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides. Our Thoughts and prayers are with each and everyone of you during this difficult time. Each member of NCT , is precious to us and we will remember you, your families and friends during this time. 15 Clackamas Cruisers No. 197 invite you to join us as we look forward to a fun-filled rally on the Oregon Coast! Here are some tidbits to spark your interest: 2015 District 10 Oregon/Washington NCT Dual State Rally ATTRACTIONS AND RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES: The RV park overlooks Devils Lake near Lincoln City. There is beach fun, crabbing and clamming, kite flying, whale watching, golfing at Salishan Spa and Golf, shopping at Tanger Outlet Center, Chinook Winds Casino Resort, Culinary Center in Lincoln City, Jennifer L. Sears Glass Art Studio, Lincoln City Cultural Center and nearby lighthouses. August 13, 14, 15 Travel Over the Rainbow And Find Your Pot of Gold The Devils Lake RV Park RESERVATIONS: Please make your own camping reservations by contacting Devils Lake RV Park at 541-994-3400 and/or 800-460-0616 or their website. 4041 NE West Devils Lake Road Lincoln City, Oregon [email protected] P L E A S E NOTE: The Registration Fee for the rally itself needs to be sent to: Ken Frack, 1001 SE Clark Avenue, BattleGround, WA 98604-8955. Please make checks payable to “Clackamas Cruisers No. 197”. Registering begins on Thursday, August 13th at 4:00 PM. If you have any questions, please contact Rally Co-Chairs Ken & MaryAnn Frack at 360.666.0585 or [email protected]. MEALS: There will be a Baked Potato Dinner on Thursday evening. The baked potatoes and rolls will be furnished. Please bring your favorite potato toppings to share. Dessert will be a Berry Cobbler and Ice Cream. Friday night will a Dine Out at Chinook Winds Casino. Saturday night will be a regular potluck. Lunches will be on your own. Breakfasts will all be Continental and included in your rally registration. In addition, your rally registration will include a Hospitality Bag, Program, Pet Parade Awards, Door Prizes, a Craft Activity, and Card Bingo with prizes. So you can see there is a lot planned and everyone should find something that will appeal to everyone. More details later. North Star Travelers #201 District 8 How can you think about camping when there is six inches of snow on the ground and the temperature is ten degrees below zero? You stay inside where it is warm and dream about the fun times you had during the 2014 camping season in Minnesota. You maybe even look at some of the pictures again where most everyone is wearing shorts and tee shirts. We had a fun time spending a week at the Minnesota State Fair Grounds as camping hosts for the Shrine Imperial Session in July. We worked hard, but still had a fun time hosting the District 8/14 Rally at Dakota Meadows Campground in August. It was a real treat to have our National President, Jack Mulhall, and his Lady Pat attend the Rally and we had the opportunity to get to know them as people, not just a printed message from the president in News to Campers. We are now, also, thinking about the annual March gathering of our non-snowbirds, when spring is “just around the corner”. Then comes our April camp-in when we welcome home our snowbirds, hear of their winter adventures in warmer climes, and talk about our first campout in May. THINK SPRING! Jim Partridge, Scribe 16 17 An optional Adventure Pass is available. See the website for information. Within the park: fishing in Stone Mountain Lake, Quarry Exhibit, century old gristmill, songbird habit and trail, Confederate memorial carving, walking and biking trails. There is a golf course, two restaurants and other dining and shopping opportunities. Included: Coffee and do-nuts Thurs, Fri, Sat a.m., and the laser light show (wheelchair accessible) Reservations must be made directly with Stone Mountain Park, Darlene Sentell (800) 385-9807. Tell her you are with NCT. Reservations must be made no later than Apr 15, 2015. Site fee is $38.00 Per night and this rate will be good for 2 nights prior and 2 nights after the rally. There is a one-time entrance fee of $10.00. A one night rental deposit will be charged to a credit card at time of reservation. Web site is: www.stonemnountainpark.com Signature ________________________________________________________________ I/We hereby release NCT, Inc. of any responsibilities at this camout. Mail Registration to: Peggy Miller P O Box 39 Marshallville, GA 31057 (478) 967-2264 # Attending ______x $10.00 each = $ _________ __Total Enclosed Make check payable to: Peggy Miller Please register by Apr 1, 2015 REGITRATION FEES: NAT, DIST, STATE Office Held _________________________________________________ Chapter Name & Number ______________________________________________________ NCT #____________________ Type/Size Unit _____________________________________ Arrival Date ________________________Departure Date ____________________________ Phone #__________________________Emergency #_______________________________ State ______________ Zip ______________ City _____________________________________________ Addess__________________________________________________________ __________ District 4 Friendship Rally 4003 Stonewall Jackson Drive Stone Mountain, GA 30083 May 7-9, 2015 Name __________________________________pouse______________________________ OHIO NEWS Our state director, Dave Vassar, has scheduled the Ohio Planning Meeting for May 16, 2015, at Indian Lake State Park. We will meet in the building near the park store to eat at 12:00 noon and to finalize plans for the Ohio State Rally. Lunch will be beef and noodles, mashed potatoes, and rolls. Bring a side dish or dessert, along with table service and a drink. We will have the building from 10:00 till 5:00, so bring games or plan to visit. You can plan to camp for the weekend in section C. The Ohio State Rally is planned for June 18 – 21 at the Champaign County Fairgrounds in Urbana, Ohio. We’re having a BIG birthday bash for NCT. Come and enjoy the local sights and food. The sights include vintage aircraft at the local airport, the Masonic Home in Springfield, the Ohio Cavern, historic Piatt castle, and Marie’s Candy. There is a list of rally activities on the rally registration form in this issue of “News to Campers”. NOTE CHANGE IN DATE! June 18-24, 2015 18 19 $ ___________ Total enclosed Spouse____________________________________ Signed: __________________________________ date___________ Enclosed is the registration fee or deposit for the Nova Scotia ’15 Tour. I/We hereby release National Camping Travelers, Inc and Florida State NCT Chapter #229 of any responsibility during the tour. $ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $ ___________ $ 2100 per Unit with 2 Adults $ 1900 per Unit with 1 Adult $ 500 for additional person in rig $ 500.00 Deposit holds place ‘til May 1 ********************************************************* REGISTRATION FEES: ($ US Funds) Name___________________________________ NCT #____________ Spouse’s Name_____________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________ City __________________________ State __________ Zip _________ Phone ________________________ Emergency __________________ Cell Phone _________________ Email _________________________ No of adults ____ No of Children ____Ages_______ No of pets _____ Coach Type ________ Length _______ Overall Rig Length _________ NCT Chapter Name__________________________ Chapter #_______ Masonic Lodge # _____, location ______________________________ Anniversaries / birthdays during tour (Opportunities for parties/socials) _________________________________________________________ SUWANNEE RIVER TRAVELERS #229 2015 NOVA SCOTIA TOUR 27 Days of Touring the Maritimes 3 - 29 Aug 2015 John Lehmann 19126 SW SR 47 Ft White, FL 32038 Mail registration form with check payable to: NOTE: Tours fill up quickly and are limited to 24 rigs. Passports are required. A $500 deposit (refundable until May 1st 2015) holds your reservation until then. The balance is due May 1st 2015. The tour will rendezvous near Ellsworth, ME. Registration includes: Experienced wagon master, and tail gunner, camping fees; several meals; Lobster Boat Tour at Lunenburg; and guided tour of Fortress Louisbourg, The tour also includes visits to a tidal power generating plant, near Annapolis Royal (only one in North America), Halifax, Peggy’s Cove, Hopewell Rocks on the Bay of Fundy, home of the greatest tidal extremes in the world. Tour ends at Prince Edward Island and departs by way of the Confederation Bridge (bridge and ferry tolls included). Tour follows a detailed road log, traveling at your own pace. Reservations at campgrounds have been prearranged. Tour letters with detailed information and road logs will be sent after May 1st Questions: contact John Lehmann; email [email protected] or cell, 386 9846070. Check www.MasonicRVtours.com for general information. SUWANNEE RIVER TRAVELERS #229 2015 NOVA SCOTIA TOUR 27 Days of Touring the Maritimes 3 - 29 Aug 2015 20 $ ______________ $ ________________ $ ________________ $ ________________ $ ________________ $ ________________ Charlie Murschell, NJ State Director 201 Memorial Avenue Gibbstown, NJ 08027 Home Telephone: 856-423-2523 Cell Phone: 856-534-3877 Email: [email protected] Signed: _________________________________NCT # _______________ Date: ____________ Enclosed are the registration fees for the 2015 New Jersey State Rally. I/We hereby release NCT, Inc., the NJ State NCT and the Buena Vista Campground of any responsibility at the Rally. Refunds upon written request prior to August 31, 2015. TOTAL ENCLOSED REGISTRATION: $ 160.00 Per Unit (2 Adults) Prior to August 31, 2015 $ 120.00 Per Unit (1 Adult) Prior to August 31, 2015 $ 30.00 Per Night for Extra Camping ( _____ Nights) $ 10.00 Late Registration Fee after August 31, 2015 $ 30.00 Per Drive-In per person per day plus entrance fee if Campground requires Name: _____________________________________________________NCT # ________________ Spouse's Name: ______________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________State: ________ Zip Code: __________ Phone: ____________________ Cell #: ______________________Emergency: _______________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________ # Adults: ___________ # Children: ________________ Ages: ___________________________ Arrival Date: ______________________________ Departure Date: _________________________ Type & Size RV: __________________________________________________________________ Special Needs: __________________________________________________________________ Chapter Name & Number: _________________________________________________________ National, District or State Office Held: ________________________________________________ An All Inclusive Campout Plant Seeds of Friendship Charles Murschell 201 Memorial Avenue Gibbstown, NJ 08027 Breakfast Sandwiches Afternoon Crafts (nominal fee) Games Ice Cream Social Covered Dish Dinner Directions: www.buenavistacampground.com Sites include 30 amp electric service and water. Dump station is located at Exit of campground. Registration: Thursday 10:00 am to Noon and 1:00 to 4:00 pm if needed. Arrive together, Park together Sunday: AM Hospitality (Donuts & Coffee) Church Service Closing Remarks - Farewell Saturday: Pancake Breakfast NCT Brief Meeting "Ladies Afternoon Tea" Entertainment: One Kindred Spirit Dusk Campfire (Bring your own Hot Dogs, Campfire Pies, S'mores, etc.) Friday: Thursday: Dinner Opening Ceremony The following is a schedule of events. Times will be determined. In addition to the following schedule, also included in the Registration Fee are: Welcome Bags, Chevrons, Door Prizes plus three nights of camping Mail to: Make checks payable to: Eastern Square Wheelers, Chapter 11 (In Memo Line: NJ State Rally) September 10, 11 and 12 , 2015 September 10, 11 and 12, 2015 Rally Theme: New Jersey State Rally Buena Vista Campground 775 Harding Highway Buena Vista, NJ 08310 New Jersey State Rally (The Garden State) Buena Vista Campground 775 Harding Highway Buena Vista, NJ 08310 21 $ ________ TOTAL ENCLOSED Darrell Moyer, PA State Director 43 Sugar Maple Lane, Levittown PA 19055 Email: [email protected] Home 215-943-0642 Cell 267-231-6396 Signed _______________________________ Date __________ Enclosed are registration fees for the 2015 Pennsylvania State Rally. I/We hereby release NCT, Inc., the Pennsylvania State NCT & the Centre County Fair Assn. & Grange Encampment of any responsibility at the Rally. $ ________ $ ________ $ ________ $ ________ $ ________ $ ________ $135 per Unit (2 Adults) Prior to June 10, 2015 $110 per Unit (1 Adult) Prior to June 10, 2015 $25 per Extra Night Camping (Grounds open June 23) $10 Late Registration Fee after June 10 $30 per Drive In or Additional Person over 18 yrs Sat. Eve. Beef Dinner $13 per person _____# @ $13 REGISTRATION FEES: NAT, DIST or STATE Office Held __________________________ Chapter Name & Number ________________________________ Special Needs (Explain) _________________________________ Type & Size Unit _______________________________________ Arrival Date ______________ Departure Date _______________ No. Adults __________ Children __________ Ages ___________ Email _______________________________________________ Phone _________________ Emergency ____________________ City _______________________ State _______ Zip __________ Address _____________________________________________ Spouse’s Name _______________________________________ Name _______________________________ NCT# __________ GRANGE FAIRGROUNDS, CENTRE HALL PENNSYLVANIA JUNE 25 - 28, 2015 43rd ANNUAL PENNSYLVANIA STATE RALLY There will be signs on Rt 45 & Rt 144. From 322 West - Take Rt 45 toward Centre Hall (at Boalsburg) app. 7 miles. Watch for Fairgrounds Entrance on left just past Brody’s Diner. From 322 East - Turn right onto Rt 144 toward Centre Hall. Turn left on Rt 45 (toward Boalsburg) go app. ½ mile. Fairgrounds entrance is 1st road on right past John Deere Dealer. From I-80 - Exit 161. Take Rt 26 South to Route 322 East. Follow Route 322 East to Rt 45 East. Fairgrounds Main Entrance on left just past Brody’s Diner. Friday night meal will be a Picnic Dinner catered by our Brothers and Sisters of Del Val Vagabonds. REGISTRATION: Thursday 10 AM - Noon & 1-4 PM. Special Note: The town wide yard sale will be the same weekend as the rally. NOTES: Hobo Parking - Arrive together, park together. Bring Y’s for water & extension cords for 30 amp service. Refund upon written request if received by June 15, 2015. Honey wagon service available for $15 per pump out. Arrive with empty tanks, dump station will be locked until late Saturday. Extra nights camping before Rally paid at registration for $25 per night. Late departures pay at Main Office. Emergency Fairgrounds Phone # 814-364-1974 Chevrons, Door Prizes, Games and Crafts Display & Judging Thursday, Friday & Saturday night’s camping. Thursday Opening Ceremonies, Bingo Friday Morning Hospitality (Coffee & Donuts), Craft Display Picnic Dinner: Hot Dogs, Hamburgers and all the fixins Entertainment, Ice Cream Social Saturday Pancake Breakfast, Parade Catered Roast Beef Dinner Entertainment Sunday Morning Hospitality (Coffee & Donuts), Church Service, Closing Ceremony REGISTRATION INCLUDES: Make Checks Payable to: PA State Rally Tina Krasnansky Mail to: 2430 Applebutter Road, Hellertown, PA 18055-3301 [email protected] Email: State Zip $ $ $ $ $ Drive-ins welcome: $100 per person No. ______ Extra Nights Camping ($26 per night) No. ______ Optional Thursday Night Dinner ($15 pp) No. ______ Optional Sunday Night Lake Cruise ($42.50 pp) No. ____ Polo and T Shirts (attach separate order form) Date Mail-in reservation deadline July 6, 2015 Make checks payable to: 2015 NCT National Rally Mail to: Maryann Purcell 106 Cedar Drive New Britain, PA 18901 215-348-2246 [email protected] Signed Enclosed are registration fees for the 2015 NCT 50th Anniversary National Rally. We hereby release NCT, Inc., NCT Rally Committee, & Champlain Valley Exposition Center of any responsibility at the rally. TOTAL ENCLOSED $ $ $225 per Unit (1 Adult) Please register me for the wreath craft class (fee tbd) No. attending ____ Registration Fees: (US$) $325 per Unit (2 Adults) $ Departure Date Ages Emergency Contact Children National, District or State Office Held Chapter No. & Location Special Needs (explain) Type Unit & Size Arrival Date YNCT Shirt Size(s) No. Adults Phone City Street NCT # 2015 NCT 50th Anniversary National Rally Champlain Valley Exposition Center, Essex Junction, Vermont July 26 – 30, 2015 Co-pilot Name Name 22 Directions: From the south - I-89 north to exit 12, Route Vt 2A north 3.5 miles, turn left on Vt 15. Go 0.7 miles, watch on right for Expo Center & NCT signs. From the north – I-89 south to exit 16, turn right at the bottom of ramp onto Main Street towards Winooski/Burlington, follow Main Street to the rotary and take the third exit out of the rotary onto route 15 east towards Essex, follow route 15 for approximately 3 miles. Watch for Expo Center and NCT signs on the left. Check their website: www.cvexp.org. Set your GPS: CVExpo, 105 Pearl Street, Essex Junction, VT 05452 Rally Polo and T shirts are available by pre-order. See Order Form. ** There is NO Sewer Hookup or Station on the Expo Center grounds. Come in with tanks empty. Tuesday pump-out available $20. Sign up at Registration. There are excellent, clean, easily accessible restrooms and showers. Program: Sunday: Opening Ceremony, Worship and Memorial Services, and optional Lake Champlain Cruise with Italian night buffet (provide own transportation 6.5 miles to dock parking). Other activities during the week: YNCT tour, Luncheon, & Car Wash; Golden Anniversary Kickoff Dinner and Sock Hop with DJ; Pet Parade; Theme Parade; Golf Tournament (fee); Ladies Tea (fee); Games; Crafts; Morning Hospitality; Chapter, State, District, & General Meetings; Social Hours; Past Presidents' Ice Cream Social; Installation of 2015 – 2016 Officers; Thursday: more events; Closing Ceremony (late afternoon). Check NCT website for more program details as they become available www.gonct.org Hobo Parking: Arrive together, park together. A holding area is available to wait for friends. Wreath craft: American Flag wreath. Registration required. Fee (tbd) for materials. Registration Includes: 5 nights camping for Sunday arrival, Friday departure, 30 amp electric, water (bring pressure reducer), programs as noted below. 2015 NCT 50th Anniversary National Rally Champlain Valley Exposition Center, Essex Junction, Vermont July 26 – 30, 2015 Bob Coates, National Rally Chairman 518-654-7528 [email protected] Rally Theme: Camp with Champ Parade Theme: The 60’s 50th NCT Anniversary International Rally July 26th-July 30, 2015 Program Booklet Advertizing The 2015 Rally Committee is encouraging Chapters and Districts to place an advertisement in the 50th NCT Rally Commemorative Program Booklet. Business Card Size Advertisement = $10.00 (2.0” h x 3.5”w) ¼ Page Advertisement = $25.00 (4.25”h x 3.5”w) ½ Page Advertisement = $50.00 (4.25”h x 7.0”w) Full Page Advertisement = $100.00 (8.5”h x 7.0”w) All advertisements will be printed in Black & White. All Ads should be attached to an email sent to “[email protected]”. Use “Rally Program Ad” as the subject line. Checks (payable in US Dollars) should be made payable to: “2015 NCT National Rally” and mailed to the following address along with a copy of the Ad: NCT 50th Rally Program Booklet c/o Ray Geer P.O. Box 4 North Stonington, CT 06359 Please submit Ads by June 15, 2015 Thank you for your support T Shirts – light blue Size Cost per shirt S $12.00 M L XL $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 2XL $13.00 3XL $13.00 Quantity Total Cost $ $ $ $ 2015 NCT 50th Anniversary National Rally Champlain Valley Exposition Center, Essex Junction, Vermont July 26 – 30, 2015 SHIRT ORDER FORM Name NCT #_________ $ $ Address ______________________________________ $ $ $ $ $ $ All Shirts are a light Blue with the Rally Logo (see sample below) on the right side of the shirt. Polo shirts with pockets have the Logo on the Pocket & are a slightly Lighter Blue. City__________________ State _____ Zip __________ Polo Shirts – light blue S M L XL 2XL 3XL $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $17.00 $17.00 Polo Shirts – WITH POCKET Add $4.00 per shirt for Pocket $ Total Check here for pick No cost for Rally pickup Check here to ship to address Add $4 to total order Total Shirt order–Enter on Registration Form or make checks payable to:2015 NCT National Rally $ Orders not included with Registrations Form should be sent with a check for the shirts only to: NCT PO Box 136 East Longmeadow, MA 01028 $ 23 PRSRT STD NATIONAL CAMPING TRAVELERS, INC. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SPRINGFIELD, MA PERMIT NO. 905 P O Box 136 E. Longmeadow, MA 01028 Phone: 413-523-2437 E-mail: [email protected] WE’RE ON THE WEB www.gonct.org Camp with me in Essex Junction! 50th NCT Essex Junction RALLY Camp with Champ Lake Champlain’s own Monster “Champ” 24 JULY 26-30 2015
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