Page 1 Issue No. 4 [email protected] PRINCIPAL’S REPORT INTERIM REPORTS Please note that we are currently in the process of moving to a new reporting system with all reports soon be completed and accessed via our Daymap learning management system. During this transition phase however, students will be receiving hardcopy interim reports. These will be distributed to students on the first day of Term Two, Monday 13th April. Friday 20th March 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2015 Monday 23 March WEEK A 3.40pm finish General Assembly 7B Camp SMR Snr Boys & Girls Cricket finals, Fairbairn Park Yr 11 &12 VCAL, Playgroup in the Park Parent/teacher/student interviews will be conducted on Thursday April 16th between the hours of 12.00pm and 7.00pm. Information regarding booking interviews will be included in the report package provided to students on Monday 13th April. Interview bookings can also be made through the office and on the day of interview. Tuesday 24 March School Council ARM, 6.00pm School Council meeting, 6.30pm 8N&E Timezone Form Day, P3-5 International students end of term activity, lunch-P6 7B Camp SCHOOL COUNCIL Following the conclusion of the School Council election process and the Annual General Meeting, please note the following Council membership: Belmont Breakfast Program, Caf, 7.45-8.35am 7B Camp, return approx. 3pm PARENT REPRESENTATIVES: Mr Jason McLachlan Mr Andrew King Mr Donald White Dr Adam Karpala Ms Mira Williams Ms Anna Sowden DET REPRESENTATIVES: Mr Luke Mandouit Ms Rose Humphrey Ms Rita Bruscella Mr Andrew Williams PARENT ASSOCIATION: Ms Fiona Stamp Ms Tracey Steel SCHOOL CAPTAINS: Tess Parker Will Newman INVITED: Mrs Cherie Cordingley Ms Meagan McAlpine Mr Michael Caccamo Mr Scott Hucker Following the election of office bearers I congratulate and thank the following members: PRESIDENT: Mr Andrew King VICE PRESIDENT: Ms Mira Williams TREASURER: Mr Jason McLachlan Wednesday 25 March Thursday 26 March WMR Swimming Championships, Kardinia Pool Yr 11 & 12 VCAL, RSL visit, 1-4pm Yr 11 & !2 VisCom students, Top Designs Melb Museum Friday 27 March FUN RUN—see details on page 4 End of Term DATES TO NOTE: End of Term 1—Friday 27 March (Fun Run, see details in this edition), students dismissed at 2.30pm Term 2 begins—Monday 13 April Parent/Teacher Interviews—Thursday 16 April, no classes House Athletics Day—Friday 24 April, Landy Field Pupil Free Day—Thursday 30 April VCE BLOG Belmont High School VCE student blog containing important information including attendance policy and dates 24 hr STUDENT ABSENCE LINE 5241 0090 Parents only to call to report student’s name, _____________________________________________________________________________ Rotherham St Belmont Vic 3216 Ph: (03) 5243 5355 Fax: (03) 52432420 Page 2 Details of the full Council membership together with email contacts is available on the school website. Please note also that following the Annual Reporting meeting of School Council next week the Annual Report for 2014 will be available on our school website: Questions related to the report can be directed to myself through phone or email. YEAR 7 (2016) INFORMATION EVENING The information session for our 2016 Year 7 intake will be held on Tuesday 5th May. Whilst this is still some time away, Ms McAlpine will conduct more personalised tours and information sessions for prospective students and their families. There is much interest in these visits and if parents of current students with a sibling attending next year are interested, or if you know of others potentially new to Belmont and would like to take this opportunity, I encourage you and others to contact Ms McAlpine. A SPECIAL WELCOME TO JASON BROWN, THE NEWEST MEMBER OF OUR WELLBEING TEAM About your School Chaplain: Our chaplain Jason Brown is very tall person and well known by most students here at Belmont High, coming from working at Montpellier, Bellaire, Oberon South and Manifold Heights Primary Schools. He has three teenagers of his own, two daughters Hannah and Olivia and a son Jack. Jason has worked as a land surveyor across country Australia, a teacher here in Geelong, and recently as a counsellor on Manus Island in PNG. Jason and his partner Jo are very involved with setting up and running the Geelong West Neighbourhood House. GWNH deliver wellbeing programs, sustainability and creative arts workshops, as well as big community events and festivals. This Sunday they are holding a free community arts festival called ‘WestFEST’. Local artists, coffee and food vendors and entertainment will be filling the park. The event draws in thousands of people, particularly families and young people. This year an exciting music line-up includes local talent Residual, Olly Friend, Famous Will, Jordan Riddle and Rach Brennan. On a second stage will host folk musicians and choirs. Jason is looking forward to seeing all the hard work come together to make a fantastic event. It is located in ‘West Park’ on the corner of Autumn and Pakington Streets. Come along this Sunday 22 nd March 1 – 6 pm. It’s free. If your or your child wishes to see Jason Brown or Jo Moore, feel free to contact the office, or simply visit the Student Wellbeing Centre. Garry Schultz Principal MANGO NEWS It’s hard to believe that we are nearing the end of Term 1! Recently Year 7 Mango attended camp at our Tanybryn campus. We enjoyed a fantastic few days and filled our time on the beach, surfing, visiting waterfalls, making pizzas, playing games and just generally getting to know each other better. We also enjoyed a night walk and toasting marshmallows on the fire! Thanks to each and every student for their enthusiasm and cooperation. I’d also like to extend a big thank-you to the awesome teachers that assisted – Miss Ayres, Mr Mitchell, Simone, Sarah and Bec. Good luck to all Mango students as they commence their first C.A.T assessment period. It’s time to knuckle down and study hard so that you can be confident that your efforts will be rewarded. Next Friday we finish the term with the House Fun Run. I encourage all Mango students to approach the day with a positive attitude and to team up with some friends to enjoy the run. Go Mango – 100%!! Wishing everyone an enjoyable Easter break. Miss Grigg Mango House Leader PARENTS ASSOCIATION Our Second hand Uniform and Books Store will be closed on Friday, March 27th due to the Fun Run. Thank you to all the volunteers who have offered to come and help cook the sausages (halal certified) for the kids. Our next meeting is Monday, May 7 at 7.30pm. As we are having a tour of the Biolab, we will meet out the front of the Biolab. We invite all parents to come along. Leanne Robinson President AERODROME FORM DAY FOR 9 GREEN!! On Thursday the 12th of March, 9 Green had their form day at the Aerodrome Trampoline Park. Everyone had lots of fun bouncing and jumping off the many trampolines at the park. The form day was supervised by Mrs Harbison and Miss Horne, but much to the student’s disappointment, the teachers decided not to join the jumping crowd. We made good use of the foam pit as most people achieved a forward flip, some after much persistence, and it was a great bonding excursion and was including for everyone. It was a tiresome hour of jumping and flipping and by the end, most were red in the face but everyone had heaps of fun. Page 3 FINAL REMINDER: YEARS 10-12 STUDENTS Any DELL device that was not bought out, should have been returned to the I.T. Department at the end of last year. If you (or a sibling no longer attending Belmont High School) still have yet to return your laptop, please do so immediately. Please make sure your device is in good condition and returned with the bag and charger that were supplied. Any queries regarding your computer, please contact the I.T. Department on 5243 5355. THANK YOU BELMONT HIGH SCHOOL I.T. BOOK REVIEW Rainbow Rowell's "Fangirl" Okay you need to imagine a series of books about a boy wizard who goes to a secret boarding school and has a best mate. The boy is destined to defeat evil. Not too hard to imagine is it?! Now imagine there is a girl who LOVES this series. So much so that she writes Fan Fiction about it. She’s very good at it too, she has thousands of loyal readers who love what she’s done to the characters. This is a book about the girl who writes the Fan Fiction. Her name is Cather. Her twin sister is Wren. Her mother only had only one girl’s name when they were born so she split in in two and gave each twin half. Weird. Cather and Wren are off at college now where Cather is the nerdy twin, whilst Wren is the sexy twin. Throw in a farm boy love interest and some plagiarism and you have a nice read with plenty of Harry Potter Simon Snow plots and subplots to keep you intrigued. Books are reviewed and displayed weekly in the library. Lee Suter Teacher-Librarian MUSIC NEWS It’s been a busy few weeks in the Music Department. Our Senior Jazz Syndicate students performed at Roslyn Primary School’s Drive In fundraiser last Saturday, and performed extremely well despite the extreme weather conditions. Many thanks as always to Mr Jim Davidson for his hard work in organising the performance. Get down to the Farmer’s Place, 675 Anglesea Rd Freshwater Creek, this Sunday to hear the band in action again. Noah Vernon and Pat Matthews will also be performing on the day, so hope to see lots of supporters on the day. Congratulations to Callum Edwards of 11N, who has been selected to participate in a workshop as part of the Melbourne Youth Music Masterclass series. This masterclass will be live-streamed on Monday 23rd March from 4.30pm – 6.00pm. Interested brass students can watch the class, by visiting – comments and questions can be made via facebook, twitter or live chat window during the class. Beginning Band had their first concert last Tuesday, performing to a packed crowd in the bandroom. It was a fabulous showcase of how much these students have achieved in one term of lessons. A big thank you to our Beginning Band mentors, Hannah Hunt, Rosemary Ingwersen and Sam Nolan for their help with the Year 7 students this term. Our monster garage sale raised some much needed funds for the music program. Many thanks to those staff and students who helped out with sales and pre sale organisation. There are a number of items (listed below) still available for purchase: if you are interested please contact Rose Humphrey in the bandroom. All prices negotiable! Ashton 150w Bass Amp 2x Legacy Keyboards + powerpacks $50 each I MRS – 8 ZOOM recording pack $30 Guitar cases (soft) $5 each Ashton speaker (pair) $30 pair Ashton 4 input mixer $40 Ashton powered speakers (pair) $50 pair Set hard drum cases $30 Ms Humphrey Head of Music OPPORTUNITY TO OFFER HOMESTAY Thirteen Italian boys and girls aged 16 and 17 will arrive for a study tour at the end of term 2 school holidays, approx. 10th July. They will be staying for 10 weeks and we invite school families to host these students. The homestay payment is $250.00 per week per student. Non smoking households are preferred and Working with Children Checks are required. To express interest or for further information please contact Cherie Cordingley, Belmont High School, on 5243 5355. Page 4 FUN RUN. This year the annual BHS fun run will once again be held from Pt. Lonsdale to Queenscliff. As usual students who do not wish to run may walk. The top placegetters in the run will be selected for the school cross country team. On the day of the walk/run all students will, on completion, receive a free drink and a bag of natural confectionery. They will be treated to a BBQ lunch also and will have the opportunity to participate in leisure/sporting activities and listen to bands perform in a rock concert. The full details of the day are listed below. The 2015 “lighthouse to lighthouse” BHS fun run. POINT LONSDALE to QUEENSCLIFF. Friday, March 27th. The last day of term 1. ALL Students. As of December 31st THIS YEAR. JUNIOR - (12, 13 and 14 years combined.) INTERMEDIATE - (15 and 16 years combined.) SENIOR - (17 to 20 years combined.) NOTE: Students will be in the same age group as for swimming and athletics. DISTANCES AND COURSE: (1) Inter and Senior Boys - 5km - from the start at the Point Lonsdale lookout carpark along the bush track and then along the sand to the FINISH AT BEACH MARKER No. 11B just before the Queenscliff lighthouse. (2) Junior Boys and ALL GIRLS - 3km - from the start at the Point Lonsdale lookout carpark along the beach to THE FINISH just past BEACH MARKER No. 6B at the end of the rock wall. (3) All walkers walk along the bush track then either along the walking path or on the sand. DATE: COMPETITORS: AGE GROUPS: TROPHY: The perpetual Fun Run trophy will be awarded to the winning House. To win a House MUST have 4 students finish in each age group (whether running or walking). SCORING: The LOWEST Aggregate score wins. The winner shall score 1 point. 2 nd scores 2 points, 3rd scores 3 points etc. Each House shall have the scores of their first 4 students tallied. MEDALLIONS: Shall be awarded to the first 5 placegetters in all sections. ***** Runners may leave jumpers/tracksuits etc on the bus and collect them from the same bus when they arrive at the football ground. OR they can give them to friends who are walking. No valuables such as mobile phones, ipods etc should be left in bags ALL STUDENTS, both runners and walkers, MUST WEAR SHOES. There will be a drink station at the 3km mark with free drinks available for both runners and walkers. No pets allowed! ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE DAY. 8.50 FORM ASSEMBLY AS USUAL - where students will all receive name tags. 8.55 HOUSE ASSEMBLY 9.05 - 9.30 BUS LOADING: 10.25 10.35 10.45 10.50 11.05 SENIOR / INTER BOYS RUN commences. JUNIOR BOYS / JUNIOR GIRLS RUN commences. SENIOR / INTER GIRLS RUN commences. ALL WALKERS commence. - 12.30 Students arrive at Queenscliff football ground. Have lunch (sausage sizzle or other), collect drink and fruit 11. 45 1. 00 1. 10 1. 20 CONCERT COMMENCES featuring 3 bands including staff band ‘Digby Avenue’. CONCERT CONCLUDES. PRESENTATION OF FUN RUN MEDALLIONS & TROPHY. FORM ASSEMBLIES IN HOUSE GROUPS - as directed - to mark rolls 1. 25 - 1.35 BOARD BUSES IN FORM GROUPS 2. 10 - 2.30 ARRIVAL BACK AT SCHOOL & IMMEDIATE DISMISSAL. Page 5 Baseball Club Pioneer Rd, Grovedale. (Enter opposite Meadowvale Drive) 2015 Season played on Saturday mornings from late April to August U13 to U17 competitions caters for 8 – 16 year olds Also Teeball Smash & Rally Cap programs for 5 – 9 year olds Rally Cap is skills based grading program that evolves into games of the Teeball Smash. Start & Finish dates to be confirmed. Training every Wednesday from 18th March, 4:30pm to 6.30pm Registrations can be taken each training night For more information contact… Chris Rickard at [email protected] Mob 0411 165 205 See our web site: “Our aim is to attract new players to grow the sport of baseball through development of skills & knowledge at all levels in a fun, family friendly environment.” Northern Bobcats Basketball Club is looking for players for the u12 and 14 and under Girls competition at GNBC, South Geelong on a Monday night. Games are usually played between 4.30 and 6.30pm. Please contact Brett Williams, on 0400 561 781 for further details. Page 6 Page 7 Dear parents, At Belmont High School we aim to create a safe and supportive school community for everyone. Sometimes, it can be difficult for parents or carers to know what to do when their child talks to them about bullying. You are an important part of our work to prevent bullying and to respond effectively if it happens. Stopping bullying involves everyone. If your child talks to you about bullying: 1. Listen calmly and get the full story. Your calm response is important to allow your child to tell you all about the situation. After they’ve told you their story, ask questions to get more details if you need to: who, what, where, when. Although you may feel some strong emotions about your child’s experience, try to keep calm to avoid more distress to your child. 2. Reassure your child they are not to blame. Many children blame themselves and this may make them feel even worse. You could say things like, ‘That sounds really hard to deal with. No one should have to put up with that.’ or ‘I’m so glad you told me. You should be able to feel safe at school; that’s not fair at all’. 3. Ask your child what they want to do and what they want you to do. A critical part of your response is to avoid jumping in to solve the problem. While it is natural to want to protect your child, helping them to find their own solution is a better option. It helps them feel they have some power in the situation. 4. Visit to find some strategies. The website has tips and ideas for different bullying situations. One idea is to practise strategies at home to help your child feel more confident. 5. Contact the school. Your child may be reluctant for you to do this, so discuss the idea and reassure them that the school would want to know and is able to help. Make an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher and, if you need to, ask to talk with the principal. Contact the school immediately if you have a concern about your child’s safety. 6. Check in regularly with your child. Keep the conversation going. It can take time to resolve issues, so check in regularly with your child about their experiences and their feelings. Your ongoing support is important. If you are looking for support for yourself to deal with a bullying situation, you will find ideas on the Bullying. No Way! website for parents. As well, please contact the school if you would like to discuss any aspect of our approach to preventing bullying. Thanks for your support to make our school a great school for everyone. Page 8 Page 9
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