Term 1: February 25, 2015 newsletter St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School: Phone 3481 4600 Fax 3481 4699 Absentee 3481 4688 Email [email protected] Principal Mark Creevey Dear Parents, This week you will have received a brochure from the Archbishop about our journey through Lent towards Easter. Lent is a time of prayer, reflection, fasting and/or self-sacrifice. Pope Francis challenges us when he reminds us that Lent is a time of penance and self-denial. But he also reminds us that these activities of sacrifice must truly enrich others. This is what our school community is trying to achieve when we support the Caritas Lenten Appeal. Our actions will make a difference in the lives of communities overseas this Lent. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au On Thursday and Friday our leadership team of Mr Brett Kitchener, Mrs Jo ScottPegum, Mrs Ellen Ramsay and I will be attending the Northside Leadership Teams Symposium. The event is for the Leadership teams of all of the Northside Catholic schools. It is an annual event. In our absence Mrs Brady will be released from teaching duties on Thursday to look after school issues and Mr Searle will be released from teaching duties on Friday. Next week our Year 6 students will attend their school camp at Burleigh. The camp commences on Monday and concludes on Thursday. The camp has a leadership focus as all of our Year 6 students will have leadership responsibilities every day of the school year. Mr Kitchener will also attend on Monday and Tuesday while I will attend on Wednesday and Thursday. The students will be transported to and from the venue via bus. In recent days the students and teachers have been deliberating about who will be chosen to officially represent them as School Captains, House Captains and Student Council representatives. We have had some excellent student candidates for this year’s selection process and I thank them for putting themselves forward and offering to serve the school community. After much deliberation by students and teachers and personal speeches from the candidates I am pleased to announce that Daniel Bowell and Ella Johnston have been elected as the School Captains for 2015. Congratulations! Every Week Sometimes not first or last week of Term. Assembly 8.30am Wednesdays Uniform Shop Mondays 2.30pm-4pm Fridays 8.00am-9.30am Cafe Wednesdays & Fridays School Banking Tuesdays Mini Singers (Prep-2) 7.45am Tuesdays (Library) Starting Week 4 Senior Band Practice 7.30am Wednesdays (Hall-Stage Area) Junior Choir (Yr 2-3) 7.45am Wednesdays (Music Room) BP Choir (Yr 4-6) 7.45am Thursdays (Music Room) Yr6 Choir (New) Wednesdays & Fridays (1st Break in Music Room) Playgroup 8.30am Tuesdays (OSHC) Piano/Keyboard Music Tuesdays & Thursdays (OSHC Bldg) Guitar Lessons Wednesdays (full) Term 1: February 25, 2015 Principal Mark Creevey Next Wednesday the 4th of March will be the monthly meeting of the Parents & Friends Association. The meeting will be held in the staffroom commencing at 7pm. All parents are most welcome to attend. Many thanks for your support with the recent rain event where we had to modify our day at school to accommodate the weather conditions. All of our classrooms were high and dry however we did have some damage to the Year 1 roof. The carpark flooded as water couldn’t get away quick enough. I am not sure why this happened but it is being investigated. If you had uploaded the Skoolbag App would have been kept well informed of the situation. Thankyou. Invitations for Prep 2016 interviews are being sent out this week. If you haven’t submitted your 2016 enrolment application to the office yet please do so as soon as is possible. Thought for the week: “The beautiful colours of the rainbow can only be seen through the prism of rain.” www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Have a great week! Regards, Mark District Swimming 2 Term 1: February 25, 2015 APA Jo Scott-Pegum - Acting Assistant Principal Administration Dear Parents, Meet Our Staff I have asked the new staff to prepare a short bio to introduce themselves to the school community and each week we will enjoy reading a small snippet about our new staff members. This week we introduce two more of the new members of the school staff, Mr Paul Willey the teacher of Year 6B and Miss Tara Masters teacher of Year 4R. We thank Jessica in Year 6 for writing a brief biography of Mr Willey. Mr Willey is currently a teacher at St Benedict’s Primary, Mango Hill. He was born on the 3rd of March in Brisbane, Australia. Paul went to primary school at St Flannan’s, and for secondary school he attended Padua. During this point in time his favourite subject was science. After finishing Grade 12 he went to QUT for university, to study psychology. His mum stayed at home and dad was a sales clerk. In 2004 he married Louise and they are very happy together. They live in Brighton currently and in the year of their marriage Paul won a community award. The first school he taught at was Mareeba State High School. His jobs before teaching included working in London and working at Air Train. For Paul Willey the most important highlights of his life include being a teacher and getting married. Mr Willey is a great teacher and will definitely be other students’ favourite teacher. Written by student of 6B, Jessica Sward. Hello my name is Tara and I am very excited to be part of the St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School Community. I have recently graduated from the Australian Catholic University. I am very excited to be given the opportunity to join St Benedict’s and to teach Year 4R students this year. www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au From the age of six I knew that my dreams of becoming a fairy were not in reach! After seeing the movie Matilda, I decided that I wanted to be just like Matilda’s teacher - Miss Honey. I view myself as a member of the world community, and gain personal fulfillment in the knowledge that my actions can contribute positively to the lives of others. I have always had a passion for the performing arts of dance and theatre. I am one of those people who love to see every musical and will listen to the music over and over again. In 2012 I travelled to Hong Kong to dance in the Disney Parade and toured around Hong Kong doing performances, this was an exhilarating experience. Amongst other places, I dream of travelling to Paris, and cannot wait to explore the surroundings while enjoying a delicious pastry or two! I am looking forward to immersing myself in the life and world of St Benedict’s community in 2015. I am enjoying getting to know everyone in our great school. Tara Brain Rule 5: Every brain is wired differently. ‘Brain Rules’ Dr John Medina What you do and learn in life physically changes what your brain looks like – it literally rewires it. The various regions of the brain develop at different rates in different people. Neurons go through a growth spurt and pruning project during the terrible twos and teen years. No two people’s brains store the same information in the same way in the same place. We have a great number of ways of being intelligent, many of which don’t show up on IQ tests. Enjoy your week. Kind Regards, Jo 3 Term 1: February 25, 2015 Sport Laurel Creese Pine Rivers District Swimming Congratulations to our swimming team who swam wonderfully at the Pine Rivers District Carnival at Lawnton Aquatic Centre last week. Thanks to all of the parents who came along to support our team. Thank you also to Mrs Penny and Mrs Hogan who assisted with the organisation of the team, equipment and event. Enjoy the wonderful photos that Mrs Penny captured! Metropolitan North Regional Swimming Congratulations to Abby Hanson who has been selected in the Pine Rivers District Swimming Team which will compete at the Regionals this Wednesday. What a wonderful achievement! St Benedict’s School Sports Trials - This Week On Student Assembly this Monday any students who were interested in trialling for Rugby League or Hockey were asked to come after Assembly to receive an information note. This week we had a Rugby League Trial on Tuesday at break time with Mr Willey. Unfortunately no one wanted to trial for Hockey. The Students who trialled for Rugby League have been shortlisted and when we have more information about the District trials they will receive a note. Remember to refer to last week’s Newsletter (18/2/2015) for dates and information regarding School and District trials. Tennis Trials - Last Week Last week I trialled 7 students in a school trial. Congratulations to Elyssa White who has been selected to participate in the Pine Rivers District trial. The other students need to develop their skills more, however, they will still be able to try out next year so keep up the coaching and training Congratulations to Our Sport House Captains! www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Our St Benedict’s Sport House Captains have been voted on today. Well done to everyone who made an effort to ’go for it’. We are very proud of all of you! Anicii House Captains (blue): Bailey, Isabella, Brandon, Ella Monte Cassino House Captains (red): Blake, Kaitlin, Oscar, Jorja Nursia House Captains (gold): Abby, Georgia, Lana, Marco Subiaco House Captains (green): Thomas, Jacinta, Jazmyn, Molly AFLQ Visit On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week James Nellis from AFLQ will be teaching the students AFL skills and games during PE. We hope these clinics inspire some of our students to sign up for Auskick with the North Lakes Eels this week-end on Saturday 28th February. 4 Term 1: February 25, 2015 APRE Our Parish Brett Kitchener - Assistant Principal Religious Education Holy Cross Parish 3293 0800 www.redcliffecatholic parish.com Dear Parents, Last Wednesday we commenced the season of Lent with an Ash Wednesday liturgy and Mass in the hall. Lent is traditionally a period of alms giving in the Catholic Church. Parishes and schools collectively support the work of Caritas Australia through their annual Project Compassion initiative. 9.30am Sunday Mass here at St Benedict's, Mango Hill Each year we aim to define and localise our support ensuring it is equally, if not more, about education of Social Justice than about the raising of much needed funds. We do this by promoting a theme or focus. This year the theme for Project Compassion globally is Food for Life. We have learned that for the very achievable sum of $5 we can provide a Fijian family with a small tray of seedlings which they can use to harvest their own fruit and vegetables. At our Ash Wednesday Liturgy for the early years we chose the Gospel reading of the mustard seed. We discussed with our younger children how small things can have significant outcomes. Focusing on raising money for seedlings this Lent will assist our children to appreciate a process commencing with their small acts at home and leading to healthy eating in a small pacific nation. Lent and Project Compassion provides a great opportunity for the partnership we actively promote between parents and school in the education of the children. The Caritas website contains short video presentations and many resources you could share and discuss with your children at home to ensure a better understanding of Project Compassion. If time is a factor and you want to do something small but very meaningful, a simple addition to meals time would be most beneficial. Try to create as many opportunities as possible in the week where the whole family can sit at the table for a meal. Discuss and pray about the food before the family and the potential that awaits for families abroad as a result of the work of Project Compassion. I encourage you, as I do each year, to define tasks for your children to do at home in order for them to be given money for Project Compassion. Learning is enhanced significantly when the money is attained in this way. I have provided you with a small grid you may like to place on your fridge or elsewhere as a prompt. Enjoy your week, Brett www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au How can I raise money for Farmertas? Do dishes Take out garbage Sweep Wash the car Mop Dust Set the table Gardening Say NO to a treat Say NO to take away Give some pocket $ Other I could do a different job each week! 5 Term 1: February 25, 2015 Resource Centre & Curriculum Amanda Bradford & Ellen Ramsay You must have your library bag to borrow. Library News New Books We have many new books arriving regularly into our library for students to borrow. Visit our Resource Centre homepage https://libraryl.bne.catholic.edu.au/ oliver/libraryHome.do?corporation=PMAG for more information on some of our new books and for access to the catalogue after hours. We have a new book in the library titled My Dad is a FIFO Dad written by a Brisbane author, Jo Emery. We recommend this picture book for families who experience separation because of FIFO/DIDO work arrangements. “This story will help to reassure children that despite distance, fathers can be present in heart, mind and spirit in many situations.” mydadisafifodad.com Volunteers Needed We Need You! We are in need of volunteers to help with the huge task of covering and repairing books. We will be holding a workshop in the Library next Tuesday 3rd of March at 8:30am to demonstrate our book covering techniques. If you are available, and can spare an hour to assist that would be wonderful. Curriculum News Writing Competition Students of all year levels can enter the 2015 Schools Writing Competition where they can enter short stories or poems, there is no theme and students are encouraged to let their imaginations run wild. There are some fantastic prizes on offer. This competition closes on the 29th March. To enter online or to download an entry form visit http://www.write4fun.net/competitions/54 The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Class Borrowing The theme for 2015, ‘A Young Commonwealth’, recognises that young people account for the majority of the Commonwealth’s population and play a vital role in shaping the world we live in. The Royal Commonwealth Society hopes that the essay topics based on the theme will lend themselves to aspects of the school curriculum and provide opportunities for creative writing. The competition is open to young writers aged 18 and under who are living in, or are a national of, a Commonwealth country or territory. For more information head to https://thercs.org/youth/competition Please note that the closing date for entries is 1st May 2015. Monday 1B, 2W, 3B, 3W, 5R, 5W, 6B, 6W Wednesday PB, PR, PW, 2B, 2R, 6R Friday 1R, 1W, 3R, 4B, 4R, 4W, 5B Worldbook St Benedict’s has a whole school subscription to WorldBook Online. Our school subscription allows us to access the three areas within the site – Early World of Learning, Kids and Students. They now have available a mobile version of the website, too! Login http:// worldbookonline.com/ wb/Login?ed=wb Our School User Name stbh Password st4509 6 Term 1: February 25, 2015 Pastoral Coordinator Helen Hickey Each and every one of us will share our own personal journey through Lent. Our St. Benedict’s community will strive to make a difference to people living in poverty in Fiji through our support of Caritas. What a blessing it is for us all to have the opportunity to stretch our hearts and minds as we become aware of the suffering of others and extend a helping hand. Action for this week: Please take time to share this Scripture story from St. James with your children. Playgroup If you know someone who doesn’t have any clothes or food, you shouldn’t say, “I hope all goes well for you. I hope you will be warm and have plenty to eat.” What good is it to say this, unless you do something to help? Faith that doesn’t lead us to do good deeds is all alone and dead! Tuesdays 8.30am to 10.00am May these words of James inspire us to make Jesus real. Peace and blessings, Helen Morning tea every Wednesday after assembly in the Hall with Helen. All are welcome! Location St Benedict’s OSHC Building All are welcome to come along and enjoy a cuppa and some morning tea whilst the children play. A gold coin donation would be appreciated. Enquiries hhickey@ bne.catholic.edu.au School Office [email protected] 2016 Prep Enrolments www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Prep Enrolments for 2016 are currently being accepted. Interviews for current families will occur prior to Easter holidays and for new families immediately after Easter. You will not be able to schedule an interview until your enrolment paperwork has been handed in. If you have a child due to commence Prep in 2016, please be sure to submit your enrolment application NOW to ensure a place for your child. Sick Kids? Going On Holiday? If you know your children will be away from school for longer periods of time please let your teacher know in person, via note or email. Please remember to call the St Benedict’s absentee line 3481 4688 to report absent or sick children to the school. Lost Property? With a school consisting of over 600 students, property is bound to get mixed up or lost sometimes. If you label your child's property clearly, it is quickly returned to students when it is found. Office Hours St Benedict’s Primary office hours are from 8am to 3.30pm. 7 Term 1: February 25, 2015 Teaching & Learning Ruth Sharman, Christina Mitchell & Pam Sweeney (Guidance & Counselling [email protected]) Everyone Needs a Friend Parents, carers and school staff have important roles to play in helping children develop friendships. They set examples for children to follow through the ways they manage relationships. They can also act as coaches for children, teaching them helpful social skills and talking through friendship issues to help with solving problems. As they learn how to manage social situations, having opportunities to talk about friendships with parents, carers and school staff helps children feel supported and develops their communication skills. Provide children with opportunities to play with peers. Children gain experience and learn important social skills from playing with friends. For children who are still learning how to get along, it can be helpful to plan what to do before having a friend over for a play date. This could involve deciding whether to share all of their toys or only some, or encouraging them to think about what games the other child would like to play when they arrive. Teach positive social skills. Observe your child to identify any negative social behaviours your child uses too often and the positive social behaviours they could use more. Little things like smiles, looking at the person, knowing names and using a confident, friendly voice can make a big difference when making friends. Being able to better control negative emotions and paying attention to the needs and wants of others are also very important. Teach one behaviour or social skill at a time and make sure the child is able to do it before introducing another skill. Show your child what to do. You may act out the situation and even demonstrate what to say. Take turns ‘acting’ until your child can demonstrate what to do. Don’t be too serious. Make it a fun experience. Be a coach. Coaching is critical for helping children use new skills in real-life situations. Coaching involves prompting, reminding and encouraging (but not nagging!) children to use the skills they have learned. Coach your child to practise positive social skills in everyday situations with family members and friends. Support children’s learning by giving positive feedback and praise. Help children solve friendship conflicts. Talking problems through with a supportive adult helps children to think about what happens, how they feel about it and what to do next. Thinking things through like this helps to build more mature social skills. From: www.kidsmatter.edu.au www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au St Benedict’s Lego Club This year there has been a significant increase in the number of students in Prep to Year 2 who wish to participate in Lego Club during play times. We would greatly appreciate any donations of Lego to add to what we have available for the children to play with. Please send to the Teaching and Learning room. Finance & Fees [email protected] Term 1, 2015 School Fees Term 1 school fees are due March 2nd unless Direct Debit arrangements are already in place. If you did not receive your account statement (via email) or would like an up-to-date statement emailed to you, please contact Nerrida on 3481 4600. 8 Term 1: February 25, 2015 Uniform Shop [email protected] Hours Mondays 2.30pm-4pm and Fridays 8.00am-9.30am or available by appointment. Oops, that’s not my hat? You may have accidently taken home someone else's school gear. Please check your gear at home and return any ‘lost property’ to the school office. Thank You! Parents are welcome to check through our orange ‘lost property’ baskets in the office any time. Cafe [email protected] Hours Our St Benedict’s Primary School Café is open Wednesdays & Fridays. Flexischools Orders Please check that you have correctly updated your student's class on Flexischools. If you have any problems please email [email protected]. Volunteers Needed! Volunteers are most welcome and appreciated in the Café. Please contact Fiona (our Café Convenor) or the school office if you are able to offer assistance in any way. Enquiries Our new Café Convenor is Fiona Storey. She can be contacted on 0429 647 268 or [email protected] Enquiries 0429 647 268 or fcstoreywood1@ bigpond.com.au P&F [email protected] www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Next P&F Meeting Our P&F Meeting will be held at 7pm, March 4, in the St Benedict’s Primary School staffroom. All are welcome! P&F Electronic Mail If you would like to receive all P&F correspondence directly into your Inbox, please join our Mailing List. No more digging through school bags for P&F notes! Join our Mailing List. http://eepurl.com/CbuDr Mango Hill Markets Stay up to date: www.facebook.com/mangohillmarkets www.mangohillmarkets.com.au 9 Term 1: February 25, 2015 10 St Benedict’s College [email protected] Game and App Development Masterclass Recently, 15 St Benedict’s College students had the privilege of attending a Masterclass at the College facilitated by Steven Shilling, an expert in the fields of Media, Design and Programing. Mr Shilling shared his knowledge about Animation, Gaming, Special FX, Film and App Development. The students quickly adapted basic programming the development of their own game, learning how to structure the game with an objective, how to create characters, environment modelling, level design and how to make objects move around the screen. Learn more about all that is offered to students at St Benedict’s College, including Extension and Excellence Programs, Robotics, Athlete Development Program, Music, Drama, Senior Pathways and much more, at one of our upcoming events: Twilight Tour – Thursday 12 March from 5.00-6.00pm Visitors Day – Friday 27 March, 9.00am-12.00pm To register for either event or to obtain enrolment information, please contact College Secretary, Lea Rubio via email to [email protected] or via phone to 3385 8888. Interviewing Now for 2016, 2017 and 2018 Our first round of interviews for this year will be held during the week commencing Monday 23 March for applications already lodged. If your child is currently in Year 4, we strongly advise that you place an application for Year 7 in 2018 by Thursday 2 April. Further interviews will take place during Terms 2 and 3. Centacare Here at St Benedict’s, Centacare run the Outside School Hours Care facility as well as the Kindergarten Services. Please contact the Centacare coordinators directly regarding these services. OSHC (Outside School Hours Care) Nikki Sawatzki - Coordinator 3293 4507 or [email protected] www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Kindergarten Services Michelle Kramer - Kindergarten Teacher 3204 8452 or 0498 393 334 or [email protected] Allergy Aware! St Benedict’s is an allergy aware school! Fortunately most allergies are not life-threatening. For some people however, exposure to certain allergens can result in the most severe form of allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. HOW YOU CAN HELP: If your child has eaten peanuts before coming to school, please be sure your child’s hands and face have been thoroughly washed. Please avoid sending peanuts/nuts or peanut butter to school. Term 1: February 25, 2015 Community MBRC Road Safety Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Have your say and go in the prize draw to win a bike! MBRC is currently reviewing and updating the ‘Road Safety Strategic Plan’. Let us know what you think the big road safety issues are in the Moreton Bay Region by 06/03/2015. Use the link below to take part in the short survey and be involved in shaping Council’s business on what can potentially save lives on our roads. www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/roadsafetyplan www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au Tennis News There are still a few vacancies available if you were thinking of signing up for tennis in Term 1. A Tennis raffle will be available for all students who have enrolled in tennis and fees paid by Friday 20th February. A new tennis racquet is the prize. All players who sign up for tennis will receive a free tennis shirt after filling out the correct form. Please ask your tennis Coach for a form. Tennis Australia are providing a FREE tennis racquet and shirts for all interested Prep students at St Benedict's. A form will be sent home with the prep students this week which must be completed by the 27th February in order to receive this gift. All forms to be returned to the tennis coach [email protected] or to the school office by Friday 27th February. Wayne Hampson Tennis Coaching 0438 195 723 [email protected] 11 Term 1: February 25, 2015 Community Redcliffe Leagues Hockey Club Have you thought about hockey for your child? We have a fabulous program called Hook in2 Hockey which runs for 6 weeks starting late February and introduces children from the age of 4 to our great sport in a fun environment. Your sign on will include a FREE Stick, Ball, Shin Pads, Mouth Guard and Hockey Jersey - everything you need to join in the fun straight away! Apart from this program, we also have Boys and Girls teams starting from U7's. We would love to hear from your family. Contact: Lynne Somerville 0417 758 107 for more information. TAE KWON DO CLASSES Held at St Benedicts on Saturdays from 10.30am to 11.30am. All ages are welcome. Please phone Daisy or Damian on 3886 0967 or 0438 860 967. Sign up for two months and receive a free uniform. All classes are supervised by an instructor with a Blue Card. North Lakes Mustangs Soccer Club Inclusive Program is proudly supported by the Brisbane Paralympic Football Program. Term One Commences and Registration Day www.stbenedicts.qld.edu.au When: Saturday 28th February Time: 2pm to 3pm Where: Woodside Oval – Cnr Discovery Dve & Gardenia Pde North Lakes Worldwide Marriage Encounter: A weekend away for married couples in peaceful, picturesque surroundings – away from the distractions of everyday living. Take time out of your busy schedule, to invest in your most precious asset . . . your Marriage! This is a unique opportunity to recharge your relationship batteries, refocus on each other and fall in love all over again! Weekend date: 15th – 17th May 2015 Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston QLD (on Brisbane’s bayside) For bookings/details contact: Maria and David Murphy, ph (07) 3342 1456, [email protected] Information website: www.wwme.org.au North Lakes Mustangs will be providing a sausage sizzle at the conclusion of training on this day. Everyone (siblings, friends & supporters) are welcome and please pass on this information to friends & any families that you feel would benefit from being involved with this successful program. A Head Coach from the BPFP, Alyssa (Aly) BPFP Junior coach, Kaye our Coordinator and the Northside team are ready to create a fun and safe social environment for your children. For all enquires, please contact Kerri Hutchison Email : [email protected] Phone: 0408 348 500 PS: can you please RSVP your attendance as this enables us to ensure suitable training for the athletes and catering for our sausage sizzle. 12
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