Latest Newsletter - Hillview United Methodist Church

Hillview United Methodist Church
The Connector
MARCH 2015
An open letter to the congregation about Hillview’s finances:
As many of you are
aware, Hillview’s
finances have been a
recent, painful source
of concern. Looking
to the future, the
Finance Committee
is embarking on a
stewardship campaign
to put the church on
solid financial footing.
We want to engage
and empower
everyone in the
congregation in this
The Finance
Committee will use
the total estimated
giving to better plan
our 2015 programs,
staffing, and outreach.
Without these
estimates, we must
base our budgets and
program planning
largely on speculation
and guesswork. We’d
rather have a clearer
picture and avoid year
-end scrambling or
We are planning a
stewardship campaign
over the next few
weeks, during which
we will ask each of
you to submit an
“Estimate of Giving”
card for the remainder
of 2015. Only the
financial secretary
will see your
individual estimate.
We hope everyone
can find a joyful
response to this
request. For better or
worse, raising and
spending money is
part of the nuts and
bolts of church
operations. We hope
you will prayerfully
consider this
campaign, along with
the 2015 Stewardship
Challenges we
introduced at the
beginning of the year.
In turn, the Finance
Committee is
committed to greater
transparency about
Hillview’s income
and expenses. Expect
to hear more from us
about where we are
now, where we hope
to go, and how we
plan to get there. We
value the community
of Hillview, and we
hope to collaborate
effectively with all of
you to meet this
challenge in a way
that leads us to a
robust financial future
for the church.
Hillview UMC
Finance Committee
This Is My Story, This Is My Song
Each Sunday evening in Lent we will gather in Ballantyne Hall to share in a Soup Dinner and to listen to a
church member share their faith story and their favorite church song. Bring your family for this time of
Sunday Evenings in Lent
Soup Dinner at 5:00
Story Sharing from 5:30 to 6:00
March 1
Nerissa Armstrong
March 8
Kjell Knutsen
March 15
Linda Sherrets
March 22
Marcia Belcheir
March 29
Janine Watkins
Sundays in March
This Is My Story,
This Is My Song
Mar. 8 Daylight savings
time begins
Mar. 12 Fellowship Circle
in church library
Mar. 21 UMW District
Event at Hillview
Mar. 25 Community Meal
Mar. 27-28 MYMU Event
Mar. 28 Spring Work Day
April 2 Maundy Thursday
April 3 Good Friday
April 5 Easter Services
7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m.,
and 10:00 a.m.
March Stewardship
Choose to do one or all!
*Participate in Spring
Cleanup Day.
*Adopt a flower bed or
part of the church grounds
and tend it regularly.
*Offer to take Communion to a homebound person.
Page 2
Offerings ~ Carrying Our Stewardship
During this Lenten Season,
this time to go deeper in our
faith and our commitment to
Christ, we are also asking
Hillview to go deeper in its
financial commitment to the
church. We had a very
positive and enlightening
congregational meeting on
Monday, February 9, with
about 60 church members
present. What came from
that meeting is that our
church members want to be
part of our financial
decisions, they want to be
kept informed, and they
want to generously support
the church.
The Finance Committee has
responded to the expressed
desires. We are now in the
midst of a stewardship
campaign. The budget for
2015 has been presented to
Church Council, and it is a
very reduced and modest
budget. This year’s budget is
approximately $28,000 less
than our spending last year.
We are confident in this
congregation, and in our
ability to fund this budget of
$329,000, but we are also
faithful dreamers. Imagine
what Hillview could do for
our community, for our
children, for our youth, for
our elderly, for those who
are not yet part of our
church community, if we
operate out of a sense of
God’s abundance, rather
than our scarcity.
During the next few
Sundays you will be
encouraged to fill out an
“Estimate of Giving” card,
and to return that card to
Hillview. I encourage you to
look at this estimate of your
giving to the church not as
your effort to meet the
budget—I know we can
meet this year’s budget—but
as your commitment to
ministry through this
church, and your
commitment to God. It is a
spiritual discipline to give of
ourselves financially, as well
as to give our time and
We are asking for the
“Estimate of Giving” cards
to be returned to Hillview
on March 15. This Sunday
is also the day we take up
an offering for One Great
Hour of Sharing. I love this
timing. One Great Hour of
Sharing is our yearly
offering to support The
United Methodist
Committee on Relief,
which is our first response
to natural disasters and
tragedies worldwide. On
this day when we will be
making our commitment
locally, we are reminded
that the church is much
more than what is here at
Hillview or Boise. We are
part of something much
greater than ourselves.
I am excited to be part of
Hillview. It is humbling to
be in a congregation that is
so outward-focused, and so
mission-oriented. Thank
you for your grace.
Grace and Peace, Brenda
2015 Camp & Retreat Ministries
May 22-25
Jun 5-7
Jun 19-22
Event Name
Memorial Day Work Party
Spiritual Retreat - Sabbath Study
Generations Jamboree
Age Level/Completed Grades
July 5-11
July 5-11
Elementary I
Junior High/Middle School Camp
July 12-18
July 12-18
July 12-18
Elementary II
Jr High Adventure Camp
Sr High Adventure Camp
July 19-25
July 19-25
Outpost Camp
Sawtooth Senior High
Hillview Preschool
Page 3
Hillview Preschool Registration
Registration for the 2015–16
school year begins the week of
March 2nd. The preschool offers
classes for 3- and 4-year-olds.
Morning and afternoon sessions
are available. A Time for 2’s
class is offered once a week. An
adult accompanies the 2-year-old
to this class.
For more information on classes
and registration, please call the
preschool office (208.377.9280)
or email
Registration Schedule:
Monday, March 2nd:
children of Hillview Church
Members, Preschool Staff,
and Preschool Board
Tuesday, March 3rd:
children who are currently
enrolled and will be
returning next year
Wednesday, March 4th:
children of "Hillview
alumni" (families who have
had children enrolled
Thursday, March 5th:
open enrollment day
for new families
hours are 9 -11:30
am Mon. – Thurs.
and 12:30 – 2:00
Mon. - Wed.
Where learning is
Spring Forward on
March 8
For Daylight
Savings Time!
Celebrate 75 years of UMCOR being with those in crisis
We will join in One Great Hour of Sharing on March 15. This
offering helps cover the operating expenses of UMCOR and
allows 100% of your designated donations to get to those who
need them most. Your choice to give on the 15th means the
start of another 75 years of children smiling, families
recovering, and communities rebuilding after disaster strikes.
Easter Eggs and Fillers
Hillview is gathering plastic eggs! We will provide Easter eggs
for the children served by Community Ministries. We will also
host an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter morning for our own
children as well as children in our community. All of this
requires lots of eggs, wrapped candy, stickers, and other small
items. Please bring these items to the church by Sunday, March
29. There is a bin for the items in the Gathering Area at the
south end of the coat rack. If you can’t find the bin, leave them
at the church office. Thank you for your support!
A Lenten Sermon Series on Lessons from Peter in the Gospels
March 1
March 8
March 15
March 22
The Waves of Faith and Doubt
Matthew 14:28-32
True Humility
John 13:3-10, 13-14
Taking and Accepting Care
John 21:15-19
Pride Goes Before a Fall
Mark 14:26-31, 37-38
for March
*Donate plastic eggs and
*Make soup for Sunday
*Supply snacks for
MYMU overnight
*Learn and prepare Sun.
*Learn the Sound System
*Staff the PowerPoint
*Become an Usher
*Sandwich prep for
Saturday Sack
*Be Second Adult for
Youth Group
*Be Second Adult for
Sunday School
*Be a Sunday School
*Visit the Homebound
*Join the Prayer Chain
To volunteer for any of
these things, call
the church
Page 4
Sage District UMW Every Member Enrichment Event
Hillview will
be hosting
women from
churches in
the Sage
District on
The Purpose of UMW
United Methodist
Women shall be a
community of women
whose purpose is to
know God and to
experience freedom as
whole persons through
Jesus Christ; to
develop a creative,
supportive fellowship;
and to expand concepts
of mission through
participation in the
global ministries of the
March 21.
This event is open to all
Hillview women, not just
UMW officers. The
theme is “Water, God’s
Valentine Care
Packages Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who baked
cookies for the Valentine Boxes!!
We sent 28 boxes to our Young
Adults. A special thank-you to
Heidi Holmes for decorating the
boxes so beautifully!
Gift to Cherish.”
Water, water,
everywhere—how would
we live without it? The
Bible is full of references
to water, from the parting
of the Red Sea, to baptism,
to Jesus talking about
living water. Join us as we
reflect on the story of The
Woman at the Well. Later
Registration will begin at
9:00 a.m. and the event
will end at approximately
3:00 p.m.
The registration fee is
$8.00, which includes
One-Day Retreat
On Saturday, April 18, at the UMW
One-Day Retreat, we will have members of the African Pentecostal
Church share their music and culture with us. Mark your calendar for
this event.
UMW Reading Program
Are you looking for a
good book to
read? Would you like
to be recognized for
what you have read?
Then check out the
UMW Reading
Program. Information
on the program and
plans available for
recognition is included
in the green binder
labeled "UMW Reading
Program." Below is a
synopsis provided by
in the day, we will look at
our water resources and
how we can care for them.
the UMW Mission
Resource Catalog on one
of the new 2015 Reading
Program books, which
can be found in the
church library on the
UMW bookshelves.
Book Review:
The Well
Crossing the
Boundaries by
Housholder. Nine
women are reunited on a
tour to the West Bank city
of Nablus, the historic site
of Jacob's Well. Beneath
the stylish veneer of
accomplishment and
affluence, each woman has
been deeply hurt and nearly
broken by her life. But as
they share their journey to
recovery through the
healing power of living
water from Jesus Christ and
the love and support of the
group, they truly meet one
another for the first time.
UMW Events
March 10 Idaho
Home Ladies
March 21 Sage
April 14 Idaho
Home Ladies
April 18- One-Day
May 2- Spring Salad
Page 5
Prayer Shawl Ministry
blanket – especially for nonshawlwearing men. Prayers and blessings are
said for the future recipient by the
and so are asking needle crafter as they knit or crochet
for volunteers to the shawl.
During the past two years this ministry
once again
contribute to this has truly been a blessing to many in our
church family. Special thanks to those
who have knit or crocheted one, two,
or more shawls and for those who have
For those of you who are not familiar contributed yarn.
with prayer shawls, here is a short
description. Prayer shawls are knitted As we go forward, we are making
efforts to keep better track of shawls
or crocheted garments given as a
coming in and going out, and keeping
tangible representation of the love of
God and the healing power of prayer people updated in a general, but
confidential, way of the type of
to those with special needs, such as a
recipients receiving the shawls. If you
loss of a loved one, an illness, or as a
sendoff to a graduate going to college. complete a shawl, please either give it to
Tami Eide or drop it off in the church
They also may take the form of a lap
We have given out
most of our supply
of prayer shawls
office. If you feel comfortable, we
would appreciate it if you would
attach your name and phone
number in case we have any
questions and so we know who is
If you would like more
information or need a set of
patterns for the shawls, please
contact Tami Eide.
Tami Eide
[email protected]
Music Notes ~ Leigh Falconer
Have you heard? Have
you noticed? It’s the
sound of congregational
singing. One of my
greatest joys has been
sitting at the piano and
listening as participation
has increased over the
past few months. How
has this happened? We’ve
been intentional in
choosing a wide selection
of service music that
includes hymns from our
hymnal, The Faith We
Sing, and more
contemporary Christian
music. Clearly, some of
these are old favorites of
yours. I hope that some
have drawn you in,
spoken to your heart.
The Chancel Choir and
band faithfully rehearse
each week to enrich
worship, lead us in our
singing, and introduce
new music. A
care, healing, and union.
We are still exploring the
balance between
traditional and
contemporary, between
piano and organ (thank
you, Jerry!), between
electronic and acoustic,
and intergenerational
music- making. I hope
we’re always growing and
Where do you come in? A trying new ways to
singing church is a
enhance our worship
breathing, communal
experience. I look
church. It really is. In
forward to growing with
your voices I hear love,
all of you!
Weekly music
experiences at
Sundays at 11:00:
Children will be
preparing for Palm
Sunday and Easter
Sunday with Leigh
Falconer and Heidi
Wednesdays are a busy
night at Hillview.:
6:00: Praise Band meets
in the sanctuary
6:00: Hand bells
rehearse in Ballantyne.
7:00: Chancel Choir
rehearses in the
Page 6
Let 2015 be the year you try a new class—or how about leading a Bible Study?
If you have an idea for a new class or study, please let someone on the Education
Committee know and we will try to make it happen!
Children’s Sunday School
During Lent the preschool through sixth grade will participate in a special Lenten
Program during the Sunday School time in Room 10. The lessons and activities are
designed to give your children a better understanding of this season leading up to
Easter. Please encourage your children to attend this series.
Inquirers Class Offered
If you are new to Hillview, or to the United Methodist “brand” of Christianity, or if
you are already a church member and would like to learn more...this class is for you!
Rev. Pete Nelson and Rev. Brenda Sene will be facilitating a class on Sunday evenings
during Lent, at 4:00 (before the evening This Is My Story, This Is My Song). We will
discuss a bit of everything, including church history, United Methodist beliefs, our
Social Principles, and what makes Methodists different from other denominations (or
what we have in common!). Please join us!
Living the Questions Study Group
Caregiver Support Group
New study series has begun! Join us for The Faith and Reason Video
Program on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:45 p.m. This is a series of half-hour
presentations by scholars and authors, including Tex Sample, Martin
Marty, Bishop J. Shelby Spong, Dom Crossan and Craig Evans who
promote critical thinking about religious topics. .
Northwest Leadership
You are invited to attend
the Northwest Leadership
Institute at The Cathedral
of the Rockies, March 12th13th.
The cost is $65 per person,
but please do not let this
stop you. Scholarships are
available if you speak with
Pastor Brenda.
The Keynote Speaker this
year is Tony Campolo,
speaker, author, sociologist,
pastor, social activist, and
passionate follower of
New this year is a laity
Call the church office (3750392) and let us know you
will be attending.
abo ng
mem ut
The next gathering of the Caregiver Support Group will be Saturday, March 7, at
10:00 a.m. in Room 6.
A person who has been a caregiver will
share experiences. If you are a caregiver
or may become one in the future, please
Northwest Nazarene University
2015 Wesley Conference
This year the Wesley Conference is titled “Holy Wit: On
Mirth as It Is in Heaven,” featuring Will Willimon as one
of the guides in helping us learn to laugh at ourselves.
Recognized as one of America’s leading preachers,
Willimon was formerly a United Methodist bishop and
dean of the chapel at Duke University, where he now
serves the Divinity School as professor of the practice of
ministry. Dave Wilkie, creator of Radio Free Babylon’s
popular “Coffee With Jesus” comic strip will also share
with us how humor speaks truth to life and to faith. You
are invited to join us on March 19 –20, 2015 at NNU.
Together, we’ll explore how to become more fully
human by welcoming gracious good humor into our
For more information or to register, go to
Page 7
Hillview Youth Group!
What has our Youth
Group been up to?
2015 Souper Bowl of Caring
raised $305 for the Community Ministry Center!
Thank you for supporting
this national service project.
On February 15th we held a
“Thank You” party for Jeff
Thompson at Big Al’s for
his years of service with the
Youth Ministry program
and showered him with gift
Youth March Calendar
1st 5:00-6:30 Meet at the Youth House then head to
Ballantyne Hall for soup supper followed by
Lenten discussion and games.
8 4:00-4:45 Youth Sunday planning!
5:00-6:30 “This Is My Story, This Is My Song” followed
by the usual fun and games.
15th 5:00-6:30 Meet at the Youth House then head to Ballantyne
Hall for dinner followed by Lenten discussion and
22nd Soup Dinner in Ballantyne followed by Lenten discussion
and games.
(23rd Claire meets with youth leaders from around the Treasure
Valley to plan the 30-hour Famine)
29th 5:00-6:30 In Ballantyne. Soup Dinner followed by Lenten
discussion and games.
Coming up…
April 12th YOUTH SUNDAY. Our Youth Group will plan and
lead this entire service.
May 15th Treasure Valley UMC youth participate in a 30-hour
Famine for hunger awareness!
March Community
MARCH 25 is the date for the next
Community Meal. The entrée will be lasagna. If
anyone is interested in making specialty lasagna, such
as vegetarian or gluten-free, please contact Marilesta.
We will also need help with setup, help during the
meal, and cleanup as well as food needs. Please see
the sign-up sheet in the Gathering Area to sign up.
This Ministry needs YOU! If you have any
questions, you can feel free to call Community Meal
Coordinator Marilesta Nelson at 375-5116.
March Lunch Bunch
The Lunch Bunch will meet at The Counter at The Village in
Meridian on the SE corner of Axiom Fitness Center, 3505 E
Monarch Sky Lane. 11:30 a.m., March 12. Come join the
good conversation and good food! Sign up in the Gathering
MYMU Event
Methodist Youth
Moving Up will be
having a sleepover
at church on March
27-28. There will be
lots of fun activities
and on Saturday they
will help prepare our
church for Easter by
polishing the pews in
the sanctuary.
Please contact Heidi
Holmes for more
information and to
sign up.
Page 8
Just Add the Words, Idaho (from the Reconciling Ministries Network Blog
As we stood near the doors of the
Ada County Courthouse last October, same-sex couples walked out
with smiles on their faces and marriage licenses in hand. Each couple
was cheered as they walked out of
the building and down the stairs
into the crowd. Same-sex marriage
was now legal in Idaho. What joy
there was!
However, these newlyweds can go
to work wearing their wedding
rings and be fired for being gay. In
Idaho LGBT people have no protection from being fired, losing their
housing, or being denied public accommodation for simply being who
they are. For 9 years an organization called Add the Words, Idaho
has been working to add the words
“sexual orientation” and “gender
identity” to the Idaho Human
Rights Act, but the Republican leadership of the Idaho Legislature refused to even allow a public hearing. The movement has grown over
the years. Last year four of us from
Hillview UMC were among the
first 44 people to be arrested for
civil disobedience at the Idaho State
Capitol. More church members became active, plus I pulled together
other people of faith to form the
Interfaith Equality Coalition.
Finally, at the beginning of the legislative session in January, a public
hearing was held. The bill was sent
to the House State Affairs Committee, the least likely committee to
pass it on. I spent a good portion of
that week at the Statehouse sitting
through about 17 hours of the 21
total hours of testimony. The stories of harm were heartbreaking:
bullying, suicides, beatings, loss of
jobs, being kicked out of public
places, denial of housing, fear, hiding, and more. It was also difficult
to listen to the opposition, especially the vitriol and misinformation coming from other Christians,
including pastors. Someone commented that we didn’t hear any
atheists standing up there in opposition. We had hoped, by some miracle, that they would vote to pass it
on to the entire House for a vote,
but in the end the vote was down
party lines—13 Republicans against
moving it on and 4 Democrats for
it. While we expected this, it was
disappointing that not one mind
was changed.
I was extremely proud of the LGBT
people and their families who stood
up in public and told such personal
stories of discrimination and harm.
I was also proud of our coalition
clergy and other members who testified.
We had additional clergy in religious
attire sitting in the audience to observe
the hearing and to be seen. After all of
the harm done by churches, our LGBT
people really appreciate their support.
The Interfaith Equality Coalition is
holding prayer vigils every Wednesday
in front of the Capitol. I plan to work
on expanding our coalition statewide.
The Add the Words Coalition (about 12
groups, including our coalition) met the
afternoon of the vote. More than half of
the people around the table were
LGBT—there was a lot of pain. It’s
hard, but we are not done. We are all
looking at next steps.
Have we made progress? Getting a hearing after 9 years is a step. It does seem
that our civil disobedience and protests
made an impact. We had hoped that a
bill would be introduced on the Senate
side, but lawmakers have announced
that no new Add the Words bill will be
introduced this session. Some activists
have said that this gives us time to get
more lawmakers comfortable with the
legislation. But for people who have
waited so long and are being hurt, it is
hard to be patient. It’s personal. All I
can say to them is that I, along with
other people of faith, stand with you.
We’re not done yet.
Saturday Lunch Program
The third Saturday of each month, four or
five volunteers from Hillview pack sack
lunches at Whitney United Methodist
Church for neighbors in need. The
number of lunches we prepare can vary
from 50 to 100 or more. Each sack
contains a sandwich, milk, yogurt (often),
veggies, fruit and a snack item. Most of the
items are donations from private
individuals, bakeries, and stores such as
Winco. Whitney purchases other
items from Cash & Carry with funds
from their budget. We begin
preparing the lunches at 10:00 a.m.
This includes cleaning the work area.
We usually finish before 1 p.m.
Volunteers are always welcome and
needed. A sign-up sheet is in our
church Gathering Area. If you have
any questions, please call Ethyl
Minnis at 2258-4113.
Page 9
2014 Hillview Endowment Program Financial Summary
The purpose of the Endowment Program is to
provide ongoing funding
for charitable, educational, and religious purposes not provided by the
normal operating budget
of the church.
Up until June 2014 our
Endowment Funds were
invested with a local bank
where for the past several
years it has been drawing
only a few tenths of a percent interest. Because of
inflation, this meant the
Endowment Fund was
actually losing purchasing
power each year. Therefore, in June 2014, the
Endowment Committee
(with Church Council
approval) invested our
funds with the Northwest
United Methodist Foundation where we expect to
get a better financial return. To get this better
return, we are accepting a
risk that the value of our
investment may decrease
in some years but the Endowment Committee and
Church Council judged
the upside financial advantages as outweighing the
downside risk.
The Northwest United
Methodist Foundation
portfolio we are invested
in gained 3.4% in value
during 2014. Unfortu-
nately, we were invested
in the portfolio only from
June 12, 2014 through
December 31, 2014 and it
lost 0.6% in value during
that part of the year. This
meant our initial investment of $94,819.93 ended
up at $94,251.51, a net
loss of $568.42. Since
there was no growth in
our investment above our
beginning (principal)
amount, we will not be
able to make any distributions from the Endowment Fund this year.
In spite of our disappointing 2014 results, the portfolio we are invested in
still appears to be a good
investment with a “Net Rate
of Return” of 11.9% over the
past 3 years, 9.48% over the
past 5 years and 7.46% over
the past 10 years. Therefore,
the Endowment Committee
continues to encourage everyone to consider making a
gift to the Endowment Fund
as a way to leave a legacy of
financial support for the
charitable, educational and
religious purposes of the
Please contact me, Beth
Clovis, Kimbal Gowland or
Joe Prin if you have questions or comments.
Jim Hall
Endowment Committee
Congratulations from the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference
Congratulations for paying your 2014 Shared Ministry Giving at 100% again
this year! Hillview’s commitment to the OregonIdaho Conference and the
United Methodist
Church’s connectionalism
will allow the conference
and denomination to continue its mission to make
Disciples of Jesus Christ
for the Transformation of
the World.
Our conference is strongly
engaged in starting new
churches and revitalizing
existing ones. Your
church’s contribution
will enable us to support
this endeavor as we plant
new churches, seek ways
These are just a few of the
ministries that your church
supports by paying its
Shared Ministry Giving and
Special Askings. Be assured
that without the support of
Hillview’s payment also
Hillview and other
supports the administrachurches like yours, none
tive work of the Annual
of these ministries and proConference as we strive to Hillview’s contribution
also supports the General grams would be possible.
provide affordable and
So, again, thank you. Please
Church Apportionments
adequate retirement and
as we reach out globally to know that we at the Conhealth benefits that aid
our clergy and laity’s well- help those in poverty, the ference Office are in prayer
for Hillview and the minissick, homeless, dying and
being and health so that
tries that you provide to
unchurched both within
they may perform the
work that God has called and beyond the borders of your community, the
world and the United
them to do. Your church our nation. Your gift to
is helping to provide for
support the Jurisdictional Methodist Church.
various other administra- budget allows for the
Many blessings,
tive and program minisBishop Grant Hagiya
work that is specific and
tries such as the Annual
unique to our region of
Belinda Cason Denicola
Conference session, the
the world as there is no
Conference Treasurer and
Benefits Officer
other place like it!
to equip churches with the
tools necessary to achieve
vitality and growth as we
quest for new and innovative ways to do church.
work of the district offices, the work of the
Board of Laity, Board of
Ordained Ministry, Board
of Trustees, the Episcopacy Committee and various clergy and lay leadership training events.
Page 10
Spring Work Day - March 28
On the Steward
Committee calendar for
the month of March, this
is identified as a way to
contribute your time to
benefit the church.
Please save this date to help
us spruce up the church
grounds and facilities. The trustees will
provide donuts and coffee, tools, trash
bags, etc. Please feel free to bring some
of your own tools, rags, brooms, etc.
to supplement those we provide.
We will be sweeping the driveway
gutters, sidewalks and
handicap parking in front of
the church, weeding the
landscaped areas, raking the
pine needles from the lawn area in
front of the church and raking the
lawn area around the Youth House.
We will also do some cleaning around
the youth house.
In addition, we will be trimming the
junipers that are encroaching on the
curbs around our landscaped areas and
the sidewalks, digging out puncture
vines on the east side of the parking lot
and the access drive to Christine
We will be cleaning spider webs
from the outside windows of
Ballantyne Hall and the church.
Inside the church, we will be
cleaning spots as necessary on
carpets and upholstery in the
Gathering Area and church
sanctuary and cleaning windows
as needed.
Thank-You Notes from the Community
To the Congregation,
My son, Matthew, and I
would like to thank you for
providing a Christmas for us.
All the gifts were very
appreciated and needed. The
homemade football was a
big hit. All the clothes were
perfect. The Lego set is what
Matthew has always wanted.
I can’t express in words how
much I appreciated
everything we received and
how a burden was lifted
off my shoulders. As a
single parent, you try to do
everything you can for
your kids. Every now and
then you are reminded that
God has people out there
to help you through and
provide the basics just to
meet the daily needs.
Thank you everyone once
again for blessing my
family. We say a prayer
for each and every one of
you each night. Keep us in
prayer as well. God bless
you all.
Sincerely ,
Sarah Ostrom
Cub Scout Pack 40
Dear Hillview Methodist
Thank you so much for
your very thoughtful and
beautiful knit and
crocheted scarves for our
school! The joy on the
students’ faces when they
picked out a scarf was
Thank you all from Valley
View Elementary School!
With sincere appreciation,
Mrs. Heighton
Easter Flower Order Form
If you would like to order a calla lily in memory or honor of loved ones, please fill out the information
below and return this slip with your check for $13 to the church office, or place in the Sunday offering
plate by March 29.
Your Name __________________________________________________________phone____________________
In Memory _____ In honor_____ (please check one)
Name of person(s) being remembered or honored:
Page 11
18:30 Worship
9:15 Christian Ed.
10:00 Worship
11:10 Sunday School
1:00 African Church
4:00 Hispanic Church
4:00 Inquirers Class
5:00 Youth Group
5:00 Soup Supper
5:30 This Is My Story
8:30 Worship
9:15 Christian Ed.
10:00 Worship
11:15 Sunday School
1:00 African Church
4:00 Hispanic Church
4:00 Inquirers Class
5:00 Youth Group
5:00 Soup Supper
5:30 This Is My Story
Morning Book Group
158:30 Worship
2:00 Worship Planning
6:30 p.m. Evening Book
Group-Church Kitchen
2:00 Worship Planning
8:30 Worship
9:15 Christian Ed.
10:00 Worship
11:15 Sunday School
1:00 African Church
4:00 Inquirers Class
5:00 Youth Group
5:00 Soup Supper
5:30 This Is My Story
10:30 Lady Veteran’s
Lunch@Veterans Home
11:00 Sermon Study
noon Oregon-Idaho
Cabinet meeting– library
7:00 NA Group
7:00 Finance Committee
9:30 Lydia Circle
11:00 Sermon Study
7:00 SPRC
7:00 Trustees
7:00 Congregation Care
7:00 NA Group
8:30 Worship
9:15 Christian Ed.
10:00 Worship
2:00 Worship Planning
11:15 Sunday School
4:00 Inquirers Class
7:00 Church Council
5:00 Soup
5:30 This Is My Story...
5:00 Youth Group
2:00 Worship Planning
Hillview Preschool
9:30 a.m. Lydia Circle
— 11:30 a.m. &
12:30—2:00 p.m.
7:00 NA Group
1:00 Staff Meeting
8Daylight Savings Begins 9
9:15 Christian Ed.
10:00 Worship
11:15 Sunday School
1:00 African Church
4:00 Inquirers Class
5:00 Youth Group
5:00 Soup Supper
5:30 This Is My Story
11:00 Sermon Study
7:00 NA Group
Bells in Ballantyne
Sermon Study
Praise Band
Bells in Ballantyne
Friends of Phoebe
Chancel Choir
10 a.m.– 5 p.m. Cabinet 11:30 Lunch Bunch@
meeting continues
The Counter
6:00 Bells in Ballantyne
6:00 Praise Band
NLI Leadership Event at FUMC
6:00 Sermon Study
7:00 Bells in Ballantyne 7:00 Fellowship Circle
7:10 Chancel Choir
Church library
Bells in Ballantyne
Praise Band
Sermon Study
Bells in Ballantyne
Friends of Phoebe
Chancel Choir
6:00 Community Meal
6:00 Praise Band
7:10 Chancel Choir
8:00– 4:00 African
8:00 African Church
8:00 Men’s b-fast @
Moon’s Cafe
8:00 Sage District UMW
10:30 Whitney Sack
Lunch Program
Wesley Conference
8:00 African Church
9:00 Spring Work Day
MYMU Overnight
11:00 Sermon Study
7:00 NA Group
Please remember to call the church office with any
scheduling requests or changes. Just because a day may look
available on the calendar, does not mean that it is! This is
our church calendar. We have not included Boy Scout
activities, Preschool, outside groups, Fit and Fall Proof, and
other activities. Please be considerate and flexible with room
Hillview United Methodist Church
Brenda Sene
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Claudia Flora
[email protected]
Music Director
Leigh Falconer
[email protected]
Youth Director
Claire Chambers
[email protected]
Mariya Gavrilutsa
Service times;
Sunday 8:30 a.m. and
10:00 a.m.
Office Hours:
9:00 3:00 p.m., Monday-Thursday
9:00 noon, Friday
Nursery Director
Peggy Sheldon
[email protected]
Hillview United Methodist Church
8525 Ustick Road
Boise, Idaho 83704
Idaho Interfaith Roundtable Against Hunger’s
Spring Gathering:
Local Food Systems with Access for All
We are a Reconciling
Congregation, welcoming all
persons into full participation
in the life of the congregation
regardless of age, sexual
orientation, gender identity,
family configuration, racial or
ethnic background, economic
status, or mental or physical
abilities. As we journey to the
reconciliation of all persons
as children of God, we
celebrate our human family’s
Join us for an engaging discussion
on the food system with our two
presenters, Ariel Agenbroad and
Erin Guerricabeitia from University
of Idaho Extension and Boise Urban
Garden School, respectively.
Though Idaho is rich in agriculture,
many in our state go hungry. Ariel
and Erin will describe our local food
systems and how they relate to food
insecurity. Participants will leave
with a better understanding of how
to reach the potential of the systems
to alleviate hunger.
Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Location in Boise: TBD
Visit for more
Key Presentation:
An Overview of
the Components
of a Strong Local
Food System
Ariel Agenbroad
Horticulture at
University of Idaho
Production in
the City of
Coordinator at
Boise Urban
Garden School