BULLETIN OF THE PARISH OF LAVERTON QUEEN OF PEACE POINT COOK ST MARTIN de PORRES Mass times: Saturday: Sunday: R.A.A.F. Chapel Mass: Sun. 9.00am Lumen Christi Mass: Thu. 9.15am Stella Maris Mass: Fri. 9.15am Mass times: Sunday: Weekdays: Tuesday 6.00pm 8.00am 11.00am 9.15am Wed. & Fri. Reconciliation: Sat. 10.00am - 10.30am 10.00am 9.15am Reconciliation: Before Mass by request. PARISH PRIEST: Fr John Healy. ASSISTANT PRIEST: Fr Thomas Kuruvila PRESBYTERY: QOP, 62A Everingham Rd, Altona Meadows. Ph.: 9360 9955. DEACON: Dong Tran PRECA CENTRE: Education in Faith. 39 Talbot St, Altona Meadows. Ph.9360 0199. Email: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE: 62A Everingham Rd, Altona Meadows Vic 3028. Ph.: 9369 6877 Fax: 9369 6761. OFFICE HOURS: Tue. -10.00am to 4.00pm, Wed. & Thu. - 9.00 to 4.00pm, Fri.-9.00am to 3.00pm. Contact the office for BAPTISMS, WEDDINGS etc, & any other enquiries. EMAIL & WEB ADDRESSES: Parish Office [email protected] Web www.lavertonparish.org.au 1 S T . M A R C H 2 N D . S U N D A Y O F L E N T CARITAS AUSTRALIA MARIAMA, NIGER For most of us, it’s almost impossible to imagine what it would be like to live from day-to-day without enough food to eat. But for Mariama (29) and her family it is a reality they confront every day. Mariama’s miother tries to support the family by selling vegetables on the side of the road. But her tiny, inconsistant income often means the family doesn’t have enough money to buy food. As a result Mariama’s 2-year-old daughter Fati, is often sick and recently became malnourished. Thankfully, Mariama found life saving help at a Nutrition Centre run by CAFOOD (U.K. Caritas) and CADEV Niger (Caritas Australia’s local partner in Niger). The centre cares for malnourished children like Fati, and provides them with medical cars, nutritional supplements and essential food so they can recover from Malnutrition. The program of food and care that Fati is currently receiving at the Nutritional Centre has given the young girl at second chance at life. As Fati recovers physically, Mariama’s spirit and dignity are being restored through the counselling she receives at the centre. Mariama has also taken a sewing course that means she will be able to earn an income and secure a better future for them both. Mariama is filled with hope and gratitude. “I am very happy,” she says. “I would like to say a big thank you to Australian people for all their support of the Nutrition Centre.” Your donation to Project Compassion 2015 will help to save the lives of people living on the brink of survival in Niger, giving them access to nutritional support and essential food for life. Holy Thursday:April 2nd. 7:30pm at Queen of Peace Good Friday: April 3rd. 10:00am Stations of the Cross at St. Martin de Porres 3:00pm Veneration of the Cross at Queen of Peace Holy Saturday: April 4th. Easter Sunday: April 5th. 7:30pm Vigil Mass at Queen of Peace 8:00am Mass at Queen of Peace 9:00am Mass at R.A.A.F. Chapel Point Cook 10:00am Mass at St. Martin de Porres 11:00am Mass at Queen of Peace # Stations of the Cross on FRIDAY evenings at 7:00pm at Queen of Peace. #Sacrament of Reconciliation -Every Saturday 10:00-10:30am @ Q o P -2nd Rite Tues. 24th. March 7:00pm St. Martin de Porres -2nd Rite Wed. 25th. March 7:00pm @ Queen of Peace #New Mass Times for the Parish. Parish Mass will be celebrated at Queen of Peace Church on Saturday mornings at 9:15am every week. ALSO Parish Mass will also be celebrated at St. Martin’s every Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9:15am NEXT WEEK’S READINGS: 1st Reading: Exodus 20:1-17 2nd. Reading: 1 Cor 1:22-25 22/2/2015 Gospel: John 2:13-25 $2,238 $3,697 BOOKING A BAPTISM IN THE PARISH -$1,359 As from Sunday 3rd. May Baptisms will be held Parish Film Evening On Wednesday evening 18th. March “Molokai: The Story of Fr. Damien” will be screened in Queen of Peace Church at 7:00pm. This will be followed by supper. Please bring a plate to share. ALL WELCOME! FILIPINO MASS AT ST MARTIN de PORRES On the first Saturday of the month, there will be a Filipino Mass at St Martin De Porres at 6.00pm. The Mass will be a mix of English and Filipino. The next one will be held on Saturday 7th. March Queen of Peace Prayer Group Invites you every Tuesday at 6:30 pm to Queen of Peace Church for rosary, prayers, and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The next Mass is on 24th March @ 7:30pm SCHOOL AGED BAPTISMS. Classes for school aged children to be Baptised will begin NEXT Wednesday 4th. March @ 4:00pm in Queen of Peace Church. This will be for prep to grade 2 students. (They need to attend 1 session only.) Wednesday 11th/18th/25th March will be for grades 3 to 6 students at 4:00pm. At least one parent must be a Catholic and have a Baptism certificate to prove it. Classes last for 45 minutes and on completion a Baptism date can be arranged. To book a place for the classes please ring the Parish office on 9369 6877 EVERY WEEK at Queen of Peace Church at 12:30 To book a baptism you need to ring the Parish Office on Tuesdays or Wednesday on 9369 6877 and be prepared for an available date that could be at least 5 to 6 weeks away. Parents will need to attend an information night on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm in Queen of Peace Church after booking in a date. Queen of Peace Liturgy Roster The new Liturgy roster is only for 2 months.Everyone who is on the roster has been sent a copy. If there are any enquires please ring the Parish Office on 9395 6877 WESTERN SPIRITUALITY IN THE PUB. Our Western Spirituality in the Pub 2015 year has the theme of Getting to Know our Neighbours. We are very fortunate to have Sherene Hassan, a very highly respected member of the Victorian Moslem community as our speaker on 10th March at the Italia Club, Furlong Road, St Albans (next door to Sunshine Hospital). Topic: Presentation on/Conversation about Islam. Session starts at 7.30 p.m. You are encouraged to support the club that supports Western SIP by dining As the closing date for applications for Year 7, 2016 at Emmanuel College was Friday 27 February any outstanding applications should be submitted urgently. Donna Grech, Registrar is available to assist with any queries about enrolment applications: ph:83255119, email [email protected] Usher Welcomer 6.00pm M&S. SHERMAN 8.00am J.MAGRO, 9.00am (Point Cook RAAF Base) 10.00am ST. Martin de Porres 11.00am J.QUIAZON LITURGY ROSTER – 7th. & 8th. March 2015 - 3rd. Sunday of Lent 1st Reader 2nd Reader Prayers Eucharistic Ministers J.PARIS L.HANNON F.SCHIAVONE J.CINI L.HANNON G.CINI C.CACHIA D.GUNAWAN A.BOYD L.DONAL J. TOWNSEND M.MASAGANDA J.QUIAZON R.GRIMA, L.TEW, G.MALADY, S.SHERMAN, required G.BALDICCINO, N.CONDOR, required F.FORTINI, L.FRANZE, J.KARIN, A.BOYD, required PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Please remember in your prayers those in our Community who Lent is about mercy and survival because true obedience to God, even in its demands for a hard love, ALWAYS leads to life. Richard Leonard. sj are sick. BULLETIN NEWS Items for the Bulletin should be left at the Parish office by the Wednesday prior to ‘NEXT BULLETIN’ date - please include a contact name and phone number. BULLETIN BOARD Please check the bulletin board in the foyer for more nformation on Bulletin news and other information. NEXT BULLETIN 8th. March 2015
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