Announcements Adult Education. The Adult Forum will be dedicated to looking at the ways we can be empowered and what stands in our way. Today’s topic: Why haven’t I contributed more? Upcoming topics include: Why is deep intimacy elusive? What about Tina Fey and Amy Poehler? Can they stop reading my mail? Why don’t I care? Emotions Anonymous (EA) is Coming to St. Peter’s. EA is a 12 step program similar to AA. Step #1: “We admitted we were powerless over our emotions, that our lives had become unmanageable.” If this describes your situation, or you are feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, please join us on Friday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm in the Vestry Room on the second floor of the St. Peter’s Parish Hall. Our first meeting will be March 20. EA meetings are completely confidential. Lenten Program continues on Monday. Pray—eat—think 6:00 pm Evensong 6:45 pm Supper (this week hosted by the Men’s Group) 7:15 pm Talk and Discussion 8:00 pm Program Ends Child Care will be provided and a fun project for the children will be available along with homework help. Please come and enjoy our Lenten Program. You can come at anytime throughout the evening. The Choral Evensong will allow for meditative and inspiring worship, followed by loving fellowship and supper (hosted by the Men’s Group). Thursday Luncheon. The luncheon will be held this Thursday, March 19th at 12:45 pm. Our lecturer, Dr. Raymond Frey, is back by popular demand. He’s a wonderful lecturer and teacher. Don’t miss it! His topic is “Nothing to Fear: FDR and the Great Depression.” Please let us know if you will attend and whether you are bringing a casserole, salad or dessert. There is a small donation of $2 to cover expenses. Please sign up on the bulletin board opposite the desk, or contact Ruth Nicholson (973-898-3759) or Verna Farmer (973-538-5441) The annual Thursday Luncheon Road Trip will be held on April 23, 2015 and will include a luncheon at Rod’s and then a trip to the Bickford Theater at the Morris Museum. Save the date! Details will be coming and sign up sheet will be located on the bulletin board in the PH. Lenten Mite Box Project. This year our Lenten mite boxes will be collecting money for scholarships to our Vacation Bible School. Not all children can afford the fees for camp, so scholarships and reduced fees are offered. A separate hand out will be given to the children in church school and it has also been emailed home. Adults are encouraged and welcome to participate. Adult boxes should be returned when full or at the end of Lent. Put your name and giving envelope number on the box and put it in the collection plate. Boxes are still available and can be picked up at the entrances to the church. from the Desk of your Parish Nurse, Lee Ann Stritehoff. Spring is almost here and what better time to start taking better care of ourselves? If you haven’t signed p for the Good Nutrition Lunch and Learn being held at 12 noon on Tuesday, March 17th in the Guild Room, please do so. Remember, lunch will be provided. See you there. On a pastoral note, Lee Ann has been visiting Michael Aloisio. He has been in MMH for a while and has been placed on a ventilator. They have not be able to figure out yet the cause of his issues, but he was moved out of ICU yesterday. His wife Candice has been posting updates on, and although she appreciates the phone calls, she updates the site on a regular basis so that everyone can find out how he is doing. I went to the site this morning, quickly signed up and posted a message and found out that he is out of the ICU. I invite you to do the same, and keep Michael, Candice and their children Chrissie and David in your prayers. Dee Klikier Yoga is back at St. Peter’s on Tuesday evenings in the Guild Room. Please contact Emily O. Smith Kimm at [email protected] or 310-488-6785. Fond Farewell . The Rev’d Dr. Todd Brewer has resigned his position as Associate Minister at St. Peter’s to pursue academic work full-time. As many of you know he was awarded his PhD from Durham this fall, and has been serving as an adjunct professor in New Testament at an Episcopal seminary. We are thrilled that Todd will be following his passion and send our great love and thanks to Kelly for her work in tutoring and with the choir. May many young Bible students benefit from Todd’s insight and faith. The men’s Bible study which Todd so lovingly led will still be going great guns on Saturdays and Mikael Salovaara will come wellprepared! Don’t miss it! Alex Taormina , our newest vestry member, has agreed to jump in and help with Youth Group. Thank you, Alex! A number of Diocesan priests who love St. Peter’s will be on hand to help us through. We are very blessed to have such good will and incredible lay ministers among us. March 16, 2015—March 22, 2015 Monday, March 16 10:00 am Women’s Bible Study 2:45 pm “Success for All” Afterschool Program 3:30 pm MAP Program, Parish Hall 4:30 pm Choir Rehearsal 6:00 pm Evensong, Church 6:30 pm Dinner and Lenten Program, Guild Room 7:00 pm Centering Prayer Tuesday, March 17 2:45 pm “Success for All” Afterschool Program 4:30 pm Choir Rehearsal-children 6:00 pm Yoga, Guild Room 7:00 pm Intuitive Eating Group, Library 7:00 pm Principe de Paz, Church & Undercroft Wednesday, March 18 2:45 pm “Success for All” Afterschool Program 4:30 pm Choir Rehearsal—children 7:00 pm Stephen Ministry 8:00 pm AA Meeting Thursday, March 19 12:10 pm Holy Communion, Church 12:45 pm Thursday Luncheon 2:45 pm “Success for All” Afterschool Program 4:30 pm Choir Rehearsal—children 6:30 pm Young Men’s Dinner 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal—adults and teens Friday, March 20 2:45 pm “Success for All” Afterschool Program 7:30 pm AA Meeting, Parish Hall Saturday, March 21 8:30 am Men’s Bible Study, Guild Room 9:30 am Soup Kitchen 2:00 pm Memorial Service for Jean Hausman 3:00 pm Jean Hausman Repast, Parish Hall Sunday, March 22 8:00 am Holy Communion, Church 9:00 am Holy Communion, Church 10:00 am Adult Education 10:00 am Church School 10:00 am Coffee Hour 11:15 pm Morning Prayer, Church 1:00 pm Principe de Paz 1:00 pm Youth Group “A Week at St. Peter’s” - If you would like to have something included in this publication, please email it to [email protected] by Monday morning preceding the Sunday that you would like it to appear. Thanks. St. Peter’s Episcopal Church 70 Maple Avenue, Morristown, NJ 07960 Phone: 973 -538- 0555 Fax: 973-538- 7790 Office hours: Monday - Thursday 9 am - 4 pm, Friday 9 am—1 pm Our website: w ww.stpeter The Parish Staff: The Reverend Janet Broderick, Rector The Right Reverend John Shelby Spong, Bishop-in-Residence Mikael Salovaara, Pastoral Associate Joshua Stafford, Director of Music Dee Klikier, Administrator/Church School Director/Afterschool Programs Mary Beth King, Financial Manager/Administrator Faith Winow, Executive Asst. to the Rector Deb Joyal, Communications and Grants Danielle Williams, Youth Group Director Jon Tyillian, Assistant Organist Lee Ann Stritehoff, Parish Nurse Trevor Wallace, Verger & Sexton KB Bader, Facilities and Maintenance Supervisor The Vestry: Michael Sutcliffe (2016), Carrie Stein (2017) Wardens; Spencer S. Marsh III, Treasurer; Frank Failla, Won Kim, Assistant Treasurer. Vestry: 2016: Isabel Creighton, Peter Gordon, Lisa Hatala, Vivian De Los Santos; 2017: Jennifer Dyer, James Galbraith, Deb Joyal, Christine Spong; 2018: Patrick Griffee, Michael Hudock, Chris Kimm, Alex Taormina. In Our Prayers this Week Those who are ill, in need, or in any kind of trouble: Abby and Maddie, Alex, Michael Aloisio, Sherry Anderson, Bill, Bruce, Diane Clifton, Jocelyn Dyer, Mark, Kenny Goodson, Mary Gorzegno, Weld Granbery, Katherine Greider, the Hazen Family, Donald Hegg, Kenny, Peter, Peter Lareau, Jennifer Lewellen, Mark Livingston, Lilly, Lou, the Olcott Family, John Patterson, Robin Davis Perras, Victoria Rand, Bruce Roberts, Nery Rodriguez, Scott, Louise Sharretts, George Shimko, Andrew Smith, Christine Spong, Cecil Teekasingh, and Zoey. Our at-home parishioners: Gail Avery, Letty Glimm, Connie Lucas, Jane MacDougall, Grace Terwilliger, Nancy Urquhart, Toddie Whitlock, and Yogi Yogisparan. For Those That Have Died: Laurie Olcott, Valarie Gilliland, Jean Hausman, Eileen Jost, Ray, Thomas Palermo and Virginia Gebauer. Upcoming Memorial Services: Eileen Jost, March 28th at 2:00 pm. Valarie Gilliland, April 25 at 2:00 pm. Virginia Gebauer, May 2 at 2:00 pm Melody Whitelaw, May 9 at 11:00 am. During Lent we do not have flowers on the altar. Consider dedicating altar flowers later this year to mark a special occasion, or in memory of someone. Forms are located in the PH on the bulletin board across from the reception desk. Save the date! The Ordination of our own Ken Boccino to the Diaconate will be on Saturday, May 16th at 10:00 am here at St. Peter’s Church. More details will be coming but please save the date as we celebrate with Ken and his family. A Week at March 15, 2015 Saint Peter’s Church The Fourth Sunday in Lent Morristown, NJ Welcome! Welcome to St. Peter’s. We are delighted that you have decided to join us today. We hope that the beauty of our church, the magnificence of our music, and the power of the liturgy and preaching nourish your heart and mind. If this is your first time with us, take a moment to fill out a newcomer card so that we can welcome you and stay in touch. TODAY 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 11:15 am 12:30 am 1:00 pm 1:00 pm Holy Communion, Church Holy Communion, Church Inreach Meeting, Vestry Rm Adult Education, Parish Hall Church School, Undercroft Coffee Hour, Guild Room Holy Communion, Church Coffee Hour Youth Group Principe de Paz, Church
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