Welcome! We’re so glad you’ve chosen to worship with us this morning! During the singing and praying, please feel free to stand, sit, kneel, raise your hands, etc. as you feel comfortable. During the service this morning, we’ll worship God by contributing to an offering. If you feel led to participate, you may place your offering in the collection plate, put it in the offering box at the back of the sanctuary, or give online. New Here? We’re honored that you’ve chosen to worship with us this morning! If you haven’t already received a Welcome Packet, please stop by the Connection Corner outside the worship center and pick one up. We would also like to give you a free book, How Not To Miss God Moving. The friendly folks at the Connection Corner can tell you about upcoming New Member Classes as well as answer any questions you have about Ridgeline. Happening Today 7:45 Corporate Prayer Time Rm 106 9:00 Worship Service Children’s Program Nursery thru 6th Rms 101-110 Adult Sunday School Colossians Rm 105 Women’s Sunday School Our Identity In Christ Rm B1 MS & HS Sunday School Rm B3 10:45 Worship Service Children’s Program Nursery thru 6th Rms 101-110 Vanguard Adult Sunday School The Book of Judges Rm 106 4:30 NO MS & HS Study Hall Rm 106 5:30 NO MS & HS Prayer Rm 106 6:00 NO MS & HS Youth Group Ridgeline Groups Children | First Aid / CPR Training Mar 28 & Apr 11 8:00am | AWANA Grand Prix Apr 18 | AWANA Wed 6:30pm ages 3 thru HS | Infant and Toddler Music Group Thurs 11:00am Community Groups | visit www.ridgelinecc.org/groups Men | Walk Through the Bible Joshua Tues 6:30am | Hebrews Wed 6:30am | 33, The Series ~ A Man and His Design Wed 7:00pm Women | Antiquities with MOPS Apr 10 & 11 | Annual Spring Tea Apr 25 | | Job Tues 9:30am | CBS - Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and 1 & 2 Samuel Wed 9:15am | James Wed 6:30pm | MOPS 1st and 3rd Fri 9:15am Youth | NO Youth Group Mar 22 | No SS Classes or Youth Group Apr 5 | High School Small Groups 9th &10th Girls Wed 6:30pm | 11th &12th Girls Thur 6:30pm | 9th -12th Guys Thur 7:00pm Ridgeline | Family Service & Potluck Lunch Mar 29 | Palm Sunday Mar 29 | Multi Church Good Friday Service Apr 3 6:30pm | Church Clean-up Day Apr 4 | Easter Sunday Services Apr 5 9:00 & 10:45 – Infant and Toddler care available Family Worship Next Sunday Potluck and Congregational Meeting Join us immediately following second service for a potluck fellowship and a brief congregational meeting to vote on the nomination for our lead pastor position. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided; each family please bring a side dish and a dessert to share. We will meet in the worship center. Let's get to know each other! Everyone is encouraged to attend. As per our bylaws, only members may vote. Q & A Sessions with Pastor Craig: Some of us have known Pastor Craig for a number of years and others of us are fairly new and may not know him as well. Either way, we invite you to an informal Q&A session with Pastor Craig on either (or both) today at 4pm, or Tuesday, March 24th at 7pm. At the opening of each session, Pastor Craig will discuss his vision for Ridgeline and where he believes God is leading, and then we will have an open Q&A time. Come with questions or words or encouragement! Good Friday Multi-Church Service Mark your calendars now for a multichurch Good Friday service. Ridgeline will be joining with Faith Lutheran, Restoration Church and Front Range Christian Church at 6:30pm on Fri, Apr 3rd to remember the sacrifice of Jesus and to prepare ourselves for the celebration of His resurrection that Easter Sunday. The service will take place outside on the Ridgeline field, weather permitting, or inside the Ridgeline sanctuary if necessary. Plan on joining us for this special event! Boxes for Mavuno Market: The Stuckys will soon be moving to the mountains to start a new beginning. They were the movement behind collecting cereal boxes for Haiti. It costs $60 to mail a box from here to Michigan, then on a container to Haiti. We are looking for someone to take over the collecting and shipping of the boxes. Please contact Lisa Stucky or visit www.mavunomarket.org/cereal-boxes-for-haiti. Men of Ridgeline, Are you looking to get involved with a group of guys with similar interests? If yes, then we have some fun opportunities! First, we are looking for a few men interested in joining our Ridgeline Men's Softball team (contact Ryan King, [email protected]) and/or our Ridgeline Men's Flag football team (contact Eric Sonnentag, [email protected]). We also want to give some more opportunities to get plugged in other areas. If you could fill out the form linked to www.tinyurl.com/RidgelineMen, we can get a database of what you like to do and compile great resources for our community of men. We hope to hear from you! Ministry Openings We have a number of open ministry opportunities at Ridgeline, including several volunteer positions like video / sound tech, nursery helpers, women’s event staff, kids worship team, greeter, part time janitorial (paid!), just to mention a few. Check out these opportunities at www.ridgelinecc.org/opps Ridgeline Annual Mueller Camping Trip The group campsite at Mueller State Park has been reserved for the weekend of May 29-May 31. This is always a great time for storytelling, contests, yummy food, and everything else that goes along with camping. We have 11 RV sites for $35 and 6 tent sites for $20. A signup sheet is at the Connection Corner. See Betsy Sylvester 303-548-9727 or Pam Ellis 720-379-7803. Men’s Game Night Men, are you ready for a game night? If so, join us Sat, March 28th, from 5:30-9:30pm at Tim Cooley’s house. You’ll have card games to play, NCAA games to watch, and fun to have. More details will follow, or contact Jason Fruh for more info at [email protected] or 440-823-6964. Corporate Prayer Time Please join us on Sunday mornings at 7:45-8:40 in the church library to pray for those ministering at Ridgeline, as well as those attending, and for our community, our town and our country. We are living in difficult times—times that require us to diligently “seek God’s face” in order to be the people and church He calls us to be. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and grace to help in time of need, Heb. 4:16. All Church Clean-Up Day Apr 4 at 8:00am. Put this on your radar! We will be having an All Church Clean-up Day to spruce up, clean up, fix up, sparkle up, all areas of the church, inside and out, for our Easter Sunday Services. We will have a check list of items for young and old, guys and gals. More info to follow. March 22, 2015 “When Light Comes” Mark 1:21-28 Craig Smith Membership News: According to the church bylaws, the procedures for becoming a new member include the following, (ARTICLE IV, Sect. 1, Item 5): "When the Board of Elders is confident of the applicant's faith in Christ, assurance of salvation, desire to live the Christian life, and willingness to submit to the fellowship and discipline of this church, the Board of Elders shall then promulgate the names of candidates for two weeks in the weekly bulletin. Any member of the church objecting must give to an elder written justification in accordance with the Word of God and these Articles of incorporation why a candidate should not be accepted into membership. Taking these objections into consideration, the Board of Elders shall then vote on whether or not to accept the candidates into membership of this church." In accordance with the above, let it be known that Eric Sonnentag & Kalyn Davey and Gary & Jill Herr have expressed their interest in becoming members of Ridgeline. Concerns regarding their application should be addressed in writing to the Board of Elders. MOPS Fundraiser with Antiquities Children’s Portrait Fundraising Ridgeline’s Mothers of Preschoolers group (MOPS) is having a portrait fundraiser with Antiquities Apr 10th & 11th from 10am-8pm at Ridgeline. For $10, you will receive a professional photo session with Antiquities and a 10x13 print. 100% of the profits go directly to MOPS and you can purchase additional pictures. Antiquities specializes in old-fashioned antique color photos where your child(ren) will be dressed up in oldfashioned clothing. You will be emailed a link to sign-up for a time slot upon purchase. Visit our table in the foyer, or Lainey Bergmeier at [email protected] and visit www.antiquitieskids.com. This Week’s Scripture - Mark 1:14-20 (NIV) Jesus Drives Out an Impure Spirit 21 They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. 22 The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. 23 Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out, 24 “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are— the Holy One of God!” 25 “Be quiet!” said Jesus sternly. “Come out of him!” 26 The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek. 27 The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, “What is this? A new teaching—and with authority! He even gives orders to impure spirits and they obey him.” 28 News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee.
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