BULLETIN OF THE PARISH OF LAVERTON QUEEN OF PEACE POINT COOK ST MARTIN de PORRES Mass times: Saturday: Sunday: R.A.A.F. Chapel Mass: Sun. 9.00am Lumen Christi Mass: Thu. 9.15am Stella Maris Mass: Fri. 9.15am Mass times: Sunday: Weekdays: Tuesday 6.00pm 8.00am 11.00am 9.15am Wed. & Fri. Reconciliation: Sat. 10.00am - 10.30am 10.00am 9.15am Reconciliation: Before Mass by request. PARISH PRIEST: Fr John Healy. ASSISTANT PRIEST: Fr Thomas Kuruvila PRESBYTERY: QOP, 62A Everingham Rd, Altona Meadows. Ph.: 9360 9955. DEACON: Dong Tran PRECA CENTRE: Education in Faith. 39 Talbot St, Altona Meadows. Ph.9360 0199. Email: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE: 62A Everingham Rd, Altona Meadows Vic 3028. Ph.: 9369 6877 Fax: 9369 6761. OFFICE HOURS: Tue. -10.00am to 4.00pm, Wed. & Thu. - 9.00 to 4.00pm, Fri.-9.00am to 3.00pm. Contact the office for BAPTISMS, WEDDINGS etc, & any other enquiries. EMAIL & WEB ADDRESSES: Parish Office [email protected] Web www.lavertonparish.org.au 2 2 N D . M A R C H 5 T H . S U N D A Y O F L E N T Cristian is a 33 year old farmer who lives in a remote Andean village in Peru. The community live a traditional life and without irrigation they have depended on the rains to water the crops. “When there were no rains we suffered a lot, because sometimes the fields would not produce,” says Cristian. In 2012 Cristian and 14 other young farmers participated in the Rural Development program run by Caritas Australia’s local partner, Caritas Haucho. The program offers materials, capital and training that supports farmers in rural areas to establish sustainable farms that will produce reliable, profitable and long-term crops. The program helped the young men to secure land to farm, and provided them with seedlings and agricultural training so that they could grow and harvest sustainable, high-value orchard crops, including peaches, custard apples avocados. They also received materials and training to build an irrigation system to water their fields. The farmers have helped one another to learn and achieve and are now beginning to reap the rewards of their hard work-a healthy, nutritious new range of fruits in their diets and a steadily increasing income for all their families. “The fact that we have worked together to grow and develop makes me proud,” said Cristian. “We are less worried now, with the help of Caritas we are improving ourselves.” Your donation to Project Compassion 2015 will help farmers in Peru grow and harvest sustainable crops, providing their families with food for life. EASTER RECONCILIATION (Second Rite.) Tues. 24th. March 7:00pm St. Martin de Porres Our Parish Healing Mass will be held on Wed. 25th. March 7:00pm @ Queen of Peace (English and Maltese) TUESDAY 24th. MARCH 2015 at Second Rite of Reconciliation 10:30am. At Queen of Peace Church This is a form of sacramental confession and mixes prayer and You are all welcome to join us and individual confession of sins to a priest, followed by absolution. celebrate this special Mass. There will be a communal penance service including a Scripture A morning tea will follow in the school reading and prayer by the priest. This is followed by an examination of conscience, and then the entire community prays hall. Everyone is welcome! the Act of Contrition together. Please note that the 9:15 am Mass at St After the communal part of the ceremony, those present individually confess their sins to the priest and receive absolution Martin’s will not be held on this day. If you would like and a penance. The Act of Contrition is not repeated privately, because it has been part of the communal section of the service. transport to the Note that the words of absolution are said by the priest Mass please ring individually over the penitent. A person who participates in only the Parish Office the communal parts of the service has not been to confession. on 9369 6877. NEXT WEEK’S READINGS: 1st Reading: Is. 50:4-7 2nd. Reading: Phil. 2:6-11 15/3/2015 Gospel: Mark14:11-15:47 The Passion $2,413 $3,697 -$1,284 You are invited to celebrate The Feast of the Annunciation Held at Queen of Peace Church, Altona Meadows Stations of the Cross Friday 10th. April on FRIDAY evenings at 7:00 pm at Q of P. Reconciliation is every Saturday 10:00-10:30 am @ Healing Mass at 7:00pm followed by a social night in the school hall. Queen of Peace Sunday 12th. April A Solemn Mass at 3:00pm followed directly by a New Mass Times Parish Mass will be at Queen of Peace Church at 9:15 procession with the statue of the Annunciation. Then a social night in the church hall. am every Saturday. EVERYONE IS WELCOME ALSO a Parish Mass will also be at St. Martin’s every Enquiries: LINA 9716 3537 CARMEN 9360 7574 Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9:15 am If you have access to palms and olive branches for Palm Sunday Mass next weekend could you please leave them at the Parish office or the Church foyer on Thursday 26th or Friday 27th. March. Thank you. ANZAC DAY 2015 The Centenary of the Anzac Landing at Gallipoli Mass will be celebrated at St. Patrick’s Cathedral 9:30am. Saturday 25th. April By Archbishop Denis Hart 6.00pm C.ZAMMIT 8.00am J.MAGRO, M&K. CONDOR 9.00am (Point Cook RAAF Base) 10.00am ST. Martin de Porres 11.00am F.VASIC EASTER MASS TIMES Holy Thursday: April 2nd. 7:30pm Queen of Peace Good Friday: April 3rd. 10:00am Stations of the Cross at St. Martin de Porres 3:00pm Veneration of the Cross at Queen of Peace Holy Saturday:April 4th. 7:30pm Vigil Queen of Peace Easter Sunday: April 5th. 8:00am Mass Queen of Peace 9:00am Mass at R.A.A.F. Chapel 10:00am Mass at St. Martin de Porres 11:00am Mass at Queen of Peace Queen of Peace Prayer Group Invites you every Tuesday at 6:30 pm to Queen of Peace Church for rosary, prayers, and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The next Mass is on Tuesday 24th March @ 7:30pm Usher Welcomer DID YOU KNOW? In the gospels Jesus refers to himself mysteriously as the Son of Man, an expression that both reveals and conceals his identity. At the Passover, observant Jews came from far and wide to celebrate in the great Temple in Jerusalem. It overflowed with pilgrims and they stayed outside the city in villages or under the stars and went into the temple each day. After celebrating the Passover meal Jesus was returning to Bethany to stay with Mary, Martha and Lazarus. On the way he stopped at Gethsemane and there he accepted his fate. LITURGY ROSTER – 28th. & 29th. March 2015 - Palm Sunday 1st Reader 2nd Reader Prayers Eucharistic Ministers not required not required not required not required not required G.GINGCO R.ROWSELL C.LANDELLS, L.TEW, R.GRIMA, G.MALADY, required C.CACHIA, N.CONDOR, required not required not required not required not required M. LAMBERT F.VASIC F.FORTINI, A.BOYD, A.FRANKSON, J. QUIAZON, required “Everyone who lives and believes in me will not die for ever, says the Lord.” Jn 11: 26 PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Please remember in your prayers those in our Community who are sick. BULLETIN NEWS Items for the Bulletin should be left at the Parish office by the Wednesday prior to ‘NEXT BULLETIN’ date - please include a contact name and phone number. BULLETIN BOARD: Please check the bulletin board in the foyer for more information`. NEXT BULLETIN 5th. April 2015
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