Sun Sunday Activities Join us each Sunday morning for the following events. (see inside the newsletter for more details.) 1 Communion Sunday 8 15 22 29 Palm Sunday St. Andrew by the Sea 17263 Hwy. 180 P.O. Box 2385 Gulf Shores, AL 36547 Phone: 251-968-3900 Fax: 251-968-3901 2 Mon 3 Tue Wed 9 Prayer/Bible Study 9 a.m. SAM Breakfast 9 a.m. Finance Comm. 5:30 p.m. Worship Com. 5:15 p.m. 10 Prayer/Bible Study 9 a.m. Membership & Welcome 5:30 p.m. Festival Bells 5:15 p.m. 17 25 Lenten Lunch & Devotional 12 noon Children’s Choir 5 p.m. Bell Practice 5 p.m. Choir Practice 6:00 p.m. 18 Lenten Lunch & Devotional 12 noon Children’s Choir 5 p.m. Bell Practice 5 p.m. Choir Practice 6 p.m. 11 Lenten Lunch & Devotional 12 noon Children’s Choir 5 p.m. Bell Practice 5:00 p.m. Choir Practice 6:00 p.m. 4 Lenten Lunch & Devotional 12 noon Children’s Choir 5 p.m. Bell Practice 5:00 p.m. Choir Practice 6:00 p.m. 16 Prayer/Bible Study 9 a.m. Board Meeting 5:30 p.m. 24 Festival Bells 5:15 p.m. 23 Prayer/Bible Study 9 a.m. 31 12 5 Thu 20 13 6 Fri 28 21 14 7 Sat St. Andrew Community Men’s Breakfast 7 a.m. 19 SAW 10:30 a.m. Stewardship Com. 5:30 p.m. Church Council 5:30 p.m. 27 26 Fellowship Com. 3:30 p.m. NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 119 Foley, AL - Gulf Shores, AL ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED St. Andrew by the Sea, A Community Church Festival Bells 5:15 p.m. 30 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: Senior Minister: Rev. Dr. Larry Wood Associate Minister: Rev. George R. Myers Director of Children’s Ministries: Kim Kelly Director of Music: Joan Hand Choral Director: Dr. Roger Jones Administrative Assistant: Pat Strahan Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert C. Warren March 2015 From the Pastor... Dear church family, Once upon a time, the Fort Morgan Road must have been quite sleepy. Canopied by gracious live oaks hung with Spanish moss, it does evoke another era altogether. You can still enjoy that leisurely pace along the bike path – in fact, people of all ages ride past St. Andrew every day. Often they stop at our Memorial Garden. As traffic whizzes by on the main road, cyclists take a moment to stretch, read the inscriptions, consider the distinctive cross, and even to pray. I wouldn’t wish for us to separate ourselves from the world going by – far from it: St. Andrew must be fully engaged with a changing area. But part of what we offer is stillness, contemplation, a chance to appreciate this area as a gift from God. People who seek these things are right on our doorstep, and in ever more imaginative ways, I hope we’ll draw them in. With every blessing, Larry Wood Opportunities During Lent A PLACE FOR REFLECTION: If you would like a calm, beautiful, private place to pray, please stop by the church. Throughout Lent, Feb. 19th – April 3rd, our sanctuary will be open weekdays from 11:00-1:00. Volunteers: Would you help us to welcome visitors to our sanctuary during Lent? With your help we might open the sanctuary for prayer several hours each week day. Please contact Larry, George or Pat in the church office. Wednesday Luncheons during the Lenten Season: Join the Adult Spiritual Growth Ministries for lunch at 12 noon on Wednesdays during the Lenten Season, beginning on Feb. 25th - April 1st in the Fellowship Hall. Mark these dates, and join your Church family & friends for a light lunch, good fellowship & a short Lenten Devotional. Details & reminders will appear in Sunday bulletins. For more information, call 251-967-1740 or the Church Office 968-3900. Please remember our Confirmands in your prayers. J. Boller, Fisher Bryant, Olivia Callahan, Ryan Carlton, Cade Davis, Taylor Egbert, Cassie Miller, Nick Posey, Lucas Soares, Jake Sollie, and Will Tidwell. New Members March Anniversaries Mike & Patti Cutchen JERUSALEM Filmmakers from National Geographic were given extraordinary access to the world’s holiest city. For just a few more weeks, “Jerusalem” will play at the IMAX theater in Mobile, and St. Andrew has obtained a group rate for Saturday, March 14, 11:00 a.m. $13.25 includes both the movie and exhibit. Afterwards we’ll compare thoughts over lunch in Mobile. Please contact Jean Garner at 968 -4670. PASSOVER SEDER Passover, one of the holiest days for Jews, was also the time of Jesus’ Last Supper. This ancient meal, which celebrates the deliverance of Hebrews from slavery and death to freedom and life, helps us to understand Easter more deeply. Please join us in Fellowship Hall on Maundy Thursday, April 2, at 6:00 for a Passover Seder. All ages are welcome; the service can be especially meaningful for children. Beyond the ceremonial elements, there will be a truly hearty meal, followed by a Communion service in the sanctuary. Please contact Pat Strahan in the church office at 968-3900. THE TOTAL PERSON: MIND, BODY, SPIRIT Janice and Charles Runels will host a new small group that meets Mondays from 10:00-11:30 a.m., April 6 through May 11, at their home. Come learn with them about nutrition, exercise, and scriptures pertaining to health. This is not a class, The Membership & Welcome Committee will meet on Tues. March 3rd at 5:30 p.m. but a group where everyone is on an equal footing. Please call the Runels at 968 -6261. Attention Men of St. Andrew, members, and visitors! Join the St. Andrew Men THINKING OF JOINING ST. ANDREW? for their monthly breakfast on March 10th at 9AM. Enjoy a wonderful breakfast as We would love to get better acquainted over an introductory class March 8, 15, well as great fellowship. and 22 at 9:00 a.m. in Rev. Wood’s office. Attention Women of St. Andrew: Join us for our next monthly meeting to be held on March 12 at 10:30am. We will have Friendly Critters Visiting from the Gulf Coast Zoo. Bring a plate of your favorite finger sandwiches to share. A special thank you to all of you who helped “bag” cookies at our February meeting. Church Council: There will be a Church Council meeting on Thurs., March 12th in the Fellowship Hall. Please try to attend this important meeting. Each committee should have a representative present. St Andrew Community Men's Prayer Breakfast: You are invited to attend the St. Andrew Community Men’s Prayer Breakfast on Thurs., March 19th from 7AM to 8AM in the Fellowship Hall here at St Andrew by the Sea. We encourage you to invite a friend and join us in Jan. for this wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with other men in our community. Please contact Perry Hand at 251-604-7936 for your reservation. St. Andrew Women Lunch Bunch will meet on Monday, March 23rd. We are going to Bill’s by the Beach, located on the corner of 2nd Street and West Beach Blvd. Please call me at 970-3311 by March 16th so that I may make reservations. Are you celebrating a special wedding anniversary? If you celebrated or will be celebrating a 50th, 55th, 60th or more anniversary in January, February, March, or April this year, the Nurture Committee would like to honor you at a reception after church one Sunday in April. Lite refreshments will be served. Please contact Cheryl Gilges at 540- 7950 or Bebe Gauntt at 968-8539 if you would like to be recognized. ATTENTION FELLOW ST. ANDREW TRAVELERS: Remember that let down feeling when the holidays are over and the weather is cooler? How would you like to have something fun and warm to look forward to? We are working on a 7 day cruise out of New Orleans. We can either go to the Eastern or Western Caribbean on Jan 24 or 31st. Depends on what people are interested in. We will have a bus from St Andrew’s parking lot (extra). The travel agent can match any offers. To reserve some choice cabins, midship, they would like a deposit of $125.00 per person by April 23rd. This is refundable up to the final payment on Nov 15th. Prices for an inside cabin are about $500 and balcony $800, this includes all taxes and port charges. Call Sharon 251-597-0890 or email [email protected] and let me know if you have an interest. Ushers 1st - Ed Diercks, Carlton Garner, Tom Gauntt, Neil Harris, Herb Malone, Lynda Thurmond, Wade Ward, Allen Woerner. 8th - Marge Bumann, Clint Davis, Pierre Geneux, Andy Haynes, Chance McLemore, Mike Vaughn, Sue Vosloh, Allen Woerner. 15th - John Boller, Dolly Crewes, Pierre Geneux, Don Kopf, Joe Martin, Don Meghreblian, Sheila Nicoll, Charles Runels, Jan Zimmerman. 22nd - Bob Davidson, Pierre Geneux, Tommy Lee, Bill Parks, Carl Schuchardt, Joe Slaughter, Eileen Sylvester, Mickey Webb, Murrell Webb. 29th - Frank & Linda Fuschino, Pierre Geneux, Terry Jones, Faye Kelly, Sheila Nicoll Jim Roy. STEWARDSHIP Through February Budgeted Received $22,000.00 $24,219.00 4th - Joe & Sharon Everitt 6th - Dale & Sheri Burgess 6th - Clint & Carla Davis 8th - Frank & Jennie Rikard 8th - Jim & Julie Shamburger 9th - Gene & Eula Myers 14th - Gary & Tammy Bryant 27th - Jack & Bernice Powell 28th - David & Anne Saunders Sympathy The family of John Elliott Ann Wright in the loss of her brother. Orren & Susanne Lax in the loss of their nephew. Dottie Peiffer in the loss of her husband Memorials Ray Wright Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gauntt Mr. & Mrs. Wade Ward George Grau Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gauntt Mr. & Mrs. Wade Ward Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Garner John Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Wade Ward Larry Peiffer Mr. & Mrs. Wade Ward Dear St. Andrew by the Sea family, Thank you all for the visits, meals, cards and other kindnesses during my recovery from surgery, and also the death of my sister. Special thanks to Rev. Larry & Rev. George for praying with me, both physical and spiritually during the difficult time. Bless you all, Gloria Knapp Attendance for Feb. 1st - 255 8th - 293 15th - 322 22nd -358 Feb. Sunday School 1st - 48 8th - 31 15th - 73 22nd -61 March Birthdays 1st - Bob Scolaro 3rd - Jim Hollis 3rd - Martha Hosey 3rd - Jessica Robinson 4th - Cassie May 4th - Nicole Woerner 6th - Susanna Lax 8th - Ranae Atwater 8th - Lynn Norwood 9th - Joan Hand 9th - Michael Larson 9th - Kathy Van Cor 10th - Carl Hanson 10th - Harry King 11th - McKenzie English 12th - Ron Lynn 12th - Gerald Turner 12th - Pat Warren 13th - Elaine Beacham 13th - Helen Webb 14th - Gene Barbour 14th - Kenley McLemore 14th - Susan Vessey 14th - Cole Reynolds 15th - Gene Riggs 16th - Kathy Vaughn 17th - Patrick Daily 17th - Lynn Hopkins 17th - Ruth Perry 18th - John Hulett 18th - Billy Webb 21st - Jo Messer 21st - Beth Woodham 22nd - Dorothy Peiffer 23rd - Mary Miller 23rd - Betty Stevens 24th - Liam Hertel 24th - Caroline Turberville 25th - Jennifer Burgess 25th - Michelle Doughty 25th - Debra Housch 29th - Austin Fulmer 31st - Harold Morgan February Communion Offering for Alabama Sheriff’s Boys Ranch $192.00
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