T H U RS D AY, J a nua r y 2 9 th, 2 0 1 5 : V O L U ME T H I RT Y: N U MB E R 2 1 “...for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord Jesus Christ through whom are all things and through whom we exist .” REMINDERS Tuesday, February 3rd Parent Prayer-8:30am. Prayer Room Homework Happenings-6pm, upstairs at the Bricks. See Announcement for link to pre-register. Parent Meetings 2nd/3rd Grade—6:15pm classrooms 4th Grade—7:30pm, classrooms 7th Grade—7:30pm, Fellowship Hall rooms ABCD Friday, February 6th Investigating Perimeter School Class6:30pm, Fellowship Hall rooms ABCD Tuesday, February 10th Parent Prayer-8:30am. Prayer Room Wednesday, February 11th Lower Elementary Chapel-8:35am, Day Chapel Dressy Enrichment Day-grades K-2 Friday, February 13t h No School Grades K-2 1Corinthians 8:6 N OT J UST A “R EPORT C ARD ” by Karen Tejeda, Assistant to Lower Elementary Principal 19, 17, 15. Those are the ages of our three girls. It was 14 years ago when we received our first letter from Perimeter School telling us that our eldest daughter had been “conditionally” accepted for admission. I remember the tears of joy that flowed as I read that letter thinking how grateful I was that our daughter would have the privilege of being a part of this special place. Flash forward a number of years and I remember walking into the school office one August morning after dropping the girls who were by then somewhere around 4th, 6th and 7th grades, when the receptionist said, “Karen, here are your daughters’ reports from last year!” Of course, I was mortified for not having retrieved it the previous May, but thanked her profusely, fumbled through a number of excuses for having ‘forgotten” it and went about my day. Little did I know, now years later, I’d have the opportunity to sit on this side of the Narrative Report process. As a long time Perimeter mom, I’ve always known and been extraordinarily grateful for the manner in which our teachers pour into and love on each student. I was always amazed by the reports and parent-teacher conferences and how each teacher would see my child for who she truly was and how God created her. I would sit in awe as the teachers would tell me so accurately about her spiritual growth and her emotional health and her character first and foremost. The academic progress was addressed specifically and with excellence as well, but always as a part of the whole picture that is my child. In my current role in the Lower Elementary Office, I am now blessed to get to observe our teachers as they labor in love over each student, each report, each conference, and each class. The hours that are spent pray(Continued on page 2) ing over, thinking about, writing, rewriting, each and every Narrative Report is astounding. How do I say what the parent needs to hear? What is best for this particular child? What will bring glory to God most in the life of this student now and years to come? What are the tendencies of his or her heart? Where are patterns being established that need to be broken or tweaked? How can I best suggest, encourage, help, instruct this parent about their student? Our teachers are not sitting down to a computer screen and quickly filling in A, B, C or D. They are reflecting on each individual child spiritually, emotionally and physically. They ask, “How are they relating to their peers?” “How are they doing with their responsibilities?” “How are they handling grade level expectations?” “How are they learning?” They are thinking about each student’s ability to process and articulate language. They are keeping track of each student’s timed math test. They are making sure they are meeting goals that will prepare them for high school chemistry and biology. They are measuring their progress in being able to articulate their faith. They are managing their critical reading and writing skills while helping them to establish a Christian worldview and accurate understanding of World and US History. 14 years ago when I read that letter of admission, I had no idea what it meant, really. I knew as I walked these halls that this was a place where my children would be loved, and would be taught from a Biblical perspective. But I never could have imagined that in each class room was a teacher who first and foremost believed, “there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist” (1 Corinthians 8:6). And secondly, that each teacher would make it his/her highest priority to help me as a parent mold this children’s heart, mind and will to walk in a manner worthy of the One for “Whom they exist!” . A NNOUNCEMENTS Do You Have An Announcement? Submit by e-mail to Martha Mahony at [email protected]. Deadline each week: Tuesday by 4 pm. Announcements can run for 2-3 weeks. UPCOMING EVENTS Investigating Perimeter School Class If you have friends or family members interested in our school, the final class will be held on February 6th from 6:30pm – 8:30pm in Fellowship Hall. They will learn more about Perimeter School and the application process. This class is a requirement before beginning the application process. To register online go to www.perimeterschool.org/admissions. “Night Under the Stars” Silent and Live Auction/Dinner Please join us for our Night Under The Stars Silent and Live Auction Dinner on Saturday, February 28, 2015 from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. at The Atlanta Athletic Club. Featuring Live Music by ESOEBO. Don’t miss out on the fun and fellowship and of course, helping to raise money for our wonderful school! Come with your spouse or a date or make it a fun girls' night out. Tickets $55 per person. To register, please fill out a webform online on RenWeb or turn in the registration card you received at the Campus Meeting (Registration cards available in both school offices). Many Thanks to our Auction Sponsors. If you would like to be a sponsor of our Auction, please contact [email protected]. Presenting Sponsor: The Piedmont Bank and State Bank & Trust Company Gold Sponsor: Credo Financial Services, LLC, McMichael and Gray, PC, Thompson's Frame & Gallery, and White Oak Renovations & Signature Homes Silver Sponsor: Greater Georgia Concrete, LLC Bronze Sponsor: Atlanta Motorsports Park, CPEX, LLC, The Day You Retire.com, TheDayYouRetire.com, Griffith Engineering, Inc. and Ostenson Real Estate Group, LLC G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Register by Friday, Jan. 30th at Noon for HOMEWORK HAPPENINGS on Feb. 3rd! Please remember you MUST be registered by noon on Friday before the event; therefore, please be sure to go online NOW to the link below if you need childcare for the parent and/or campus meetings scheduled for next week. http://www.perimeterschool.org/parents/homework-happenings.cfm If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]. Re-Enrollment Re-enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year is here! Parents of all currently enrolled students need to complete the re-enrollment process by February 13th. Families who do not complete re-enrollment and wish to re-enroll their child(ren) at a later day will incur a late fee of $100 per student. Re-enrollments received after February 24th will be charged $150 per student. Our Needed Advocacy for our Covenant Families regarding GOAL: At our Campus Meeting on Tuesday Night last week, we mentioned the 37% reduction in scholarship money and the URGENT NEED for our GOAL SCHOLARSHIP FAMILIES and a request for all of us to: 1. CALL OR EMAIL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE and SENATOR (LINK BELOW) to ask their support AND REQUEST THAT THEY CO-SPONSOR HB35. The more CO-SPONSORS a bill receives, the more likely it will pass. 2. VISIT THE CAPITOL to personally ask your representative to SUPPORT HB 35. That is the most effective action. The representative for Johns Creek, Tom Price, is a member of the committee that will FIRST be considering the bill! Specifically, it would raise the cap to $250 million. 3. REJECT THE IDEA for alternative scholarship programs that are being pitched that will create government regulations of private schools. Link Thanks for your voice to try and preserve this manner of tuition assistance to our covenant school students. Bobby Scott Parents: Cold and Flu Season It is cold and flu season. The school desires to partner with you to keep your students healthy and in school. Sometimes cough drops and Advil/Tylenol can help your student to make it through the school day. The Perimeter Clinic does not provide these items for students. If your child needs these or any other over-thecounter medications you must fill out the permission form and send the medications in to the school for your student. The Perimeter Clinic per school policy may not administer any medication other than the ones that you send in with the permission form. Also, remind your children to keep hands away from face/mouth and wash hands often. Come on Spring! From the SMT Parent Relations Committee With the winter weather, we just want to remind the parents of girls that while tights can be worn, they must be a solid color. Per the dress code: Tights or stockings in any solid color (No footless leggings/tights). So they can be any color but they must be just ONE color (not a print, or cheetah, or zebra, or rainbow, or striped, etc.)! Thanks for helping enforce our dress code. Remember that outerwear that is not PCS outerwear must be taken off while in the classrooms. If anyone has any questions, please follow the link to the dress code or send Tiffany Godfrey an email. DressCode Tiffany Godfrey: [email protected] IOWA Scores IOWA scores for 3rd-8th grade students are available for pick up in the school office of the youngest child in the family. Living Books Program It is not too late to participate in the Living Books program. You can find the lists on the Perimeter School website under Library/Media Center. All lists are due by Friday, May 1st. However, you may turn in completed lists anytime prior to May 1st. Please don’t forget to fill out the form and attach it to the front. We are always open to suggestions for additions to the Living Books lists. The deadline for those submissions is April 1st in order for us to consider them for the web-published list in May. We continue to update the list throughout the year, so you may see books that have stars, but are not on the list. I am happy to confirm any of these titles for you. If you have any further questions, please email [email protected]. Change to Library Fine and Overdue Notices The Library Council has been working on a way to simplify the automated fine & overdue email messages the library computer system generates. Beginning in February, we will use the following monthly schedule to notify you of your child’s check-outs, overdues, and fines: Weekly: notice of what is due in the next 7 days Week 1: notice of overdue books Week 3: notice of fines due We hope that by adding a notice of what is coming due, we will be able to eliminate the overdue and fine notices all together. EXTRACURRICULAR Talent Show Announcement One of our most anticipated events of the year will be here before you know it! The PCS Talent Show is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21, 2014 at 9:00 am. If you are interested in participating in the show, you must sign up for the Talent Show Screenings to be held Monday, March 30th, Tuesday, March 31st and Wednesday, April 1st after school (Callbacks will be Thursday the 2nd). The Talent Show is open to students in 3rd - 8th grades. The link to sign up is as follows http://www.timetosignup.com/pcstalent/sheet/33973. Please make sure you also download a copy of the Talent Show Screening Guidelines. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. The guidelines will be posted on the school website and included on the PCS covenant webpage as well. Spots are limited, so please sign up now (and make sure you bring the signed permission slip with you to your screening time!) For questions please contact Kelly Laughlin at [email protected]. Please click on TalentShow for guidelines and permission slip. Middle School Sports It's almost time for the Spring Sports Season to begin & we want you to participate! Perimeter School offers Baseball, Golf, Tennis, and Track & Field as our spring sports. We have a great history as a competitive NAML school in each of these sports - we hope you join us and be a part of the tradition! Below are the start dates for each of the Spring Sports. Practices will typically run Monday - Thursday for each team. Monday, Feb 2 - Track begins 3:25 - 5:00pm Wednesday, Feb 4 - Baseball Evaluations (3:15 - 4:30pm) Thursday, Feb 19 - Tennis begins Monday, Feb 23 - Golf begins F A M I LY C A R E Help Needed for a Recovering PCS Mom Mary Michael Massie (PCS Mom of four children) needs help with meals and errands while recovering from a broken collar bone. She is anticipating a 6-8 week recovery. You can sign up to help via their Care Calendar at http://www.carecalendar.org/logon/201085 and enter the following information in the appropriate spaces: Calendar ID: 201085 and Security code: 6025 Heidi Leeth’s Caringbridge Site www.caringbridge.org/visit/heidileeth FUNDRAISING Ongoing Fundraisers Kroger Perimeter School can now participate in the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Please click on KrogerRewards for information and to sign up. Ingles Tools for Schools—use your Ingles Advantage Card when you make purchases at Ingles to help our school. Ingles will give back to our school a portion of those sales. Click Here to link your Ingles Card to Perimeter school online. Click “Sign Up Online Now”. Find your local school by school name search, click on the number for the appropriate school (#10346). Type your information in, as well as your Ingles Advantage card number. Remember to include the smaller digit on the right-hand side. Office Depot 5% Back to School Program—Make a qualifying purchase at Office Depot and present our school’s 5% Program ID #70025545, when you shop online or at an Office Depot Store. Office Depot with give our school 5% of total purchases from our parents. They will also credit prior purchases during this calendar year, if you forgot to give them our ID number at the time of purchase, just bring in your receipt for credit. Publix – key fobs available in both school offices; 3% of purchase goes to PCS and can be used by anyone in Georgia (great opportunity for relatives, friends, etc. to support PCS). Box Tops 4 Education - Please save your box tops to support our library and watch for info in the 4th Wall during the year for details on when to submit them to the school offices. For more info on products and sweepstakes, go to www.boxtops4education.com. Target Red Card—By specifying Perimeter School for Target’s Take Charge of Education program, Target will donate 1% of your REDcard purchases to our school. To enroll, signup either way at Target or call 800-3166142. ~ O THER E VENTS /O FFERINGS ~ Do You Have News? If you have an announcement that would be appropriate for this section, e-mail the information to: [email protected]. Deadline each week: Tuesday by 4 pm. Announcements can run for 2-3 weeks. Promise686 Hosts a 6 week Study: Foster/Adoption Preparation Sundays, February 1 - March 8, 5-6 pm in C21 Couples and singles considering foster care or adoption, join us to study "Ready or Not" by Pam Parish. This 30 day devotional will help you prayerfully consider your decision to foster or adopt. Our hope is that the group becomes a support community going forward. Childcare for 0-5 available. Register at www.promise686.org/goingson Lobby Day: February 12th, 8am-12pm Join Street Grace and Wellspring Living and make your voice heard in the fight to end Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking! Lobby Day is an opportunity to stand with other community members, advocates, and elected officials to show support for legislation protecting children from trafficking, as well as a time to thank our legislators for their hard work and commitment toward the issue. Please click on Lobby for more information. Perimeter Jhi Student Ministries Jhi is in need of volunteers to serve Fridays in the BRICKS. Our immediate needs are for Connect Group Leaders and Security. Ignite resumes January 25th at 9 am in the Shed. We invite 6-8th grade students to join us for a pancake breakfast, fellowship and fun! BRICKS resumes on January 30th with a tacky tourist theme and new price of $3 admission. Interested in getting Jhi info via text? Text "jhiparent" to 62953. www.perimeter.org/Jhi Drum Lessons for the Student Musician David Williams, (Wade/Jennifer Williams son) is offering drum lesson for students ages 10-17. Focusing on time correct time keeping, hand technique and reading. All styles-rock, jazz, pop, punk, R&B, Hip-hop, etc. He teaches students to be musicians, not just ”drummers”! Cost is $25 for a 40 minute lesson and $35 for an hour lesson. If interested, please contact David at 404-931-0242 or [email protected] High School Information for Rising 9th Graders Centennial High School: Parent Night will be Feb. 11th at 6:30. Please check their counseling website www.mycentennialcounseling.com for information and updates by clicking on the Rising 9th Grader link on the right side of the page. Chattahoochee High School: Updated information—The Rising 9th grade Parent night has been moved to Feb. 26th at 7 pm and the student tours also have been moved to Feb. 27th at 9:45-11:15 am. Freshman AP night is Feb. 5th at 7pm at Chattahoochee. Peachtree Ridge High School: There will be a Rising 9th grade Parent night on Feb. 3rd at 6pm (pre AP/AP at 7pm)
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