St. Joseph Cathedral %QTPGT(QWTVJCPF/CKP5VTGGVU$CVQP4QWIG.QWKUKCPCŖYYYECVJGFTCNDTQTI 8QN0Q (QWTVJ5WPFC[QH.GPV /CTEJ %QPVCEV7U 9QTUJKRYKVJ7U Office .............................................................. 412 North Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802-5496 Masses (Monday-Thursday 7:30 am to 12 noon & 1 to4:30 pm; Friday 8 am to 12 noon) Telephone ......................................................... 225-387-5928 Fax ......................................................................225-387-5929 Email ................................................ [email protected] Saturday Anticipated Mass of Sunday ....... 4 pm Sunday .... 8 am & 10 am (with choir) and 12 noon Weekdays (Monday-Friday) ................... 12:05 pm Holy Days......................................... As announced Confessions Saturday ........................................ 3 to 3:45 pm Weekdays ............................................. 11:15 am Always on request 5V,QUGRJ%CVJGFTCN $CVQP4QWIG.QWKUKCPC Dear Parishioners and Friends, In 1956, the will of Miss Agnes Maguire of Baton Rouge established a perpetual, charitable “Agnes T. Maguire Trust.” It provides scholarships “to deserving and needy women to enable them to obtain an education with a view toward establishing a working career.” The pastors of St. Joseph Cathedral and St. Agnes Parishes serve as co-trustees, and together choose the scholarship recipients. JP Morgan Chase Bank of Dallas serves as administrator of the Trust. The number of scholarships available and amounts awarded vary from year to year based on funds available. It’s Bishop’s Day! As Sunday, March 15, unfolds, our 12 noon Mass will be a special one, begging God’s blessing upon our Parish. Then, a gala luncheon will follow in our expanded Parish Hall. The Cathedral Community Award is being given to Mr. Pat Shingleton, WBRZ-TV’s chief meteorologist and someone who’s collected more “Coats for Kids” than anyone else in town. Our St. Joseph’s Apprentices this year are parishioners Mr. & Mrs. Don and Janice Aucoin, Ms. Goldie Domingue, Mrs. Heather Kirk-Ballard, Mrs. Jackie Kreutzer, and Mrs. Jane Skerkoske. I hope you’ve bought your tickets and are joining us throughout the festivities! But one celebration a week is not enough! This Thursday is March 19, our patronal feast, the Solemnity of St. Joseph. Noontime Mass on Thursday will also be a special one, and will be followed by our traditional St. Joseph’s Altar and the free Lenten lunch for everyone which follows. Lots of “downtown workers” enjoy the meal as well as our own parishioners. I hope you’re planning on coming for this too! But even if you can’t come, make sure that, as a loyal parishioner, you renew your devotion to our great patron, St. Joseph. Prayer to St. Joseph, asking his intercession with his foster -son Jesus, offers not only powerful consolation to us but is an effective means to obtain the Lord’s favor. This being said, one way to do this is to make a visit to our beautiful Cathedral church building at your leisure: we try to keep it open all day on weekdays during business hours while our maintenance staff is on-site. The twelve massive stained glass windows in the east and west walls identify the principal moments and roles which identify St. Joseph as the ideal “good and just man” whom God chose to head His holy family. Whether by contemplating his loving solicitude for Mary and the young Jesus in their home, or his bravery in saving them from evil King Herod’s clutches, or in the peaceful repose which marked the end of his years on earth – and those are just some of the scenes! – consideration of St. Joseph’s virtues invariably helps us to imitate him! And that’s a very good In Christ, thing! Applications for the 2015-2016 academic year are now being taken, and must be postmarked by April 10, 2015. Applicants must be US citizens; preference is given to residents of the Baton Rouge area. Applicants must have and maintain a minimum secondary and postsecondary education GPA of 3.0. Recipients must attend an accredited institution of higher learning, whether undergraduate or graduate, as a full-time student. Established financial need is considered in the selection of the scholarship recipients; race, religion, color, national origin and age are not considered in granting scholarships. Scholarships are granted for a one-year period of time, but prior recipients may reapply. Scholarship payments are issued directly to the college or university. Please let deserving women know about this opportunity. More information and application forms are available from our Parish Office ([email protected] or 225-387-5928). ♦Every Friday – Stations of the Cross will be prayed every Lenten Friday at 11:30 am. ♦Weekday Confessions – Confessions before noon- time Mass, Monday through Friday, will begin at 11:15 am during Lent. ♦Every Wednesday – A Holy Hour, with adoration of and closing with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, from 5 to 6 pm each Lenten Wednesday through March 25. Confessions are heard during it. Come for all or part! $KUJQR &KTGEVQTQH#FOKPKUVTCVKQP 2CUVQTCN#UUKUVCPV Most Rev. Robert W. Muench, D.D. [email protected] Mrs. Sheila G. Juneau [email protected] Mr. Christopher Redden [email protected] 2CUVQT 4GEGRVKQPKUV &KTGEVQTQH/WUKE Very Rev. Paul D. Counce, J.C.L. [email protected] Miss Donna Ferriell [email protected] Mr. Robbie A. Giroir [email protected] 2 ! ! This weekend, March 14/15, the annual national collection for Catholic Relief Services is taken up. This supports various Catholic Church organizations that carry out international relief and solidarity efforts. Programs include relief and resettlement for victims of persecution, war, and natural disasters; development projects to improve poor living conditions; legal and support services for immigrants; peace and reconciliation work for people suffering from violence; and advocacy on behalf of the powerless. Please be generous! Just use the special envelope in your packet and place it in the one collection taken up at Mass. Sunday, March 15 Choir Rehearsal – 9 am Nursery (6 mos. to 6 yrs.) during the 10 am Mass Bishop’s Day Celebration – 12 noon Mass Bishop’s Day Celebration – 1 pm Luncheon " Friday, March 20 Stations of the Cross – 11:30 am David Summers’ Organ Concert – 7 pm Tuesday, March 17 Food Pantry – 10 am RCIA – 6:30 pm Wednesday, March 18 Holy Hour of Adoration & Benediction – 5 pm Choir Rehearsal – 6:25 pm Small Christian Community – 7 pm Thursday, March 19 St. Joseph Day Mass, Altar & Meal – 12 noon Next weekend, on Sunday, March 22, the Ladies of the Cathedral and the Our Lady of the Lake Blood Donor Center are teaming up to hold our annual Blood Drive to benefit parishioners who may need blood during the coming year. Blood donations will be taken from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm in their mobile unit (the “blood bus”!) parked near the front of the church. Parishioners, friends of the community and others are all encouraged to take part in this blood drive. Blood donors must be at least 17 years old and in good health. The blood donation process takes approximately 30 minutes. For more information, contact Jessica Diez at 225-933-1509, or the OLOL Blood Donor Center at 225-765-8843. Saturday, March 21 KC 4th Degree Patriotic Banquet – 7 pm #$! David Summers, an Ohio native and former resident of Baton Rouge, student of Robbie Giroir, substitute organist here, and member of our Cathedral Choir, will present a free, hour-long concert in the Cathedral this Friday, March 20, at 7 pm. A small reception in the Parish Hall will follow. David is currently the director of music and organist at Christ The Servant Lutheran Church in Denton, Texas. He is also a part-time organist for the Dallas Diocesan Choir and the Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe there. %&' We hope you can join us this Thursday, March 19, to celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph. Following the 12 noon Mass we host a St. Joseph’s altar and free Lenten meal for the public. We are still looking for donations of cookies (both Italian fig and other types) to be served with the meal on this Feast of our patron. If you like to bake and can help us out, please send an email to the Parish Office at [email protected] or call 225-387-5928. David will perform works by Bach, Vierne, Franck, Mathias, Messaien, and the only Beethoven piece ever written for the organ. David will be playing all three of the pipe organs that the Cathedral owns, in particular our wonderful gallery organ, “Providence!” Everyone is invited to attend. Grab a friend, dress casually, and come listen to the music as it gives the glory to God! It would be really cool to let us know on Facebook that you’ll be coming ! 3 View this Bulletin online at 5V,QUGRJ%CVJGFTCN $CVQP4QWIG.QWKUKCPC -./ , Not only our own parishioners but Catholics from throughout the Diocese of Baton Rouge are welcome to choose their Cathedral for the celebration of the Sacraments. These important spiritual events are scheduled through our Parish Office ([email protected] or 225387-5928). A reminder to parents whose children are enrolled in our Parish School of Religion: at 11 am next Sunday, March 22, both parents and children will meet in the Parish Office! +PHCPV$CRVKUO "$$() Parents must attend a required pre-baptismal parents’ seminar as well as schedule the baptism. Bread and wine to be consecrated into the Body and Blood of the Lord – along with monetary gifts of the faithful – are brought forward at weekend Masses in a small, formal procession. To volunteer to perform this service, simply dress appropriately, arrive early, and let the ushers know of your willingness! #FWNV$CRVKUO Preparation for adult Sacramental Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) takes place as part of the Parish’s RCIA process throughout the year. (KTUV2GPCPEGCPF(KTUV'WEJCTKUV Second grade children, no matter where they attend elementary school, are prepared for these Sacraments each school-year within a special program here. $#+, %QPHKTOCVKQP Have you experienced the Sacrament of Reconciliation yet this Lent? It is offered here on Lenten Wednesdays during our 5 pm Holy Hour, but we want to point out that these nearby churches will also on March 18 & 25 at 6 pm: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Special, brief preparation programs are held here each Spring, one for our parish’s teenagers who are in the eleventh grade, and another for other adults who wish to be confirmed. /CTTKCIG Church regulations require at least six months of preparation for any wedding. Our advice is to call well in advance of that time if you wish to reserve a wedding date and receive information: our facilities are often booked well over a year ahead of time! One’s own parish clergy are expected to supervise your Catholic prenuptial preparation and to officiate at the wedding ceremony here. Our Lady of Mercy (445 Marquette Ave.) St. Louis King of France (2121 N. Sherwood Forest Dr.) St. Patrick (12424 Brogdon Ln.) St. Thomas More (11441 Goodwood Blvd.) Holy Family (319 N. Jefferson Ave., Port Allen) Immaculate Conception (865 Hatchell Ln., Denham Springs) * The regular collection over the weekend of March 7/8 totaled $8,534.00 ($7,560.50 of this came from 140 generous Identified Givers, while our visitors and other unidentified givers gave another $973.50 in the “loose” collection). Again, make plans now to go to confession this Lent, either here at the Cathedral (Monday to Friday, at 11:15 am, Saturday at 3 pm, or Wednesday during our 5 pm Holy Hour) or at one of our neighboring parishes! Thanks so very much for your sacrificial generosity to St. Joseph Cathedral Parish! Remember, our Parish operations get no subsidy or other funding from the Diocese of Baton Rouge – its grant to our building fund to expand our Parish Hall was the sole exception over the entire history of the diocese! We depend solely on YOU for support of our day-to-day operations! $% &'()* +&,- Also, please make sure you include the Cathedral in your will or living trust – and periodically check with your financial planner to keep this up-to-date – for this is a way to provide substantially for our future out of resources which may not be available right now. The answers to questions about any financial matter are always available from the Parish Office, at either 225387-5928 or [email protected]. Baton Rouge – 225-768-7676 Zachary – 225-658-7751 4 $1 Thursday, March 26 12 noon St. Joseph Cathedral Parish Hall Jennifer Maggio The Life of a Single Mom Ministries “From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed” A short Latin word that we’re hearing during Lent is: +TC It’s a noun that means “anger” (the English word “irascible” comes from it); the related verb KTCUEQT means “to become angry.” One phrase in a common Latin communion antiphon that we sing here during Lent is 0GKP¿VGTPWOKTCUECTKUPQDKU, and quotes from the prophet Joel’s plea to the Lord, “Do not forever be angry with us.” Another famous Latin hymn describes Judgment Day for every unrepentant sinner as a FKGUKT¿, a “day of wrath.” Jennifer Maggio is an award-winning author and speaker, whose personal journey through homelessness, abuse and multiple teen pregnancies led her to found The Life of a Single Mom Ministries. At 19 years old, Maggio was pregnant for the fourth time, living in government housing, on food stamps and welfare. She shares with great openness her pain, mistakes, and journey to find hope in Christ. Jennifer is passionate about seeing single parents thrive by providing solutions to succeed in finances, parenting and health and wellness while also connecting them to a support group. “The faith-based community has the ability to radically change the lives of single parents and should be actively involved in that pursuit. Single parents arrive at single parenthood through a variety of circumstances and God has a plan for them all. My hope is that through my own experience, others may receive strength and encouragement”. It’s important to remember that these prophetic and poetic words come from ancient and medieval sources, and use theological imagery that is less-developed than is common now. In reality God always loves us! While we sometimes poetically attribute His discipline and ways as motivated by anger on His part, that’s never true: it’s a projection of our own! Athletes sometimes think the tough coach is cruel; students sometimes think the demanding teacher “hates them”! But the truth is that God – like good coaches and teachers – always has our best at heart! Jennifer is from Ferriday, Louisiana, where she graduated from high school as valedictorian. She attended Copiah-Lincoln Community College in Natchez, Mississippi. In addition to being the recipient of numerous awards including 11-time Circle of Excellence Winner in Corporate America and 2015 Blue Cross Blue Shield Angel Award Winner, Jennifer is wife to Jeff and mother to three beautiful children. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 00* In this weekend’s Gospel Jesus told Nicodemus that when we find our calling in life we are “reborn” (see Jn 3:3-4). We really become a new person, fired with a new love, aimed in a new direction, with purpose and love. Listen to Jesus’ voice within you. If He is challenging you to consider a Church vocation, please call or email our diocesan Vocations Director, Father Matthew Dupré, either by phoning 225-336-8778 or by emailing [email protected] Women in Spirit is a non-denominational program for women seeking spiritual growth and sharing new and affirming perspectives on faith in everyday life. Monthly programs include a complimentary lunch. A light meal is provided, so please let us know you plan to come either by emailing [email protected] or calling the Parish Office at 225-387-5928. %&! 0 “To be the Mother Church, the servant of the Diocese of Baton Rouge, and a community celebrating the loving presence of Christ with strength, compassion and caring for all God’s people.” 5 View this Bulletin online at 5V,QUGRJ%CVJGFTCN $CVQP4QWIG.QWKUKCPC (' (“A Little Something”) Our ti morceaux over the past few months have looked at the first two of the three broad kinds of leadership exercised by bishops in the Church: the ministries of teaching and of sanctifying. We’re now going to look at the last of these, the leadership that is properly called the ministry of governance – in Latin, the munus regendi. This ministry necessarily implies the concept of authority. From a religious standpoint it has its origins in Jesus’ own mandate given to St. Peter to tend His flock (see John 21, verses 15-17). To accomplish this task, Jesus gave to him – and to St. Peter’s coworkers the Apostles and to their successors the bishops – divine authority, “the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven,” also known as “the power of binding and loosing” (see Mt 16:19 and 18:18), as well as the power to forgive sins (see Jn 20:22-23). Some people bristle at the very idea of authority. We Americans are particularly so enamored of individual “liberty” that we often chafe emotionally when required to do something by someone else! That’s why it’s important to recognize that authority exercised in the Church is not a mere human power, but is an authority exercised in responsibility before God, who granted it. Our retired Pope emeritus, Benedict XVI, called it “An authority whose sole purpose is understood to be to serve the true good of the person and to be a glass through which we can see the one and supreme Good, which is God. Not only is it not foreign to man, but on the contrary, it is a precious help on our journey towards a total fulfilment in Christ, towards salvation” (from his catechesis of May 26, 2010). This is the power and authority we’ll be exploring a little bit more in the next few morceaux. It’s an authority exercised by Church leaders not in their own name, but in the name of Jesus Christ, who received from His heavenly Father “all authority both in Heaven and on Earth” (Mt 28:18). - Fr. Paul Counce "2 !3 We get to congratulate two infants recently baptized here at the Cathedral by Father Paul! Lachlan Nicholas Barilleau, son of Lane and Loren Koren Barilleau, was baptized here at the Cathedral last Saturday, March 7, and Travis Keith Strickland, son of Dennis Strickland and Sara Arceneaux, also was baptized, on Sunday, March 8. Catholic High School is offering various summer activities for students five years old and older. Among the offerings are academics, art and athletics courses; they will run from May 18 to July 24, 2015. Course times and exact dates can be found in the “2015 Summer at CHS” brochure, available for pickup in the CHS School Office at 855 Hearthstone Drive or viewed online at Contact either Mrs. Sherie LeBlanc or Ms. Tracy Ducote at 225-383-0397 or [email protected] for questions regarding program activities or registration. These children – now members of the Catholic Church – have been freed from original sin and given God’s own sanctifying grace! We pray God blesses them and their families and friends as their futures unfold! $' ./ FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Saturday/Sunday, March 21-22, 2015 (Fr. Pat Mascarella – homilist at 4 pm, 8 am & 12 noon Masses) 4 pm Fr. Paul Counce 8 am Fr. Paul Counce 10 am Bishop Robert Muench 12 noon Fr. Paul Counce Ministers of Holy Communion Ann Felice Fourrier Jane Skerkoske Ellen Smith Rory Anderson Boyd Newman Gene Tullier Mary Acosta Michèle Deshotels Mary Furlow Robert René Billy Rimes John Tooraen Nancy Tooraen Charlotte Anthony Tino Dalmau Buddy Morris Carolyn Morris Ellen Smith Readers Servers Jan Smith Joe Maggio Denis Frie Karen Boyd Barbara Roos Brennen Kluka Bryan Vincent Joan Jones Dickie Howze Sean Molony Carla Lewis Melva Dye Elise Saloom James Saloom Sacristans Denis Frie Erick Swenson Harry Theriot Boyd Newman 6 The Fourth Week of Lent REPENT Meditations for the Season of Lent A N D B E L I E V E The Name of the Son John 3:14-21 The events that give rise to the teachings in today’s Gospel begin a few verses before when the Pharisee Nicodemus comes to visit Jesus secretly in the night. Nicodemus has heard about Jesus and is curious, but he is also afraid. He wants to believe, but he isn’t quite ready to make a public commitment. Bridgeman Images, Above: Shutterstock The people of the Gospels aren’t so very different from us. Nicodemus is intrigued by Jesus but unwilling to be seen publically with him. How often have you learned that someone you’ve known for a long time is or was raised as a Catholic? This is particularly true of famous people who are afraid that making their faith public will harm their careers. Sometimes we fall victim to this same temptation, hiding our faith out of fear. While we fear that we may be mocked or made fun of for our faith, in some parts of the world today people are being killed for their Christian beliefs. Truly the words of John 3:16 (“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life”) are at the very center of our faith. The season of Lent is the perfect reminder that we are called to let our faith show in our daily lives — with joy and fervor! POINTS TO PONDER • Do the people I work with, go to school with, and spend free time with know that I am Catholic? • Who encourages me most in my faith? Who can I encourage? • “But whoever lives the truth comes to the light” (Jn 3:21). How can I come more closely to the light of Jesus this Lent? C AT H O L I C I N S I G H T S A Good Pharisee Although the word “Pharisee” has come to have a negative connotation, not all Pharisees were wicked. Nicodemus, the curious Pharisee in today’s Gospel, was one of those who eventually followed Jesus. A member of the Sanhedrin, he defends Jesus when the chief priests are debating what to do with Jesus. And after the Crucifixion, along with Joseph of Arimathea, he brought about a hundred pounds of myrrh and aloe to anoint Jesus’ body. Tradition says that he was martyred for the Faith. “ Lent is a fitting time for selfdenial; we would do well to ask ourselves what we can give up in order to help and enrich others by our own poverty. Let us not forget that real poverty hurts. FamilyActivity Catechism CONNECTION Pretzel Prayers Once considered the official Catholic food of Lent, pretzels date back at least 1,400 years. Because fat, eggs, and milk were part of the Lenten abstinence, these little bites of bread made only with flour, salt, and water were invented. They were wrapped in the shape of arms crossed in prayer, and the three holes in the middle represented the Trinity. Traditionally, pretzels were the perfect food to share with people who were struggling for food or living on the streets because they didn’t spoil easily. Make your own pretzels as a family (find a recipe on the Internet), and share them with someone in need in your neighborhood or community. LENT PRAYER Unto to you, I cry, my God! “No one who lights a lamp hides it away or places it [under a bushel basket], but on a lampstand so that those who enter might see the light.” — Luke 11:33 Lord, give me the courage to be a brave and bold witness to you in all that I say and do. ” — Pope Francis, Lenten Message 2014, “‘By the grace of God’ Jesus tasted death ‘for every one”’ (Heb 2:9). In his plan of salvation, God ordained that his Son should not only ‘die for our sins’ (1 Cor 15:3) but should also ‘taste death,’ experience the condition of death, the separation of his soul from his body, between the time he expired on the cross and the time he was raised from the dead.” — Catechism of the Catholic Church, 624 The liturgical color for Lent is purple, symbolizing pain, suffering, and mourning. But why purple? Purple was the most expensive color in biblical times. Extracted from a OF THE SEASON sea snail, it took as as 12,000 shells The Color Purple tomany get enough dye to color a handkerchief. Because of the enormous cost, only the wealthiest wore purple garments. When soldiers mocked Jesus for being the “King of the Jews,” they put a purple robe on his shoulders to belittle his claim. Therefore, we use the color purple during Lent to remind us of the passion and death of the Lord. SI G N S For print use only. Copyright © by Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. Nihil Obstat: Msgr. Michael Heintz, Ph.D. Censor Librorum Imprimatur ✠ Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend magnolia strings !"#$%&'()*+'),-.((%,.-)/0(%,) 1#")'$'"2)#,,.(%#+3 For more info, call 225-892-2686 NEC Business Telephone Systems or visit us at or on Facebook/MagnoliaStrings Data & Telephone Cabling 225-925-1043 ~ Sales and Service ~ Thomas W. Acosta, Jr. NOW OPEN Attorney At Law LANCE HAYES FLOWERS 923-3182 225-753-7171 11934 Cloverland Ct. • Baton Rouge Mon -Sat 7AM - 7PM Sunday 8AM - 7PM Catering Services Available Port Allen, LA 70767 Phone: 225-383-2302 7615 Old Hammond Hwy. w w 440 Third Street Downtown Baton Rouge 911 Seventh Street AMY E. COUNCE ATTORNEY AT LAW 4607 BLUEBONNET BLVD. SUITE A BATON ROUGE, LOUSIANA 70809 TELEPHONE: (225) 927-0546 225-343-0600 Call LPi at 1.800.477.4574 for more information. THIS SPACE IS Ladies of the Cathedral Invites all Ladies to join in our parish and community service activities MEETINGS: 9 AM on 1ST SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH a !!"#$%&'()*%&'+,+""-./)#"+,0 CONTRACTORS Martin Mapp 225-389-9612 BR • 504-738-9831 NO Proudly providing services for St. Joseph Cathedral, Baton Rouge & New Orleans Call for a Tour Today 225-296-0803 4101 Plaza Tower Dr. Baton Rouge Consider remembering your Cathedral in your will. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE AT 225-387-5928 Serving Baton Rouge since 1925 2731 North Street For more information please call 800-477-4574 or 343-3022 • 383-0451 Retirement Community & Assisted Living Center 4604 Perkins Rd. 922-9923 2-B-4-1 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0833/i TOMMY DARENSBOURG, REALTOR® Cell: (225) 205-7185 ! ! "#$%&'!())*+!,-./0.11 23456'!78339:4;&<=>8?;@ABCD%83 ! ! ! ! .-.-!E6?&>8<<&7!E8?6&F4;: E478<!G8?@&H!IJ!,1.01 G&:!O75%B!P4;7<&;= 24%K!L&66&;!M566543=!G&4679!8#$%&!5=!5<:&N&<:&<769 8C<&:!4<:!8N&;47&: RANDALL RIVERE FARMS Cane Sugar Pure & Natural W ILBERT F UNERAL H OME Record your personal wishes and instructions in a pre-arrangement copiers, printers, wide format, fax CATHERINE WILBERT CHUSTZ Baton Rouge - 225-768-7676 Zachary - 225-658-7751 JIM WAX Pre-need Counselor 755-8232 Electronic Business Systems, Inc., 687-9542 687-1850 or 383-1850 12113 Industriplex Blvd., B.R. LA 7080 Cosmetic Dentistry of Baton Rouge General Dentistry Dr. Mark A. Ventress, DDS 632 Shadows Ln • Baton Rouge, LA 225.926.8954 Stuart & Company is proud to be the General Contractor for the Parish Hall Additions and Renovations at the St. Joseph Cathedral 4320 S. Jeffrey Drive • Baton Rouge, La. 70816 • 225-293-8650 M. A. C. Wrecking 881 Sinclair Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70815 Demolition Specialist Michael J. David Matt Kauffman Painting Contractor, LLC 225-439-4148 E. Allen Graves, Jr. David W. Carley Proud to be a part of the Stuart and Co. team at the Cathedral Cocreham Brick & Stone, Inc. Office/Fax (225) 273-1207 Cell (225) 921-2793 Proud to be a part of the Stuart & Company Team on the Parish Hall project ))0Q!E&4?38<7!R;DH E478<!G8?@&H!IJ!,1.1225-927-1100 Proud to be a part of the Parish Hall Project with Stuart & Co. O: 767-7777 F: 757-1771 St. Joseph Cathedral Council 13632 For Advertising Information, call ROBIN ELLIOTT at LPi today! 1.800.477.4574 ext 6325 • 504.453.0831 [email protected] 2-B-4-1 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0833/o
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