ST. ALOYSIUS GONZAGA CATHOLIC CHURCH 22800 Washington Street, P.O. Box 310, Leonardtown, MD 20650 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT, MARCH 15, 2015 Rectory (301) 475-8064 • Fax (301) 475-8762 FATHER ANDREW WHITE SCHOOL Tel: (301) 475-9795 • Fax: (301) 475-3537 SACRAMENTAL LIFE NEW PARISHIONERS…St. Aloysius extends a warm welcome to all who are joining us for prayer, worship, or instruction. If you are new to the area or returning home to the Church, we invite you to register and make St. Aloysius your parish. Registration forms can be obtained at the church or by calling the rectory. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA)... The RCIA is the process of welcoming new members to the Catholic Church. It is intended for adults who have never been baptized, or for adults who have been baptized Christian and now wish to practice the faith in the Catholic tradition. It is an ongoing process of formation, catechesis and liturgical rites. Anyone interested is asked to call the rectory for an appointment to discuss the process. STAFF Pastor ............................................... Rev. David W. Beaubien, ext. 14 Deacon ................................................................. Deacon Andy Geisz Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper ............................. Denise Becher, ext.10 Receptionist/Bulletin Editor .............................. Betty Williams, ext.11 Religious Education/Youth Minister............... Leonard Wathen, ext.16 Director, Music Ministry ............................................. Georgia Harvey Coordinator, Natural Family Planning .......Jane Burke, 301-866-2056 Principal, Father Andrew White School....................... Linda Maloney Secretary, FAW School .................................................. Helen Bowles SCHEDULE OF SERVICES MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am and 11:00 am Daily: 12:15 pm Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 am Wednesday & Friday 7:30 am Saturday SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM…Parents are asked to call the parish office to register for the Baptismal Preparation Meeting and for the baptism of their child. HOLY DAY MASSES: As Announced inside the Bulletin. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION… Any youth or their parent seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation and not registered in the school is asked to contact the Director of Religious Education. FIRST FRIDAYS: Masses at 9:00 am (September through June) and 7:00 pm. Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 10:30 am till 6:45 pm followed by Benediction. Confessions from 6:00 - 6:30 pm. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE…In order to facilitate marriage preparation, couples seeking to be married in the Church are to make arrangements with the pastor six months to one year in advance of their intended wedding date. At least one of the engaged must be a registered and practicing member of the parish. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Thursday: 11:30-12 Noon Saturday: 3:30-4:30 pm ANOINTING OF THE SICK…The Sacrament of the Sick is for the spiritual comfort, strength and healing of the ill. If there is a need for the sacrament in your family or household, please contact the rectory as soon as possible. We, the faithful of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Aloysius, in communion with the Holy Father, commit ourselves to know, love and serve God and worship Him together. Parish Mission Statement FATHER ANDREW WHITE SCHOOL… Pre-K-8th Grade. If interested, please contact Mrs. Helen Bowles in the school office Monday through Friday 8:00am - 3:00pm 301 -475-9795 for space availability. This challenges us to know God through sacred Scripture and personal prayer; to love God in His Eucharistic Presence and to love one another; to serve Him by educating our children, by ministering to the sick, the elderly and the poor by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ and by hospitably reaching out to others. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION…Pre-K-8th Grade, Sunday 9:15am - 10:30am. For registration please contact Leonard Wathen at the Rectory. We commit to this with the grace of God and through the intercession of Mary, the Mother of God and patroness of St. Mary's County. ST. ALOYSIUS GONZAGA CATHOLIC CHURCH, LEONARDTOWN, MARYLAND PRAYER & WORSHIP Scripture Corner ! MASS INTENTIONS this WEEK GOD’S AMAZING LOVE Tuesday, Mar. 17: St. Patrick, Bishop 8:30 am: Roberta A. Dooley Wednesday, Mar. 18: St. Cyrus of Jerusalem, Bishop 8:30 am Elbert Hayden Thursday, Mar. 19: St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary 12:15 pm Mary Agnes Buckler Friday, Mar. 20: 8:30 am Msgr. John J. Madigan 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross Saturday, Mar. 21: 7:30 am Sara Ruth Hammett 5:00 pm Pro populo Sunday, March 22: 5th Sunday of Lent 8:00 am Frank & Theresa Abell 11:00 am Deceased Members of the BarryUtzig Family The readings today highlight the amazing love of God for all persons. The Gospel of John tells the reader, “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John 3: 16) The word “gave” in that verse could also be translated “sacrificed.” He gave his Son to death for all. The “world” in this verse refers to every human being! John’s Gospel here and often develops the theme of “realized eschatology.” Our relationship with God is already realized by the choices we make. If we respond to Christ with faith and good works, we already have eternal life: “Whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God.” (vs. 21) However, God always respects free will. Persons who turn away from Christ condemn themselves. But God always wants the conversion of sinners: “Do I find pleasure in the death of the wicked? …Do I not rejoice when they turn from their evil way and live?” (Ezekiel 18: 23) The love of God for all is also seen in the first and second readings today: “Early and often did the Lord, the God of their fathers, send his messengers to them, for he had compassion on his people and his dwelling place.” (2 Chronicles 36: 15) The Letter to the Ephesians, the second reading, also gives witness to God’s great love in bringing us to life with Christ, our Savior. Today’s Gospel also tells us that the Son of Man MUST be lifted up. (John 3: 14) The necessity comes from the will of the Father. But the concept of “being lifted up” has a twofold meaning in John. This is a frequent practice in the Fourth Gospel. Being “lifted up” refers to the crucifixion, of course. But for John it also means “being exalted.” This helps John develop the theme of the kingship of Christ. For John the cross is the first step in Christ’s glorious return to the Father. Later in the Gospel our Lord says, “When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.” (John 12:32) Here there is that twofold meaning, namely, when I am crucified and when I am exalted, I will draw all to myself. ~ Msgr. Ralph J. Kuehner, Archdiocese of Washington PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER the Sick and Homebound in our Community: Ethel Anderson, Joan Bolden, Mary Jeanette Brown, Bob Combs, Susan Colon, Teresa Cusic, Charles Davis, Sr., Elizabeth Ann Davis, Debra Dean, Irene Dixon, John Dougherty, Frances Duke, Jan Esler, Ken Esler, Howard Hensley, St. Clair Hill, Kelly Karwacski, Palmer Lacey, Edward Mayor, Jim McDonald, Ben Moore, Frank Percell, Mary and Ernest Pfeiff, Mary Pfeiff, Agnes Plater, Charlie Ridgell, Mary Saunders, Debbie Schoenbauer, Rita Solimani, C.W. Thompson, Ronnie Thompson, and Judith Welch, Carolyn Young. EVANGELIZATION & PARISH LIFE MONDAY NIGHT APOLOGETICS: Our series on defending Catholic faith and morals continues in the FAW School Music Room at 7 PM each Monday led by Ken Scheiber. Enter from the rear parking lot. Ken is a faculty member in the Dept. of Theology at St. Mary’s Ryken HS. ! ! FASTING & ABSTINENCE FOR LENT: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting and abstinence from meat for those age 18—59. Seafood is permitted. In addition, Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence for those age 14 and up. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal. (If possible, the fast on Good Friday is continued until the Easter Vigil as the "paschal fast" to honor the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to share more fully and to celebrate more readily his Resurrection.) FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT VOCATIONS CROSS Sign-up The Vocations Cross is presented to a family at one of the three weekend Masses after Communion and it is asked that it be returned to the rectory by the following Saturday morning. Jim Hoffman, the parish’s Vocations Liaison, is in the process of calling all homes that signed up to have the Vocations Cross in their home to schedule your week. Please pray for Vocations this week with Joe & Deb Vavrus & Family DID YOU ENJOY THE PARISH MISSION A FEW WEEKS AGO? That event was the work of the St. Aloysius Evangelization Team! Come join us as we plan future events in the parish and county as we bring people to Christ. The next Evangelization Team Meeting will be Thursday, March 19th at 7:00 pm in the parish rectory. All are welcome. WORD OF LIFE- “Lord, you are good and forgiving, most merciful to all who call on you. LORD, hear my prayer; listen to my cry for help. On the day of my distress I call to you, for you will answer me.” Psalm 86: 5-7 OUR BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL FATHER ANDREW WHITE S.J. SCHOOL Is now enrolling students for the 2015-2016 school year. Families that are interested may call the school (301-475-9795) to get information or to set up an appointment to visit and meet with Mrs. Maloney for information. Applications are available in the school office or you may visit to complete an application online. Openings are available in most classes. ADOPT-A-STUDENT at FATHER ANDREW WHITE SCHOOL: Each year there are families who want their children to have a Catholic education, but need financial assistance in order to do so. our parishes like St. Aloysius, but each year the need grows. In the past many parishioners have participated in the Adopt a-Student Program and our families have been very grateful. Please contact the school office at 301-475-9795 for more information. RELIGIOUS ED & YOUTH MINISTRY CEMETERY CLEAN-UP March 24, 2015: The parish cemeteries on Fenwick Street and Cemetery Road are being cleaned up from winter debris at this time. All Christmas decorations not on headstones and dead flowers are being removed as well as dead plants and bushes. Please remember: no glass containers allowed at any time, and no containers on the ground around the tombstones, it is too difficult to mow around them. STEWARDSHIP SHARING OUR TREASURE Weekly Offertory Contributions March 8, 2015 1st Collection: 2nd Collection: Bldg. Fund Offertory Basket: $7,379.00 Offertory Basket: $1,689.00 Direct Debit: $1,076.00 Direct Debit: $ 440.00 Total: $8,455.00 Total: $2,129.00 2nd COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND will be for Easter Flowers. Thank you for your generosity! PATRON OF THE WEEK: Red Roof Inn. Please remember to patronize our bulletin sponsors.! Rethinking Catholicism—So - you were raised Catholic, but aren’t quite sure if you really believe what you were taught as a child? Interested in rethinking the basics of Catholicism once again now that you’re adult? Join us for a Rethinking Catholicism: A Five Week Series for Young Adults. Each evening will include light refreshments, a short presentation, and honest discussion. Wednesdays, 7 to 8:30 PM, College of Southern Maryland, Leonardtown Campus, C216 March 25: Rethinking Church April 1: Rethinking Morality ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC or learning about becoming Catholic? RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is offered on Monday nights in FAW School. Contact Andy Geisz [email protected] for more information. MARCH 15, 2015 DO YOU BELIEVE? MOVIE– On Saturday, March 21, high school and middle school students are invited to see “Do you Believe?” at XScape theater in Brandywine. See the trailer at Details will be available in the near future. Contact Leonard Wathen to sign up. FIRST COMMUNUION AND CONFIRMATION PARENTS are reminded that there is an important parent meeting scheduled for Sunday, March 29, from 9:15 to 10:30 AM in the Gym SAVE THE DATE – SonSpark Labs Vacation Bible School is scheduled for July 13 to 17 at Father Andrew White School from 9 AM to 12 PM each day. COMMUNITY 2015 ANNUAL JUBILARIAN MASS: The annual Jubilarian Celebration of marriage honoring couples 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, and 51+ years will be held Sunday, June 21, at 2:00 pm at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Cardinal Wuerl will preside at the Mass. Please call the parish office or use the sign-up forms in the back of the Church to register. Names of Jubilarians need to be turned in to the parish office by Monday, April, 13. ST. JOHN ‘S PARISH MISSION in Hollywood. You are invited to take part in our upcoming “Surge of the Heart” Mission featuring international Catholic speaker and author Jon Leonetti. Topics are “Chosen”, Sunday, March 15, “Redeemed,” Monday, March 16th, “Delivered” Tuesday, March 17. Each evening from 7-8 pm. ARCHDIOCESE OF WASHINGTON WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Saturday, March 21st at the Church of the Resurrection, 3315 Greencastle Road, Burtonsville, MD, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Cost $25 per person. Women gather to enjoy fellowship, timely presentations and a midday retreat including Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions. Also included: continental breakfast, lunch and numerous faith-filled vendors and exhibits. Register at: SAVE THE DATE – TUES., MARCH 24th at 7:00 pm at St. Mary’s Ryken H.S. - IMMACULEE ILIBAGIZA: We are looking forward to our 7th Annual Knights to Knights Catholic Speaker Series! This year, we are blessed to have Immaculee Ilibagiza speak. Immaculee will share her inspiring story of faith, hope, and forgiveness. Her remarkable journey through the darkness of the Rwandan genocide will inspire anyone whose life has been touched by fear, suffering, and loss. Many may know her story which was captured in her powerfully written book “Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust”. The talk will begin at 7:00 pm on Tuesday March 24th at Romuald Hall, St. Mary’s Ryken High School. This event is sponsored by Knights of Columbus - St. Mary's Council 1470, SMRHS and J.F. Taylor, Inc. For additional info, contact us at [email protected] or 301 904-0210. The event is free to all. Physician-Assisted Suicide: KNOW THE FACTS Maryland Catholic Conference Legislation has been introduced in the Maryland General Assembly (HB 1021/SB 676) that would allow doctors to legally prescribe a lethal dose of medicine at the request of a patient who has been deemed mentally competent and who has received a terminal diagnosis. The legislation, referred to by its proponents as “death with dignity” is unnecessary, flawed, and lacks safeguards: • It’s impossible to accurately predict a terminal diagnosis. • The inability to accurately predict life expectancy is among the most compelling reasons to oppose physician-assisted suicide. • Medical prognoses are based on statistical averages, which are often incorrect in determining what will happen to an individual patient. • The bill does not require doctors to screen patients for depression before providing lethal medication. • The legislation opens the door for those who are suffering from depression – or even those who are overwhelmed for a short period of time – to choose a lethal course of action. • Mental health professionals argue strongly that the overwhelming number of suicides could have been avoided with the right therapeutic intervention. The Maryland Catholic Conference is a member of a broadBased coalition, Maryland Against Physician Assisted Suicide. 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ALOYSIUS, LEONARDTOWN, MD 04-0378 BRINSFIELD FUNERAL HOMES Traditional Funerals, Cremation Services & Memorial Services Pre-Need Arrangements Counseling with personalized service Options Cremation Facilities on Premise Brinsfield Funeral Home: 22955 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown, MD 20650 • 301-475-5588 Brinsfield-Echols Funeral Home: 30195 Three Notch Road, Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 • 301-472-4400 On Line Obituaries: Buy Local * Support Independent Business * Dine Local Café des Artistes • Classic Country French Dining • Lunch: Dinner: Tues - Fri Tues - Sat Sunday Closed Mondays 11 am - 2 pm 5 pm - 9 pm 11 am - 8 pm 301-862-5157 3-Course Prix-Fixe Menu Only $24.95 (5-6 daily / 11-6 pm Sun) Sunday Brunch/Lunch/Dinner • Brochures • Flyers • Booklets • Banners • Raffle Tickets • Signs • Business Cards ...and more! • Funeral Programs (Brunch a la carte 11-3 / Dinner 11-8) • Private Room - ‘Le Salon’ 41655 Fenwick Street, Leonardtown, MD 301-997-0500 • 21585 Peabody Street Leonardtown, MD 20650 301-475-8000 • Josh Frauenfelder • Parishioner Leonardtown, MD 20650 Essay Coaching Editorial Services Test Prep [email protected] Success Takes More Than Luck Ye Old Towne Cafe Home Cooking 22685 Washington Street Leonardtown, MD 20653 301-475-5151 240.925.1964 ALLERGY + DERMATOLOGY Knights of Columbus ST. 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