D4 Worksheet - CAP Members

Mission Rating
Files Maintenance and Record Disposition
Publications and Forms Management
Position - Director of Administration (DA) held position:
Administration Specialty Track:
Mission and Staffing Notes
Y/N/NA Topic/ Detailed Question
Are publications managed IAW CAP
a) When publishing supplements,
does the wing ensure the content
does not conflict with higher
headquarters' directives?
b) On the anniversary date of each
supplement or OI, has the OPR
certified (by annotating the record
copy with the name of the person
making the certification and the date
the certification was made) that it is
still current and essential?
CI Checklist / Worksheet,
How to verify compliance
Discrepancy Write up
a) Wing will provide access to online publications or copies of wing
publications for review.
a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (D4 Question
1) Wing failed to ensure supplement to
CAPR XX-X did not conflict with the
parent directive IAW CAPR 5-4 para
b) Wing will provide access to online publications or copies of wing
publications for review.
b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (D4 Question
1) Wing failed to ensure
supplements/OIs were certified by the
OPR on the anniversary date of the
supplement by annotating the record
copy with the name of the person
making the certification and the date
the certification was made IAW
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CAPR 5-4 para 3b.
Are wing OIs published IAW CAP
Do Wing published OIs, only apply
to the wing headquarters (charter
Wing will provide access to on-line
publications or copies of wing
publications for review.
(A-Discrepancy): [xx] (D4 Question 2)
Wing failed to ensure Operating
Instructions (OI) only apply to one
unit IAW CAPR 5-4 para
NOTE: Use sub-bullets to identify the
offending OIs.
Are wing forms published IAW CAP
If the wing publishes wing forms, is
the use of each form specified in an
official wing directive publication?
Wing will provide access to online
forms or copies of forms for review.
NOTE: A form is a tool used for the
collection, recording, and/or
extraction of information whereby a
predetermined set of data fields
have been established and defined
to meet a definitive CAP purpose or
objective. All forms, regardless of
the issuing headquarters, must be
prescribed in an official directive
(A-Discrepancy): [xx] (D4 Question 3)
Wing failed to issue a prescribing
publication for the following wing
forms IAW CAPR 5-4 para 6a(1).
NOTE: Use sub-bullets to specify the
forms in question.
(1) A new form and the prescribing
publication must be published and
distributed simultaneously. Revised
forms may be published and
distributed independently.
(2) The prescribing publication
directs organizations and
individuals to use the form, how
and when to complete it, and how to
submit it.
Note: We no longer have policy
letters; a memorandum style letter is
Are records filed properly IAW CAP Compliance is determined through (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (D4 Question 4)
electronic file plan/records review
The Wing DA does not manage wing
and on-site inspection of file cabinet. files and record maintenance IAW
CAPR 10-2 para 1.
CI Checklist / Worksheet,
Previous Editions Will Not Be Used
Is there a formal file plan established
IAW CAP regulations?
Wing will provide a copy of formal
file plan documentation that
includes where records are located
(e.g., File drawer C-H, vehicle
glove box, computer file: My
5\Supplements, etc.).
(A-Discrepancy): [xx] (D4 Question 5)
Wing will provide a copy of the
formal file plan. Wing file plan should
mirror CAPR 10-2 Figure 1. Example
File Plan.
If the wing is doing Electronic
Records they should mirror CAPR 102 Figure 5.
Are cut-off instructions followed
IAW CAP regulations?
Compliance is determined through
on-site inspection.
(A-Discrepancy): [xx] (D4 Question 6)
There was no evidence that Wing
follows cut-off instructions IAW
CAPR 10-2 para 6 and Attachment 1.
Are records destroyed properly IAW
CAP regulations?
Compliance is determined through
on-site inspection.
(A-Discrepancy): [xx] (D4 Question 7)
There was no evidence that Wing
follows destruction instructions IAW
CAPR 10-2 Attachment 1.
Are frequent back-ups of electronic
files made IAW CAP regulations?
Compliance is determined through
on-site inspection or provide screen
shots of on-line back up system if
(A-Discrepancy): [xx] (D4 Question 8)
Wing does not ensure frequent and
thorough backups of electronic records
to protect against possible loss of
information due to fire, disaster, or
storage device failure IAW CAPR 102 para 7b.
Are all administrative
communications completed IAW
CAP regulations?
a) Formats?
b) Letterhead?
c) Signature block?
d) E-mail?
Compliance is determined through a
review of documentation delivered
by the wing prior to the inspection
and during the pre-visit interview.
(A-Discrepancy): [xx] (D4 Question 9)
Wing failed to ensure written
communications meet the standards
IAW CAPR 10-1 para 2, 3, 7, and
NOTE: Use sub-bullets paragraph
reference depends on what is done
a) Formats CAPR 10-1 para 2
b) Letterhead - CAPR 10-1 para 3
c) Signature block CAPR 10-1 para 7
d) E-mail CAPR 10-1 para 2a(3)
CI Checklist / Worksheet,
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Identified Strengths:
Identified Weaknesses:
(Area of Concern):
(HHQ - Discrepancy):
- This discrepancy was verified corrected - discrepancy closed, no further action required.
Instructions for writing Benchmarks, Commendables, closing a discrepancy on site, and writing an Area of Concern
1. If there are “Identified Strengths or Weaknesses” list them then delete all of these instructions.
2. When writing a Benchmark or Commendable you must include what is being or has been done that is a highly effective
concept, technique, or management practice that is above and beyond the requirements specified by the regulations AND
what its impact was on the wing/unit or its mission.
3. Should a discrepancy be closed on-site prior to the inspectors leaving, the discrepancy should be written up followed by
this bullet point
a. This discrepancy was verified corrected - discrepancy closed, no further action required.
4. When writing an "Area of Concern" (AoC) keep in mind the definition of an AoC:
a. An AOC indicates a minor weakness which does not violate a directive and is listed when mission accomplishment,
program purpose or membership satisfaction is impaired or threatened. Examples of AOCs include, but are not limited to:
i. A weakness or impairment that, if uncorrected, will lead to a violation of regulation or other standard.
ii. A sample which may indicate an unsatisfactory trend or violation if found to be prevalent in the unit.
iii. Non-mandatory processes or activities that are not accomplished, but would be beneficial or useful to the program.
CI Checklist / Worksheet,
Previous Editions Will Not Be Used