T H U RS D AY, Ma r c h 1 9 t h, 2 0 1 5 : VO L UME T H I RT Y : NU MB E R 2 8 REMINDERS Thursday, March 19t h “...but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4b (KJV) School Play-”The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, 4pm, Perimeter Church Sanctuary Friday, March 20th School Play-”The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, 4 and 7pm, Perimeter Church Sanctuary Saturday, March 21st Mother Son Adventure-the Pavilion 1st Session- 12:45pm 2nd Session-3:00pm Tuesday, March 24th Parent Prayer-8:30am. Prayer Room Report Cards available online at Noongrades 3-8 Wednesday, March 25th Noon Dismissal-all grades Parent-Teacher Conferences-grades 3-8 No Adventure Program Thursday, March 26t h No School-grades K-2 Noon Dismissal-grades 3-8 Parent-Teacher Conferences-grades K-8 No Adventure Program Tuesday, March 31st Parent Prayer-8:30am. Prayer Room Homework Happenings-6:15pm, Upstairs at the Bricks Parent Meetings 3rd/4th grades—6:30pm, classrooms 5th grade Cave Trip chaperones-6:30pm, Fellowship Hall rooms EFGH 5th grade Parent Meetings-7:30pm, classrooms 7th grade Parent Meeting-6:30pm, Fellowship Hall rooms ABCD 7th grade Tybee Trip chaperones7:30pm, Fellowship Hall rooms ABCD “I W ILL !” By Mary Hubbard, Middle School Principal One of my first childhood memories of growing up in a Presbyterian Church in the Missi’ppi Delta is that of covenant baptism. I remember infants being brought by their parents before the church and hearing our pastor address the congregation about their collective responsibility in coming alongside believing parents to help in raising that child. I remember him solemnly stating this and asking the congregation, “Do you agree to do this?” And then I remember hearing an overwhelming, “I will!” It is because of this that Perimeter Christian School is unique. Being a school that recognizes and wholeheartedly endorses the philosophy of covenant education, we are set apart from other schools because we understand this question and the answer. “Since this type of school contains covenant children, parents fulfilling their covenant responsibility to those children, and teachers practicing their covenant responsibility to the next generation, the school is called a covenant school.” (PCS Handbook) In today’s culture, this becomes a difficult task. We live in a culture with few boundaries, no set of moral code or ethics, arbitrary standards, selfcentered agendas, half- hearted commitments, and a disdain for Truth. If not for our relationship with Christ, we would certainly have reason to be downhearted. But this is the good news about a covenant school! Those major issues, the presuppositions that bind us together, are what give us hope for and in our posterity. We are in relationship with and serve the One True Living God while partnering together to raise our covenant children in the nurture and admonition of Him. This is how we begin to re(Continued on page 2) deem the culture for Christ. It begins with raising our children to love the Lord their God with all their heart and soul and mind, and it also begins with us accepting the responsibility as parents and a school to partner in that. It begins with recognizing that it is a privilege to live in a messy, wonderful community together! If we are not careful, we will stand by and watch as things happen in our covenant family and say, “ That is not my responsibility,” “If I correct someone else’s child, I could lose their friendship,” “I shouldn’t get involved, I could get in trouble,” “What if I don’t handle this right?” “Who am I to say anything, look at my own children,” “Oh, I’d rather not say anything, that person’s child won’t like me, and my child will get mad if I correct their friend,” and the list could go on. And I guess my response to this is, “If not us, then who?” If it is true that the heart, soul, and mind are involved in instruction, and if it is true that the philosophy of instruction involves teaching, inspiring, growing through struggle, applying, reasoning, thinking, learning, hard work, encouragement, correcting, and sanctification, then we must recognize instruction is never neutral. The evil one is prowling around to devour even the elect, and he would love to whisper words of deceit and take us down paths of twisted reasoning. We are in a battle today with a world that believes that we don’t have the “right” to instruct anyone else in the matters of righteousness and truth; therefore it becomes easier to isolate, gossip, lie, slander, to use words for tearing down rather than building up, and not to practice the relational restoration of the Matthew 18 principle. If we aren’t careful we can get caught up in a secular way of thinking. Things can get very messy when we carry out our responsibilities, partly because some folks are not excited to see their child corrected, and also because it is much easier…less stressful, to look in another direction and hope that an issue will go away. Some might say, “I’ve never had a successful covenant conversation”! Some may even think it is an indictment on their parenting. However, even if we don’t handle every situation perfectly (which we never will!), the key is being willing to be a covenant parent to every covenant child, regardless of the reaction of the child or in some cases, even the child’s parents. God will surely use every one of these incidents to work together for good in the end. Let me encourage you today. Whether you are involved in class trips, service projects, field trips, serving pizza, or chapel…or whether you are just out at the mall or driving down Hwy 141…you do have a responsibility to our covenant children. “The promises, responsibilities, and benefits must be passed from one generation to the next.” ( PCS Handbook) And in that sense, we are “our brother’s keeper.” Please, step up and take your leadership role as a parent seriously; we (the school) will do so as the Fourth Wall also. May God give us the grace and perseverance to stay the course and commit again with an overwhelming response, “ I will!” A NNOUNCEMENTS Do You Have An Announcement? Submit by e-mail to Martha Mahony at [email protected]. Deadline each week: Tuesday by 4 pm. Announcements can run for 2-3 weeks. UPCOMING EVENTS Perimeter School Presents: ”The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” March 19th and 20th, Perimeter Church Sanctuary The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer is the irresistible story of a thirteen-year-old boy growing up in the heartland of America. Tom matches wits with his stern Aunt Polly. Tom falls in love with the sweet Becky Thatcher, and goes on the adventure of his life with Becky and that irresistible renegade, Huckleberry Finn. General admission is $6.00 at the door. For more details, please visit our site: TomSawyer Please click here to watch a short promo video of the cast in action! G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Lost and Found Please be sure to come in and check the lost and found bins in the Middle School for any items your student may be missing. There is a bin in each of the locker rooms and a bin in the MS lunchroom as well. Any items left at the end of the school day on April 2 will be donated to charity. Register by Friday, March 27th at Noon for HOMEWORK HAPPENINGS! Please remember you MUST be registered by noon on Friday before the event; therefore, please be sure to go online NOW to the link below if you need childcare for the parent and/or campus meetings scheduled for March 31st. https://ministryplatform.perimeter.org/portal/event_detail.aspx?id=42265 . If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]. Trading Sports Cards Trading sports cards: Several parents have asked us to eliminate the trading of sports cards before and after school. We are officially asking kindergarten through fifth grade students to leave all of their sports cards at home effective immediately. Mrs. Crist and Mr. Fisher would like to save this fun activity for home. Thank you for your cooperation. Arts Festival Information As previously announced, the theme for the Arts Festival on April 29th is Buildings and Bridges. The entire day of Arts Festival day of activities is for 3rd-8th grades. Here is how K-2 will participate: K-2 may attend the opening ceremonies. Costumes are optional for 1st and 2nd (No costumes for K/PF). The 1st and 2nd grade students will do a parent-led art activity in their respective classrooms. Corporate Matching Gifts for $ Donated at the Auction Donations made to the school through the special plea at the Auction are 100% tax deductible – just like donations to the scholarship fund, covenant fund, etc. Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Some provide matching funds to support employee volunteer hours. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift. Please contact Laura Powers for questions or assistance with matching gifts. 678-405-2399 or [email protected]. EXTRACURRICULAR Talent Show Announcement One of our most anticipated events of the year will be here before you know it! The PCS Talent Show is scheduled for Tuesday, May 19, 2014 at 9:00 am. If you are interested in participating in the show, you must sign up for the Talent Show Screenings to be held Monday, March 30th, Tuesday, March 31st and Wednesday, April 1st after school (Callbacks will be Thursday the 2nd). The Talent Show is open to students in 3rd - 8th grades. The link to sign up is as follows http://www.timetosignup.com/pcstalent/sheet/33973. Please make sure you also download a copy of the Talent Show Screening Guidelines. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. The guidelines will be posted on the school website and included on the PCS covenant webpage as well. Spots are limited, so please sign up now (and make sure you bring the signed permission slip with you to your screening time!) For questions please contact Kelly Laughlin at [email protected]. Please click on TalentShow for guidelines and permission slip. F A M I LY C A R E Heidi Leeth’s Caringbridge Site www.caringbridge.org/visit/heidileeth Help for the McCabe Family Francine McCabe, mother of PCS grads Aubrey (college sophomore) and Brendan, (10th grade), has been diagnosed with recurrence of follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Francine's husband, Tim, travels extensively with his job. A Caringbridge site has been set up as well as a meal plan portal. Caringbridge: Francine McCabe; meal assistance: http://www.takethemameal.com/ type in last name McCabe and password: Francine Francine is fighting off an infection in her vein where the chemo portal is implanted. This infection must be cleared up for chemo to proceed. Please pray for complete healing and that every trace of the CANCER would be gone. FUNDRAISING Ongoing Fundraisers Kroger Perimeter School can now participate in the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Please click on KrogerRewards for information and to sign up. Ingles Tools for Schools—use your Ingles Advantage Card when you make purchases at Ingles to help our school. Ingles will give back to our school a portion of those sales. Click Here to link your Ingles Card to Perimeter school online. Click “Sign Up Online Now”. Find your local school by school name search, click on the number for the appropriate school (#10346). Type your information in, as well as your Ingles Advantage card number. Remember to include the smaller digit on the right-hand side. Office Depot 5% Back to School Program—Make a qualifying purchase at Office Depot and present our school’s 5% Program ID #70025545, when you shop online or at an Office Depot Store. Office Depot with give our school 5% of total purchases from our parents. They will also credit prior purchases during this calendar year, if you forgot to give them our ID number at the time of purchase, just bring in your receipt for credit. Publix – key fobs available in both school offices; 3% of purchase goes to PCS and can be used by anyone in Georgia (great opportunity for relatives, friends, etc. to support PCS). Box Tops 4 Education - Please save your box tops to support our library and watch for info in the 4th Wall during the year for details on when to submit them to the school offices. For more info on products and sweepstakes, go to www.boxtops4education.com. ~ O THER E VENTS /O FFERINGS ~ Do You Have News? If you have an announcement that would be appropriate for this section, e-mail the information to: [email protected]. Deadline each week: Tuesday by 4 pm. Announcements can run for 2-3 weeks. Church Wide Diaper Drive all the Month of March Help us love families in the community by donating diapers to those who cannot provide this necessity for their children. Donations can be brought to church during the month of March and placed in the bins located at each of the entrances. Sizes 3-5 are especially needed. www.perimeter.org/diaperdrive Movers and Shakers: Furniture Pickup-Saturday March 8:00am-12:00pm, Gwinnett County Join Movers and Shakers to pick up and deliver furniture to families in need. Imagine the joy of a child sleeping on a bed or a family enjoying a meal around a table rather than on the floor. To sign up, contact John Dance at [email protected]. High School Information for Rising 9th Graders Legacy Community Academy: Join us for an upcoming Look at Legacy preview event on Thursday, April 16, 2015 from 6:15 – 8:30 p.m. This event, for parents of 9th to 12th grade students, is designed to give a better understanding of who we are by highlighting the vision and mission of LCA as well as the logistics and daily high school experience at LCA. We will also have a Q&A time, and a brief tour of the school. Parental attendance at Look at Legacy is a requirement of the admissions process. Rising 9th-12th grade students are welcome (but not required) to attend this event on April 16th. Legacy Community Academy is an accredited, Christ-centered academy promoting learning and leadership. We endeavor to provide the information you need and humbly serve you as you prayerfully make an informed decision for the future of your student. RSVP: Please reserve your seat by e-mailing [email protected]. Location: 11940 Alpharetta Highway, Suite 146, Alpharetta, GA 30009 Website: www.LookatLegacy.org Phone: 678.624.2234 Perimeter Church jHi Winter Schedule ~ Ignite meets 3/22, 3/29 ~ jHi Nights meets 3/22, 3/29 ~ BRICKS meets 3/20, 3/27 ~ GoldRush Regular Attendee Registration opens 3/1 ~ Missions Week Registration opens 3/17 ~ Parent University meets 3/29 Notice from Perimeter Student Ministries Students are only allowed to play in the BRICKS facility (game room and basketball cage) with Student Ministry approval AND parental or staff supervision. We want our facility to be in the best shape possible for all of the ministry events that happen throughout the week. Thank you for your understanding and for helping us be good stewards of what God has given us.
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