Future Inspirations - PEARLS for Teen Girls, Inc.

Future Inspirations
Annual Report 2014
“Pearls provided me with so many
resources and opportunities, as well as
continual support and motivation.
Honestly, if it wasn’t for my Pearls family,
I wouldn’t be where I am today.”
— Niamani, PEARLS alumna,
student at Clark Atlanta University
Dear PEARLS Friends,
As we close 2014, we have much to be proud of in terms of the accomplishments of our
PEARLS Girls. We served 1,306 girls, of whom 99.9% chose not to get pregnant! 97% of our
high school seniors graduated and were accepted to at least one college! Additionally, 99%
of all active PEARLS girls set personal goals and 78% of them achieved their goals. And of
those who set academic goals, 75% of them achieved their academic goals!
2014 continued to carry forward the phenomenal outcomes from PEARLS Girls over the years. In the
past five years:
97.8% of PEARLS high school seniors graduated from high school.
96.9% of those girls were accepted into at least one college.
99.6% of PEARLS girls have avoided teen pregnancy.
Our girls achieve despite staggering barriers in their lives; poverty, food and housing insecurity,
struggling schools, high crime and family distress. PEARLS girls dream of bright futures and develop the
social and emotional skills to pursue those dreams. As our mission statement says “PEARLS for Teen
Girls is improving the quality of life and strengthening our community one girl at a time….”
Since 1993, we have emboldened girls to be their best selves and today, it is rare to not have a pleasant
and inspiring experience when meeting our PEARLS alumnae. Our young women are active in their
schools, leaders in college, working as professionals, and intend to do great things as adults and in this
community. As is often said, you can always tell when you meet a PEARLS girl; she will be poised,
confident and driven to be successful. She will be active in her community and a role model within her
family and among her peers. She will be inspired to continue to improve her life and she will believe
that the sky is truly the limit for her!
We hope that as you read this annual report, you are inspired and excited about the future as these
young ladies reflect the brightness of the future in our community.
We also hope that you will continue to support our work, our girls and the fulfillment of their goals and
dreams. Thank you for all you do to support our girls, teens and young women!
Danae D DavisVinita Paul
CEO Pearls for Teen Girls, Inc.
Board Chair
PEARLS for Teen Girls is
improving quality of life and
strengthening our community one girl
at a time by empowering young women
with self-development tools, guidance and
support to strive for better, brighter futures
by living out the PEARLS values: Personal
Responsibility, Empathy, Awareness,
Respect, Leadership, Respect,
and Support.
2014 Impact
PEARLS served a total of 1,306 girls
99.9% chose not to get pregnant
High school graduation: 96.9%
College acceptance: 96.7%
College enrollment: 60%
46% participated in a girl-led community service project
Pearls Groups
99% OF PEARLS girls set goals in 2014 —
78% achieved their overall goals and 75%
achieved their academic goals
Through group-supported goal-setting every semester, girls learn how
much control they have over choices they make, how to learn from their
mistakes, and how to set and reach goals that will help them fulfill their
dreams. They document their progress, reflecting on behavior changes in
personal development, family and community relationships and academic
achievement. PEARLS girls influence one another toward positive
behaviors. As they develop skills, confidence, and a vision for the future,
they create ripple effects in their families, schools and neighborhoods.
The PEARLS Promise
PEARLS girls recite the PEARLS Promise at every PEARLS gathering.
We are PEARLS girls and we want to be our best selves. All of the girls
in this circle are my PEARLS sisters. We are learning how each one
of us is precious and unique. PEARLS helps us believe in ourselves
by building:
P is for Personal Responsibility. I can make a difference!
E is for Empathy. I will strive to understand how it feels to walk
in your shoes.
A is for Awareness. I want to know more about myself and
the world around me.
R is for Respect. I will value you and your opinions, even
if we disagree.
L is for Leadership. I want to put my beliefs into
action and make this world a better place.
S is for Support. I want to help and encourage.
We promise to help each other practice these traits.
We want to become role models and powerful
women who achieve our goals and dreams.
Thank you all for our precious time together today.
The PEARLS Leadership Compass
PEARLS girls developed the Leadership Compass as a powerful symbol of their self-development (heart, mind, body, and spirit) and a guide
that points to the purpose of everything we do at PEARLS.
Loving Myself
• Believing “I can do it!”
• Appreciating myself, taking care of me
• Taking healthy risks, trying new things
• Building my confidence
• Discovering myself
Helping Hands in the Community
• Volunteering my time and talents
• Getting involved in a project that addresses a problem
• Showing that I care about needs beyond my
own neighborhood
Believing the Sky is the Limit
• Seeking out information about careers
• Being open to possibilities about my future
• Exploring ways to make my dreams come true
Living the
Building Relationships with Others
• Appreciating people different from me
• Trusting the reasons behind what others do
• Being understanding of others, even when it’s
really difficult
• Communicating with respect and kindness
Striving to Achieve
• Improving my grades in school
• Reading for fun
• Making a real effort to do my best
• Being motivated to learn
College and
Career Readiness
In support of our mission to empower girls to achieve their goals
and dreams, PEARLS is committed to equipping our girls with the
knowledge, resources, and tools they need to define and successfully
navigate their academic and professional paths. PEARLS College
and Career Readiness programming includes: college preparation
events and campus visits at local colleges and universities;
opportunities for girls to explore careers through job shadowing,
networking events with corporate partners, and mentoring;
extensive support for girls as they navigate job, college, and
scholarship applications; and deliberate integration of academic
success planning and career development in the PEARLS curriculum.
“ W ith the help of a Pearls
scholarship, which removed the
financial barrier to college, I had my
best academic semester of my life.”
— Kandis, PEARLS alumna, student at MATC
(& mother of current PEARLS girl)
Site Partners
Bradley Rd
43rd St
Good Hope Rd
Mill Rd
Silver Spring Dr
Hampton Ave 9
76th St
1 Capitol Dr
60th St
Locust St
17 10
Vliet St
N. Pierce
92nd St
8 North Ave
Wisconsin Ave
S. 20th St
53rd Street School
Alexander Mitchell
Carmen Northwest Campus
Carver Academy
COA Goldin Center
COA Riverwest Center
Daniels Mardak Fitzsimonds-BGC
Grandview High School
Gwen T. Jackson
IHAD-Clarke Street School
Keefe Ave School
King’s Academy
Learning Through Technology
Milwaukee College Prep-38th Street
Milwaukee College Prep-Lloyd
Milwaukee College Prep-Metcalfe
Milwaukee Collegiate Academy
Milwaukee Community Cyber School
Milwaukee Academy of Science
MLK Elementary-BGC
Morse Marshall
North Division CLC
Riverside University High School
Rufus King Middle School
Siloah Lutheran School
St. Joan Antida
Urban Roots/All People’s Church
Westside Academy
S. 27th St
Oklahoma Ave
College Ave
Our girls achieve despite staggering barriers in their lives; poverty, food and housing
insecurity, struggling schools, high crime and family distress. PEARLS girls dream of
bright futures and develop the social and emotional skills to pursue those dreams.
“I have developed numerous leadership skills
because of my involvement with Pearls, both as
a Pearls girl and now serving on the Board
of Directors. Pearls girls have a bright future
ahead of them.” — Tawanna, PEARLS alumna
American Indian/Alaska Native
1,306 Girls Served
African-American/Black | 83%
Hispanic/Latina | 4%
Caucasian/White | 2%
Asian | 2%
Other/Multi-Racial | 7%
American Indian/Alaska Native | 1%
Unknown | 1%
2014 Financials
Where funds come from:
Partner Fees
Public Funding
Foundations | 28%
Non-profit Organizations | 17%
Corporate/Corporate Foundations | 19%
Individual Donations | 16%
Public Funding | 16%
Partner Fees | 4%
What funds pay for:
82% for Program Services
9% for General & Administrative
9% for Fundraising
“Pearls helped me realize
that you can be your own self even though
everyone else is following trends and trying
to fit in. Because of Pearls, I love myself
more deeply than I ever have.”
— Naomi, PEARLS alumna, student at UW- Whitewater
Thank you to our donors for helping make the future brighter for our Pearls Girls!
Angela Adams
Griselda Aldrete
Barry & Linda Allen
Shannon Allen
Cassandra Alston
Alice Ambrowiak
Kent & Nancy Anderson
Omar & Abby Andrietsch
Joyce Appel
Barbara Armstrong
Julia Arnold
Mike & Laura Arnow
Cristina Bacelis-Bush
Anne Ballentine
Christine Baranoucky
M.J. & J.D Barber
Kathy Barke
Mark & Laura Barnard
Candace Barnes
Diana Barnett
Amy Barr
Wendy Baumann
Donna Baumgartner
Sharon Baxter
Terry Beaulieu
Cheri Bengsch
Paul & Sue Beste
Robert & Joanne Bischmann
Melissa Bleidorn
Mary Blume
Mary Boelk
Caroline Bolger
Iketrena Bond
Celina Born
Bridget Borum
Christopher & Tonnie Boston
Stanley Bowles
Jill Boyle
Jacqueline Boynton &
Peter McAvoy
Alfreda Bradley-Coars
Jason & Julie Quinlan Brame
Joan Brengel
Shari Briggs
Christy Brooks
Michael Brophy
Darice Brown
Darice Brown
Kathryn M. Buono
Wendy Butz
Joan Cable
Paul & Patty Cadorin
Maria L. Campbell
Richard & Sharon Canter
Kathleen Caragher
Susan Cerletty
Tina Chang
Thomas & Christine Christon
Lori Chrnelich
Kevin Clark
Danielle M. Clarke
Marc Colletti
Devona Wright Cottrell
Carmen Couden
Virginia Czarnecki
Deborah Darin
Julie Darnieder
Bert Davis
Danae Davis
Emily Dell
Joanne Desien
Ricardo & Meg Diaz
Leni Dietrich
Gloria Dixon
Lisa Dresselhuys
Ellen Drought
Kathryn Dunn
Trish Dunn
Janet Ebert
Julianna Ebert & Frank Daily
Phyllis Eckles
Stephen & Nancy Einhorn
Michael & Sheila Falbo
Katie Falk
Mary Farrell
Barbara J. Faucett
Clyde & Marcia Feltes
Eric & Christine Fenske-Eben
Robert Ferriday
Suzan Fete
Colleen Fitzgerald &
Paul Matthews
Nancy Flagg
Kevin Frase
Sarah Freeman
Portia Frenthway
Susan Friebert
Howard L. Fuller
Laura Fuller
Jerry J. Fulmer
Karin Gale
Stephanie Gandia
Claudia Garber
Terry Gardner-Smith
Lynda Kay Gearheart
Greg & Katherine Gebel
Anne & Fred Geilfuss
Mary Genack
Jennifer Gersch
Paul Gessner
Josh & Julia Gimbel
Jane Gleeson
Robert Gleeson
Stacy Goetzman
Kimberley Goode
D. Betty Gore
Marc Gorelick &
Lynn Broaddus
Julie Gorens-Winston
Ronnie Grace
Ann Granitz
Jan Graveline
Valerie Greaves
Gary Haertlein
H. Thomas & Jean M. Hamill
Jeffrey & Joan Hansen
Charles & Cheryl Harvey
Andrea Bryant Hatcher
Beth Healy
William Heilbronner
Melanie Heimer
Ed & Doris Heiser
Margaret Henningsen
Renee Herzing
Jim & Christine Hill
Joseph B. Hill
Peggy Hintz
Caroline Hogan
Jason Holton
Necia Hoover
Beth Hoover
Raissa Horstemeier
Michelle Howard
Sarah Howden
Gerry Howze
Kristine Huber
Laura Huggett
William & Carol Hughes
Ruth Irvings
Celia Jackson
Kathleen Jackson
Tawanna Jackson
Cathy Cero Jaeger
Caroline Jankowski
Patti Jeffers
Kadie Jelenchick
Sharron Jewell
Renee Johnson
Jocelyn Johnson
John & Elizabeth Johnston
Marilyn John
Paul & Tina Jones
Katora Jones
Mike T. Jones
Tom & Jane Kammerait
Mark & Virginia Kannenberg
Richard & Carol Keintz
Lori Keller
Ted & Mary Kellner
Joan Kelsey
James Ketchman
Mark Ketterhagen &
Sarah Blair
Beth Klein
Barbara Klein
Kole Knueppel
Tressa Knutson-Bruggink
Keith & Maureen Kolb
John & Connie Kordsmeier
Ken & Melinda Krei
Bill & Christie Krugler
Sarah Kubly
Cynthia LaConte
Debbie Lang
Julieta Langarica
Latasha Langdon
Lori Larch
Gregory Larson
Joel Laurent
Fred Lautz & Mary Jo Brown
Christopher & Emilia Layden
Donald & Mary Jo Layden
David & Elizabeth Lee
Jessie Lidbury
Laura Lindner
Allan Lindsay
Rae Livingston
Carola Loepfe
Lisa Long
Joan Lubar
David & Madeleine Lubar
Sheldon & Marianne Lubar
Earnell & Linda Lucas
Jeffrey & Laura Lukas
Vincent & Bethany Lyles
Liz Macharia
Linda MacKay
Marshall Martin
Rebecca Martin
Mont & Marilyn Martin
Vince & Jan Martin
Michelle I. Mason
Carrie Matteson
Charles & Brunetta Matthews
Lisa Mauer
Gina McBride
Mary Ellen McCormack-Mervis
Margaret E. McCormick
Jill McCurdy
John & Christine McDermott
Scott & Mary McFadden
Maureen McGinnity
Margaret McGuire
Venora McKinney
Mary Meehan
John & Linda Mellowes
Jesse Mendelsohn
Sally Merrell &
Ely A. Leichtling
Christy Miller
Debra Miller
Marshay Montriel
Edgar & Mary Lou Mooney
Jona Moore
Matthew Moran
Michael Morgan
Jill Morin
George Mosher
Elizabeth Mueller
H. Carl Mueller
Mary Murphy
Sandy Murphy
Linda Mutschler
Greg & Beth Myers
Donna Neal
Meg Brzyski Nelson
Cory & Michelle Nettles
Ninveh Neuman
Sharon Norwood
Christopher & Anne Noyes
Greg & Rhonda Oberland
Bruce & Elizabeth Olson
Lauren Pagenkopf
Constance Palmer
Sarah Smith Pancheri
Allan & Sandy Pasch
Patricia O. Pattillo
Jasmeet & Vinita Paul
Magda Peck
Laura Peck
Kristin Pederson-Carver
Paula Penebaker
Craig & Mary Robyn Peotter
Anna Pepelnjak
Elizabeth Peralta
June Perry
Nancy Peterson
Kim Pettiford
Terri Pfarr
Bruce & Candace Pindyck
Deborah Plears
Mildred B. Pollard
Annemarie E. Scobey
Shontra Powell
Sandra Priebe
Mykelia Putman
Leslie Quevedo
Edie Radtke
Lukischa Ramos
Lisa Rasmussen
Toby Recht
Matt Ricci
David Riemer
Randy & Karen Ripley
Christine Roberts
LuAnn Roch
Tchernavia Rocker
Cindy Rooks
Jessica Roulette
Holly Ryan
Ronald & Micky Sadoff
Christine Schlosser
Mary Schneck
Heidi Schneider
Mary Scholle
Paul & Marianne Scobey
Bob & Judy Scott
Richard Seesel
Amy Shapiro
RC & AP Sharpe
Timothy & Liz Sheehy
Supriya Shetty
Michael Soika
Susan L. Solvang
Jill Sopha
Rose Spang
Mary T. Sparrow
Scott & Mary Ellen Stanek
Ed de St. Aubin
Pamela Stark
Brian & Deb Stark
Eric Steele
John Steinwart
Meshika Stewart
Kosana Stojcevic
Elaine Sweet
Kimberly Tenner
Tori Termaat
Mark & Cristina
Garcia Thomas
Katherine Thompson
Thomas & Barbara Thurman
Mary Thurman
Lisa Todd
Kim D. Tolbert
Jennifer Torres
Ravien Trimble
Derek L. Tyus
Eric & Wendy Van Vugt
Roy & Ginny Wagner
Diane Wagner
Alex & Allison Wagner
Eileen Walter
Karen Watson
Charles & Elissa Weber
Sally Weiland
Dick & Barbara Weiss
Gregory Wesley
Marcus White
Aimee Wiedmeyer
Trevor & Margaret Will
Yolanda Wilson
Debra Winston
Beth Witte-Cleary
Lindy Yeager & John Florsheim
Steven D. Zimmerman
We apologize for any errors or omissions that may have
been made in recognizing our donors.
Astor Street Foundation
Brewers Community Foundation, Inc.
Burke Foundation
Catherine & Walter Lindsay Foundation Fund
Charles D. Jacobus Family Foundation
Colton Charitable Fund
David & Julia Uihlein Charitable Foundation
Edward P. & Mary K. Bullock Family Fund
Elmbrook Rotary Foundation, Inc.
Faye McBeath Foundation
Filippa C. Weber
Frederick & Amy Croen
George L.N. Meyer Family Foundation
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Green Bay Packers Foundation
Harley-Davidson Foundation, Inc.
Idy Goodman
Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation
Jewish Community Foundation
Joan & Fred Brengel Family Foundation, Inc.
Krause Family Foundation
Mainman Family Fund
Maxsan Foundation
Nicholas Family Foundation Trust
Philip & Fannie Morris Foundation
Ruth & Gene Posner Foundation
Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Sara Hansen Memorial Fund
Service Club of Milwaukee
Summerfest Foundation, Inc.
Tempo International Foundation
The Brico Fund, LLC
The Gardner Foundation
Trainer Family Foundation
Waukesha County Community Foundation
Women’s Fund of Greater Milwaukee
HUSCO International
Johnson Controls Foundation
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Landmark Credit Union
M&I Corporation/BMO Harris Bank
Marquette University
Michael F. Hupy
North Milwaukee State Bank
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Pitman, Kyle, Sicula, Dentice
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Quarles & Brady LLP
Robert W. Baird & Co. Foundation
Rockwell Automation
Schenck Business Solutions
Smart Choice MRI
The Boldt Company
The Darden Foundation
Thomas & Jennifer Florsheim
U.S. Bank
U.S. Bank Foundation
U-Turn Boutique
WaterStone Bank Fund
WE Energies Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank Foundation
Weyco Group
Amazon Smile Foundation
Assurant Health
AT&T Employee Giving Campaign
Aurora Health Care
Charter Manufacturing Company Foundation
Cr8ive Energies
Enterforce Inc
Froedtert Health
GE Foundation
Generation Growth Capital
Genworth Foundation
Harley-Davidson Foundation, Inc.
Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Inc.
Heartland Advisors
Alverno College
American Assoc. of University Women Milwaukee Branch
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Fund Development Corp.
North Shore Congregational Church
Outreach Fund Wisconsin Girl Friends
Peace United Methodist Church, Inc.
Saint Isidore Congregation
St. Joan Antida High School
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
United Community Center, Inc.
United Way Chicago
United Way of Greater Milwaukee
University School of Milwaukee
City of Milwaukee
Community Advocates, Inc.
Pearls for Teen Girls, Inc. Board of Directors
Danae D. Davis, Chief Executive Officer
Vinita Paul, Board Chair – Heartland Advisors
Ricardo Diaz, Past Board Chair – United Community Center
Lisa Long, Finance Chair, Board Treasurer – PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Christie Krugler, Board Secretary & Development Co-Chair – Community Volunteer
Meg Brzyski Nelson, Development Co-Chair – Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Foundation
Tawanna Jackson, Marketing and Communications Chair – Medical College of Wisconsin
Steve Zimmerman, Governance Chair – Spectrum Nonprofit Services
Deirdra Copeland Gonsalves – BMO Harris Bank
Denise Greathouse – Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
Kadie Jelenchick – Foley & Lardner LLP
Maureen Kolb – Cr8ive Energies
Michelle Nettles – MillerCoors
Ninveh J. Neuman – Rockwell Automation
Shontra Powell – Johnson Controls
Tori Termaat – Harley-Davidson Motor Company
“Because of generous donors like
you, Pearls can continue to do the
great work they have been doing
in the community. The community
needs Pearls, so thank you!”
— Latiera, PEARLS alumna, student at
University of Illinois at Chicago
To make a donation to PEARLS, please visit pearlsforteengirls.com.