SUNDAY 29th MARCH 2015 PALM SUNDAY 8.00am 9.20am 9.45am 6.30pm Holy Communion Gather at Allendale Centre for Procession Parish Eucharist ‘Come and Sing Stainer’s ‘Crucifixon’’ We welcome everyone at our services. Families, please make use of children’s corner at the back of church. We usually have a Sunday School for children aged 4-11 in Church House during the Parish Eucharist in term time. Morning Prayer is generally said Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8.30am (entry by St. George’s). Evening prayer is said daily at 5.00pm. THIS WEEK – HOLY WEEK Monday Tuesday 7.30pm 8.00am 7.30pm Wednesday 11.30am 1.00pm 7.30pm Maundy Thursday 12.30pm 7.30pm Good Friday Saturday Couperin – Tenebrae, with readings Holy Communion Service of Lights at St. Catherine’s Church Thanksgiving Service for Sheila Matthews Funeral of Lawrence Laird at Poole Crematorium Tucker – organ improvisations, with readings No 9.30am Communion today Oasis meets in Church House Lounge Sung Eucharist of the Last Supper Preacher: The Ven. Alan Jeans, Archdeacon of Sarum 9.00am 12 noon 3.00pm 9.30am 10.00am 10.00am-12 noon Sung Litany Three Hours’ Devotion: The Ven. Alan Jeans Bun Walk to Pamphill Green New Horizons Prayer Group meets in the Minster Decoration of the Minster for Easter Flower Festival Coffee Morning in Church House NEXT SUNDAY: 5th APRIL 2015 EASTER DAY 6.00am Dawn Eucharist, 8.00am 9.45am 11.15am 12 noon 6.30pm Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Matins Holy Communion Festal Evensong followed by breakfast in Church House MINSTER MATTERS THE SICK: We pray for those known to us who are sick and suffering: Katie Lowden, Philip Shea, Samuel, Euan Bassett, Joan Roopanarine, Eileen Thorpe, Tony Skidmore, David Mould, Melanie Fawcett, Pat Collier, Betty Illing, John Carpenter, Jean Harvey, Janie MacFarlane, Brother Vincent SSF, Jean Hyde, Josie Vickers, Heather Lowe, Lisa Sims, Avril Tarring. Also recently deceased: Christine Potts, Jennifer Shipton, Lawrence Laird, Sheila Matthews. Minster Strollers: Sandra Thompson hopes to lead a walk of about 3.5 miles today beginning at 2pm from White Sheet Hill car park (accessed along Colehill Lane opposite St. Michael’s Church, continuing to the signpost for White Sheet Hill. The paths can be very wet after rain, so please wear good boots! If it is raining, please telephone me before setting out. Sandra Thompson 01202 886740. The retiring collection at this evening’s ‘Come and Sing Stainer’s ‘Crucifixion’’ will be for the Special Music Fund. The funeral of Lawrence Laird (Lorelie’s husband) will be at Poole Crematorium on Wednesday 1st April at 1pm. No Mothers’ Union Corporate Communion on Maundy Thursday. collect intercession leaflets from pigeonholes. Please There will be no Lunch and Chat on Good Friday. A reminder that everyone is welcome to join the Bun Walk from the Minster Green to Pamphill Green on Good Friday at 3pm. Hot chocolate, hot cross buns and games on arrival! A reminder to all members of the congregation to bring a floral contribution for the flower cross on Easter morning. Please note that the form announcing the annual revision of the electoral roll is now on display. Anyone who is not already on the roll but wishes to join it and thus become eligible to vote at this year’s annual meeting should complete a form. The revision runs to 8th April, after which no names can be added until after the APCM. Nomination papers for elections to the PCC are available in Children’s Corner. Easter Saturday - 4th April - Coffee Morning with raffle in Church House, to raise funds towards the cost of the Minster Flower Festival in May. 10am to 12 noon – all are welcome. Cake and prizes for the raffle would be appreciated. Easter Flowers will be arranged in the Minster on Saturday, 4th April from 10am. Flowers and foliage would be appreciated that morning by 10am please. Anyone who would like to help is asked to just turn up – no experience necessary. Any queries please contact Christine Oliver on 01202 888703. Bishop Graham will be calling in to the Minster during Saturday morning to say his farewells to members of the congregation, and to meet visitors. Wednesday Prayer Group will be back in Church House on 8th April at 7.45pm. Come and pray for our Government and coming elections. Psalm 22 v28: ‘For the Kingdom is the Lord’s and He rules.’ The PCC has agreed that monies from the Lent appeal will be given to the UNICEF fund for Vanuatu. Help needed desperately! Donna needs cover in the shop from 3pm to 5pm on a Monday, and 10am to 12.30pm on a Wednesday and Thursday. Please let her know if you can help at all. The Make a Mother’s Day Appeal raised £79. Thank you to all who supported it. The Revd Judith Henderson: I have been so very appreciative of all the prayers, condolences, cards and support I have received since Judith’s death. The weeks before her funeral were particularly difficult, but I was upheld by my church family and friends. I especially appreciated those who were able to stand with me on Friday 20th March to celebrate Judith’s life as friend and minister, with such appropriate dignity, serenity and love. My grateful thanks to you all. Jane Caley. Food Bank: We have run out of squash, fruit juice, sugar and are low on jam, tinned and powdered potato, tinned spaghetti/macaroni, shampoo, soap powder/liquid. Thank you. Sue Slydel. The celebrated Kenfig Hill and District Male Voice Choir will be giving a major concert in the Minster on Saturday 11th April, in aid of Minster funds. Tickets £10 each - are available from the office now! The Minster is hosting a hustings event before the General Election on Wednesday 15th April at 7.30pm. Questions to the candidates should be submitted beforehand to Robert Jones on [email protected] Sheila Soper will be showing pictures of her visit to Yambio on Monday 20th April at 7.30pm in Church House Lounge. There will be refreshments. Congratulations to Ashley Coombs on completing the Foundation Year of his Guild of Vergers’ Diploma. He now moves on to year 2. We’re delighted for Ashley and continue to be grateful for all he contributes to our life together at the Minster. The Rector. Following an orientation visit by the Fire Service, we have been advised to amend our procedure for evacuating the building, for both special events and regular services and opening. Copies of the instructions and of a new coloured diagram, will be posted in the usual places around the building If anybody is interested in attending a conference on “Child Sexual Exploitation, Slavery and Human Trafficking” on 28th April 2015 at Sarum Academy, Salisbury from 9.30am – 4.30pm, information is available from the Rector. WIMBORNE AND AROUND THE AREA The Friends of Victoria Hospital, Wimborne, are holding a fundraising fashion show – ‘Ring of Change and Colour’ on Thursday 2nd April, 7.00 for 7.30pm at the Community Learning and Resources Centre, King Street . Tickets from the Friends’ Shop, or Rae on 01202 889881. Please support your local hospital. Bournemouth Symphony Chorus and Youth Chorus will perform Bach’s St. Matthew Passion in English at The Lighthouse, Poole, on Good Friday, 3rd April, at 7pm. Tickets from 0844 406 8666 or The next meeting of the William Temple Association will take place on Monday 13th April at the Days Hotel, Bournemouth, at 8.10pm, when Brother Samuel, SSF from Hilfield Friary will speak on ‘Towards an integrated ecology – the wisdom of Francis of Assisi for today’s world.’ Visitors welcomed. CONTACTS Rector: The Revd Canon Vanessa Herrick 01202 882340 Curate: The Revd Belinda Marflitt 01202 886694 Associate Priests: The Revd Dr Brenda Gibson 01202 881472 The Revd Elise Harding 01202 884775 Mr Anthony Oliver 01202 888703 [email protected] The Revd Dr Lorelie Farmer Churchwardens: [email protected] Mr Francis Vine 01202 885538 [email protected] Website: Friends’ Secretary: Mr Peter Cook Parish Secretary: Mrs Penny Baxter 01202 885470 [email protected] 01202 884753 [email protected] Admin. Assistant: Mrs. Donna Gosney 01202 884753 [email protected] Finance: Mrs Karen Manneh Vergers: Mr John Hughes 01202 884753 [email protected] 01202 886667 [email protected] Mr Ashley Coombs 01202 [email protected] 886667
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