March 15, 2015 MORNING WORSHIP (9:30) Prelude Welcome *Christian Greeting *Praise Team “There is a Redeemer” “Blessed Assurance” “Sanctuary” *Invocation Children’s Message - Jared Terpstra Ministry in Music - Colleen Bomgaars Congregational Prayer Offertory Hymn - #696 “I Love to Tell the Story” (Offering for General Fund) (Please pass the Guest Registers during this time) Scripture: Matthew 9:35-38 (page 1510 or 1514) Message: “IT’S OUR TURN” Hymn - “Lord, Speak to Me” (words on screen) (Offering for Inspiration Hills) *Benediction *Closing Refrain - #269 “He Is Lord” Postlude A warm welcome to Pastor Mike Pitsenberger as he leads our morning worship service. Song sheets for those who are unable to see the screen are on the bulletin table or ask an usher for one. EVENING WORSHIP (7:00) Prelude Song Service *Hymn of Praise - #109 “Our Great Savior” *Invocation *Christian Greeting Ministry in Music - Alyssa Kuyper Congregational Prayer *Hymn - #218 “Jesus Paid It All” Scripture: Exodus 32:1-24 (page 137 or 136) Message: “THE FULL CUP” *Closing Hymn - #152 “Fairest Lord Jesus” *Benediction *Parting Hymn - #785 (vs. 1, no chorus) “God Be With You” Postlude (* Please stand if you are able) God commands us to “remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy” (Exodus 20:8, NIV). This is meant as a blessing, not a burden. So welcome to worship, to rest and to celebration. Please join us for refreshments in the Fellowship Hall after the morning worship service. Friendship Register: During the first offering this morning, please sign and pass the “Friendship” Register down the row. Once it reaches the end and members and guests have signed, please pass it back to the center. A warm welcome to Tom Hydeen, Director of Worship and Prayer at First Ref. Church Orange City, as he leads our evening worship service. Special thanks to Colleen Bomgaars for her ministry in music this morning; and to Alyssa Kuyper for her ministry in music this evening. TODAY 10:50 a.m.—Sunday School. Mission offering will be taken. 7:00 p.m.—Jr. RCYF. Devotions-Charli; Prayer-Brianna. 7:00 p.m.—Sr. RCYF. Nursery Attendants: Verlyn V. R., Jami S., Aubie M., Paityn A. (am); Jaimee V., Ella Z. (pm). Greeters: Dan Fedders, Tyler Franken (am); Loren Hooyer (pm). Ushers: Chris (M); Beau (NE); Keaton (SW). Door Attendant: Dave. Audio: Gary (am & pm). Video: Laura (am); Dan (pm). Refreshments: Mike Haverhals, Jerry Noteboom. After Service Greeters: Pastor & John (M); Milt (NE); Loren (SW). THIS WEEK Monday, March 16 7:00 p.m.—GEMS. Remember your badge book. 7:00 p.m.—Cadets. Regenmorter, Darien Downs (am); Alicia Wolfswinkel, Brady Frick (pm). Greeters: Scott Fischer, Dave Frick (am); Phil Hooyer (pm). Ushers: Pete Vonk (M); Brad Beukelman (NE); Tyler Franken (SW). Door Attendant: Loren Hooyer. Audio: Terry Vande Vegte (am & pm). Video: Dan Fedders (am); Brian Renes (pm). Refreshments: Jerry Renes, Hans Smolders. Cookies: Sue Noteboom, Ramona Vander Weide, Sherri Wolfswinkel, Glenda Van Meeteren, Florence Sandbulte. Special Music: Wally Valentine (am); Warren Valentine (pm). Special Offering: Missionary Support. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Uphold in Prayer Thursday, March 19 9:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.—Women’s Bible Study. 7:00 p.m.—Couples for Christ. Hazel Haverhals had same day surgery on her ear on Friday. Lois Joffer returned home from University of Minnesota Hospital. Pray for continued healing and strength. Nellie Vander Vliet dealing with cancer in her lymph nodes. Joni Byker our Mission Partner hopes to return to Liberia soon. Carter Van Meeteren and Paisley Davelaar Pray for direction and leading for the pastoral candidate Jennifer Balderas is taking Basic Training in San Antonio, TX. Trevor Pritchard has been deployed for six months. Dan Burrington in the military Nick Haverhals, Ashley Haverhals Friday, March 20 6:00 p.m.—Jr. RCYF meeting at church for food/movies/games. Parents can pick up your kids at 9:00 p.m. Praying for our local congregations: This week please be in prayer for God’s blessing for the Central Reformed Congregation and the ministry of Pastor Van Rathbun. Saturday, March 21 5:00 p.m.—Sr. RCYF will leave from church to go bowling in Le Mars. Bring money for supper at the bowling alley. Please help us to help you: When you have an illness, accident, upcoming surgery, birth or death in the family, or other needs, please notify one of the elders or the church office. Tuesday, March 17 5:30 p.m.—West Sioux Classis Meeting at Central Ref. Sioux Center. Milt Van Ravenswaay, Jerry Noteboom and Marlin Sandbulte are our delegates. We rejoice with Jeremy and Jacque Van Roekel on the birth of a daughter, Peyton Renee. May God bless this family richly. NEXT SUNDAY, March Pastor Voskuil will lead our morning worship service. Pastor Dave Van Kley will lead our evening worship service. Nursery Attendants: Julie Bomgaars, Clarice Van Maanen, Amber Van The membership of Charley Dibbet has been transferred to First Reformed Church of Sheldon; and the membership of Arlene Bensema has been transferred to First Reformed Church of Sioux Center. May God bless them in their new church homes. Happy Birthday to Herb Remmerde who will celebrate his 81st birthday on Saturday, March 21. Happy Anniversary to Rodney and Carol Sandbulte who will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Thursday, March 19. Articles for the HIGHLIGHTS are due next Sunday, Mar. 22. The open special offering (2nd offering) on Sunday, March 29 will be for Mission Projects. Attention Organization Treasurer’s. All Treasurer’s books will be audited this week. Please have your check registers, daily records, all receipts, and bank statements from October 2013 to December 2014 in the consistory room TODAY. Michael and Heather Sas are having a tip night at the Sioux Center Pizza Ranch to raise money for the adoption of their second child. The tip night will be on Wednesday, March 25 from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. They are excited for you to join them in this journey through prayers and financial support. HELP SERVE AT THE BANQUET In Sioux Falls Thursday, April 2 NEEDED: 5 or 6 people to leave at 1:00 p.m. to prepare the meal ahead of time. Also 25 people to help serve the meal. You must be 12 years or older. We must be at the Banquet at 5:15 p.m. The church van will leave the parking lot at 4:00 p.m. DONATIONS: Donations for meal expenses and milk are also needed. A sign up sheet and a box for donations is at the back of the mailboxes. Please consider giving of your time or a donation. ORDER EASTER FLOWERS Lilies, Tulips, Daffodils or Hyacinths Would you like to donate Easter flowers “in honor of” or “in memory of” someone. Stop by the table near the mailboxes in the fellowship hall. Fill out a slip and put it, along with $15 per plant, in an envelope and place it in the box. Make checks payable to Carmel Women’s Ministries. Deadline to order flowers is this week Wednesday, March 18. Flowers may be picked up after the evening service on Easter Sunday. VBS Craft Team needs help! VBS Directors are looking for someone to plan and lead crafts for Preschool/Kindergarten classes; someone to plan and lead crafts for First/Second Grade classes; and someone to plan and lead crafts for Third/Fourth Grade classes. The wood projects of the past will be continued so it would only be 4 or 5 crafts for the rest of the week. If you are interested, please contact one of the Craft Directors, Amanda Haverhals, or Anita Van Ravenhorst. “New Best Friends Forever” is the topic for Ilene Dirks inspirational message on Wednesday, March 18 at the Christian Women’s Brunch in the Community room of Whispering Heights in Rock Valley at 9:15 a.m. Music is by Dawn den Hoed and the feature is Justin De Bruin who will be bringing his service dog. Brunch is $4.00. An offering will be received for Stonecroft Ministries. All ladies are welcome. Reservations are necessary so call Winifred at 470-5549 or Bertha at 476-2583 if you would like to come. The SHARE group for widows/widowers will meet on Thursday, March 19, at 6:00 p.m. at the HOMESTEAD COMMONS in Hull. It is Pizza and Game night. Come and enjoy an evening of fun, food and fellowship. Any questions contact: Pastor Katie at 470-4195 or Deanna Tiedeman at 439-2229. Inspiration Hills Women’s Auxiliary Annual meeting will be held Thursday, March 19. Registration and coffee begin at 9:30 a.m. The cost for the day will be $8.50. You are encouraged to bring items for the silent auction. Some suggestions are: baked items (with the flavor & recipe labeled on it), canned goods, plants, craft items, baby items, etc. Proceeds of the Silent Auction will go to purchase playground equipment at the campground at Inspiration Hills. Speaker will be Diane Ruyter from Village Northwest Unlimited in Sheldon. Diane’s life was changed following a car accident in 1980. She talks on “Making wise decisions”, “Never give up” and “Don’t treat people with disabilities differently”. The Village Singers will give special music and lead group singing. Make your reservations by March 12, by calling Inspiration Hills, 866-858-3265.
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