STATIONS OF THE CROSS will be held every Friday starting on 27th February throughout the Season of Lent as follows:- Church Notice ~ SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME 15th February 2015 SECOND COLLECTION this week is for the Cathedral Maintenance Fund. TOTAL COLLECTION FOR “CHARITY ANG POW” FOR THE POOR amounted to RM32,779 from 89 kind donors. Thank you for your generous contribution. ASH WEDNESDAY this year falls on 18th February which also happens to be Chinese New Year Eve. The Archbishop has written a circular to all parishes stating that: “The Ash Wednesday Liturgy is to be observed while the fasting, abstinence and penance are left to the individuals.” For the Cathedral Parish, Holy Mass with imposition of ashes will be as follows:TUESDAY, 17TH FEBRUARY St. Joseph’s Cathedral 7:30 pm in English St. Mark’s Church - Batu Kawa 8:00 pm in Mandarin ASH WEDNESDAY, 18TH FEBRUARY St. Joseph’s Cathedral Carmelite Chapel 6:00 am in Mandarin 5:55 am in English 7:30 am in English St. Mark’s Church - Batu Kawa 10:30 am in English 8:00 pm in Bahasa Malaysia (The 5:30 pm Mass in the Day Chapel on 17th & 18th February will be cancelled.) CHINESE NEW YEAR THANKSGIVING MASS will be celebrated in the Cathedral on Thusrday, 19th February at 8:00 am. The usual 6:30 am and 5:30 pm daily mass at the Day Chapel will be cancelled. GAZETTE PUBLIC HOLIDAY - The Parish Office will be closed on 19th & 20th February. On 18th & 21st February, we are open from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon only. For emergency sick calls during public holidays and after office hours, please call 0168922633. During normal office hours, please call the Parish Office at 082-423424. At St. Joseph’s Cathedral, 2:30 pm in Mandarin, followed by Mass 5:30 pm in English, followed by Mass At St. Mark’s Church - Batu Kawa 6:30 pm in BM, followed by Mass 8:00 pm in Mandarin, followed by Mass Parishioners coming for the 5:30 pm Stations of the Cross and staying on for the mass at the Cathedral are reminded NOT to double-park or block vehicles of fellow parishioners who are leaving after the Stations of the Cross. COMBINED REQUIEM MASS will be celebrated on Friday, 27th February at 6:00 pm after the Stations of the Cross. Please hand in your prayer intention latest by Thursday, 26th February. CHINESE NEW YEAR GATHERING 2015 is organised by the Association of the Chinese Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Kuching on Sunday, 1st March from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at St. Joseph Grand Hall, Level 3, A.C.C.P.C.. ALL are welcome! ALPHA COURSE IN ENGLISH will be organised on 12 consecutive Tuesday evenings commencing on 3rd March from 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm at St. Peter’s Church, Padungan for participants to explore the Christian faith together. Do register at the Parish Office before Sunday, 1st March and invite your non-Christian or lapsed Catholic friends to come along. Registration is FREE. NEW ADULT CONFIRMATION SESSIONS for those 18 years and above will be conducted weekly until September this year. Please inform any Catholic friends and relatives who have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation to attend any of the following: Session in English is on every Tuesday starting 3rd March from 7:30 pm – 9:15 pm at St. Matthew room, Parish Centre (Facilitator: Mr. Felix Thang @ 082-426617). Session in Mandarin is on every Thursday starting 5th March from 7:30 pm – 9:15 pm at St. Simon room, Catechetical Block above the Parish Gift Shop (Catechist: Ms. Agnes Chai @ 082-412650 / 016-8920887 or Facilitator: Mr. Jerome Lim @ 0128885999). Session in Bahasa Malaysia is on every Sunday starting 8th March from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm at St. Peter room, Parish Centre (Facilitator: Mr. John Edward @ 0198674093). WORLD DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE (Theme: ‘Jesus said to them “Do you know what I have done to you”’ organised by the Women Ministry of the Association of Churches will be held on Friday, 6th March at St. Thomas’ Cathedral, Jalan Mcdougall. Tea fellowship starts at 4:15 pm followed by the Prayer Service at 5:00 pm. All are welcome to support this ecumenical gathering. A LENTEN REFLECTION in English (Theme: ‘Suffering Not For Christ, But With Christ’) by Fr. Alvin Ng, SJ is organised by the Catholic Senior Citizens Fellowship on Saturday, 7th March, commencing at 10:00 am at the Mater Domini Auditorium, Level 2, A.C.C.P.C.. A nominal fee of RM3 per head will be collected upon registration on a ‘first-come-first-serve’ basis. All are welcome. THE SARAWAK CATHOLIC TEACHERS’ GUILD is having their Annual General Meeting with a Talk by Fr. Chris Gleeson, SJ from Australia on the ‘Spirituality of the Catholic Teacher’. This will be held on Sunday, 22nd March from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm at S.M.K. St. Joseph. Interested teachers are requested to register with their respective school representatives by Monday, 9th March. APPEAL TO PARISHIONERS - In the name of Christian charity, all parishioners are reminded to employ civic consciousness when parking along the main road during mass. Please do not obstruct traffic flow by double parking along Jalan Tun Abang Haji Openg outside the Cathedral and the Carmelite Chapel. For the 6:30 am Mass on Sunday, please do not park along the centre (right) lane of the main road in front of St. Joseph’s Secondary School as there are available parking space within the Cathedral compound towards the Parish Centre & A.C.C.P.C. area as well as the open area beside St. Jude’s Kindergarten. THE BACK EXIT GATE (next to the Sarawak Club tennis courts) will be opened at the end of every Mass on weekends. Parishioners parking at the Parish Centre and A.C.C.P.C. area are reminded to exit the Cathedral compound using the back gate to reduce traffic congestion at the front entrance. Please render your full co-operation and follow the directives of our in-house security personnel. CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS RADIO BROADCAST in English will be on the air over RTM FM91.9 this Sunday at 9:15 pm. BRIEFING FOR BAPTISM OF BABIES in English will be held this Sunday immediately after the 3rd Mass in this Cathedral. Both parents and Godparent must attend the briefing and bring along the family record book and a photocopy of your baby’s birth certificate. 3rd MIGRANT COUNTER is open this Sunday after the Mass at St. Luke’s room to assist adults and students from kampongs and outside Malaysia. …………………………….………………………………………………………… PARISH LENTEN PROGRAMME & C.W.S. LENTEN APPEAL BROCHURES, ENVELOPES & BOXES will be available at the church entrances. Parishioners are encouraged to do charity and almsgiving during the season of Lent. R.C.I.A. RITE OF ELECTION will be held at various masses in the Cathedral and St. Mark’s Church on the Second Sunday of Lent, i.e. 1st March. Seats will be reserved for our Catechumens and their Sponsors. ST. JOSEPH'S CATHEDRAL PARISH FEAST DAY - Our Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Joseph Salvador Marino together with Archbishop John Ha will celebrate the Mass for the Solemnity of St. Joseph on Thursday, 19th March at 6:30 pm in the Cathedral. During this mass, we will also commemorate our Holy Father’s Second Anniversary as Pope. The Parish Council will be organising a Buffet Dinner for our parishioners immediately after the Mass at St. Joseph Grand Hall, Level 3, A.C.C.P.C. from 7:45 pm - 9:45 pm. Please call Nelly (Tel: 082-423424) to book your Buffet Dinner tickets selling at RM15 only per person (children below 5 years old - FREE). ST. JOSEPH’S PARISH LADIES GUILD is organising a Lenten Recollection (Theme: ‘Patiently walking with the Lord’) by Jesuit Bro. Stanley Goh on 21st & 22nd March at the Holy Family Retreat Centre (Woodhouse), Senibong. Registration fee is RM60/- per head for meals and accommodation. Please make your own transport arrangement to the centre. This is open to all Guild members and any interested lady parishioners on a ‘first-comefirst-serve’ basis. Please register with the Parish Office latest by Monday, 16th March. SEMINAR ON DIALOGUE OF SALVATION: CATHOLICS CALLED TO EVANGELISE by Deacon Dr. Sherman Kuek is organised by the Legion of Mary Kuching Comitium from 10th to 12th April at the Holy Trinity Church Kenyalang. Seminar fee is RM50 (inclusive of workbook and meals). Registration forms are available at the church entrances and closing date is 23rd March. THE BIBLE TIMELINE SERIES: THE GREAT ADVENTURE - STORY OF SALVATION is a Catholic Bible Study course organised by the Parish on every Tuesday from 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm commencing from 21st April until 3rd November. Registered participants will be notified on the actual venue in due course. Registration fee is RM155 per head. Interested, do submit your registration form with payment to the Cathedral Parish Office early as places are limited. Fees are to cover all materials required for this great adventure. Registration forms are available from the Parish Office and church entrances. For more information, please contact Donna Lai (013-8161412) or Lilian Teoh (016-8680198). The Archbishop, Priests & Staff of St. Joseph's Cathedral Parish Wish All Chinese Parishioners A Blessed Chinese New Year.
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