March, 2015 The Monthly Dispatch ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, WHITE CREEK MARCH ACTIVITIES LENTEN WORSHIP Midweek Lenten worship will be held on each Wednesday evening during Lent at 7:00 PM. ***Please note*** Supper will be served at 5:45 PM before the services on February 25 and March 4 and 11. There will be NO SUPPERS on March 18 and 25. YOUTH GROUPS The Youth Groups will meet on the first and third Sunday of the month at 7 PM. GUILD Guild members will meet at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, March 10, in the Fellowship Room. Members are reminded to bring their donations (enough for 30 baskets) for our shut-ins. SENIOR LEAGUE The Senior League will meet on Sunday, March 15, at 5:30 PM for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing. LADIES AID The Ladies Aid will meet on Wednesday, March 25, at 9 AM for Bible study with the business meeting following from 10-11 AM. QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING Due to Easter on Sunday, April 5, the Quarterly Voters’ Meeting will be held on Sunday, April 12, at 7 PM in the Fellowship Room. STUDENT CONFIRMATION Four students will be confirmed on Palm Sunday, March 29, at 9:00 AM. (Please note that since we have a small class, there will only be one service that morning.) Those students are Riley Bartells, Ethan Bundy, Delaney Maschino, and Keggin York. Please keep these young people in your prayers as they have reached this milestone in their lives. Examination of these students will be Saturday, March 28, at 9 AM. God’s blessings, also to Chancelyn York and Hannah Fisher as they will be received into adult Confirmation. WHITE CREEK LUTHERAN SCHOOL FLOWER/GARDEN PLANT/PRODUCE COUPON SALE White Creek Lutheran School will be sponsoring a spring flower/ garden plant/produce coupon sale, beginning Wednesday, February 25. This year the sale will offer $10 gift coupons from Whipker’s Market. Coupons are also good on garden produce from Whipker’s throughout the summer and fall. See any WCLS student or check with Becky in the school office to place an order. Orders with payments will be due by Friday, March 13, with coupons available for distribution on Thursday, April 2. All proceeds from this sale will go to special school projects. ANNIVERSARY ORNAMENTS ARE STILL AVAILABLE FOR $12. CHECK WITH BECKY IN THE CHURCH OFFICE. CHURCH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Following are events coming up for our 175th celebration: April 26 - Re-enactment Sunday/Church History Sunday May 31 - Memorial Sunday June 28 - Confirmation Class Reunions/Pastor and Teacher Recognition Sunday - Pastor Jauss will be our guest speaker July 26 - Mission Sunday/ Church Picnic August 30 - Music Heritage Sunday September 27 - 175th Anniversary Celebration More detailed information will be printed in the bulletin as each event comes up. KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Our shut-ins Tillie Bode, Don & Wilma Voelker, Helen Roberts, Richard & Bettie Noblitt, Dallas & Hazel Kreinhagen, Libby McKinney, Norman Schroer, and Betty McCrory Those battling cancer: Joan Hercamp, Tirzah McCrory, Les Stanley, Denise Mikkelson Those with various health concerns: Richard Hercamp, Sharon Dettmer, and Lee Barnett Cody Ross as he continues to heal from his knee surgery Chuck Durnil & Family, Pastor Cook & Family, Anna Condra & Family, and Melanie Meyer & Family as they mourn the passing of their loved ones Larkin Arietta Meyer, newborn daughter of Matthew & Lorna Meyer Theodore August Lienhoop, newborn son of Dan & Jeanne Lienhoop Halie Brumley as she continues seeking treatment for epilepsy March Birthdays 1-Dawn Boyd Autumn Bontrager 3-Trevor Peters 4-Rebecca Garrison Kylie Lemmon Griffin McGaha 5-Riley Bartells Kyle Jaggers 6-Seth Cook 8-Tracey Engelau Cameo Hildreth Addison Vickous 10-Beau Hoene Carmen Kreinhagen 11-Becky Eckelman Zoe Plummer 12-Lora Ballard Shane Bontrager Brock Burns Sharon Dettmer 13Wyatt Fleming 15Todd Garrison Hannah Mensendiek 16-Kim Ross Ryan Hoene Hazel Kreinhagen 17-Shel Rockhill 18-Lisa McGaha 19-Jeremie Dunn Alex Hughes Charlotte Otte Norman Schroer 20-Abigail Anderson Owen Ballard Travis Eckelman 21-Presley Meyer Katie Otte 22-Shelly Burns Lauren Smith 23-Amelia Bliton Jordan Buss Sharon Kinsey Karen Schlehuser Keggin York 24-Ruth Bushur Mark Buss 25-Ashley Bramble Mindy Setser 27-Dale Burbrink Liam Buss Trudy Shelton Robert Dale Sims 28Halie Brumley Donna Kyler 29-Leah Ross 30-Tillie Bode 31- Emma Mensendiek St. John’s Lutheran Church, Mo. Synod 16270 S. 300 W. Columbus, IN 47201 Pastor Joshua Cook Office: 342-3516 Home: 447-8696 [email protected] Mrs. Jan Buss, Principal Office: 342-6832 Home: 342-4645 [email protected] Becky Eckelman, Secretary Church/School Office: 342-3516; 342-6832 [email protected] April news needs to be submitted to Becky by March 23. MARCH ANNIVERSARIES 1 – Eric & Amanda Kerkhof (’08) 5 – Jason & Lori Hill (’00) 16 – Mark & Ashley Meyer (’12) Matt & Kelly Sullivan (’02) 19 - Matthew & Lorna Meyer (‘11) 20 – Chuck & Angie Durnil (’99) 23 – Steve & Jackie Shroyer (’75) 27 – Tim & Jane Brandt (’92) 28 – Terry & Connie Meyer (’81) 29 – Louis & Imogene Mensendiek (’64) Apologies to anyone we might have missed! Please contact Becky in the church office if a name has been omitted from either of these lists.
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