THE MAST St. John’s Lutheran Church April 2015 St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 2 Pastor’s Column The celebration of the resurrection is, perhaps, the greatest celebration in the life of the church. So great is this celebration, that it actually requires two seasons or thirteen weeks (Fourteen if you count Holy Week). The season of Lent is, among other things, a season to prepare us for the celebration of Easter. That is one of the reasons why it looks so different. An example of this is seen in the communion liturgy during Lent. The request made of God in the proper preface is that our keeping of Lent would assist us in keeping the Paschal feast (Easter feast) in sincerity and truth. The Easter season itself is seven weeks long. Why all this time? Because Easter is such a big deal. It is more than the one day on the calendar. It is really a perspective on life. It is a perspective that demonstrates God’s activity and great power in our lives and world. It is a perspective that gives us hope, always. Now it is true that each Sunday of the year is to be considered an Easter celebration. However, during this season of the church year, our focus on these things is intensified. Now, you can’t fully appreciate what Easter is, unless you first understand why it is needed. We are sinful people who are unable to save ourselves. There is nothing that we can do to earn or merit our own salvation. The wages of sin is death and that is exactly what sin deserves. This means that sinners deserve to be separated from God for all eternity. This is not a terribly happy prospect, but it forces us to see the seriousness of the situation. Yet, this is not the state in which God leaves us. Instead, he becomes one of us. Fulfills the requirements of the law in our place. He pays the price for all of our sins. In rising from the dead, he defeats the last greatest enemy of the human race; death. Because Jesus is risen from the dead, that means that the price for our sins has been accepted. It would not be inaccurate to think of his resurrection as a receipt. Because Jesus is risen from the dead, all who belong to him will not die forever. Sure, our bodies may die. But, because Jesus is risen from the dead, that death is only temporary. When Jesus comes back, death will die. Death will give up all it has claimed and we will live forever with our God. How do we know this is true? Because Jesus is risen from the dead. No wonder we shout and proclaim, “Alleluia;” which such great fervor. Easter means for us that our God is victorious, and that because he is victorious, we too will be victorious over the power of sin, death, and the devil. Easter means that there is always, always hope no matter what life throws at us. Easter is a sign that the promise God made way back in the garden of Eden after Adam and Eve disobeyed God, has been kept. Forgiveness, life, and salvation are ours because of Jesus. Easter is the kept promise that God made to Abram when God told Abram that through his descendents, all the nations of the earth would be blessed. That blessing is none other than the forgiveness, life, and salvation that have been won for us by our RISEN Lord. Easter is by far the best and greatest of the seasons. I pray that this season will be a great time of hope, joy, and celebration for you. May God continue to work through his Word and Sacraments in our lives to deepen our understanding living out of this great season. Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Love, Pastor CJ April 2015 Page 3 Letter from the president Announcements Worship Notes Living Easter: This series looks at the impacts of Easter in the lives of God’s people. We will be focusing on the texts from the book of Acts in the Easter season. As we see what Easter meant from them and the ways it impacted their lives, we learn what it means for us and how it impacts our lives as well. Adult Bible Study The Gospel According to St. John: This study will take us through John’s gospel. Some of the most beloved scripture texts are contained in this book. Come, study, and learn about our savior Jesus and all he has done for us. General Notes Catechism Instruction: It is never too late to participate. Catechism instruction takes place on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:00. Confirmation is open to fifth graders and up. If you have questions, or would like more information please see Pastor CJ. Middle School/ High School Bible Study: All middle school and high school students are invited to join Pastor CJ for a Bible study on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00. In our time together we will be studying books of the Bible, what Lutherans believe, why our faith is relevant today, how to live out your faith, and other topics that are of importance and interest. All students grades five through twelve are welcome to participate. St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 4 Early Learning Center News M A RY W I L L I A M S , D I R E C TO R Bear-able Gifts Project Well we did it!! We exceeded our goal of enough money for 160 “Teddy Bears” for the Children’s Cancer Recovery Foundation’s Bear-able Gifts program. Our grand total is just over $900! Thank you to all that helped to contribute to our goal! Enrollment Enrollment continues for the 2015/2016 school year. Some of the classes are filling up so if you know anyone that is interested in enrolling their child, please call the office at 734-1211 soon! Summer Camp Plans for the 2015 E.L.C. Summer Camp are under way. This year’s 10 week camp will be packed with fun. Each week the children will have fun with a different author in the mornings and learning about science in the afternoons. The summer camp program directors Ms. Mallory Mason and Ms. Raven Armiger are excited about the plans and are looking forward to a fun filled summer. If you are interested in The children sending your child to camp please call the finished up the project with a fun office at 734-1211. filled week of Favorite Disney/ Important Visitors Please keep us in our prayers, as we have Cartoon several important visitors this month. We will Character Day, Sports Team day, Crazy Hair Day, Pj Day and tossing shaving cream “game have our annual licensing review on Monday, April 13. The accreditation team will be visiting pieces” onto the targets Ms. Mary wore. We us Wednesday, April 15-Friday, April 17. had a blast! April 2015 Page 5 APRIL 2015 Friday April 3rd YOUTH GROUP! Church basement 6:00 pm—9:30 pm Sunday April 5th (Easter Sunday) PANCAKE BREAKFAST Youth arrive @ 8:15 am Breakfast 9:00—10:00 AM Friday April 17th YOUTH GROUP Church basement 6:00 pm—9:30 pm Important– The Mystery Dinner planned for the end of March is being rescheduled for a date in June. There are some youth who occasionally need rides to the church for Youth group evenings. Usually the leaders are scrambling to get out of work to be there on time .. and don’t have the extra time to round up these kids (who so desperately want to be with us) If you might be interested and available on the first and / or third Friday, please contact Sharon or Don Petersen St. John’s Youth Group is open to all youth in grades 5-12th. We offer a wide variety of activities that are fun for all!! Youth Group gatherings are on the first and third Fridays of the month from 6-9:30pm. Dinner is served at each gathering and is free. Jesus is always present through fellowship, games, discussions, and lessons. If you have any questions you may contact Sharon Petersen at [email protected]. You can also find our FB connection through our website St. John’s Youth Group participated in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine. We had 16 youth and 8 adults participate. We had a blast, with games and activities… Helped the homeless shelter with cleaning and sorting their food pantry & freezer. And most importantly we raised almost $1,300 !! That is enough to feed and care for 37 children for a whole month! THANK YOU to all who supported us through this event with your prayers and financial support. AND a extra thank you to Mr. Price for cooking our break-fast spaghetti. St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 6 What’s Happening?! F RO M T H E O F F I C E O F D R . D I NA C A RO L V E N D ET T I , P R I N C I PA L And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27 “And who is my neighbor?” The question was posed by a young lawyer who was just trying to get it right. At first glance, the question seems pretty fundamental, but after really thinking about it, it’s a thought provoking question! Who is my neighbor? Do you know your neighbors? When I was a kid, we lived in the best neighborhood in the whole world. My life at that time was all about the neighbors: the neighbor kids, the neighbor kids’ parents, the neighbors’ yards, bike riding, trick or treating, catching lightning bugs, sleep overs… We knew everything about each other. We talked about TV shows and rules and religion. We played together, did chores together, got in trouble together… And so did our parents! Today, we live in a very different time. Many of us get up in the morning, get ready for work, get in the car, drive out of the garage (sometimes in the dark), and leave the neighborhood – we often come home the same way: drive into the garage, put down the door, go in the house. We can go days at a time without ever seeing a neighbor, and weeks without speaking to one. I have learned, over the years, that the people in my neighborhood who know each other are either people who walk in the neighborhood or people who cut their own grass. I spend a lot of time in my yard and I walk, so I know many of my neighbors – but in talking to them, I have discovered that most of them don’t know each other! To complicate matters further, it seems that when Jesus talks about our neighbors, He doesn’t just mean the people who live near us… we have neighbors at work, at the gym, in our families, and anywhere else we hang out. If you’re looking for an eye-opening answer to the question “who is my neighbor?”, you should ask the kids at St. John’s School. They have a wonderful grasp on the idea of who our neighbors are – their answers are not only insightful, they are global! For the past several weeks, we have been working hard to raise money to help build a school in Uganda. We have talked about the children there, we have gathered an amazing amount of money, and we have earnestly prayed for our brothers and sisters living in that place. One student collected money at her birthday party, three or four kids made speeches at their churches, many children did extra chores, one little Pre K girl broke open her piggy bank and emptied the contents into our collection. This project means a lot to them. Their response to Jesus’ question is pretty remarkable. Chances are good that our kids will never go to Uganda – they will probably never meet the children who eventually attend the school there. But if you ask our students the question “Who is your neighbor?”, they will certainly answer “the children of Uganda.” Our God is so awesome. He calls all of us in different ways to be part of His mission in the world. He equips us to do things that are far bigger than we are. He fills us with His power. And He allows us to experience what it’s like to love our neighbors… whoever they are and wherever they live. Could He accomplish His plans without us? Yes. Does He need us to be on His side so that the work will get done? No. But He graciously gives us the gift of neighbors and the opportunity to serve them because of how good it will be for us! And as He uses us to touch our neighbors, they will begin to touch their neighbors, and God’s love will abound and His kingdom will grow. God constantly places us in a win – win – win – win – win situation! How cool is that?! April 2015 Page 7 Here’s What’s Happening! 1. Pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, dollars, and check check check check checks!!!!!! We are collecting money this year for our special project – we are helping to build a school in Uganda! J At this writing, we have collected almost $7,500 – and the number is still climbing. We are so overwhelmed by the gracious generosity of all who have support this cause. How cool for our neighbors, the children of Uganda! 2. Easter Break will begin at noon on Thursday, April 2nd. Classes will resume on Monday, April 13th. 3. We are now (already!) in the fourth quarter of the school year – this incredible year has just flown by! This quarter will be another busy one for us at the school – the auction, achievement testing, field day, field trips, art & science fair, Spring play, graduations, etc. Fasten your seatbelts – this 15th anniversary year is coming to a quick and happy close!!! 4. Our annual Spring Event – a combination of the Spring play and the Art & Science Fair – will be held on Thursday evening, May 7th. This event was originally scheduled for May 15th, but had to be changed due to the District Convention. Please note the change. ALL ARE INVITED!!! 5. Members of the staff and the school board are working hard, using the findings of the accreditation team, to develop and implement some short and long range plans for our school ministry. This is very exciting work and a very exciting time! Please keep this process in your prayers. 6. It is re-enrollment time at St. John’s!!! Please continue to spread the good word about our school to your friends and family members. Informational materials are ready at the school office. Let’s fill our building and provide as many children as possible with the opportunity to fall in love with Jesus! 7. Prayer Requests: Prayers of thanks for the amazing things that our students and children learn from each other every day, prayers of thanks for our parents who so faithfully volunteer at our school, prayers of thanks for a successful effort to raise funds for our Uganda School project, prayers that this time of enrollment for next year will yield lots and lots of kids, and thanks for our many, many blessings! Page 8 St. John’s Lutheran Church Stephen Ministry This is going to be a busier than usual month for the Stephen Ministry team. On April 1 (and this is not an April Fool's joke), as part of our continuing education module, we are going to tour Kent General Hospital. Chaplain Blake Bowers who is the chaplain for the hospital, has graciously agreed to not only give us a "behind the scenes" tour, but also answer questions about specific needs of hospital care receivers. This will help us to hone our skills, while improving lay Christian quality care to our care receivers. While we generally meet with a care receiver for up to one hour a week, different rules would apply if he/she is in the hospital. The advice that we'll receive from Chaplain Bowers should be priceless and we're looking forward to this tour. Also, as you may or may not be aware, on April 12 at 5 p.m. in the church basement, our Stephen Ministry team is sponsoring a Potluck dinner. After the dinner, we'll present a video on a health care directive called "Five Wishes" and give you a free copy. Five Wishes was written by a man named Jim Touey. Mr. Touey served as legal counsel for Mother Teresa for 12 years. He then worked in a Washington D.C. Hospice talking to terminally ill patients. Mr. Touey asked them what they would like their families to know about end of life care. He compiled their answers into five categories; hence the name of Five Wishes. You should also know that the form is simple and easy to use. Each wish is clearly spelled out-you just cross out or circle what you agree or disagree, although there is also space for you to write if you would like to add something. The first two wishes are what is in every living will (who you want to make decisions should you go into a coma or can't speak for any reason), but it's the next three that make Five Wishes a unique. These 3 wishes encompass emotional wishes (whether or not you want Christian music playing in the background, if you want pain management, or any special requests for your comfort). Wish 5 is especially important. It reads "What I want my loved ones to know". This is the place for you to spell out favorite Bible passages, hymns and to plan for a funeral or memorial service. One final point I'd like to make is that this is a legal document that is recognized in 42 states. It is for anyone who is 18 and older. Remember that anything can happen to anyone at anytime. You shouldn't wait until you are in a crisis or hospital to fill out a living will. It's important to have a living will and equally important that you fill it out when you're calm. This particular living will is pastor endorsed. Pastors have shared that there are cases where families just don't know what a relative wants in his/her funeral. This would be the time to fill out exactly what you want. Do yourselves and your families a favor and come to this. We're asking that you bring either a meal for 4, something to drink or a dessert. In return, we'll provide peace of mind by giving you a free Five Wishes Directive. We'll also provide free babysitting. Just fill out the sheet in the Sunday bulletin so we'll have a Five Wishes copy available for you. It will be one of the best few hours that you spend in church. Stephen Ministry cares about you. That is why we continue to study through continuing education. It's also why we provide ways to help you with life problems. That is also why we hope you'll come to this important workshop/dinner. Hope to see you there. April 2015 Page 9 Vacation Bible School St. John’s has set a date for VBS 2015!!! Please mark your calendars for August 11-13, 5-7:30pm Registration forms are available in the church office. For more information please email Mary Lou Jackson at [email protected] WE NEED YOU!! We need volunteers to register to be station leaders, crew leaders, set-up, cleanup, and food providers! In an effort to provide proper training, we are getting a head start! Please contact the church office for For those of you that wish to help by providing supplies, please refer to this partial list of gear. Play dough jars Paper towel and toilet paper rolls Milk Jugs (gallon and half gallon) Wax paper 100 pack of cardstock of each color (purple, green, blue, yellow, orange, red) Large packing Styrofoam Large cardboard and poster board Light blue and white plastic table cloths Glow Sticks and flicker lights Paper towels Fabric scraps and string Washable paint—1 gallon of each color (purple, green, blue, yellow, orange, red) St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 10 LWML Our Group: Our Quarterly Mite Offering is scheduled for Sunday, April 19th during both services. Immediately following second service, we will join in the regularly scheduled Fellowship Luncheon. After lunch please plan to break away for a brief business meeting in order to cover several pending matters. The special activity will be as follows. Five Baskets for SJCS Auction: We are excited to report that Shirley Judd has received a $250 grant from Thrivent to be used toward preparing five theme baskets for the St. John’s Lutheran School Dinner and Auction on April 25th. Each basket has been “adopted” by an LWML member and items purchased. Arranging the baskets will be a group activity following our meeting with a special photo op wearing Thrivent T-shirts to be sent with for their records. Zone Activities: It is not too late to register to attend the upcoming overnight Retreat at the Virdin Center in Lewes sponsored by the LWML of Christ Lutheran Church, Seaford, on April 24-25. Bring a friend or family member and join with other Sisters-in-Christ in pulling aside for a time of sharing in Bible Study, fun, relaxation, and delicious meals prepared for you by the chef at the center. It begins Friday evening and ends at 3 pm on Saturday so you can be home in time for the auction. There is information and a signup sheet in the Narthex. Contact Sandy Nickerson for more info @ 735 -9635. District and National Dates to Remember: National Convention in Des Moines, Iowa on June 25-28. Theme - “Bountiful! Sow*Nourish*Reap” based on 2 Corinthians 9:8. Reservations - Make Now. District Christian Life Retreat in Ocean City, MD on Oct. 31-Nov. 2, at Carousel Resort Hotel - Leaders: Dina Vendetti and Jan Struck – Theme: “Be Strong and Courageous: Life In Mission” based Joshua 1:9. You don’t want to miss this. Reservation info- to follow later in the August issue of the district newsletter, “The Breeze” (formerly known as “The Mite Brigade”). Save the date St. John’s Lutheran School Annual Dinner and Auction April 25, 2015 5-9 PM, Dover Elks Lodge For more information contact Robbi Duke by cell (302)363-4653 or e-mail [email protected] April 2015 April 2015 Page 10 Page 11 Letterfrom fromthe thepresident president Letter WITNESS TRAINING WORKSHOP THE MISSION LEADERSHIP BOARD WOULD LIKE TO HOLD A SECOND WITNESS TRAINING WORKSHIP. THE WORKSHOP LAST SPRING WAS WELL RECEIVED AND MANY THOUGHT IT WOULD BE GOOD TO HOLD A FOLLOW UP WORKSHOP. THIS WORKSHOP WILL FOCUS ON THE DIFFERENT STYLES OF FAITH SHARING AND TO HELP YOU FIND THE STYLE THAT FITS YOUR PERSONALITY. GOD’S LOVE IS MEANT TO BE SHARED AND IT IS TIME TO TELL YOUR STORY, THE STORY OF JESUS AT WORK IN YOUR LIFE. WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO TELL THAT STORY TO? If you don’t tell them who will? So mark your Calendar Now WITNESS TRAINING WORKSHOP SATURDAY April 18, 2015, 10am—2pm THRIVENT LUNCHEON MEET MARSHALL STEINMANN, OUR TRIVENT REPRESENTATIVE The Thrivent advocates of St. John’s are sponsoring a “Pizza and Salad Lunch” so our members can meet Marshall Steinmann, our new Thrivent Representative. This is not a sales meeting, just a wonderful opportunity for an informative and social time. Marshall will explain some of the new Thrivent Financial programs and revisit some of the member benefits as well as answer any questions we might have. We will also learn more about the new Thrivent Action Team program. (See the news article below.) WHEN: Sunday, May 3, 2015 - 12:00 – 1:30 pm WHERE: St. John’s Lutheran Church - Church Basement WHO: Thrivent members and other folks who are interested in learning more To help us plan for the lunch and gathering, please indicate on the church bulletin “interest form” that you plan to attend, or contact Nancy Hazzard at 697-9661 [email protected] Take Action on a Cause You Care About Here’s a new exciting benefit of membership that can help you take action – help others be wise with money and live generously. It is called a Thrivent Action Team. It’s Thrivent’s way of helping you support the causes you are passionate about and strengthen your community. Getting started is fun and easy: Identify an unmet need in your community that you are passionate about. Your project should bring people together for a one-time fundraiser, service activity or educational event that can be completed within 90 days. • As a team leader, you will invite your friends, family and even community members to help. • Apply online at • Once your idea is approved, watch your mail for the Thrivent Action Kit to arrive. It comes complete with promotional signage, t-shirts and other resources to make your project a success. It even comes with a Community Impact Card with $250 in seed money to help cover some of the project costs like promotional, material and rental expenses. • It’s an exciting time when members like you help make a greater impact in the community. Visit team to learn more and apply. St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 12 SCHOOL MINISTRY PRAYER SUPPORT You have chosen the name of someone who is integral to our school mission. THANK YOU FOR choosing a name for whom to pray. And as we pray for one of the many missions here at St. John's; they and the precious little children in their care are lifted up to our Lord and Savior. The end of the school year is only two months away and is very hectic. This is a perfect time to send fun notes/cards to encourage these precious teachers of ours. FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON Happy Spring one and all! We all hope you all enjoyed your Easter celebrations. We hope that you will all join us once again in fellowship on Sunday, April 19 after late service. Hopefully by then our April showers will have started to bring beautiful flowers! We look forward to seeing you there. God's blessings on you all. ST. JOHN’S MEN’S GROUP Dear Friends The next gathering of the St John’s Men’s Group will be Monday April 20, 2015 at 7pm in the church basement. This evening we will conclude our study of the book of Daniel. Our study will be Chapter 11: 36-12:13 (Lesson 12 of the study guide). Daniels vision concludes with a description of days to come and man’s attempt to fight God. Meanwhile God and his church continue toward the ultimate fulfillment of his eternal plan. The angels of God speak to Daniel. In Daniel Chapter 12 Daniel is reassured, “You shall rest and shall stand in your allotted place at the end of the days.” Daniel did not cave in to false teachers. He has set an example for us both in his younger days and as he grew older. We can be encouraged that even through the darkest times we can read and trust God’s message for us: “Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me. …I go to prepare a place for you…I will come again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you will be also” (John 14:1). Please bring your ideas for our next study. In addition to the Bible study we will have a time for sharing, fellowship and prayer. The men of St John’s are cordially invited to come. We hope that you will consider attending our Bible Study. Bring a friend! See you there. April 2015 Page 13 Letter from the president WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY WE WILL NOT BE MEETING EVERY THURSDAY IN APRIL, MAY or JUNE. Since there will be a MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE ON APRIL 2nd, WE WILL NOT HAVE BIBLE STUDY THAT DAY. THE REST OF THE MEETING DATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: April 9th, April 23rd, May 7th, May 21st, June 4th & June 18th. WE WILL THEN TAKE A BREAK UNTIL SEPTEMBER. We meet in the church basement from 3:00 - 4:00 pm. Please feel free to join us as we gather together to study God's Word. If there are any questions please call Karen Murphy: 678-9207 Or email: [email protected] CAMERA CLUB Spring is coming and a great time to get those pictures of blooming flowers and leaves popping out on trees. Come to the Camera Club meeting the first Monday of each month in the basement of the church at 7:00p.m. and join us in sharing tricks and tips we have discovered that have made some our pictures pretty interesting. To see a sample of some of our efforts check out the link on the church's web page. You will find the Camera Club under the Groups tab. In April we will meet on the 6th; the DVD lecture topic will be Aperture and Depth of Field. Hope to see you then! ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN How can I help Orphan Grain Train in its mission to serve others? Your generous contributions of material and money are always welcome, and a very sincere "Thank You" goes out to you. Also, a special word of thanks goes to the ladies of the Marydel Grange who have provided pillow case dresses and shorts for shipments to those in need in tropical areas. A unique way you can help OGT without committing material, money or sewing talent is give OGT your old printer ink cartridges. OGT is able to recycle the cartridges at Staples and get rewards money that is used to purchase item used at the warehouse in Wilmington. With rewards money we have been able to purchase shipping labels, printer ink, paper towels, toilet paper, and bottled water. I will put a small box on the table in the narthex of the church which will indicate where you can put your used ink cartridges. Thank you in advance. Also, when you decide to volunteer at the warehouse in Wilmington, use the following address in your GPS to help you easily find it: 1500 Vandever Ave. Wilmington, DE. We pack and sort on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00 to 12:00. You can also give me (Roger Hazzard) a call at home (302) 697-9661 or email me at [email protected] if you need more information. St. John’s Lutheran Church Page 14 Birthdays 4/1 4/2 4/3 4/3 4/3 4/4 4/4 4/4 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/6 4/7 4/8 4/8 Marjorie Hartz Adrianna Vu James Crouse Corbin Cullen Nadine Leger Elizabeth Barrett Deanna Bray Nicole Desmarais Anthony Henry Karly Richter Tom Smith Avery Fairbanks Roger McMahan Preston Byrd Jackson Massey 4/9 4/9 4/9 4/10 4/13 4/13 4/13 4/17 4/17 4/19 4/20 4/20 4/20 4/22 4/25 Linda Conrad River Cordeiro Richard Murphy Jenna Misiewicz Scott Brown Kelly Reilly Mervin Richard Henry Gibson Eric Reid Michele Ramina Madison Rothbart Lauren Tucci Emily Wiegert Damion Barnes Emma Massey Charles Overmiller Landon Sutherland Rose Bryan Colin Fairbanks Terry Hesterman Eli Small Nancy Logan Scott Mabrey Kimberly Rivera Gloria Paxton Frank Ruff James Duke Ronald Howdershelt Daniel Wood Briana Boesenberg 4/25 4/25 4/26 4/26 4/26 4/26 4/27 4/27 4/27 4/28 4/28 4/29 4/29 4/29 4/30 Anniversaries Bob & Lyn Benton 4/4 William & Betty Berlin 4/20 Jason & Kathy Walther 4/8 Kevin & Angie Phillipson 4/22 Arthur & Dottie Kringel 4/14 Rick & Karen Murphy 4/24 Service Assistant Schedule Readers and Assistants: If you will not be able to serve as scheduled please call Ray Richter Ph:674-4248 Ushers: If you will not be able to serve as scheduled please call Donn Paulin, Ph:678-2340 Early Service Usher 4/5 Hadley, Chuck Reader Barlow, Linda Livingston, Phil 4/12 Jeff Weiss Starkie, Coralie Allgor, Johnathan 4/19 Hadley, Chuck Siok, Christine Richter, Ray Barlow, Richard 5/3 Hadley, Chuck Livingston, Phil Assistant Barbara Impollonia Barlow, Linda Usher Murphy, Rick Driftmyer, Lois Bliem, Barry Hazzard, Roger Benton, Bob Siok, Stephan Richter, Ray 4/26 Barlow, Linda Late Service Paulin, Betty Driftmyer, Lois Paulin, Donn Hazzard, Roger Strausbaugh, John Nickerson, Sam Strausbaugh, Pam Driftmyer, Lois Betley, Jean Murphy, Rick Bliem, Barry Assistant Stephens, Eric Stephens, Elizabeth Bryan, Rose Benton,Lyn Richter, Ray Barbara Impollonia Reader Paulin, Donn Strausbaugh, John Messing, Kailyn Betley, Jean Petersen, Don Brown, Cindy Richter, Ken Murphy, Rick Betley, Jean Stephens, Eric Stephens, Elizabeth April 2015 SUN MON 8:00am—Early Service 9:15am—Adult Bible Study 9:15am—Sunday School 10:30am—Late Service TUE WED 1 9:00AM—OGT 5 EASTER 9:00AM—PANCAKE BREAKFAST AND EASTER EGG HUNT 6 EASTER BREAK! 7 EASTER BREAK! 8 EASTER BREAK! 7:00PM— 9:00AM—OGT CAMERA CLUB 12 5:00PM—FIVE WISHES WORKSHOP 13 7:00PM—MEN’S GROUP 14 6:00PM—GIRL SCOUTS THU FRI SAT 2 MAUNDY THURSDAY 3 GOOD FRIDAY 9:00AM—OGT 6:00PM—YOUTH GROUP 9 EASTER BREAK! 3:00PM— WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY 10 EASTER BREAK! 11 9:00AM—OGT 15 16 9:00AM—OGT 6:30PM—CATECHISM CLASS 7:00PM—MS/HS BIBLE STUDY 4 17 9:00AM—OGT 6:00PM—YOUTH GROUP 18 10:00AM— WITNESS WORKSHOP 24 9:00AM—OGT 25 5:00PM— DINNER AUCTION AT ELKS LODGE 1 9:00AM—OGT 6:00PM—YOUTH GROUP 2 STEPHEN MINISTRY— SUPERVISION AND CONTINUED EDUCATION AT WALKER ROAD 19 12:00PM— FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON 1:00PM—LWML GATHERING 20 7:00PM—MLB MEETING 27 26 12:00PM—VBS MTG 3 9:00AM—PANCAKE BREAKFAST 21 22 9:00AM—OGT 6:30PM—CATECHISM CLASS 7:00PM—MS/HS BIBLE STUDY 28 6:00PM—GIRL SCOUTS 30 29 9:00AM—OGT 6:30PM—CATECHISM CLASS 7:00PM—MS/HS BIBLE STUDY 23 3:00PM— WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY April Readings 4/2 Holy (Maundy) Thursday Exodus 24:3-11 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 Mark 14:12-26 4/5 Easter Day Isaiah 25:6-9 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Mark 16:1-8 4/19 Third Sunday of Easter Acts 3:11-21 1 John 3:1-7 Luke 24:36-49 4/3 Good Friday Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 John 18:1-19:42 or 19:17-30 4/12 Second Sunday of Easter Acts 4:32-35 1 John 1:1-2:2 John 20:19-31 4/26 Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 4:1-12 1 John 3:16-24 John 10:11-18 THE MAST The Mission of St. John’s Lutheran Church: ● Draw people into the body of Christ ● Nurture each other with love and support ● Serve Christ and others Rev. Dr. Charles E. (CJ) Ransdell, Jr., Pastor Email: [email protected] Office Phone: (302) 734-7078 The ship is the symbol of St. John’s Lutheran Church. The symbol of the ship with a cross on the sail represents the church. The word “nave” is derived from the Latin word meaning ship. As all in the ark of Noah were saved from the flood, so the ship of the church carries people to salvation in Christ (1 Peter 3: 18-21). The eagle on the bow of the ship is symbolic of St. John the Evangelist. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED St. John’s Lutheran Church 113 Lotus Street Dover DE 19901 DOVER, DELAWARE PERMIT NO. 150 PAID NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE
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