Jamia Towers, 1st Floor, P.O. Box 52965 -00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 (0) 770 694598 Email: [email protected] Website: www.rimeastafrica.com 3 DAY SEMINAR ON BEST PRACTICES ON RECORDS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT IN THE SACCO’S RIMEA will be hosting a 3 day workshop on the best practices in running of records and information management of the Sacco records. The seminar is modeled to enable the Records officers, registry clerks be able to create synergy among the peers on creation, automation, storage, archival and disposal of the records This is a request to nominate participants to the RIMEA workshop of Records and information Management whose theme is to ensure the records officers understands their role in service delivery. The interaction and coverage will provide the participant with knowledge to position themselves as key players in records management, automation and service delivery in the Sacco’s. ABOUT RIMEA RIMEA is a professional member’s body in the region aimed at promoting best practices in records management as well as empowering the records officers to be critical part of the implementation of the corporate vision of the companies With over 3,000 members, we provide industry leadership, training, capacity building to enable records officers, registry clerks and information officers contribute more and better to the service delivery CONFERENCE THEME : Best Practices in Records Management, Filing, Indexing and Automating Registries OVERALL OBJECTIVE: Equipping the participants with technical and professional knowledge in Knowledge Management and Records Management necessary for a 21st century records professional 1. Specific Objectives: To empower participants on: a. b. c. d. e. Records Management Policy development Best practices in records management Integrating Knowledge Management and Electronic Content Management Setting up knowledge centers Mail Management and Automation and digitization of the mail room to realize a digital mail room f. Return on Investment and Cost saving in a digitized mail room environment g. Empowering the Records Officers and their role in service delivery h. Physical records management, streamlining of the records Directors: Simon Gichuki (Chairman), Stephanie Bingryama (CEO), Sylvia Githinji (Finance Director), Jacob Musyimi, Charity Kimwama, Alisen De Souza, Ian Munene, Jamia Towers, 1st Floor, P.O. Box 52965 -00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 (0) 770 694598 Email: [email protected] Website: www.rimeastafrica.com i. Electronic Document Management systems j. Running records audit in the Sacco k. Understanding components and how to evaluate an Electronic Document Management System Methods of Facilitation and Modulation: 1. Topical presentations from key practitioner/contributors. 2. Case studies 3. Plenary discussions- Knowledge sharing sessionsIndustry: Insurance Companies, Insurance Brokerage Firms, Reinsurance Companies Participants: Registry Officers, Records Managers, Information Officers, Mail room Managers, Venue: Travellers Beach Hotel, Msa, KE Dates: 24th to 27th March 2015(4 days) You’re Investment 1. The venue and the cost for training materials will be paid by RIMEA 2. Full members who will be making presentations/who have made professional contribution to RIMEA will :a. Conference facilitation fee- Nil (Kindly submit your presentations 10 days before the event) b. Meet their travelling & accommodation arrangements 3. Full members not making presentations and/or who have never made any professional contribution to RIMEA: a. Conference facilitation fee Kshs 21,000 per person tax exclusive b. Meet their travelling, accommodation and out of pockets costs 4. Associate Membersa. Conference facilitation fee Kshs 25,000 per person tax exclusive b. Meet their travelling, accommodation and out of pockets costs 5. Non-Membersa. Conference facilitation fee Kshs 32,212 per person tax exclusive b. Meet their travelling, accommodation and out of pockets costs Nomination: Please issue a written confirmation on the letterhead indicating the names of participants and have a copy emailed to:-The CEO of RIMEA via [email protected] by 10th March 2015 at 5 pm and a hard copy picked by our staff. Call Carol to make own arrangements on accommodation 0721864144 Directors: Simon Gichuki (Chairman), Stephanie Bingryama (CEO), Sylvia Githinji (Finance Director), Jacob Musyimi, Charity Kimwama, Alisen De Souza, Ian Munene, Jamia Towers, 1st Floor, P.O. Box 52965 -00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 (0) 770 694598 Email: [email protected] Website: www.rimeastafrica.com 2015 CALENDAR OF CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS FOR SACCOS In line with the events lined up, RIMEA invite you to nominate participants for the Sacco’s in the year 2015. These training and workshops will be focusing on the records and information management with the aim of ensuring the sector benefits from the economies of scale associated with automating the business process, streamlining records management and filing as well as modern filing practices. RIMEA is a professional member’s body for Records and Information Managers in East Africa with corporate and individual membership. OUR CORE MANDATE: To promote the Best Practices in Records Management and Business Process Automation in the Region, and quantified training of the Records Managers and Users to ensure efficiency Workshop Theme Who can attend Dates Venue Workshop fee (Non Members) Best Practices in Records Management, Filing, Indexing and Automating Registries Registry Clerks, ICT Officers, Admin Officers February 2015 (24th -27th Mar) RIMEA Training Centre at Travellers Beach Hotel, Msa, KE Ksh. 32,212 per person Management and Automation of Records in Saccos: Case for Budgeting for Records Systems Executive Board Members, March 2015 RIMEA Training Centre at Travellers Beach Hotel, Msa, KE Ksh. 38,212 per person Setting up of a Registry and a records management office Human Resource Managers, Admin Managers April 2015 (13th-15th Apr) RIMEA Training Centre at Travellers Beach Hotel, Msa, KE Ksh.32,212 per person CEO’s, Secretaries to the Boards April 2015 RIMEA Training Centre at Travellers Beach Hotel, Msa, KE Ksh. 32,212 per person Sponsor: ACRIM Sponsor: ACRIM Implementing E-Boards for management of Board meetings Sponsor: Coseke (27th-29th Mar) Supervisory Board chairman (16th-17th Apr) Directors: Simon Gichuki (Chairman), Stephanie Bingryama (CEO), Sylvia Githinji (Finance Director), Jacob Musyimi, Charity Kimwama, Alisen De Souza, Ian Munene, Jamia Towers, 1st Floor, P.O. Box 52965 -00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 (0) 770 694598 Email: [email protected] Website: www.rimeastafrica.com Importance and Development of Records and Information Management Policy Documents Registry Managers Managing the Records Officers, Vital Records and Automation CEO’s, General Managers May 2015 RIMEA Training Centre at Travellers Beach Hotel, Msa, KE Ksh. 32,212 per person June 2015 (16th-19th Jun) RIMEA Training Centre at Travellers Beach Hotel, Msa, KE Ksh. 39,212 per person Internal Auditor July 2015 (14th17th Jul) RIMEA Training Centre at Travellers Beach Hotel, Msa, KE Ksh. 36,212 per person Understanding the Electronic Document Management Systems ICT Manager August 2015 (5 days) RIMEA Training Centre at Travellers Beach Hotel, Msa, KE Ksh. 48,212 per person Streamlining and automating loan documentation processes Credit/Loan Manager August 2015 (26th-28th Aug) RIMEA Training Centre at Travellers Beach Hotel, Msa, KE Ksh. 32,212 per person Using Electronic Document Management Systems and ICT as a Marketing tool Marketing Manager September 2015 (17th-18th Sep) RIMEA Training Centre at Travellers Beach Hotel, Msa, KE Ksh. 22,212 per person Principles for Disposal of Sacco Records Internal Auditors, Registry Clerks November 2015 RIMEA Training (11th-13th Nov) Centre at Travellers Beach Hotel, Msa, KE Ksh. 31,212 per person (27th-29th May) Sponsor: ACRIM Auditing of the Sacco Records, procedures and processes Sponsor: ACRIM Directors: Simon Gichuki (Chairman), Stephanie Bingryama (CEO), Sylvia Githinji (Finance Director), Jacob Musyimi, Charity Kimwama, Alisen De Souza, Ian Munene, Jamia Towers, 1st Floor, P.O. Box 52965 -00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 (0) 770 694598 Email: [email protected] Website: www.rimeastafrica.com Sacco Records Managers and Officers Boot Camp Registry officers and clerks Inhouse Training We also offer inhouse training cum capacity building on RECORDS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT customized to the needs and preferences of your Sacco. December 2015 ( 17th-18th Dec) RIMEA Training Centre at Travellers Beach Hotel, Msa, KE Ksh. 22,212 per person We will be glad to run an Inhouse Workshop for your “Managers Team” at the RIMEA Training Centre at Travellers Beach Hotel, Msa, KE These Workshops and training will be done at the RIMEA Training Centre The fee is exclusive of accommodation and transport fees The amounts are TAX exclusive Attendees will be eligible for a year’s membership Directors: Simon Gichuki (Chairman), Stephanie Bingryama (CEO), Sylvia Githinji (Finance Director), Jacob Musyimi, Charity Kimwama, Alisen De Souza, Ian Munene,
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