ON THE ROTA . . . 15th March 2015 Sides Readings Prayers Projector Sound Tea & Coffee Prayer Ministry Offertory Count Morning Chrissie Wood David Cooley/Mike Waters Jo Roberts Bethany Rutherford Cathy Malins Marie Richards Terry O’Brien/Emma Cooley Marion Lincoln/Neil Geddes Evening Wendy Rutherford n/a tba Andy Davenport Tony Corfield Nick Morris/Jo Roberts Lou Davenport/Karen Gopsill n/a CHILDREN & YOUTH GROUPS St. George’s Preschool each week day morning during term time between 8.30am and 12.00 noon and, Monday and Wednesday and Friday 12.00 to 3.00pm. Also optional lunchtime sessions following on directly from the morning sessions. Contact Lou on 01827 50805 / 07505 886 380 or visit http://www.stgeorgespreschool.org/ Sunday Children's Club X-tra Every Sunday morning except the first and fifth Sunday of each month. Xcite (pre-school to Y2), Xplore (Y3 to Y5) and Xtreme (Y6 to Y10). Contact: Glyn Shaw Crèche meets, when needed, in the chancel, except on first Sunday and fifth Sunday. Youth Home Group : alt Sundays 7.30pm. Contact Helen and Kev Jones (820963) Bamford St., Glascote, TAMWORTH, Staffs B77 2AT (01827) 62612 Office hours: 9.15am - 1.00pm Mon-Thurs 8th March 2015 Third Sunday in Lent Welcome to our Services This week at St. Georges . . . SUNDAY Holy Communion 8.30am Holy Communion 10.00am Memorial Service 6.00pm 8th March MONDAY Over 60s Badminton 5.00 - 7.00pm Hall Badminton Club 7.00 - 9.00pm in the Hall Homegroup Leaders meeting 8.00pm Blenheim Close TUESDAY Music group 7.30pm Buildings Committee meeting 8.00pm Curatage WEDNESDAY 9.30 am Midweek Holy Communion THURSDAY Open Door 1.30pm in the Hall FRIDAY Funeral of Iris Brookes 11.00am in church SUNDAY Holy Communion 8.30am Morning Praise 10.00am 20:20:20 Service 6.00pm HOME GROUPS St. George’s believes homegroups to be an important part of church life and would like to encourage all adults to belong to a small group that meets together on a weekday in the evening or during the day. The groups focus upon discipleship, nurture and socials. If you are interested in joining a homegroup, please contact the homegroup coordinators, either Rob Ellor (tel: 62740) or Helen Jones (tel: 820963) who will gladly tell you more about the groups that are available. PASTORAL CARE Pastoral Care Co-ordinator: Fae Ellor: 01827 62740 (please contact Fae to request Home Communion) Email prayers: [email protected] (alternatively contact Fae Ellor or the office) Lay Prayer Guide: contact Pippa Steedman on 01827 286373 Bamford St., Glascote, TAMWORTH, Staffs B77 2AT (01827) 62612 email: [email protected] visit: www.stgeorges-glascote.org.uk Office hours: Mon - Thurs 9.15am - 1.00pm Curate: Rev. Matt Malins 07932 721131 email: [email protected] Non Stipendiary Minister: Rev. Mike Le-Worthy (01827) 55762 15th March Coming up . . . Mon 16th March Tues 17th March Thurs 19th March Sat 21st March Leadership Team meeting Tithe Meeting 8.00pm chancel Preschool Committee meeting 9.30am in the chancel Easter Card delivery 10.00am in the Hall A large print copy of this sheet is available from the welcome desk How wonderful it is, how pleasant, for God's people to live together in harmony! (Psalm 133:1) FROM THE PRAYER CARDS: (If a name has been missed off this list and you would like someone to be prayed for, please fill out an updated prayer request card). Give thanks for the safe return of Phillip Taber and the team and for a successful mission to the Sudan. Please pray for Deacon Gill Judge, Ann, Carl and their son Joe, Clive Douglas, Julie and Terry Brookes, Jo Denyer, Sue Peel, Leo, Lucy Morris, Jennie Dawson, Wayne Loosmore, Betty Douglas, Andrew Knight. Pray for the friends and families of Sheila Taylor, Iris Brookes, Millicent Dwight, Laycee Lees, Gloria, and May Robinson VACANCY - TEAM RECTOR The closing date for applications for the vacancy of Team Rector was 6th March. Please continue to pray for a suitable person to be appointed to this role. The Diocesan ‘Prayer During a Vacancy’ is available on the welcome table and the Parish Profile is available to read on the altar. SAINSBURY’S VOUCHERS Pre-school are collecting Sainsbury's active Kids vouchers and would really appreciate any donations, there is a box by the welcome table for vouchers. Thank You ‘FUN RUN TO THE CHASE’ As our Weekend Away has been postponed for this year we have arranged for a church 'Day Away' instead. This will be on 16th May. There is going to be a treasure hunt on the way to Cannock Chase culminating in a church family picnic and fun and games for all. A sign up sheet will be available soon. ANNUAL TITHE MEETING: Each year St. George’s tithes 10% of its income to charities at home and abroad. There will be a meeting at 8.00pm on Tuesday 17th March in the chancel to decide which organisations should receive our donations. Everyone is welcome but if you are unable to attend and there is a particular charity you would like us to consider, please pass information to Isobel Mills in advance of the meeting. ELECTORAL ROLL: The revised Church Electoral Roll has been completed and is displayed on the notice board at the back of church. Please take a look and check that you’re on it and your details are correct. Please speak to Anne Bassett if any corrections are necessary. The Electoral roll is now closed until our AGM on 23rd March after which new members may be added. Thank you for joining the Electoral Roll ST. GEORGE’S CHURCH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: This year at the AGM (Monday 23rd March) we will be seeking to replace one Churchwarden, one Deputy Warden and two DCC members. Please think about who you would like to represent you on the church council and fill in a nomination form available from the notice board at the back of church. Remember to ask the nominee’s permission first! HOLY WEEK SERVICES: There will be a short service in church every evening during Holy Week (except Maundy Thursday), from 7.00pm - 7.30pm. The services will be based on ‘Rhythms of Grace, A Retreat in Daily Life’ from Lichfield Diocese. On Maundy Thursday (2nd April) we will hold an Agape Supper in the church hall followed by a Vigil in church as in previous years. THE REAL EASTER EGG: Out of the 80 million chocolate Easter eggs sold each year in the UK, The Real Easter Egg is the first and only Fairtrade chocolate Easter egg to explain the Christian understanding of Easter. Introduced in 2010, The Real Easter Egg was initially turned down by supermarkets as they were unsure that a ‘faith egg’ would sell. How wrong they were. Last year, in a national poll, the Real Easter Egg was voted the UK’s favourite Fairtrade egg and more than a million Real Easter Eggs have been sold! Support this year’s Real Easter Egg campaign by visiting www.realeasteregg.co.uk. The Real Easter Egg is available, as well as other Fairtrade eggs, from St. Editha’s Fairtrade Shop. BISHOP JONATHAN TO RETIRE: Bishop Jonathan has announced his retirement as Bishop of Lichfield. He will leave office in September 2015. In a video message, address to the College of Canons, and letter to all churches, Bishop Jonathan said: “Forty years of ministry seem a good stint to Jane and me.” For more, please see the Lichfield Diocese website. NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE CHRISTIAN AID. . . is holding its 25th anniversary walk around Tittesworth Water on Saturday March 28th. About 500 people complete a 22 mile or 5-mile mile walk, and it raises around £50,000 each year. You can register from 9.15 am and the walk starts at 10. Contact John Bamford on 01782 516137 for sponsorship forms, maps, and further information. CARRYING THE CROSS: A morning of Quiet Reflection at Lichfield Cathedral especially for Minority Ethnic Anglicans, 10am - 1pm, Sat 28th Mar. This is an opportunity for quiet reflection during Lent. It will explore the meaning of our calling through the story of Simon of Cyrene, who was made to carry the cross of Jesus. Led by Revd Preb David Newsome, Revd Preb Carl Ramsay, and Revd Pam Daniel. Free, but spaces are limited so please contact Angela Bruno in the Vocations Office to book on 01543 306220. Download this weekly notices sheet from: www.stgeorges-glascote.org.uk glascote.org.uk MYERS-BRIGGS WORKSHOP Understand & develop your unique personality Grow in self-worth Improve communication skills Make good career choices Handle stress Increase your understanding of those important people in your life Hillcrest, 172 Long St. Dordon Sat 28th March 10.00am to 4.00pm For more details see the leaflet on the notice board or speak to Matt. VACANCY for Children’s Worker At Holy Trinity Wilnecote We are looking to appoint a Children’s Worker for Holy Trinity Wilnecote & Tamworth Deanery. Salary c. £19k pa plus expenses Full-time (36 hours per week) for three years. Job description and application form available on Lichfield Diocese website http://www.lichfield.anglican.org/ vacancies Closing date: Thursday 2nd AprilFor more details or an informal chat contact The Rev’d. Oliver Harrison on: 01827 260 560 or [email protected] TODAY’S BIBLE READINGS 8.30am: 10.00am: 6.00pm: John 2: 13-22 Psalm 19 Acts 6: 1-7 Acts 8: 26-40 Joel 2: 12-17 St. George’s Church, Glascote
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