Principal Every Week - St Benedict`s Catholic Primary School

Term 1: March 18, 2015
St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School: Phone 3481 4600 Fax 3481 4699 Absentee 3481 4688 Email [email protected]
Mark Creevey
Dear Parents,
Either side of today, Wednesday, we celebrate the feast days of two great Saints in
the Church Calendar. On Tuesday we celebrated the feast day of St. Patrick and
on Thursday we celebrate the feast of St. Joseph. Both saints are remembered
fondly for their historical roles. For St. Patrick it was bringing the Catholic faith to
Ireland and the significant struggles which he had in his life to make this happen.
While for St. Joseph his contribution was also significant as he watched over,
supported and provided for the Holy family of Mary and Jesus. They too had many
challenges which led to his escape into Egypt. Joseph, Mary and Jesus were
refugees fleeing for their lives into a distant country. We can all learn some very
valuable lessons from the lives of these Saints.
Every Week
Sometimes not first or last
week of Term.
8.30am Wednesdays
Uniform Shop
Mondays 2.30pm-4pm
Fridays 8.00am-9.30am
School Banking
Mini Singers (Prep-2)
7.45am Tuesdays (Library)
Today on assembly we focussed on the Year 6 students and their leadership role
within our school. We commissioned them to go forth and provide wise
leadership and set good examples of responsible behaviour within our school
community. It was great seeing the Year 6 students proudly wearing their
leadership shirts which will be worn each Friday this year. We also congratulated
those members who took on formal leadership roles in our school. We all have
responsibility for setting a good example for others. It doesn’t matter whether the
student is in Prep or Year 6. We all accept this responsibility. It is great seeing all of
the Year 6 students embrace this challenge in a very public way. We wish you well
in your endeavours.
Senior Band Practice
7.30am Wednesdays
(Hall-Stage Area)
Our Pastoral School Board meets every month to deliberate on the functioning
of our school community. The role of the Pastoral School Board is advisory but I
welcome the wisdom which is offered to our community. Much of the time is
spent on school issues like educational initiatives, financial management and the
development of policies which provide future direction for our community. Before
any Policy is formally passed it is included as an attachment in the newsletter for
all parents to view and provide comment. Late last year we had a Sustainability
Policy developed, currently we are working on a Communication Policy with a
Nutrition Policy in the wings. The members of our Pastoral School Board in 2015
include: Matthew Ritchie our Staff representative, Fathers John and Bryan our
Priest representatives, and our parent representatives Felica Hilleary (Secretary),
Kelly Summerfeldt, Edward Arendt, Matthew Kearney, Berni Davis, Kaylene
O’Connell, and Russell Bensley. I thank them for giving up their family time to
contribute to our school community in this special way. Well Done!
Yr6 Choir (New)
Wednesdays & Fridays
(1st Break in Music Room)
Junior Choir (Yr 2-3)
7.45am Wednesdays
(Music Room)
BP Choir (Yr 4-6)
7.45am Thursdays
(Music Room)
8.30am Tuesdays (OSHC)
Piano/Keyboard Music
Tuesdays & Thursdays
(OSHC Bldg)
Guitar Lessons
Wednesdays (full)
Term 1: March 18, 2015
Mark Creevey
PB Miley Paterson
PR Hannah Sporle
PW Charlotte Harper
1B Eamon Matthews
1R Calum Graham
1W Georgia Watts
2B Sophie Murray
2R Hayden Stainkey
2W Christian Pye
3B Jackson Nucifora
3R Ava Jurkiewicz
3W Rei Yeo
4B Sandra Ibrahim
4R Briana Ruppell
5B Jemma Steine
5R Alex Hill
5W Will Latter
6R Hannah Du Mont
6W Emma Todman
Last week I shared that, due to a medical issue, our Café Coordinator was taken to
hospital. Fiona is progressing well but is unable to continue in her role. As a result
we will not have Café service for the last couple of weeks. I will consult with the
College about a way forward. More details to follow very soon!
Our Cross Country carnival is coming up very quickly with the event being
scheduled for March 23. Many thanks to Laurel Creese our PE Teacher for coming
up with a modified format which reduces the exposure of the students to the
elements yet achieves what our goals are for the day. Next term we will have a
District Carnival and a Zone 6 Carnival for our athletes to celebrate their skills
and abilities.
The P&F and the Year 1 classes have organised a
Coffee Van and refreshment stand at the Cross
Country on Monday, March 23. They will have cold
water, soft drinks and juice poppers, as well as
muffins, and fruit to purchase. The fruit has kindly
been donated by Farmer Pats Rothwell. Kids to
please remember to come and get your drinks after
your race, to avoid unnecessary wandering around.
The Family Store, giving you more!
Can we please keep the people of Vanuatu in our prayers as they recover from
the devastation of Cyclone Pam recently.
Anzac Day
It has been 100 years since the landing at Gallipoli. This year St Benedict's would
like to commemorate this special event with the help of our whole school
community. If you are willing and able could you please help out by emailing one
or more of the following to [email protected]:
1. Any current serving military families to touch
base with Mrs O'Hanlon (one of our Yr 3 teachers) as soon as possible.
2. Anyone who has immediate family that are ex serving members; a student’s
mother, father, step parents or older sibling. If these families could email two
or three photos from their service time, along with details of the dates they
served and any deployments.
3. Anyone who has grandparents who served in the military, past or
present. Please forward a single photo (uniformed or not) with their name
and the students’ name whom they belong to.
4. Anyone who has extended family (uncles, aunties, cousins). Please forward
their name only.
Thought for the Week: “There are always many things we can be thankful for.”
Sporting House Captains
Term 1: March 18, 2015
Mark Creevey
Term 1: March 18, 2015
Jo Scott-Pegum
Dear Parents,
Lost Property
At our student assembly on Monday we showed all the current lost property to the
gathering and were able to reunite many children with their belongings. There are
still many items in the lost property including school shoes, swimming items and
bags, drink bottles and other lunch containers. If your child has misplaced any
belongings please get them to check the lost property inside the student entry door,
alternatively, when you are next in the school you could do the same. Thank you.
Many parents have now booked their interview times through our new online system PTO - Parent
Teacher Online. Thank you for your willingness to embrace this new approach to bookings. We trust it
has proven a simpler way to make your appointments. Year 1 parents and some Year 6 parents will
get the opportunity to enjoy this system next time due to the teacher’s preferred timing or intervals for their
interviews. Interview conversations between parents and teachers are very beneficial as times to share
information about your child, their learning habits, progression and achievement to date and it is often an
opportunity to set goals for your child for their next steps in learning.
Bravery Award
I would like to acknowledge one of our Year 1B student’s Claire Mancini
for her courage on the weekend making that lifesaving phone call to 000
to get an ambulance to help her baby sister, Eve, who was having an
anaphylactic reaction to dairy. At the time Claire’s dad was away, so she was very
brave helping mum to get help for Eve. The good news that medical attention came
quickly and that Eve will now be under the care of a specialist. Well done Claire!
‘Brain Rules’ Dr John Medina
We absorb information about an event through our senses, translate it into
electrical signals (some for sight, others from sound, etc.), and disperse those
signals to separate parts of the brain, then reconstruct what happened,
eventually perceiving the event as a whole.
The brain seems to rely partly on past experience in deciding how to combine these signals, so two people
can perceive the same event very differently.
Our senses evolved to work together – vision influencing hearing, for example – which means that we learn
best if we stimulate several senses at once.
Smells have an unusual power to bring back memories, maybe because smell signals bypass the thalamus
and head straight to their destinations, which include that supervisor of emotions known as the amygdala.
Enjoy Week 8.
Kind Regards,
Sporting House Vice Captains
Term 1: March 18, 2015
Brett Kitchener
Dear Parents,
St Patrick
This week the Catholic Community celebrated St Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick's Day is
observed on 17 March, which is said to be the date of his death. It is celebrated
inside and outside Ireland and it is also a celebration of Ireland itself.
You may have your own opinions as to why St Patrick’s Day and the Irish are so
popular, particularly in our country. My opinion is because of the wonderful
hospitality and sense of welcome that the Irish extend to all. From all the Saints of
the Church, we have the opportunity to learn in order to enhance our own lives
and the lives of others. May we show hospitality, kindness and openness to all we
encounter this week, and may we have the luck of the Irish.
St Joseph
Another most significant Saint whose feast day is celebrated this week is St
Joseph. St Joseph has a special significance in Australia as our Australian saint,
Mary of the Cross Mackillop, founded the order of Sisters known as the Josephites.
There are many Catholic schools in Australia and no doubt across the world named
after St Joseph.
The Saints of the Church are true heroes from whom we have much to learn.
Student Leadership
Today on assembly we had the privilege of officially commissioning our student
leaders for 2015. The students should always remember they have the choice to
demonstrate that they are not leaders by default, in other words, not simply
because they find themselves in the highest class in the school.
Much has been invested in the children by their parents and families first and by
teachers in previous grades. This year particularly, at retreat days and on camp,
the children have been explicitly taught, in order to learn, what is required for
exemplary student leadership.
Thank you to the Year 6 teachers for their special investment in the leadership
model and process. I wish all involved ongoing success.
Our Parish
Holy Cross Parish
3293 0800
9.30am Sunday
Mass here at St
Benedict's, Mango Hill
Sacramental Program
Holy Cross Catholic Parish
will be offering Baptism for
those children who would
like to journey through the
2015 Sacramental Program
but have not yet been
There will be a Compulsory
Baptism Instruction Session
held on Tuesday 24 June,
5pm at Holy Cross Church,
Kippa Ring. The Sacrament
of Baptism will then be
celebrated at the 5pm
Youth Mass held on Sunday
5 July at Holy Cross Church.
If your child has not been
baptised prior to the
commencement of the
2015 Sacramental Program
you will be asked to delay
until the 2016 Program.
Please contact the Parish
Office now on 3293 0800
for further information.
National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence
In last week’s newsletter I mentioned that we had registered our school along with thousands of others who wish
to oppose bullying and violence. A very comparable day of recognition which is also celebrated annually at this
time is Harmony Day. Helen Hickey has commentary on this day in her news this week.
Both days have the colour orange as their colour of choice. We invite all children
to wear orange this Friday March 20. If an orange hat, shirt or other item is not
owned, maybe something as simple as an orange ribbon or shoe laces could be
worn. Please do not purchase anything especially for this day. The school will have
some orange ribbon for children who forget or unable to access anything orange for the day. In addition to
recognising the event in this way, important themes will be discussed in class on this day.
Please continue to encourage your children to do more this Lent in order to earn money for our Project
Compassion campaign. For the small amount of $5 we can provide a tray of seedlings. These seedlings have the
potential to grow, produce food and to allow for basic marketing in local communities. Keep up your efforts with
only a few weeks left to go.
Enjoy the rest of your week. May peace be with you.
Term 1: March 18, 2015
Laurel Creese
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Cross Country
On Monday 23rd March, the students in Prep to Year 6
will take part in our Annual Cross Country. The main
emphasis of the day is participation, team spirit and
challenging ourselves. We welcome you and your family
and friends to come along to support the students and
their team.
A few things to remember:
 Bring your hat, sunscreen, a drink and something to
sit on and wear team colours to show your support.
 The P&F are organising shade, a coffee van and light
refreshments for Parents. We encourage you to use
the facilities they have organised.
Race 1- Students born 2003(12yrs)-2km
Race 2- Students born 2004(11yrs)-2km
Race 3- Students born 2005(10yrs)-1.5km
Race 4- Students born 2006(9yrs)-1km
Race 5- Students born 2007(8yrs)-1km
Students in Years P-2 Assemble
Welcoming Prayer and Address.
Race 6- Students born 2008(7yrs)-1km
Race 7- Students born 2009(6yrs)- 500m
Race 8- Students born 2010(5yrs)-500m
Back to class for the normal program.
Presentation on Wednesday Assembly
For the students’ safety and the efficient running of
 Spectators must stay inside the Spectator Area and are not permitted on the course or to run with
competitors. Doing so may result in your child’s disqualification. Only officials with Fluoro Vests are
permitted on the course.
 Students are not permitted to wear spikes. Jewellery including all types of earrings must not be worn. They
are encouraged to wear their school colours.
 Parents and spectators are reminded that photography and videotaping is limited to personal use only.
Other information:
 After your child has raced they will receive an iceblock from St Benedict’s as recognition of their efforts and
to help with rehydration. If you don’t want your child to receive one please let the class teacher know.
 Any child who is not able to participate must bring a Parent/Guardian note to their class teacher. If they do
not provide a note they will be expected to participate.
 Students 2003, 2004 and 2005 in major placings will be eligible for Pine Rivers District selection on
Friday 1st May.
 Students (Born 2008-2003) in major placings will be selected in a School Squad for the Catholic Zone
Carnival (Friday 15th May) and will be eligible for selection based on training attendance and performance
in lead up races at training.
We require Parent help on the day with Course Officials. If you’re able to assist please phone the
school on 34814600 or preferably email [email protected] with an indication of the time
you can assist.
Congratulations to Kane Penny, Brandon Reid and Ben Sharp for their
selection in the Pine Rivers District Rugby League team. Congratulations
also to Jacinta Fitzgerald and Emmalea Chivers who are on the Pine
Rivers District team that came second at the Metnorth Basketball Trials.
Touch Trials
Touch trials will be held today and next Tuesday.
Catholic Zone Weekly Sport - Years 5 and 6
At the end of next week our Year 5 and 6 students will select preferences for Catholic Zone Weekly Sport which
begins Term 2. Students will be asked for a first and second preference when choosing from AFL, Netball and
Touch Football. Please discuss with your child their preference to help them choose. We are trialling a new
system of nominating in which they will do it online at school.
Term 1: March 18, 2015
Pastoral Coordinator
Helen Hickey
Harmony Day – Everyone Belongs
21st March is Harmony Day, a national celebration of cultural diversity and social
inclusion. The message of Harmony Day is everyone belongs. It is a day of cultural
respect for everyone who calls Australia home – from the traditional owners of this
land to those who have come from many countries around the world.
Here at St. Benedict’s our community is built on the rich tradition of many cultural
backgrounds with countries of origin including: Papua New Guinea, Samoa, The
Philippines, New Zealand, England, Ireland, South America, South Africa, Hungary,
India, China, Honduras, China, Singapore and many others. How blessed are we!
The richness and diversity of our cultural backgrounds bring colour and vitality to
our St. Benedict’s family. When we strive to respect others, we build community
where everyone is valued, everyone belongs.
Our St. Benedict’s Early Years Prayer, expresses simply and humbly the need for our
God to walk with us in life. It is our God who will gently lead the way, helping us
restore harmony in our lives and relationships when “hurts pull us undone”.
As our St. Benedict’s Community we pray for peace and harmony in our hearts
and relationships...
Creator God,
As we walk in your ways
Be in our minds
Be in our hearts
Be always looking over our shoulder
So that together our St. Benedict’s family can reach out in love and shine in our world. Amen.
Peace & blessings,
Morning tea every Wednesday after assembly in the Hall with Helen. All are welcome!
School Office
[email protected]
2016 Prep Enrolments
Prep Enrolments for 2016 are currently being accepted. Interviews for current families will occur prior to Easter
holidays and for new families immediately after Easter. You will not be able to schedule an interview until your
enrolment paperwork has been handed in. If you have a child due to commence Prep in 2016, please be sure to
submit your enrolment application NOW to ensure a place for your child.
Sick Kids? Going On Holiday?
If you know your children will be away from school for longer periods of time please let your teacher know in
person, via note or email. Please remember to call the St Benedict’s absentee line 3481 4688 to report absent
or sick children to the school.
Lost Property?
With a school consisting of over 600 students, property is bound to get mixed up or
lost sometimes. If you label your child's property clearly, it is quickly returned to
students when it is found.
Office Hours
St Benedict’s Primary office hours are from 8am to 3.30pm.
Term 1: March 18, 2015
Resource Centre & Curriculum
Ellen Ramsay
Library News
Excursion to North Lakes Library
Next Thursday the 26th and Friday the 27th of March
our Years 5 and 6 students will be participating in a
free library tour at Moreton Bay Regional Council’s
newest library, North Lakes Library at Corso North Lakes. During the one-hour
interactive experience the students will tour the library and explore the resources
available, as well as walk ‘behind the scenes’. They will participate in Literature
based games and activities and discover the environmental features of the
building. The timetable will be:
 Thursday 26th March 9-11am: 5B & 6W
 Thursday 26th March 12:30 – 2:30pm: 5W & 6B
 Friday 27th March 9-11am: 6R & 5R
Find a Book for You
For students who like adventurous, interactive novels,
the You Choose series by George Ivanoff and the Lost
series by Tracey Turner are available in our Library. In
these books, readers get to make key decisions about
how the story progresses. These series would suit
middle to upper primary aged students.
In the Library we also have a number of books from the publisher
Barrington Stoke to suit struggling or reluctant readers. These
books are commissioned, edited and designed to break down the
barriers that can stop reading happening, from dyslexia and visual
stress to simple reluctance. These books have a green smiley face
on them, so that students with dyslexia and struggling readers can
easily identify the books that may suit them. These books are
shelved in the Fiction section of the library amongst all our other
titles, and are available for anyone to read.
Curriculum News
St Benedict’s has a whole
school subscription to
WorldBook Online. Our
school subscription allows
us to access the three
areas within the site –
Early World of Learning,
Kids and Students. They
now have available a
mobile version of the
website, too!
Our School User Name
You must have your
library bag to borrow.
1B, 2W, 3B, 3W, 5R, 5W,
6B, 6W
PB, PR, PW, 2B, 2R, 6R
1R, 1W, 3R, 4B, 4R, 4W,
Commonwealth Bank Start Smart Program
This Thursday and Friday the Years 1 to 4 students will participate in the
Commonwealth Bank Start Smart Program. An Education Officer from the Commonwealth Bank will facilitate
sessions with each class in the ICT Hub, topics covered will include; Australian currency, keeping money safe,
credit cards and key cards, spending habits and maximizing savings. The program aims to teach these financial
literacy skills in a way that students can understand and enjoy. This program aligns with the Numeracy General
Capability and the learning area of Mathematics in the Australian Curriculum.
Teacher Planning Day
Over the next two weeks, all teachers will be released for a planning day with their
year level team. This allows teachers to participate in professional dialogue about
where the learners are at in their learning journey and how best to move them
forward. The teachers will work together to plan engaging learning experiences for
the students for Term 2 using the Brisbane Catholic Education Model of Pedagogy
to guide them.
Term 1: March 18, 2015
Teaching & Learning
Ruth Sharman &
Pam Sweeney (Guidance & Counselling [email protected])
The National Day of Action Friday 20th March
The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence is held annually on the
third Friday of March. It is an opportunity for the whole school community to ‘take
a stand together’ against bullying and violence. The day is an initiative of the Safe
and Supportive School Communities Working Group on behalf of Australia’s
government, Catholic and independent school communities.
As part of the 2015 National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, the
Department of Education and Training invites all Queensland teachers and parents
to register for the Mind Your Step online cybersafety workshops.
These workshops for parents and teachers and students have been created to explore key topics around online
behaviour, including positive digital footprints, appropriate behaviors in an online environment, and acting
responsibly and ethically online. Hosted by Brett Lee, creator of Internet Education and Safety Services, and the
department's Cybersafety team, each interactive workshop runs for one hour and is tailored to specific audiences
and specific age groups.
The Mind Your Step workshops are free of charge and open to all Queensland schools and parents. Non-state
school parents should e-mail their interest to register for each workshop using the links provided below.
Please note that sessions will open 15 minutes prior to start time in order to conduct audio and sound tests.
If you have any questions or difficulties registering please email
[email protected].
Next Workshop: Positive approaches and strategies for online safety
Session overview: Practical strategies to keep online interactions safe and positive for young people
Hosted by: Cybersafety team
Target audience: Parents and teachers
Date: 19 March 2015
Time: 4.30–5.30pm
Password: cyber
Finance & Fees
[email protected]
Term 1, 2015 School Fees
Term 1 school fees were due March 2nd unless Direct Debit arrangements were
already in place. If you did not receive your account statement (via email) or would
like an up-to-date statement emailed to you, please contact Nerrida on 3481 4600.
We apologise, our Café will be closed until further notice.
Term 1: March 18, 2015
Uniform Shop
[email protected]
Mondays 2.30pm-4pm and Fridays 8.00am-9.30am or available by appointment.
Oops, that’s not my hat?
You may have accidently taken home someone else's school gear. Please check your
gear at home and return any ‘lost property’ to the school office. Thank You! Parents are welcome to check
through our orange ‘lost property’ baskets in the office any time.
[email protected]
Next P&F Meeting
Our P&F Meeting will be held in April, in the St Benedict’s Primary School staffroom.
All are welcome!
Cross Country
The P&F and the Year 1 classes have organised a Coffee Van and refreshment stand at the Cross Country on
Monday, March 23. We will have cold water, soft drinks and juice poppers, as well as muffins, and fruit to
purchase. The fruit has kindly been donated to us by Farmer Pats Rothwell. Kids to
please remember to come and get your drinks after your race, to avoid unnecessary FARMER PATS
The Family Store, giving you more!
wandering around.
P&F Electronic Mail
If you would like to receive all P&F correspondence directly into your Inbox, please join our mailing list. No more
digging through school bags for P&F notes! Join our mailing list.
Mango Hill Markets
Stay up to date:
St Benedict’s College
[email protected]
To obtain enrolment information, please contact College Secretary, Lea Rubio via
email to [email protected] or via phone to 3385 8888.
Term 1: March 18, 2015
Here at St Benedict’s, Centacare run the Outside School Hours Care facility as well as the Kindergarten Services.
Please contact the Centacare coordinators directly regarding these services.
Kindergarten Services
Michelle Kramer - Kindergarten Teacher
3204 8452 or 0498 393 334 or [email protected]
OSHC (Outside School Hours Care)
Nikki Sawatzki - Coordinator
3293 4507 or [email protected]
Bookings for Easter Vacation Care are open now! Please peruse the attached program and return the booking
form via the red message bag, in person or email by the 20th March 2015. As always we’ve got loads of fun stuff
happening so get in quick as places are limited! Phone Nikki on 3293 4507 for more information.
Term 1: March 18, 2015
Term 1: March 18, 2015
Art Classes are held at the St. Benedict's Art Room
every Tuesday, Thursday (3:15-4:15pm) and Friday
Please contact us at [email protected].
You can also find us at
Tennis News
Term 1 Tennis Coaching will finish on Monday 30th
March, Tuesday 24th March, Wednesday 1st April
& on Thursday 2nd April.
I hope you have enjoyed the Tennis Term. All Term
1 players will automatically be enrolled into Term 2
Tennis Lessons.
Term 2 Tennis will commence on Monday 27th
April, Tuesday 28th April, Wednesday 29th April&
Thursday 30th April.
New Tennis Coaching enrolment forms will be
handed out during the first week back at school.
Wayne Hampson Tennis Coaching 0438 195 723
[email protected]
Held at St Benedicts on Saturdays from 10.30am to
11.30am. All ages are welcome. Please phone Daisy or
Damian on 3886 0967 or 0438 860 967. Sign up for
two months and receive a free uniform. All classes are
supervised by an instructor with a Blue Card.
Riding off road. Searching for targets.
Interpreting a map.
Saturday, 28th March, 2015. Narangba.
900 acres of fire trails, horse tracks, open land. Fast
single tracks. Scenic location.
Foot event and camping an option.
Social or competitive. 11 courses. 1:30 to
6:30pm. 30mins to 3 hours.
More Info:
Phone Deb 0439 979 260
Term 1: March 18, 2015
MBRC Road Safety Strategic Plan 2015-2020
Have your say and go in the prize draw to
win a bike!
MBRC is currently reviewing and updating the
‘Road Safety Strategic Plan’. Let us know what
you think the big road safety issues are in the
Moreton Bay Region by 06/03/2015. Use the link
below to take part in the short survey and be
involved in shaping Council’s business on what
can potentially save lives on our roads.
Pine Rivers PUMAS Rugby Union Club
Under 9 and Under 10
If you want to try out something new, fun and exciting,
then Pumas Rugby is the place for you!
Our clubhouse is located at Les Hughes Sports Complex,
Bray Park.
Do your kids like:
camping, sailing, hiking, caving, abseiling or rock
orienteering, construction or
knot tying?
learning first aid skills or
open fire cooking, kayaking or
learning about conservation?
learning survival skills,
astronomy or learning bush
learning about aircraft or
tackling obstacle courses?
making new friends and
experiencing new challenges?
earning badges to wear on their uniform?
Contact: Deception Bay Scout Troop Group Leader
Adam Black on [email protected] or
0423 626 706
Call 0488 020 292 or Email [email protected]
Worldwide Marriage Encounter: A weekend
away for married couples in peaceful, picturesque
surroundings – away from the distractions of
everyday living. Take time out of your busy
schedule, to invest in your most precious asset . . .
your Marriage! This is a unique opportunity to
recharge your relationship batteries, refocus on
each other and fall in love all over again!
Weekend date: 15th – 17th May 2015
Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston
QLD (on Brisbane’s bayside)
For bookings/details contact: Maria and David
Murphy, ph (07) 3342 1456,
[email protected]
Information website:
Term 1: March 18, 2015
Redcliffe Leagues Hockey Club
Have you thought about hockey for your child?
Contact: Lynne Somerville
0417 758 107 for more information.
4 – 11 April and
11 – 18 April
on Mondays &
Riding Camps are for children 6yrs – teens and all
riding abilities are catered for.
For more information please contact us…
Phone: 5486 6166
Email: [email protected]