From Pastor Mark . . . “Finding Jesus” “EVERYONE who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Acts 2:21 Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church of Stanwood April 2015 Newsletter Over the past few weeks, CNN has been televising a program called, “Finding Jesus: Fact, Faith or Forgery”. I thought they treated the subject with respect. They summarized the Biblical narrative, included historical data, and interviewed professional scholars. They raised a lot of questions, made inferences, encouraged doubts yet left room for faith. CNN treated the Jesus story as a newsworthy program but as one would expect was not committed to a conclusion whether they had found the truth of Christ or not. To me, it felt like the end game was to appeal to everyone yet offend no one. Like CNN, as we seek the historic, biblical Jesus, we will find an appeal to everyone – salvation is made available to all. But what we will also find is that Jesus, his life, message and salvation is also offensive to all. Jesus says that if we are to find him and entrust our future to him, we must deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow him DAILY. (Luke 9:23) Jesus challenges us to go against the grain of our human condition and give full control of our lives to him. This is in opposition to every fiber of our being. Our inherited sinful condition fights tooth and nail to maintain our independence and remain rebels toward God. We find in Jesus the plain truth: If we are to live, we must die! Jesus suffered incredulous torture, he died on a cross, and rose from the dead three days later that we might experience eternal life. Fact? Faith? Or Forgery? The only way to truly know the truth is to have a living experience with the living Lord. More information, data or news programs alone will not confirm The Truth. The power to know the truth of Jesus Christ comes by God the Father, fueled by the Holy Spirit, encountering the person of Jesus Christ, receiving his Word through heart and mind of the individual seeking. This is the place where testimonies are born. From this unarguable foundational encounter, a person speaks with power, the truth about Jesus Christ. Last week, I was seeking a living “testimony” on the internet that would carry that power of truth, tying into our series theme: “Courageous Conversations.” I had no idea what I would find. Nabeel Qureshi was raised a Muslim who found Jesus Christ. He shares his testimony in his book, “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus”. As CNN has been reporting from the Middle East, we understand clearly the position it places Nabeel for publicly confessing and writing about his faith in Jesus as a converted Muslim. Nabeel also shares his testimony on DVD as he answers questions at Georgia Tech University. Nabeel is currently a staff member of Ravi Zacharias Ministries. I have ordered Nabeel’s book that will be made available for $5. Our Spring Connexion will focus on his book and DVD. I believe this will be an opportunity to deepen our Christian faith while better understanding the religion of Islam. The following is an introduction to Nabeel’s book: Growing up, Nabeel Qureshi never thought he would consider turning from his family's deeply held beliefs in Islam. It was his whole world, his identity. Yet, as he grew into a young man earnestly seeking for God to speak into his life, he was surprised by what he found. What he found was a growing question about the divinity of Jesus, which led ultimately to his conversion to Christianity. In Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel shares the powerful story of his journey from faith in Allah to faith in Jesus Christ. Along the way, he gives valuable insight into Islam, sharing cultural, intellectual and theological barriers that often stand in the way of Muslims accepting Jesus. However, despite his objections to Christianity, it was the friendship of Christians, the historical facts of the life of Jesus, and divine revelation through a dream and vision that convinced Nabeel of the truth of the Gospel. Nabeel's testimony will deepen your understanding of American Muslims and draw you closer to Jesus as you consider the amazing ways He works today. Your Fellow Seeker In Christ, Pastor Mark New Members We welcome the following New Members, who were received into the fellowship of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church on February 22, 2015, at the 10:45am worship: Todd Bush, Donna Cook, Oran & Pat Jones, Dave & Ellen Matthewson, and Terry & JoAnn Shiley. Thank You . . . Dear friends, Maria and Arnold Ronning would like to update the congregation on our “sister church” in Tamasi, Hungary. This renovation of the building is nearing completion! The walls have been fortified (re-plastered on inside and out), the windows replaced, the pews repainted, and electrical systems updated. Painting the outside will likely be finished by the time this goes into circulation, weather-permitting. This marks a milestone for this little congregation, whose building has suffered decades of neglect for lack of funds and organization. We are so grateful to everyone who contributed from OSLC to help make this happen. Along with gifts from local donors, a sister church in Germany, and local government grants, the Lutheran church now stands poised to service the community of Tamasi for many years to come. Praise be to God! Holy Week - March 29 thru April 5 Holy Week is the last week of Lent before Easter, beginning on Palm Sunday and ending on Saturday. Holy Week is the part of the Church Year where Jesus’ final moments are commemorated. Holy Week consists of the following events: Palm Sunday – March 29 On the sixth Sunday of Lent we commemorate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Worship services include blessing of the palms and a procession. Palm Walk before worship services 8:30 am Palm Walk - 8:45 am Contemporary Worship 10:30 am Palm Walk - 10:45 am Traditional Worship Palm Processional Service begins in the Fellowship Hall 15 minutes prior to the normal start of each service (8:30 and 10:30). After the traditional Palm Sunday readings, Amos, our loyal donkey, will lead our palm procession as we sing songs. Worshipers will return to the sanctuary and the remainder of the Passion service will continue starting close to 8:45 and 10:45. Maundy Thursday – April 2 Maundy is an English form of the Latin word for commandment. During the Last Supper, Jesus gave a new commandment, “Love one another, even as I have loved you.” (John 13:34), a love sharply focused by the contrast of the betrayal of Christ by Judas which followed. Jesus’ love was demonstrated both in His example of servanthood and in His gift of Himself in Holy Communion. 7pm-Worship in the sanctuary with Communion. Good Friday – April 3 Good Friday is the Friday of Holy Week, and commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus. Good Friday commemorates not just a historical event, but the sacrificial death of Christ, which with the resurrection, comprises the heart of our Christian faith. 7pm - Worship in the sanctuary A reflective service commemorating the events of that Friday. We leave the sanctuary in darkness and silence. Easter – Sunday, April 5 Following Holy Week, we celebrate Christ’s resurrection three days after his death by crucifixion. Easter Services and Events: Three Worship Services in the Sanctuary 6:45 am Sunrise Service - will fill cross with flowers as part of service 8:45 am Contemporary Praise-Team-led Festival Easter Worship, with communion 10:45 am Traditional Festival Easter Worship, with organ, choir, special music, communion 9:00 am Easter Breakfast begins in fellowship hall 10:00 am Easter Egg Hunt – for kids walking thru 5th grades – bring a basket or bag for eggs Voices of Hope Concert Sunday, April 26 - 2 p.m. at St. Cecelia's Catholic Church Spring is just around the corner which means the Housing Hope Stanwood Ambassadors are busy putting together the Voices of Hope Concert. Some of the most beautiful voices in the area will be raised in song for just a free-will offering. We hope you plan to attend the event April 26 at 2 p.m. at St. Cecilia Catholic Church. As in the past there will also be our famous "Bake Sale" along with the recent addition of a "Silent Auction". We want to thank the Martha Circle Quilters for generously donating one of their beautiful handmade quilts for the auction. We are looking for more items for the auction, gift baskets, event tickets, etc. as well as baked goods. If you would like to donate items or baked goods please contact Dee Jonson, Carol Jensen, or Tammy O'Donnell for information. All funds raised at the concert will support services for clients in Lervick Family Village and Lincoln Hill. DON'T MISS THE CONCERT! Come support our gifted choir and director April 26, 2 p.m. at St. Cecilia Catholic Church. - Phase One Project Report Construction continues in the final stages of our Phase One projects approved just a year ago. Van Sickle Construction is heading up the work after a volunteer demo crew prepared the space in February. As I write this, the fire place is being installed and the windows are here, ready for installation mid-March. The decision was made to maintain the same shape for the windows that was already there in the Children's Chapel, but to replace with single-hung, double pane, clear glass as we convert that space to our new meeting room. This will really lighten up the room and eliminate the need to change anything on the exterior of the building. We also ordered windows to replace the two in the Youth office since it is more economical to have the crew do them all at the same time. This will also enhance the appearance from outside. We did have the tile on the floors tested, and the tile in the new music storage area was clean, but the tile in the new meeting room space requires an abatement crew to remove. This is scheduled for April. By then, the majority of the construction work will be completed and we'll be ready to, we hope, refinish the fir floors in the new meeting room. The sacristy area and music storage has the wiring and plumbing completed and should soon move forward as soon as the dry wall installation begins for the entire project. When will it all be finished? The completion date is set for May 1 and it looks like we're proceeding on schedule. We have had some generous monetary donations for the sacristy and the new meeting room, as well as in-kind contributions: a coffee brewer, the microwave, the small refrigerator, and an area rug. Thank you for those generous gifts! Annette Bowden “Pray for one another” James 5:16b PLEASE Pray FOR … Bruce Richert, Doris Hatlen, Jennifer Myrans (Connie Ronning’s cousin) Lilly Betz (Donna & Jerry Hefty’s great granddaughter),Lorri DeFelice Joshua, Olivia Spada (Bruce & Lina Richert’s granddaughter) Merv Piper, Garry Lund, Ray Saari, Paul Walderhaug Betty Wenzel, Arnold Ronning, Rob Ulbricht Shirley Ludwick, Eldon Allen, Jim Woodward (Charlie Sylling’s cousin) Thelma Christofferson, Kerri Mullen (Laurie & Charlie Glaspy’s niece) Rosalie Hargrave, Amy Duitsman (Lorri DeFelice’s daughter) Gordy Pedersen, Fran Glaspy, Erling Skrinde Kathryn Thoreson, Ryker (Paul & Judy’s Anderson’s nephew), Susan Wietzke Tupper, Gretchen Orsland Jesse Thomas – Safe Travels Michelle Brekhus in the Dominican Republic Pastor Mark, Our Saviour’s Lutheran congregation Homeless, Armed Forces, Josephine and Warm Beach residents Government and community leaders Sunday School Celebration Sunday, March 29 at 10 a.m. Please join the Sunday School in the Parish Hall for a Palm Sunday Celebration, March 29 at 10 a.m. There will be a . . . light brunch, face painting, and the Bouncy Car returns! All ages are welcome to join in the fun! March Van Trip Robot Cow Milkers On Monday, March 30, we will leave the church parking lot at 10am and go to the Mesman Farm near LaConner to see robots milking the cows. We will go The Farmhouse for lunch and drive by tulip fields. We should be back to church no later than 3:00. April Van Trip PacCar – Saturday, April 11 On Saturday, April 11, we will leave the church parking lot at 10am and go to Paccar, which is west of Burlington, for their open house. This is an interesting place to visit and the location is spotless. After visiting Paccar, we will go to the Salmon BBQ at Hillcrest Park in Mount Vernon. You will need money for the BBQ and for van gas on our return to Stanwood. We should be back to the church about 3:00. Questions: Robin Erickson 360-941-1593. Please give blood! All blood types needed! Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Blood Drive Friday, April 3 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, closed 1:30-2:15 OSLC Fellowship Hall To schedule an appointment please call Bloodworks Northwest at 1-800-398-7888 or For eligibility questions please call 1-800-398-7888 ext. 2543 or [email protected] Women’s News Bible Study: Please join us for Women's Wednesday Morning Bible Study beginning at 9:00am. Our spring study with DVD is “Breaking Free” by Beth Moore. Contact Kathy at 360387-0120. Quilting: Weekly Quilters will meet Tuesdays, April 7, 21 & 28 from 10am-2pm in the Fireside Room for quilting. Please bring a sack lunch. Coffee will be provided. Monthly Quilters will resume meeting in the fall. Martha Circle: The Martha Circle extends an invitation to all ladies to join them on Wednesday, April 8 at 1:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Fellowship, dessert and a brief meeting will precede the Bible study. The lesson for April is "I Know Whom I Have Believed", chapter 7, page 41 in "Living Above Worry and Stress" by Women of Faith. Men’s Studies Men’s Fraternity meets on Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Breakfast is served at 7am with our study to follow. Please join us. All men are welcome. Bible Study Fellowship: A MEN’S SMALL GROUP meets weekly from 6:30 to 8 pm on Tuesday evenings in the narthex. This year’s topic is the life of Moses. For more information, contact Arnold Ronning at (360) 629-3134, or [email protected]. May Newsletter Articles due Friday, April 10 to Ramona at [email protected] Sunshine Committee The Sunshine Committee meets on Tuesday, April 14 at 9am in the fireside room. Please come and join us!! April Council Meeting Monday, April 20 at 7pm in the Fireside Rm. Quilt Blessing Sunday, April 26, join us in blessing our quilts. Quilts are donated locally, including to support local mission silent auctions, and shipped to Lutheran World Relief. A special thank you to our OSLC quilting group who so faithfully serve this ministry and mission. Lutheran World Relief packing day is Tuesday, April 28, with quilts and kits being shipped on Friday, May 1. EASTER EGG HUNT SUNDAY, APRIL 5 KIDS KORNER WOW! TUESDAYS 6-7:30pm Kids Ages K-5th grade are WELCOME! KIDS AGES NEW BORN- 12TH GRADE!!!!! 10:00-10:30AM BETWEEN SERVICES Vacation Bible School we Go!! Are you aching to feel like a child again? Feeling like singing your heart out? Smiling until your cheeks are sore? Kick off your summer at VBS this June 15-19! Start Praying and looking for the sign up on WOW! board!! Plenty of opportunities for ALL ages!! See you there! Deanna Khoury [email protected] VBS is HERE! June 15 – 19 9am-12pm Safari to Africa where Trekkers learn through PROVERBS that wisdom comes from the one TRUE GOD! Register On-line find VBS link Volunteer sign-up in fellowship hall or online. VBS TRAINING: Saturdays, June 6 & 13, 9-11 am Worship On Weekdays WOW! Dates April 14, 21, 28 / May 5, 12, 19, 26 / June 2 – at 6pm WOW! NEWS……..THANK YOU to all our High School March Mentors that helped out, sacrificing their bodies, doing Skits and sharing their gifts and talents! The kids were surprised and loved seeing you each week! What a treat! Bryson Kelly, Alyssa Khoury, Cameron Plautz, Bri Crutcher, Hailey McCall, Olivia Klassen , Peregrine Spane and more! During the Month of April we will be learning “WE CAN do ALL things Through CHRIST Who gives us Strength” using the new playground and NICE GRASS(Thanks Duane!) to CHALLENGE ourselves to new limits!! Volunteer Opportunities WOW! Snack Prep: This would include shopping for and preparing WOW! snacks for Tuesdays April-June 2 WOW! ADULT TEAM member for a month: (April or May) 6-7:30pm Tuesdays (email [email protected]) Deanna Khoury Children and Family Ministry Director Our Saviours Lutheran Church p. 425.931.6061 Upcoming Confirmation Teen Events Sunday, March 29: Bike Ride / 1pm Ready for Spring break? Kick it off with a bike ride. Meet at church at 1pm with bike, helmet, & a good attitude. No bike? We got you covered! Ice cream is a part of this ride! Sunday, May 3: Hike / meet after church Gear up for summer with a hike. Meet after church, we will conquer Little Mountain. Bring water, a snack, and sturdy shoes. Pastor Mark will not carry up or down! Monday, May 18: Snow Goose Ice Cream Last Confirmation Meeting. Come with a sweet tooth and we’ll take care of that with a trip to Snow Goose ice cream for their “Immodest Ice Cream Cones”. Oink! Portals of Prayer and Christ in Our Home will be in the Narthex for April - June. Blood Drive at OSLC Friday, April 3 – 11am-5pm Good Friday SUNDAY COFFEE HOUR Volunteers are needed to help with coffee hour! Don’t miss out – it is a great opportunity to ‘serve’ and ‘visit’ Please sign up on the clip board hanging on the wall in the kitchen. See Pat Lund if you have any questions. SPRING CONNEXION Wednesdays – thru May 13 6:00 – 8:00 pm Dinner at 6:00 Adult Study follows WANTED Donation of good working, used clothes dryer for the Youth House Contact church office at 629-3767 if you have a used dryer to donate. Tea Party at Josephine Thursday, May 14 at 12:00pm A Tea Party (lunch) in celebration of Mother’s Day and spring is planned for our members and friends at Josephine, Thursday, May 14, 12:00 pm. If you would like to help prepare food, serve, or join in the fellowship, please call Carol Curtis, 360-387-1189. We’d like to make all the arrangements well in advance, so please call as soon as possible, and remember that it’s okay if you need to cancel later. Dates to Remember Friday, April 3 – 7pm Worship in the sanctuary Easter Sunday Sunday, April 5 6:45am – Sunrise Service 8:45am – Contemporary Worship 10:45am – Traditional Worship 9am – Easter Breakfast begins in fellowship hall 10am – Easter Egg Hunt Men’s Fraternity Tuesdays at 7am WOW! Kids K-5th grade Tuesdays, April 14, 21, 28 – 6-7:30pm Women’s Bible Study Wednesdays at 9am Connexion Wednesdays - 6-8pm Weekly Quilting Tuesdays – Apr. 7, 21, 28– 10am-2pm, fireside rm Martha Circle Wednesday, April 8 at 1pm May Newsletter Articles due to Ramona by Friday, April 10 Van Trip Saturday, April 11 – leave at 10am Sunshine Committee Palm Sunday – March 29 Tuesday, April 14 at 9am 8:30am Palm Walk – 8:45am Contemporary Worship 10am Sunday School Celebration & light brunch 10:30am Palm Walk – 10:45am Traditional Worship Council Meeting Van Trip Voices of Hope Concert Monday, March 30 – leave at 10am Maundy Thursday Thursday, April 2 – 7pm Worship & Communion Monday, April 20 at 7pm Sunday, April 26 at 2pm at St. Cecelia’s Catholic Church LWR Packing Day Tuesday, April 28
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