Our Bulletin - Carmel Reformed Church

January 18, 2015
Call to Worship
Hymns of Praise - #4
“Glorify Thy Name”
“Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee”
*Christian Greeting
Ministry in Music - Dan Fedders
Congregational Prayer
Offertory Hymn - #531
“Because I Have Been Given Much”
(Offering for General Fund)
(Please pass the Guest Registers during this time)
Children’s Message - Kay Koedam
*Hymn - #298 “Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart”
Scripture: Matthew 22:37-39
(page 1536 or 1539)
Message: “Why RISE?”
Hymn - #533
“Make Me a Blessing”
(Offering for Huntingtons)
*Closing Refrain - #269
“He Is Lord”
A warm welcome to Rob Roozeboom, Founder and President of
Rise Ministries, Inc., as he leads our morning worship service.
Song Service
*Hymn of Praise
*Christian Greeting
Ministry in Music - Dan Fedders
Congregational Prayer
*Hymn - #689
“How Firm a Foundation”
Scripture: Psalm 78:1-8
(page 914)
Message: “Telling the Story”
*Closing Hymn - #696 (vs. 1-4)
“I Love to Tell the Story”
*Parting Hymn - #785 (vs. 1, no chorus) “God Be With You”
(* Please stand if you are able)
Welcome to worship, education and Christian fellowship on a
glorious winter day! Greet those worshiping near you. Please
join us for refreshments in the Fellowship Hall after the morning worship services.
Friendship Register: During the first offering this morning,
please sign and pass the “Friendship” Register down the row.
Once it reaches the end and members and guests have signed,
please pass it back to the center.
A warm welcome to Rev. Bob Pollema from Sioux Center, as he
leads our worship service this evening.
Special thanks to Dan Fedders for his ministry in music this
morning; and his ministry in music this evening.
10:50 a.m.—Sunday School.
6:00 p.m.—Jr. RCYF. We will join the Sr. RCYF to view the
movie “Heaven is For Real.” NOTE TIME!!
6:00 p.m.—Sr. RCYF. Devotions-Sarah; Prayer-Colten.
8:30 p.m.—Homebuilders. Hosts: Valentines.
Nursery Attendants: Clarice V. M., Pat S., Kaleb K., Bryce R.,
Katie V. M. (am); Julie B., Jacob S., Tara H. (pm). Greeters:
Jake Anderson, Chad Wynia (am); Dennis De Jong (pm). Ushers: Adam (M); Keaton (NE); Nate (SW). Door Attendant:
Ken. Audio: Gary (am & pm). Video: Laura (am); Dan (pm).
Refreshments: Mike Haverhals, Jerry Noteboom. After Service
Greeters: Pastor & Milt (M); Loren (NE); Mark (SW).
Monday, January 19
7:00 p.m.—GEMS.
7:00 p.m.—Cadets.
Wednesday, January 21
7:15 p.m.—Catechism for grades 1-12.
Thursday, January 22
7:00 p.m.—Couples For Christ at Tony & Abby Madsen’s home.
Glenn Vander Lugt. Audio: Terry Vande Vegte (am & pm).
Video: Dan Fedders (am); Brian Renes (pm). Refreshments:
Jerry Renes, Hans Smolders. Cookies: Florence Sandbulte,
Cheryl Lange, Sandi Vonk, Nora Bohl, Trish Sandbulte. Special
Music: Shawn Sandbulte (am); Steve Sandbulte (pm). Special
Offering: Missionary Support. Offering for the Cadets in the
Uphold in Prayer
Betty Sandbulte returned home on Tuesday.
Warren Post completed a series of chemo treatments this past week.
Nellie Vander Vliet is finished receiving infusion treatments for cancer.
Joni Byker as she prepares to return to Liberia.
Carter Van Meeteren and Paisley Davelaar
Search Committee
Trevor Pritchard and Dan Burrington in the military
Nick Haverhals, Ashley Haverhals
Praying for our local congregations: This week please be in
prayer for God’s blessing for the New Life Reformed Congregation and the ministry of Pastors Ray Tilstra and Dan Kruse.
Please help us to help you: When you have an illness, accident,
upcoming surgery, birth or death in the family, or other needs,
please notify one of the elders or the church office.
Saturday, January 24
7:00 p.m.—Heartbound at Jeff & Rhonda Haverhals’ home.
We extend our sympathy to Loren and Barb Punt, Megan
Punt and Brady and Taylor Punt and family on the death of their
father and grandfather, Don Punt. May God grant them comfort
and peace.
NEXT SUNDAY, January 25
Cadet Sunday. Pastor Dave Smit will lead our morning worship
service and Pastor Bob Pollema will lead our evening service.
Nursery Attendants: Carmen Maassen, Kim Niemeyer, Kayla
Franken, Sydney Gesink, Solomon Tea (am); Abby Madsen,
Trevor Segar, Ana Sandbulte (pm). Greeters: Cadets (am);
Lloyd De Jong (pm). Ushers: Monty Prins (M); Beau Van
Voorst (NE); Verlyn Van Regenmorter (SW). Door Attendant:
Happy Birthday to Les Te Grotenhuis as he celebrates his
83nd birthday today, January 18.
“Thank you friends of Carmel for all the cards, food and especially the prayers for Jim during and after his surgery, and also for
Derek, while he was hospitalized and recovering at home from the
Jim Vande Zandschulp family
Articles for the HIGHLIGHTS are due next Sunday, Jan. 25.
A new offering schedule is in your mailbox. You will also
find an information sheet explaining our mission commitments.
Please read this information and remember to uphold these ministries in your prayers and with your offerings.
Needed: About 30 more pies for the Soup Supper. Please
sign up by the mailboxes.
All ladies are invited to Christian Women’s Brunch on
Wednesday, January 21 at 9:15 a.m. at the Whispering Heights
Community Senior Center. Brunch is $4.00. Inspirational message given by Pam Wilson. The Wamalas will favor us with their
music. Sue Noteboom will share Diabetes Education. An offering will be received for Stonecroft Ministries. Please call Winifred at 470-5549 or Bertha at 476-2583 if you would like to
Dordt College’s Day of Encouragement is a day to inspire,
encourage, and equip God’s people for ministry. Day of Encouragement is Saturday, February 7, 2015, and this year’s keynote
speaker, Chuck De Groat, will present two sessions: Pulled in a
Hundred Different Directions: Diagnosing Our Weary Souls and
The Antidote to Exhaustion: Discovering Wholeness and Holiness. Visit www.dordt.edu/doe for a full list of presenters, topics,
schedule, and to register. Early bird registration is January 19.
Brochures can also be found on the literature rack in the narthex.
SOUP SUPPER — Wednesday, January 28
Serving Soups, sandwiches and pies
from 5:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Freewill donation for Jr. RCYF
Invite your friends!!
Needed: Donations of about 30 more pies. Please sign up by
the mailboxes!
Financial Peace University Class will be starting January 25
at First Reformed Church in Sioux Center. Classes are 4:00 5:30 p.m. in Room 200. Contact the Center for Financial Education to sign up at 722-3527. Cost is $100.
Sunday, January 25, at 2:30 p.m. Piano and Organ Concert by
Glenn Henriksen of Armstrong, IA, at St Paul Lutheran Church,
Hull, IA. Mr. Henriksen is an accomplished musician who gives
concerts in Spirit Lake, IA, in the summer and concerts in Arizona in the winter. He also occasionally plays at the Mayo Clinic
in Rochester, MN. Please join us in welcoming Mr. Henriksen to
the Hull area. Included in the concert will be a hymn sing with
hymns of your choice. Refreshments will follow.
JUSTICE FOR ALL is planning another bus tour! This
spring we are planning a trip to Mississippi. Dates are April 8-15.
You will have the opportunity to see firsthand and meet those
who are on the front lines of Christian community development at
our partner ministries in Mississippi! But we wish to take this
tour one step further; we will look carefully at the history of a
state whose racial divide rivaled none in the country. We will
visit incredible museums, an old plantation, national parks, and
other places that will help us understand the ‘story’.
Please call Vern or Pat at JFA, 712-476-2804, for more information or to sign up for the tour. We will need commitments by
the end of February.
It is not too early to start planning your summer vacation
with a purpose! Come join our Royal Family Kids Camp
(RFKC) August 2-7! RFKC is focused on showing children in
foster care, who have been traumatized, abused, neglected or
abandoned, Christ's love. RFKC is a proven and effective way to
give hope, healing, and love to children who need it the most!
Last year we had 52 amazing staff members! This year we are
looking for more people to join our Royal Family to fulfill God's
calling to take care of the orphans among us. If you would like to
apply to be a part of our Royal Family please visit
www.tinyurl.com/rfkc2015app to download an application! We
request that your application is turned in by February 9th.