ARROYO SECO JUNIOR HIGH Monday March 16, 2015 Regular Day Schedule A BCDEF Congratulations to our "Conquistadores of the Week" nominees for the week of March 2, 2015. They are Mason Zaccardo from Team Odyssey and Dania Salman from Team Aloha. Conquistador of the Week is a program we have here at Arroyo Seco to honor students who exhibit the highest standards in both academic excellence and citizenship. Each week, one boy and one girl will be selected to represent Arroyo Seco as our "Conquistadores of the Week". These outstanding students will be called to the office for special recognition and given beautiful personalized certificates. Their names will be announced on CNN, posted on the marquee in the front of the school, and printed in the Daily Bulletin. Their photos will be hung in the front office for the week they are recognized. Congratulations to Alexandra Hill and Denzel Cefre, our winners of our exciting program, the No Tardy Party. Alexandra and Denzel have perfect attendance with no absences or tardies. They will each receive a certificate for $3.00 to spend on goodies at the student store. Keep up the good work. 8th Graders, Listen up ~ Don’t miss the opportunity to order your class picture. Order it now!!! This is a Panoramic Picture of your entire 8th grade class! See one of your team teachers for an order form or stop by the ASB office. Please turn your order forms into the ASB office as soon as possible. Don't miss this milestone moment! Get your order forms in immediately!!! Seco Chess Club Is Back!! Chess Club will meet Tuesdays at lunch in room 901. Chess boards are provided. Bring a lunch and a friend or come meet new people. See Mrs. Klipfel in 901 if you have questions. “The Harry Potter Club will be meeting today in Room 1122 at lunch. Fusion Homework Club meets today at 2:20 in room 607 with Mr. Dannerth! We are the NOW meets Friday at lunch in room 501. All are welcome. March Madness sign-ups will be on March 17th at nutrition & lunch. The first eight teams will have a definite spot in the games. If more teams sign-up then they will be placed on the waiting list. Each team needs 5 members. Sign-ups will be held in Room 401. See you there Seco!!! Attention 8th Grade students: You are invited to an informational meeting to learn about an incredible STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) program at Saugus High School on Monday night, March 16th at 6:30 at Arroyo Seco's K-Hall . You will hear about the fouryear engineering program offered at Saugus High School that prepares students for college and careers in the engineering fields. Hey Seco, don’t forget to wear green tomorrow on March 17th ! Attention DFYIT members- our next meeting will be Thursday, March 19th in k-hall during lunch. Bring your lunch and a friend! Hope to see you there!!! There are no Birthday’s today!!!
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