8 March 2015 - First Garvagh Presbyterian Church

If you are new we’d love
you to fill this in so that we
can get in touch. If your
details have changed or if
you would like a visit from
someone from the church,
please fill this in too!
First Garvagh Presbyterian Church
Lorna McCart
Beverly Glass
Margaret Campbell
Doreen Campbell
Alison Gurney
Alison Henry
Valerie Holmes
Hilary Hutchinson
Hilary Hutchinson
Hilary Hutchinson
Moira Irwin
First Name ……………...…
Helen Annett
DJ McIntyre
Helen Annett
DJ McIntyre
Joyce McLenaghan
Albert Scott
Black Family
Doreen Campbell
Doreen Campbell
Albert Scott
Albert Scott
Jack Currie
Address …………………...
Wilbert Davidson
Wilbert Davidson
Amy Arbuthnot
Sound Desk
Mervyn Glass
Simpson Moffett
Simpson Moffett
Postcode ………..…………
Tea after ES
Doreen Campbell
Rosemary Torrens
Callum West
Tanya Collins
Liz Barry
Helen Annett
Rosemary Torrens
Telephone ………...……….
Mobile ………………...……
E-mail …………………...….
Children’s names & ages
(at home)
Roberta Armstrong
Tanya Magowan
Margaret Campbell
Helen Annett
Weekly News
Welcome as we gather today to
wait upon God and worship Him.
If you are visitor, we hope you’ll
feel at home among us and that you
will come back again soon.
If you have just moved into the
area, we’d love to have you join
with us on a regular basis. Please
make sure you speak to the minister
or one of the stewards and give
them your name and address.
If you haven’t been to church for a
while, we hope that you’ll sense
today the very real presence of God
that will draw you back again to this
place. The greatest need in your
whole life is the very thing he’s
offering you today. Deep down in
your heart you know you need him.
Seek him, for he is here!
We all long to meet with God in a
special way today. He is here to do
just that for us. Take a moment in
silence just now. Tell him about
your burdens you’ve carried in with
you today—you know, your greatest
need today is to see the Lord
himself, to hear his voice, to sense
his powerful touch upon your life,
to feel his strong arms around you,
to understand what he wants you to
If you need any sort of help today,
please do not hesitate to wait and
speak to the minister afterwards or
contact him at home.
1. Evening Service in this Church at
A cup of tea/coffee will be served in
the vestibule afterwards.
2. Mission Hall Service at 8.15 pm
Speaker—Mr Dean McClelland
3. Youth Fellowship will meet at 8.15 pm
4. United Appeal—if you have forgotten
your United Appeal Envelope there will
be an opportunity to bring it to the
Evening Service or next Sunday
Susan Doherty
Helen Annett
Tanya Magowan
8th March
Betty Holmes
Please detach this form
and hand in with collection.
Thank you
Tick this box if you are
requesting a visit from the
Sun 22 March
Karen Armstrong
Surname ……………...……
Sun 15 March
Question 67— Which is the Sixth Commandment?
Answer: The Sixth Commandment is, THOU SHALT NOT KILL.
This Week
Monday 9 March—The Bowling Club will meet at 8.00 pm
Tuesday 10 March—Good News Club meets at 6.45pm
Wednesday 11 March—Tots & Co meets 10.30 am to 12 noon
Wednesday 11 March—Prayer time at 7.45 pm
Thursday 12 March—Choir practice at 7.30 pm
10. Thursday 12 March—Garvagh Museum and Heritage Centre
Committee invite you to the launch of a new book by Wilbert
Patterson “Magic Brushstrokes” - The story of William
Magowan, Garvagh Artist and Banner Painter.
Venue—The Community Building, Main Street
Time—7.30 pm
11. Friday 13 March—Girls’ Brigade meets at usual times
Next Sunday
12. Sunday 15 March—Dromore Presbyterian Church are inviting
you to a Seed Service to be held at 7.00 pm. An evening of
praise and worship. Speaker—George Barkley.
13. Advance notice for LOST weekend: "Pointless ? " -13 to 15
March. Youth Fellowship intend to go together on Sunday
evening. Further details next week.
Mission Overseas Prayerline
Issued on Wednesday 4 March 2015
Please provide me with
further information on …
SPAIN - Stephen Anderson and members of Torre del Mar Community
Church have been getting a new programme of events organised, following
the congregation’s recent move to new premises. So far, a congregational
prayer meeting, a Bible study, a short nine-week course on Spiritual
Disciplines and line dancing classes have been started. Pray for wisdom in
the preparation for the week’s events and that the congregation will continue
to centre their community life around Jesus.
 Finding out more about
MALAWI - Neil Kennedy sends the following prayer requests from Blantyre:Give thanks that the construction of the new neonatal unit at Queen
Elizabeth Central Hospital where Neil works, is progressing well. Pray for
Neil as he procures equipment and furniture for it. The planned roll-out of
training for the One Stop Centre has stalled. Pray for leadership in the
Ministry of Health that it will get going again and improve services for women
and children affected by sexual violence. Neil has just become the Dean of
the Faculty of Medicine which should enable him to implement some of his
planned improvements in medical education, however, it also brings
additional administrative responsibility. Pray for Neil as he takes on this new
role and that he’ll balance his time well. Give thanks for the arrival of a Land
Rover full of walking aids and crutches, and other medical supplies – at QEC
Hospital last week, all donated by PCI members in Ireland, and sent via the
‘Containers for Malawi’ scheme!
Volker and JinHyeog Glissmann who are based in Zomba, send the following
prayer points: – Pray for Volker in his role as Director of Theological
Education by Extension Malawi (TEEM). Pray that through TEEM’s lay
training courses, rural church leaders can be fully equipped to serve their
congregations / communities and spread the Gospel. Pray for JinHyeog as
she runs the home, cares for the children; pray too for Lina Glissmann’s daily
commute to school in Blantyre. Pray for TEEM’s students that they will
continue to grow in their faith and make an impact in their places of work and
ministry. Pray for TEEM staff are who are writing new and improved
workbooks for some of TEEM’s modules.
NEPAL - Stephen and Laura Coulter moved into a new flat in February and
are very pleased to have their own accommodation. They are continuing
with language and orientation classes and they are also connecting with
Aishish Presbyterian Church, a small, young Nepali congregation who have
been very friendly towards them. Pray for Stephen and Laura as they
continue to settle into their new daily routine and learn more Nepali language
and culture. Pray that they will get to know their colleagues working in their
respective teams, and that they will make new friends quickly. Pray that they
will get to know a few people at the Nepali church.
the Christian faith
 How to join First
 Freewill Offering
 Christianity /
Discipleship Explored
 Small Groups
 Children’s / youth
Other ……………….....……
I would be interested in
getting involved with …
 Children’s / Youth work
 Helping with crèche
 Tots & Co
 Media Team
 Music & singing
 Outreach to the
 Helping with tea/coffee
after services
Other ………………......…..
Other Information
Further Ahead
14. Tuesday 17 March—Time For You will meet at 2.00pm.
Speaker—Mrs Pearl Hutchinson. Pearl will speak on her
childhood in Co Donegal. Her recent book will be available to
purchase. Please bring a friend with you.
15. Tuesday 17 March— YWG are joining with Main Street YWG
in Café Link at 8.00 pm.
16. Friday 20 March—Close To Home Conference organised by
the Council for Congregational Life and Witness. This
conference is for ministers, elders, staff and other key people
in the congregation. Andy Magowan has further information
and a booking form.
17. Friday 27 March—Girls’ Brigade Parents Evening at 7.30 pm
18. Friday 3 April—Good Friday Communion Service at 8.00 pm.
“The Cross” DVD will be shown during the service. Members
of Kirk Session will meet at 7.30 pm.
Pastoral Care - Hospital Visitation
Very often notification that a parishioner has been admitted to hospital can take up to a week to
be communicated by post to the Minister from the Hospital Chaplain.
In some cases no information is received as sometimes church details are not gathered on
admission to hospital in A&E from the patient which are then used to notify the Hospital
Chaplain. The Hospital Chaplain only works 1 or 2 days a week and so sometimes patients can
be missed if they have been in hospital for only a few days.
If you or a family member are admitted to hospital and you would appreciate a visit please inform
the Minister as soon as possible. Likewise it would be appreciated that the Minister would be
informed of hospital discharge to save a wasted hospital call. Hospital visitation is an important
aspect of pastoral care and we don’t want to miss anyone because of the inadequacies of the
system of notification.
19. Tuesday 21 April—PW 70th Anniversary Dinner will be held in
TBF Thompson Ministries. Those attending should add their
names to the sign-up sheet on the vestibule table.
20. Friday 22 May to Sunday 24 May—Drumachose Presbyterian
Church are holding a Festival of Flowers. Theme: Alpha &
Omega. Further details later.
21. Saturday 1 to Friday 7 August—New Horizon
Theme—An unconditional love for His Word