3rd European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship 19-20 March 2015 Wednesday 18 March 2015 18:30 Pre-Conference Registration and Welcome Drinks (Until 1930) Thursday 19 March 2015 8:30 Room: Registration and coffee 9:00 Room: Welcome from the conference chairs: 9:15 Keynote address: 10:00 Conference splits into streams Room: Stream A: SMEs Chair: Room: Stream B: Mini Track on on Gender Inequality in Entrepreneurship Chair: Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska Room: Stream C: Research with an African Perspective Chair: Gender, Culture and Entrepreneurship in Central Nigeria Area 10:15 Comparative Analysis of Innovative Activity Determinants in Companies of Small and Medium Enterprises Sector In Brazil And Akor Faith, Benue State University, Makurdi‐Nigeria., Nigeria Poland ‐ Results of Empirical Researches (Academic, Mini track on Gender ineq in entre) ICI‐060 Norek Tomasz, University of Szczecin, Poland and Arenhardt Federal University of Santa Maria, Brasil (Academic, Main ) ICI‐019 Effectuation, Technology Orientation and Performance in the Renewable Energy Sector Urban Boris, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, Heydrench James, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa and Gordon Shaw ,University of Fort Hare, South Africa (Academic, Main ) ICI‐003 10:45 The Effect of Entrepreneurial Intention on new Service Development Massaro Maurizio, Universita degli Studi di Udine, Italy and Dal Mas Mas Consulting srl, Italy (Academic, Main ) ICI‐031 The Impact of Research and Innovation on SMMEs in Gauteng Province South Africa Agwa‐Ejon John, Francis University of Johannesburg, South Africa and Mbohwa University of Johannesburg, South Africa (Academic, Main ) ICI‐052 Promoting a Better Entrepreneurial Culture among Women Entrepreneurs in Nairobi City County, Kenya Omwenga Jane, TheTechnical University of Kenya, Kenya and Mukulu Jomo, Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya (Academic, Mini track on Gender ineq in entre) ICI‐027 Entrepreneurship Growth and Development in Southwest Nigeria 11:15 Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium Profile of the Successful Entrepreneur ‐ Similarities and Enterprises (SMEs) through Business Incubators in Arab Countries Differences across Three Continents through Innovation in Technical and Vocational Education Ptak‐Chmielewska Aneta, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland, Abanikannda Mutahir, Osun State University, Osogbo, Osun State, Anneline Chetty, Ethekwini Municipality, South Africa and Supreet Nigeria., Nigeria (Academic, Main ) ICI‐053 Wahee Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Management and Research, India (Presentation Only, Mini track on Gender ineq in entre) ICI‐010 11:45 12:15 Lunch Narrative Means to Entrepreneurial Practices ‐ Rewrite, Imagine and Enrol Chih‐Chung Shih, The Department of Industrial and Commercial Design at NTUST, Taiwan (RoundTable, Mini track on Gender ineq in entre) ICI‐005 Perspectives on Growth of Small Scale Commodity Trade in Central Nigeria Area up to 1970s Odey Mike, Benue State University,Makurdi Nigeria, Nigeria (Academic, Main ) ICI‐065 Lunch Lunch Room: Stream A: Entrepreneurship Chair: Room: Stream B: Entrepreneurship Education Chair: Room: Stream C: Creative Industries Chair: 13:15 The Prediction of Entrepreneurial intention among Preparatory Entrepreneurship Education ‐ The Role of Universities Year Saudi Students ‐ Testing an intent model Lloyd‐Reason Lester, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK Aloulou Wassim, College of Economics and Administration (Academic, Main ) ICI‐012 Sciences at Al Imam Muhammed Bin Saud University, Saudi Arabia (Academic, Main ) ICI‐051 Critical Thinking ‐ Towards an Entrepreneurial Freelance Writing Archibong Emmanuel, Iniobong University of Uyo,Nigeria, Nigeria (Academic, Main ) ICI‐075 13:45 Entrepreneurship ‐ Do Demand and Supply Barriers Matter? Ptak‐Chmielewska Aneta, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland (Academic, Main ) ICI‐040 An Auto‐Ethnographic Perspective of Social Entrepreneurship focused Student Case‐Competitions System Innovation Approach for Improvement of Innovation Development in Creative Industries Strazdas Rolandas ,Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania and Cerneviciute Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania (Academic, Main ) ICI‐021 14:15 Social Entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan ‐ Defining Trends and Prospects for Development Aitbay Indira, Almaty Management University, Kazakhstan (Academic, Main ) ICI‐042 Entrepreneurship Education for Further Education and Training College lecturers Motsoeneng Molefi, Central University of Technology, South Africa and Mahlomaholo University of the Free State, 205 Nelson Mandela Drive, Park West, Bloemfontein (Academic, Main ) ICI‐ 062 Developing a Design Process for Mobile Applications for Logistics in the Construction Industry Rundquist Jonas, Halmstad University, Sweden (Academic, Main ) ICI‐045 Refreshments Refreshments 14:45 Refreshments Room: Stream A: Leadership Chair: Room: Stream B: Innovation in Universities Chair: 15:15 Leading Versus Dominating ‐ Critical Issues in developing 21st Century Institutional Managers Revolutionary Transformation of the Credit System in Education Taikulakova Gulnura, Almaty Management University, Kazakhstan and Lipich Almaty Management University, Kazakhstan (Academic, Main ) ICI‐011 15:45 Public Perceptions of Leadership and Corporate Governance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa Lekhanya Lawrence, Mpele Durban University of Techonology, South Africa (Academic, Main ) ICI‐066 Effects of University‐Industry‐Government Collaboration on National Capacity of Innovation Rundquist Jonas, Halmstad University, Sweden (Academic, Main ) ICI‐046 16:15 Knowledge Cafe led by 17:00 Close of conference day and 19:00 Conference Dinner at 22:00 Buses return to the Rembrandt Hotel Friday 20 March 2015 9:00 Refreshments available 9:00 Room: Opening messages 9:10 Keynote Presentation: 9:50 Presentation to announce ICIE 2016 Refreshments on the 14th Floor Poster contibutors stand by their posters for others to discuss the research 10:00 Room: Stream A: Mini Track on on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in BRICS Economies Chair: Milan Todorovic 10:45 Innovation and Creativity ‐ An innovation trek for the Ethekwini Municipality 11:15 Socio‐Cultural Differences and Formation of Entrepreneurial Mindsets amongst Students in Universities Ikpesu Christian, Oghenerukevwe Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Portharcourt, Nigeria (Academic, Mini track on I&E in BRICS ) ICI‐024 11:45 Strategies employed to support Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Southern Africa Swettenham Thiru, Southern Africa Innovation Support Programme, South Africa and Miettinen Southern Africa Innovation Support Programme, Namibia (Case_study, Mini track on I&E in BRICS ) ICI‐072 12:15 Room: Stream B: PhD Colloquium Chair: 10:45-10:55 A Methodology Concept of Online Marketing Management with a Knowledge Base of Interactions from Internet-based Services Smutny Zdenek, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic and Vojir University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic (PhD, Main ) ICI-017 11:00-11:10 Women Entrepreneurship Development in Benue State - A Comparative Study of Tiv and Idoma Women, 1960-2010 Akor Faith, Benue State University, Nigeria (PhD, Main ) ICI-061 11:15-1125 An Assessment of the Capacity Adequacy for the Implementation and Sustenance of Entrepreneurship Education Programs in Nigerian Public Universities Iweh Jeremiah, Asian Institution of Technology, Klong Luang, Pathumthani, Thailand (PhD, Main ) ICI-049 11:30-11:40 Good Performing Enterprise (Co-Operative) with Social Venturing and Co-Operative Entrepreneurship Business Model (SVCE-bm) in Zambia Discussion and Feedback 11:45-12:15 Lunch Room: Stream A: Banking and Finance Chair: Lunch Room: Stream B: Growth Chair: 13:30 The Impact of Economic Freedom on Entrepreneurial Activity ‐ A Using Systems Concepts to Explore the Issue of Growth in Small Configurational Analysis Owner‐Managed Firms Kuckertz Andreas, University of Hohenheim, Germany, Elisabeth Donaldson Paul, Sysco, UK (Academic, Main ) ICI‐014 Berger, University of Hohenheim, Germany and Andrew Mpeqa, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Switzerland (Academic, Main ) ICI‐004 14:00 An Innovative Risk‐based Authentication Mechanism for Closing the New Banking Vault Dlamini Moses, University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, H.S. Venter, University of Pretoria, South Africa and J.H.P. Eloff University of Pretoria, South Africa (Academic, Main ) ICI‐067 Cross‐Country Entrepreneurial Growth Aspirations Reddy Colin, University of Johannesburg, South Africa (Academic, Main ) ICI‐041 14:30 Financing Constraints and Growth of SMEs in Indian Punjab Sandhu Navjot, Birmingham City University, UK, Javed Hussain, Birmingham City University, UK and Harry Matlay University of the West of Scotland, UK (Academic, Main ) ICI‐033 RAF on the Road ‐ Innovative service delivery to the Public Spingies Hein Road Accident Fund, South Africa (Non‐academic, Main ) ICI‐079 15:00 15:30 Room: Review of the topics covered in the conference and presentation of Best PhD and Best Poster awards Led by Close of Conference Close of Conference Close of Conference Work-in-Progress/Posters To be displayed from 12 noon on Thursday until 12 noon on Friday and to be presented during the Friday morning break from 1000-1030 Posters with a Work in Progress Paper Posters Only Productivity and standardization in construction and industrial maintenance The Middle Ground of Social Entrepreneurship ‐ Shared Value Creation Osorio‐Vega Patricio, Nottingham University Business School, United Kingdom, Susan Marlow, Nottingham University Business School, United Kingdom and Janine Swail Nottingham University Business School, United Kingdom (WIP, Main ) ICI‐028 Poster Only Exploring Coping Strategies of Entrepreneurship ‐ The Issue of Assessing the Entrepreneurship Development Programs in GCC Business Transfer ‐ A Pilot Study Sharma Anshuman, Rustaq College of Applied Sciences, Ministry Weesie Edwin, HU Business School Utrecht, The Netherlands and of Higher Education, Oman (WIP, Main ) ICI‐047 van Teeffelen HU Business School Utrecht, The Netherlands (WIP, Main ) ICI‐025 Consumerisation of IT in South Africa ‐ Examining the impact of Bring‐your‐own‐device on work practices Palesa Mphahlele, UCT, SA (WIP, Mini track on I&E in BRICS ) ICI‐ 059 Poster and Short Paper The Impact of Cottage Industries in Economic Development in Africa Mulemora Oluwasegun, Association of Cottage Industrialists of Nigeria, NG and Mulemora Seakat Global Resources, Nigeria (WIP, Mini track on Gender ineq in entre) ICI‐001 The Implied Denial of the Innovation in Traditional Medicinal Knowledge by the South African Intellectual Property Law and its Effects Monyakane Mampolokeng, UNISA, South Africa (WIP, Main ) ICI‐ 069 ICT innovation and grassroots SME development in Kenya Ndemo Bitange, University of Nairobi, Kenya (Academic, Main ) ICI 018 Offered Poster Institutional Forces and the Written Business Plan: The Case of Anchoring the Success of Innovations ‐ A Product Introduction and Technology Startups in South Africa Management Perspective Heslop Richard, University of Cape Town, South Africa (WIP, Main Fuyane Nkululeko, Mangosuthu University of Technology, South ) ICI‐073 Africa and Sikwela Mangosuthu University of Technology, South Africa (Academic, Main ) ICI‐054 Offered Poster with Paper Towards an Understanding of the Adoption of Cloud Computing by Software Development Organizations in South Africa
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