FIDDLER’S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA March 25, 2015 Fiddler’s Creek Community Development District #1 2300 Glades Road, Suite 410W●Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Phone: (561) 571-0010●Fax: (561) 571-0013●Toll-free: (877) 276-0889 ATTENDEES: Please identify yourself each time you speak to facilitate accurate transcription of meeting minutes. March 18, 2015 Board of Supervisors Fiddler’s Creek Community Development District #1 Dear Board Members: The Board of Supervisors of the Fiddler’s Creek Community Development District #1 will hold a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 8:00 a.m., at the Fiddler’s Creek Club and Spa, 3470 Club Center Boulevard, Naples, Florida 34114. The agenda is as follows: 1. Call to Order/Roll Call 2. Public Comments: Non-Agenda Items (3 minutes per speaker) 3. Special Counsel Update: Litigation Proceedings 4. Developer’s Report/Update 5. Engineer’s Report 6. Update: SR 951 Traffic Signal Installation 7. Continued Discussion: Establishment of Emergency Line of Credit 8. Consideration of Resolution 2015-4, Classifying Surplus Tangible Personal Property and Authorizing Disposition of Surplus Tangible Personal Property; Providing a Severability Clause; and Providing an Effective Date 9. Consideration of Lake Bank Erosion Repair Proposals (to be provided under separate cover) 10. Approval of Minutes A. February 25, 2015 Regular Meeting o B. 11. Action Items March 6, 2015 Continued Meeting Other Business Boards of Supervisors Fiddler’s Creek Community Development District #1 March 25, 2015, Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 12. Staff Reports A. Attorney B. Manager C. i. Approval of Unaudited Financial Statements as of February 28, 2015 ii. NEXT MEETING DATE: April 22, 2015 at 8:00 A.M. Operations Manager 13. Supervisors’ Requests 14. Adjournment Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 239-464-7114. Sincerely, Chesley E. Adams, Jr. District Manager RESOLUTION 2015-4 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE FIDDLER’S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 CLASSIFYING SURPLUS TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY; AUTHORIZING DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the Fiddler’s Creek Community Development District #1 (the “District”) is a local unit of special-purpose government established pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, for the purpose of providing, operating and maintaining infrastructure improvements, facilities and services to the lands within the District; and WHEREAS, as such, the District is a governmental unit within the meaning of Chapter 274, Florida Statutes (“Governmental Unit”); and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the Fiddler’s Creek Community Development District #1 owns certain tangible personal property as more fully described in Exhibit “A”, attached herein, and WHEREAS, the District desires to classify the Surplus Property as surplus tangible personal property, and to determine that the continued use of the Surplus Property is uneconomical, inefficient to maintain, and/or serves no useful function; and WHEREAS, the District desires to dispose of the Surplus Property as appropriate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE FIDDLER’S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1; SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF RECITALS. All of the representations, findings and determinations contained within the recitals stated above are recognized as true and accurate and are expressly incorporated into this Resolution. SECTION 2. CLASSIFICATION OF SURPLUS TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. The District hereby classifies the Surplus Property as surplus tangible personal property, and hereby determines that the continued use of the Surplus Property is uneconomical, inefficient to maintain, and/or serves no useful function. SECTION 3. DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. The District hereby directs and authorizes staff to dispose of the Surplus Property as appropriate. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY. The invalidity or unenforceability of any one or more provisions of this Resolution shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of this Resolution, or any part thereof. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon the passage and adoption by the Board of Supervisors of the Fiddler’s Creek Community Development District #1. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of March, 2015 ATTEST: FIDDLER’S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chair/Vice Chair EXHIBIT “A” 1 2 3 4 MINUTES OF MEETING FIDDLER’S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 A Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Fiddler’s Creek Community 5 Development District #1 was held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015, at 8:00 a.m., at the 6 Fiddler’s Creek Club and Spa, 3470 Club Center Boulevard, Naples, Florida 34114. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Present at the meeting were: Phil Brougham Gerald Bergmoser Richard Peterson Robert Slater Charles Turner Chair Vice Chair Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Also present were: Chuck Adams Cleo Crismond Terry Cole Tony Pires Rick Reyes (via telephone) Tony DiNardo Ron Albeit Kevin Cook Tre Hilzymer Rick Herndon Jesse Fritz District Manager Assistant Regional Manager District Engineer District Counsel Tobin & Reyes, P.A., Litigation Counsel Developer The Foundation TruGreen Landcare TruGreen Landcare TruGreen Landcare Resident FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order/Roll Call Mr. Adams called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m., and noted, for the record, that all Supervisors were present, in person. 35 36 37 38 39 SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Special Counsel Update: Proceedings Litigation ***This item, previously the Third Order of Business, was presented out of order.*** 40 Mr. Reyes recalled that a hearing was scheduled for last Monday, with respect to the 41 bondholders’ Motion for Punitive Damages; it was anticipated that the District could pursue its 1 FIDDLER’S CREEK CDD #1 February 25, 2015 42 punitive damages claim thereafter. 43 procedural issues that U.S. Bank raised and the court is requiring the bondholders to amend their 44 lawsuit to allege some different allegations. Mr. Reyes requested an executive session to discuss 45 strategies that the District should pursue, given the outcome of the Monday hearing. The Board agreed to continue today’s meeting to Friday, March 6, 2015 at 3:00 p.m., at 46 47 He indicated that the hearing was continued due to this location, to hold an executive session. 48 Mr. DiNardo indicated that CDD #2 sent a letter to the CEO of U.S. Bank and asked if 49 the letter is public information. Mr. Reyes replied affirmatively. Mr. DiNardo asked if anything 50 transpired, as a result of that letter. Mr. Reyes believed that the parties agreed to meet but the 51 date and location are undetermined. 52 ***Mr. Reyes left the meeting.*** 53 54 55 56 57 THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS ***This item, previously the Second Order of Business, was presented out of order.*** 58 59 60 61 Public Comments: Non-Agenda Items (3 minutes per speaker) There being no public comments, the next item followed. Discussion: TruGreen Landcare Performance Mr. Brougham discussed the Board’s frustration with the performance of TruGreen Landcare (TruGreen). 62 Mr. Tre Hilzymer, Branch Manager of TruGreen’s Naples, Florida office, indicated that 63 TruGreen wants consistency and is seeking strategies that do not result in a Defective Work 64 Notice (DWN). He acknowledged items in a recent DWN that required TruGreen’s attention but 65 voiced his opinion that TruGreen was properly addressing other items in the DWN. 66 Mr. Kevin Cook, Regional Manager of TruGreen, indicated that Mr. Rick Herndon was 67 hired about six months ago to address these situations; however, it took time for Mr. Herndon to 68 become familiar with the District but he now understands the landscaping needs. He discussed 69 the seasonal issues and confirmed that TruGreen addressed the issues, including spraying, 70 replacing sod, etc. 71 February fertilization is underway. Mr. Cook indicated that fertilization was completed in November and 72 Mr. Cook stated that Mr. Herndon is on property every day and fully understands the 73 District’s needs. He felt that, from a maintenance standpoint, the progress is obvious and plans 2 FIDDLER’S CREEK CDD #1 February 25, 2015 74 and schedules are in place to address items. Mr. Cook expressed his confidence that Mr. 75 Herndon will perform well this year. 76 Mr. Brougham believed that, if TruGreen has a plan and the necessary manpower, the 77 District should not have to issue any more DWNs. He recalled that the contract has specific 78 terms and suggested that TruGreen be more proactive. 79 Mr. Slater noted the poor appearance of the marigolds. Mr. Cook indicated that 80 TruGreen follows the annual program of The Foundation. The Foundation completes four 81 flower rotations each year, while the CDD completes two. Mr. Cook pointed out that The 82 Foundation recommended marigolds but, once the CDD installed them, The Foundation removed 83 its marigolds; TruGreen tried to extend the life of the District’s marigolds. Mr. Cook stated that 84 he received approval today to replace the marigolds. 85 86 87 In response to Mr. Brougham’s question, Mr. Cook advised that it is not expensive to add a flower rotation; adding a third flower rotation would be good. Mr. Peterson identified bougainvillea impacted by caterpillars and asked if they would be 88 replaced or sprayed. 89 bougainvilleas in spring by pruning them back. Ms. Crismond estimated that a flower rotation 90 costs $900. 91 rotations per year. Mr. Cook indicated that TruGreen will submit separate work orders for the 92 additional flower rotations. 93 Mr. Cook indicated that TruGreen will attempt to rejuvenate the Mr. Brougham directed Ms. Crismond and TruGreen to perform four flower ***Mr. Hilzeyer, Mr. Cook and Mr. Herndon left the meeting.*** 94 Developer’s Report/Update 95 96 97 FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS 98 Once the fountain in front of Marsh Cove is completed, a gate will be installed and no 99 construction traffic will enter at that location. He identified a location of the construction gates. Mr. DiNardo reported that the construction entrance should be completed in March. 100 Mr. DiNardo stated that Fiddler’s Investor CDD, LLC, sold the Series 2014-1 bond; it is 101 encumbered on the 112 units owned by Ashton Woods. He anticipated that those lots will be on- 102 roll next year. 103 104 Mr. Peterson asked if it was possible for the Runaway Bay construction traffic to use the construction entrance. Mr. DiNardo replied no. 3 FIDDLER’S CREEK CDD #1 February 25, 2015 105 Mr. Brougham referred to the prospective use of recovered bond construction funds and 106 noted reading in the CDD #2 meeting minutes that CDD #2’s bond funds could be used for the 107 security system enhancements and asked if the bondholders would be agreeable to making the 108 security system the third priority, if the funds are recovered. Mr. DiNardo confirmed that the 109 concept can be discussed with the bondholders. 110 Engineer’s Report 111 112 113 FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS 114 Department of Transportation (DOT). Once the permit was received, the mast arms were 115 ordered and will be green galvanized steel. Mr. Brougham asked if the county will maintain and 116 repaint the mast arms. Mr. Cole replied affirmatively and added that, if any warranty issues arise 117 within the five-year warranty, those would be covered. Mr. Adams advised the Board to be 118 prepared for the District to pay to maintain the mast arms to the District’s standards; another 119 CDD assumed responsibility for painting its traffic signal mast arms because the city would not 120 paint them as frequently as the CDD wanted. 121 122 Mr. Cole reported that the permit for the SR 951 traffic signal was received from the Mr. Cole summarized that the mast arms were ordered, physical works should commence in May; the project should be completed and the traffic signal operational by the end of summer. 123 Mr. Cole recalled sod replacement work underway in the SR 951 right-of-way (ROW), 124 south of the Fiddler’s Creek Parkway entrance; he tried to contact someone. Ms. Crismond 125 stated that the District should be reimbursed for the sod damage and replacement but the county 126 contractor refused to take responsibility. 127 Mr. Brougham asked when the striping and reflector replacement project will commence. 128 Mr. Cole advised that the project for the CDD #2 roadways will go out to bid at the end 129 of March; his plan is to have the lowest responsive bidder price the CDD #1 striping work, if it is 130 performed simultaneously with the CDD #2 work. 131 competitive because the contractor would not have to mobilize twice. 132 133 He felt that the price would be more Mr. Brougham felt that all striping should be refreshed. Mr. Cole indicated that the crosswalks, center lines, reflective pavement markers, etc. will be included. 134 135 136 SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Update: SR Installation 4 951 Traffic Signal FIDDLER’S CREEK CDD #1 137 February 25, 2015 This item was discussed during the Fifth Order of Business. 138 139 140 141 142 SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion: Petition for Rule Amendment to Correct Legal Description 143 the District’s boundaries. He explained that, as a result, a tract of land in the northern portion, 144 reflected in Exhibit A-1, was described within the boundaries of CDD #1; however, it should be 145 within the boundaries of CDD #2. Mr. Pires indicated that, due to the size of the District, an 146 amendment to correct this error must go before the Governor and Cabinet and there must be a 147 public hearing on the matter. He advised that, once filed, this petition would initiate the process 148 to correct the Scribner’s error. Mr. Pires recalled that there were Scribner’s errors in a few of the legal descriptions of 149 Mr. Pires noted that Young van Assenderp, P.A. (YVA), agreed to pay the filing fee for 150 the petition and YVA has not billed the District for any work related to this matter; he believed 151 that YVA would not bill the District. In response to Mr. Brougham’s question, Mr. Pires 152 indicated that the only cost to the District, in this matter, would be his legal fees, which will be at 153 a reduced rate. 154 Mr. Brougham asked if the purpose of the amendment is to correct the boundary 155 description in the official Development of Regional Impact (DRI) document. Mr. Pires replied 156 no; it is to change the Florida Administrative Code Rule describing the boundaries of the 157 District. 158 Mr. Slater asked for confirmation that the documents do not contain any areas that the 159 District will begin accepting; he wanted to ensure that both documents are consistent. Mr. Pires 160 stated that the areas are consistent. 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 On MOTION by Mr. Peterson and seconded by Mr. Bergmoser, with all in favor, authorization for the Chair to execute documents related to the Petition for Rule Amendment to Correct Legal Description, was approved. Mr. Pires will forward the petition to Mr. Brougham for execution. 169 5 FIDDLER’S CREEK CDD #1 February 25, 2015 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2015-03, Accepting the Transfer of Various South Florida Water Management District Permits to CDD #1; and, Authorizing the Chairman to Execute Request for Conversion of Said South Florida Water Management District Permits from Construction Phase to Operation Phase and Transfer of Referenced Permits to CDD #1 182 Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) permits from the developer to the CDD; the 183 conversion would be from the construction phase to the operational phase. He advised that 184 approximately 20 permit applications, listed in Exhibit “A”, refer to different SFWMD basin 185 areas. Mr. Cole referred to the basin map and stated that all of the permits applications are for 186 areas within CDD #1. He provided a permit conversion and transfer form, along with an 187 Engineer’s Certification statement; once Resolution 2015-03 is executed, it will be submitted 188 with all of the documentation. The SFWMD will issue letters converting the permits to CDD #1 189 for operation and maintenance (O&M). Mr. Cole indicated that Resolution 2015-03 is for the conversion and transfer of South 190 Mr. Brougham questioned the impact on the District, as the District has been “pulling 191 water” since 1996. Mr. Cole explained that Mr. Brougham’s question relates to a water use 192 permit, which is different; this matter involves the surface water management system. Mr. Cole 193 summarized that the transfer puts the permits in the District’s name, legally, as the O&M entity. 194 Mr. Brougham asked what liabilities are transferred to the District. 195 Mr. Pires stated that, under SFWMD rules, the permittee is responsible for complying 196 with the SFWMD permits until such time as the operating permits are transferred to another 197 entity. He explained that, once CDD #1 becomes the O&M entity, it is liable to ensure that the 198 lake surface water management systems are operating in compliance with the SFWMD rules and 199 plans and specifications for the project. Mr. Pires recalled that the SFWMD notified many 200 CDDs who were operating the surface water management systems, without being the permittee, 201 and advising them that the CDDs must have the permits transferred or risk $10,000 per day fines 202 for operating a system without a permit. 203 204 Mr. Brougham asked if there were any implications when the District embarked on lake erosion repairs. 6 FIDDLER’S CREEK CDD #1 February 25, 2015 205 Mr. Cole recalled that the lake erosion repairs were completed in CDD #1 because the 206 developer, as part of an area in CDD #2, received a violation notice. As a result, the District 207 embarked on a program to inspect all of the lakes and prioritized the repairs. He indicated that 208 the permits for CDD #2 were transferred about two years ago. Mr. Cole advised SFWMD that 209 CDD #2 had a phase in program; therefore the SFWMD transferred the permits to CDD #2. He 210 confirmed that CDD #1 never received a violation for erosion; the District is being proactive in 211 repairing the erosion issues. 212 213 Mr. Cole indicated that the Phase 4 request for proposal (RFP) document is being prepared. 214 Mr. Brougham summarized that, if CDD #1 chooses not to agree to the permit transfer, it 215 would be at risk of being fined for operating a system without a permit. It was noted that the 216 transfer will not have a financial impact on the District, as CDD #1 has been maintaining the 217 system for many years. 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 On MOTION by Mr. Bergmoser and seconded by Mr. Peterson, with all in favor, Resolution 2015-03, Accepting the Transfer of Various South Florida Water Management District Permits to CDD #1; and, Authorizing the Chairman to Execute Request for Conversion of Said South Florida Water Management District Permits from Construction Phase to Operation Phase and Transfer of Referenced Permits to CDD #1, was adopted. Regarding the traffic signal installation project, Mr. Brougham asked Mr. Cole to email 230 the Board of any significant events or delays. Ms. Crismond advised Mr. Cole to notify 231 Management and Management will forward the information to the Board. 232 A question was raised regarding whether a certain area of SR 951 will remain rough 233 blacktop or if it would receive a smooth coating. Mr. Cole stated that he must inspect the area 234 and check with the paving contractor; it is possible that the final lift was not installed. 235 ***Mr. Cole left the meeting.*** 236 237 238 239 NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Emergency Line Iberiabank 7 Establishing an of Credit with FIDDLER’S CREEK CDD #1 February 25, 2015 240 Mr. Brougham reviewed the term sheet provided by Iberiabank. He explained that it is a 241 starting point for the District to proceed and define the loan documents needed to cement the 242 terms and conditions of the loan. Mr. Brougham summarized that Iberiabank is willing to 243 advance a $500,000 line of credit to the District to be used for emergency purposes and secured 244 by the District’s ability to impose O&M assessments and to obtain loans. 245 246 247 Mr. Pires pointed out that, as a governmental entity, some items on the term sheet do not apply to the District. Regarding the 12-month loan term, Iberiabank advised Mr. Brougham of the following: 248 “The standard way of these lines of credits is on a 12-month term with 249 monthly interest-only payments on principal and any unpaid interest due a 250 maturity. This is not like a ‘working capital line of credit’ that requires a 30-day 251 rest period at some time during the 12-month term. They are subject to renewal 252 on an annual basis with updated financial information obtained. We will work 253 with the Board in the event that there is a balance owed at maturity ‘end of the 254 12-month term’ that cannot be immediately repaid, as in the situation you 255 mentioned. If the line is funded due to an emergency situation, close to the 256 maturity date and you do not have sufficient time to implement a special 257 assessment, the Board would have options. We could look at keeping the renewal 258 on an interest-only payment but with scheduled principal pay downs quarterly or 259 monthly, or, we could look at converting it to a term loan with regular monthly 260 principal and interest payments made over an agreed upon length of time, or, a 261 special assessment could be put in place, in which case we could do a short term 262 renewal until the assessments are collected and we would work with you on how 263 best to approach this based on the circumstances.” 264 Mr. Brougham felt that these types of terms and conditions should be included in the loan 265 document and approved by the Board. 266 Mr. Slater questioned the possibility of making this a term loan, as a long-term line of 267 credit makes more sense than a short-term line. He noted that the District would incur additional 268 costs every time the term expires. 269 270 Mr. Brougham stated that Iberiabank implied an automatic renewal upon presentation of the District’s financial documents. Mr. Pires felt that a longer term loan could be obtained. 8 FIDDLER’S CREEK CDD #1 February 25, 2015 271 A Board Member voiced his opinion that, since the line of credit is intended for a 272 catastrophic event, the amount should be at least $1 million. Mr. Adams stated that the line of 273 credit gives the District immediate access to money for clean up and an additional loan could be 274 sought, once the recovery costs are determined. Mr. Pires and Mr. Adams confirmed that 275 $500,000 seems to be the norm. Mr. Adams reiterated that the credit line is to meet initial 276 recovery or gap funding needs. Discussion ensued regarding a suitable amount. 277 278 279 280 Mr. Brougham directed Staff to obtain input from Iberiabank regarding the fees and costs for $500,000, $750,000 and $1 million loans and present the information at the next meeting. Mr. DiNardo reminded the Board that this is a line of credit and not a loan; the District will incur fees to keep the line of credit open. 281 Mr. Turner asked if the 12-month term starts when the District borrows the money. Mr. 282 Adams indicated that this term must be placed in the contract. Mr. DiNardo replied no and 283 explained that the District could obtain money anytime but the line of credit must be renewed 284 every year. 285 repayment. Mr. Adams clarified that, when money is borrowed, it becomes a 12-month 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 On MOTION by Mr. Slater and seconded by Mr. Turner, with all in favor, authorization for Staff to proceed with negotiations with Iberiabank and provide a prospective loan document for the Board’s review at the next meeting, was approved. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of January 28, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes Mr. Brougham presented the January 28, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes and asked for any additions, deletions or corrections. The following changes were made: 299 Line 35: Insert “, Turner” after “Slater” 300 Line 51: Insert “asked” after “Brougham” 301 Line 244: Change “S.R. 441” to “US 41” 302 303 304 305 On MOTION by Mr. Bergmoser and seconded by Mr. Peterson, with all in favor, the January 28, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes, as amended, were approved. 9 FIDDLER’S CREEK CDD #1 306 o 307 This item was not discussed. February 25, 2015 Action Items 308 309 310 311 ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business There being no other business, the next item followed. 312 313 314 315 TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS A. 316 317 Staff Reports Attorney There being nothing additional to report, the next item followed. B. Manager 318 i. Approval of Unaudited Financial Statements as of January 31, 2015 319 Mr. Brougham presented the Unaudited Financial Statements as of January 31, 2015. He 320 referred to the “Balance Sheet”, on Page 1, and noted $566 on the “BB&T - Savings” line item, 321 which continues to reappear. Mr. Adams will confirm that the money was transferred. 322 Mr. Brougham pointed out the $445,872 balance on the “SunTrust” line item, on Page 1, 323 and asked if the District is at risk, as the balance is over the FDIC coverage limit. Mr. Adams 324 confirmed that the high balance in the account carries a risk. 325 Mr. Brougham referred to the “Legal” line item, on Page 2, and asked Mr. Pires if he is 326 billing monthly. Mr. Adams confirmed that Mr. Pires is billing monthly. Mr. Brougham 327 questioned if Mr. Pires is being paid, as nothing was booked in January. 328 Mr. Brougham noted the “Rentals and leases” line item, on Page 3. Mr. Adams 329 explained that the District’s portion of the cost for the new security vehicle was booked in 330 January, along with the annual agreement with TEM Systems, LLC (TEM), for the gatehouse 331 cameras and electronic products. Mr. Brougham indicated that the District will pay TEM a lot of 332 money for the security upgrades and questioned what the current agreement covers. Mr. Adams 333 stated that it gives the District preferred pricing, response times, etc. Mr. Brougham asked if the 334 agreement is specific to the District’s current equipment. Mr. Adams replied affirmatively; 335 however, each time equipment is added, it is added to the agreement, as well, which results in a 336 price increase. 10 FIDDLER’S CREEK CDD #1 February 25, 2015 337 Mr. Brougham asked about the implications, regarding warranty protection, replacement, 338 etc. Mr. Adams indicated that the cameras and the camera value triggers the value of the 339 agreement, along with the gate operators, looping system, readers, etc., which are part of the 340 agreement. 341 Mr. Brougham urged Mr. Adams to discuss a new agreement with TEM to determine if 342 the District could realize a reduction in the agreement fee, since nearly all of the cameras and 343 equipment will be replaced. 344 ii. 345 The next meeting will be held on March 25, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. 346 C. NEXT MEETING DATE: March 25, 2015 at 8:00 A.M. Operations Manager 347 Ms. Crismond presented the Operations Report. She reported that she and Mr. Brougham 348 had discussions with Officer Edyth Bird and Lieutenant Mike Jones, of the East Naples Sheriff’s 349 Office, regarding traffic violations and the predominance of warnings issued versus citations; 350 160 warnings and 16 citations were issued over the past five months. She advised that Officer 351 Bird and Lieutenant Jones suggested installing a speed trailer on Fiddler’s Creek Parkway or 352 another location, for 48 hours, to collect data. Ms. Crismond pointed out that the CDD #2 Board 353 was not interested in the speed trailer option. She explained that the speed trailer would help the 354 Sheriff’s Office determine if speeding is an issue. 355 Mr. Turner asked to address the issue of the number of warnings versus citations. 356 Mr. Brougham indicated that there was much angst at the CDD #2 meeting regarding the 357 discussion with the Sheriff’s Office. 358 Charbonneau about the Sheriff’s Office’s “warning” system and, as a result, he communicated 359 via email with Officer Bird and Lieutenant Jones to understand the system; Officer Bird 360 recommended a conference call. 361 Driver and Vehicle Information Database (DAVID), which contains information of a driver’s 362 profile, previous warnings, citations, etc.; it is the officer’s discretion whether to issue a citation. 363 He confirmed that, per Lieutenant Jones, warnings are in the DAVID. 364 365 He recalled questioning Ms. Crismond and Mr. Mr. Brougham stated that Lieutenant Jones explained the Mr. Brougham reiterated that 160 warnings and 16 citations were issued during the past five months. He pointed out that the Board previously requested more enforcement. 366 Mr. Brougham apologized for involving Ms. Crismond in this matter and stressed that 367 there was no intention of offending Mr. James Robertson, CDD #2 Chair, by not including him 11 FIDDLER’S CREEK CDD #1 February 25, 2015 368 in the conference call. He stated that the purpose of the conference call was not to discuss 369 overall traffic enforcement in Fiddler’s Creek; it was to obtain an answer to the question 370 regarding warnings. 371 An unidentified person pointed out that she is not Mr. Robertson. Mr. Brougham 372 acknowledged that she is not Mr. Robertson but that she “is part of the family”; he wanted to 373 make his statement in public and publicly apologize to Ms. Crismond, as she was “raked over the 374 coals” at the CDD #2 meeting, last week. 375 In response to the question regarding where to install a speed trailer, Mr. Albeit pointed 376 out that 71% of the stops were for stop sign violations; very few were for excessive speed. He 377 felt that a speed trailer would not produce the desired information. 378 Discussion ensued regarding the potential cost for a speed trailer. 379 In response to Mr. Brougham’s question, Mr. Albeit confirmed that he was not opposed 380 to installing a speed trailer. 381 Discussion ensued regarding whether the speed trailer flashed the vehicle speed digitally. 382 Mr. Brougham believed that the speed trailer was a small construction trailer that only records 383 the speed of vehicles but does not display the vehicle speed. 384 This item was tabled, pending additional information regarding the type of speed trailer. 385 Supervisors’ Requests 386 387 388 THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS 389 Mr. Cole to provide Management with an update if anything significant occurs in the litigation 390 and the traffic signal installation project. Mr. Brougham directed the District Manager to remind Mr. Reyes or Ms. Robinson and 391 392 393 394 FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, the meeting recessed. 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 On MOTION by Mr. Brougham and seconded by Mr. Peterson, with all in favor, the meeting recessed at approximately 9:22 a.m., and was continued to Friday, March 6, 2015 at 3:00 p.m., at this location. 12 FIDDLER’S CREEK CDD #1 February 25, 2015 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 ___________________________ Secretary/Assistant Secretary ____________________________ Chair/Vice Chair 13 ACTIVE ACTION ITEMS Action Item status updates to be provided prior to or at the meeting. DATE ADDED 1. 12/11/13 Per Mr. Brougham’s request, Management to provide the work reports received from LakeMasters to the Board Members, so that they are aware of complaints and what is done. STATUS: ONGOING 2. 12/11/13 Per Mr. Brougham’s direction, Mr. Cole, Mr. Pires and Ms. Crismond are responsible for providing Mr. Adams with a status update of their items, so Mr. Adams can update the “Action Items” list. STATUS: ONGOING 3. 12/11/13 Going forward, Mr. Adams to ensure that information is disseminated to all Board Members, not just Mr. Brougham. STATUS: ONGOING 4. 09/24/14 Per Mr. Brougham’s direction, Mr. Cole to ensure he received and that all invoices were paid prior to closing out the signal installation project, including legal, engineering, design contracting and procurement. STATUS: ONGOING 5. 11/19/14 Per Mr. Brougham, Staff to communicate anything of major importance to residents, such as the about the tree removal referenced by Ms. Robertson, so that residents are aware of what will occur. STATUS: ONGOING 6. 01/28/15 Per Mr. Brougham, Mr. Charbonneau to remind the Sandpiper Gate guards where construction traffic should be directed. STATUS: ONGOING 7. 01/28/15 Per Mr. Pires’ request, Mr. Cole to research the traffic signal contract to determine if the contract specifies a time frame whereby the contractor could argue that because the Notice to Proceed was not received, the contract could be suspended or terminated. STATUS: ONGOING 8. 01/28/15 Mr. Cole to prepare a bid package for the CDD #1 restriping work. STATUS: ONGOING 9. 01/28/15 Mr. Cole to contact the state regarding a reflector pole that appeared to have been run over. STATUS: ONGOING 10. 01/28/15 Per Mr. Brougham the sidewalk maintenance machine item should no longer be carried on the agenda but added once Mr. Albeit provides a proposal and is prepared to present it to the Board. Per Mr. Brougham, Management should not enter into a contract for sidewalk maintenance. STATUS: ONGOING 1 ACTIVE ACTION ITEMS Action Item status updates to be provided prior to or at the meeting. DATE ADDED 11. 02/25/15 Per Mr. Brougham’s direction to Ms. Crismond and TruGreen; four flower rotations, per year, should be completed. STATUS: ONGOING 12. 02/25/15 Mr. Pires to forward the Petition for Rule Amendment to Correct Legal Description to Mr. Brougham for execution. STATUS: ONGOING 13. 02/25/15 Per Mr. Brougham’s instructions, Mr. Cole is to email Management of any significant events or delays related to the traffic signal installation project; Management to disseminate the information to the Board. STATUS: ONGOING 14. 02/25/15 Mr. Cole to inspect an area of SR 951 with rough blacktop and consult with the paving contractor regarding whether the final lift was installed. STATUS: ONGOING 15. 02/25/15 Per Mr. Brougham’s direction, Staff to obtain input from Iberiabank regarding the fees and costs for $500,000, $750,000 and $1 million loans (lines of credit) STATUS: ONGOING 16. 02/25/15 Per Mr. Brougham, Mr. Adams to remind Mr. Reyes and Ms. Robinson to provide Management with an update if anything significant occurs in the litigation. STATUS: ONGOING 2 COMPLETED ACTION ITEMS DATE MOVED TO COMPLETED 1. 01/28/15 Per Mr. Brougham’s request, Mr. Cole to accumulate pay draws and bill the District once, per quarter. Mr. Cole indicated that he will investigate that possibility. STATUS: COMPLETED 2. 01/28/15 Ms. Crismond to notify Ms. Robertson and the Board when repairs/replacement of removed ficus trees commences. STATUS: COMPLETED 3. 01/28/15 Ms. Crismond to research the street washing machine recommended by Mr. Palmer and provide a report of her findings at the next meeting, with regard to the cost and references. STATUS: COMPLETED 4. 01/28/15 Mr. Adams to engage a third party assessment methodology expert, with no affiliation to the community, past or present, and engagement of Special Counsel with an appropriate background in Florida government and assessment law. STATUS: COMPLETED 5. 01/28/15 Regarding the DOT comments to the SR 951 traffic signal, Mr. Cole to provide Mr. Brougham with contact information for the DOT reviewer and the county representative. Mr. Brougham to mail a letter to all of the parties involved, expressing the District’s displeasure with the delay, copying Mr. DiNardo and Mr. Joe Perisi. STATUS: COMPLETED 6. 02/25/15 Per the Board’s direction, Ms. Crismond to inform Mr. Cook that TruGreen would be terminated, if a vote was taken today. STATUS: COMPLETED 7. 02/25/15 Per the Board’s request, Mr. Cole to discuss resodding in a ROW with the state’s project manager. STATUS: COMPLETED 3 1 2 3 4 MINUTES OF MEETING FIDDLER’S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 A Continued Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Fiddler’s Creek Community 5 Development District #1 was held on Friday, March 6, 2015 at 3:00 p.m., in the 19th Hole, at 6 the Fiddler’s Creek Club and Spa, 3470 Club Center Boulevard, Naples, Florida 34114. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Present at the meeting were: Phil Brougham Gerald Bergmoser Richard Peterson Charles Turner Chair Vice Chair Assistant Secretary Assistant Secretary Also present were: Chuck Adams Rick Reyes Court Reporter District Manager Special Counsel FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Call to Order/Roll Call Mr. Brougham called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m., and noted, for the record, that all Supervisors were present, in person. 26 27 28 29 30 SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comments: Non-Agenda Items (3 minutes per speaker) There being no public comments, the next item followed. 31 32 33 34 35 THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS 36 25, 2015 meeting. Special Counsel Request for Executive Session Mr. Adams advised that Mr. Reyes requested this Executive Session during the February 37 38 39 40 FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS 41 Mr. Reyes. Executive Session Mr. Adams reiterated that all Supervisors were present, in person, along with himself and 1 FIDDLER’S CREEK CDD #1 42 43 March 6, 2015 In response to a question, Mr. Brougham and Mr. Adams confirmed that regular business can be discussed before or after the Executive Session. 44 Mr. Adams recessed the Continued Meeting at 3:02 p.m. 45 The Executive Session commenced at 3:02 p.m. 46 The Executive Session closed at approximately 3:45 p.m. 47 48 49 50 51 FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Actions Resulting from Executive Session 52 that all Supervisors were present, in person, along with himself and Mr. Reyes. Mr. Adams reconvened the Continued Meeting at 3:45 p.m., and noted, for the record, 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 On MOTION by Mr. Bergmoser and seconded by Mr. Slater, with all in favor, authorization for Special Counsel to proceed with the actions discussed during the Executive Session, was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business There being no other business, the next item followed. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS NEXT MEETING DATE: March 25, 2015 at 8:00 A.M. The next regular meeting will be held on March 25, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. 68 Supervisors’ Requests 69 70 71 EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS 72 office, which caused him distress. Mr. Adams clarified that Management’s main office relocated 73 a short distance from its prior location but he will remain on the west coast. Mr. Slater indicated that he received an email regarding the relocation of Management’s 74 Mr. Brougham recalled discussion about the District receiving positive feedback from 75 Iberiabank, related to the District’s trying to open a line of credit. In the interim, Iberiabank’s 76 counsel determined that he had a conflict of interest, as he performs work for other entities 77 within Fiddler’s Creek; therefore, Iberiabank is trying to locate other counsel. He noted that the 2 FIDDLER’S CREEK CDD #1 March 6, 2015 78 documents are prepared; finalization is pending Iberiabank locating another attorney to review 79 the documents. 80 Mr. Brougham noted that Mr. DiNardo has a contact at Fifth Third Bank and suggested 81 that the District inquire about a line of credit from them. Mr. Adams will follow up with Fifth 82 Third Bank. 83 Mr. Adams reported that there was a major irrigation line break today, at approximately 84 11:00 a.m., involving a 14” or 16” line running along Fiddler’s Creek Parkway, near Montreux. 85 He indicated that caution tape was installed, the location was secured, AquaMatic will repair the 86 line on Monday. In response to a question, Mr. Adams confirmed that the line is in CDD #1 and, 87 as a result of the recently signed agreement with CDD #2, CDD #1 will be solely responsible for 88 the repair costs. He confirmed that only two neighborhoods will be impacted. 89 90 91 92 NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment There being nothing additional to discuss, the meeting adjourned. 93 94 95 96 97 On MOTION by Mr. Peterson and seconded by Mr. Bergmoser, with all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 3:52 p.m. 98 99 100 101 102 [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE] 103 3 FIDDLER’S CREEK CDD #1 March 6, 2015 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ___________________________ Secretary/Assistant Secretary ____________________________ Chair/Vice Chair 4 FIDDLER'S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS UNAUDITED FEBRUARY 28, 2015 FIDDLER'S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 BALANCE SHEET GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FEBRUARY 28, 2015 General 001 ASSETS Operating accounts SunTrust Broward Bank of Commerce - MMA Finemark - MMA Finemark - ICS BB& T - Savings Investments Revenue Revenue - 2005 exchange Reserve - series A Prepayment Prepayment - 2002B exchange Interest - 2002A exchange Interest - 2002B exchange Undeposited funds Due from general fund Due from other funds Due from Fiddler's Creek CDD #2 Deposits Total Assets LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCES Liabilities: Accounts payable Debt service payable Due to other funds General fund 001 Total liabilities Fund balances: Assigned: Debt service Capital projects Unassigned Total fund balances Total liabilities and fund balance $ 662,632 75,547 250,988 1,016,366 560 Debt Debt Service Service Series 2002 Series 2005 Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Series 2013 Series 2013 Series 2014-1 Series 2014-2 Series 2014-3 Series 2014-4 Capital Total Refunded Refunded Refunded Refunded Refunded Refunded Projects Governmental 1999 2006 2002B 2002A 2005 2005 Series 2005 Funds $ - $ - 817,538 433,490 10,613 78,705 $ 1,340,346 $ - $ $ 69,579 409,995 13,424 5,125 $ 2,504,216 $ $ $ 2,400 177,669 - - 180,069 - 2,324,147 2,324,147 $ 2,504,216 - $ $ $ $ 299,478 299,478 - - $ 492,540 25,003 1,699 48,300 567,542 - $ $ $ 476,576 410,359 13,076 50,663 950,674 - $ $ $ 8,913 8,913 - $ $ $ 277 277 - $ $ $ 293 293 - - - - - - - (299,478) 1,340,346 (299,478) 1,340,346 $ - $ 1,340,346 567,542 567,542 567,542 950,674 950,674 950,674 8,913 8,913 8,913 277 277 277 293 293 293 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ - 1,786,654 570 458,493 12,312 410,359 8,913 13,076 69,579 177,668 409,995 13,424 5,125 $ 5,372,261 11,918 - $ 662,632 75,547 250,988 1,016,366 560 14,318 177,669 110,517 122,435 409,995 601,982 (122,435) (122,435) $ - $ 2,568,567 (122,435) 2,324,147 4,770,279 5,372,261 1 FIDDLER'S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GENERAL FUND 001 FOR THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Current Month Year To Date Budget 167,762 49,293 179 10,388 227,622 $ 1,829,106 246,466 896 13,368 2,089,836 $ 1,968,053 825,174 3,500 13,000 2,809,727 93% 30% 26% 103% 74% 1,076 4,945 1,615 2,000 1,205 295 3,402 53 67 53 82 929 15,722 4,521 24,725 24,990 8,074 9,000 10,811 4,948 1,401 8,101 265 894 18,501 265 318 108 175 433 4,645 122,175 12,918 59,339 24,990 19,377 15,100 25,000 100,000 20,000 637 2,000 18,902 637 1,000 750 175 15,500 4,000 2,000 11,147 333,472 35% 42% 100% 42% 60% 43% 5% 7% N/A 42% 45% 98% 42% 32% 14% 100% 0% 0% 22% 42% 37% 2,144 2,144 10,718 10,718 25,722 25,722 42% 42% Water management maintenance Other contractual Fountains Total water management maintenance 12,516 3,379 15,895 50,064 25,631 75,695 398,773 47,500 446,273 13% 54% 17% Street lighting Contractual services Electricity Holiday lighting program Miscellaneous Capital outlay - traffic signal Total street lighting 3,775 3,621 11,900 577 19,873 8,486 13,133 11,900 1,741 35,260 12,000 33,000 12,000 1,500 58,500 71% 40% 99% 0% N/A 60% REVENUES Assessment levy Developer assessment Interest Miscellaneous Total revenues EXPENDITURES Administrative Supervisors Management Assessment roll preparation Accounting services Audit Legal Legal - litigation Engineering Engineering - FC parkway traffic signal Telephone Postage Insurance Printing and binding Legal advertising Office supplies Annual district filing fee Trustee Arbitrage rebate calculation Contingencies Dissemination agent Total administrative Field management Field management services Total field management $ % of Budget 2 FIDDLER'S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GENERAL FUND 001 FOR THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Current Month Year To Date % of Budget Budget Landscaping Other contractual - landscape maintenance Improvements and renovations Contingencies Total landscaping 658 10,713 11,371 239,454 20,021 259,475 935,000 145,000 35,600 1,115,600 26% 14% 0% 23% Access control Contractual services Rentals and leases Fuel Repairs and maintenance - parts Repairs and maintenance - gatehouse Insurance Operating supplies Capital outlay Total access control 28,939 742 985 282 4,862 35,810 96,975 22,031 3,820 3,205 4,082 5,154 14,923 150,190 390,310 25,199 10,405 4,877 16,258 7,055 29,264 84,540 567,908 25% 87% 37% 66% 25% 73% 51% 0% 26% Roadway Contractual services Roadway maintenance Total roadway 399 12,220 12,619 1,596 57,770 59,366 5,000 50,000 55,000 32% 116% 108% 22 108 6,587 6,717 90 555 65,017 65,662 750 1,500 133,250 135,500 12% 37% 49% 48% 25,201 36,580 7,500 69,281 847,822 30,751 41,001 71,752 2,809,727 82% 89% N/A 97% 30% 109,623 1,242,014 - 2,214,524 2,324,147 1,082,133 $ 2,324,147 1,100,204 $ 1,100,204 Irrigation supply Electricity Repairs and maintenance Supply system Total irrigation supply Other fees & charges Property appraiser Tax collector Write off debt Total other fees & charges Total expenditures (5,505) 3,353 (2,152) 117,999 Excess/(deficiency) of revenues over/(under) expenditures Fund balances - beginning Fund balances - ending $ 3 FIDDLER'S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES DEBT SERVICE FUND SERIES 2002 FOR THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Current Month REVENUES Misc income Total revenues $ EXPENDITURES Debt service Total debt service Excess/(deficiency) of revenues over/(under) expenditures Net change in fund balances Fund balances - beginning Fund balances - ending $ Year To Date - $ 7,500 7,500 % of Budget Budget $ - N/A N/A N/A - - - - 7,500 - - 7,500 (7,500) $ - $ - 4 FIDDLER'S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES DEBT SERVICE FUND SERIES 2005 FOR THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Current Month REVENUES Special assessment: off-roll Total revenues $ EXPENDITURES Debt service Total debt service Excess/(deficiency) of revenues over/(under) expenditures Net change in fund balances Fund balances - beginning Fund balances - ending $ Year To Date - $ % of Budget Budget - $ - N/A N/A N/A - - - - - - (299,478) (299,478) $ (299,478) (299,478) $ - 5 FIDDLER'S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES DEBT SERVICE FUND SERIES 2013 (REFUNDED SERIES 1999) FOR THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Current Month REVENUES Assessment levy Assessment prepayments Interest Total revenues $ EXPENDITURES Debt service Principal Interest Total debt service 77,708 5 77,713 Excess/(deficiency) of revenues over/(under) expenditures $ $ Budget % of Budget 847,698 10,613 24 858,335 $ 915,996 915,996 93% N/A N/A 94% 114,900 114,900 665,000 209,800 874,800 0% 55% 13% (2,551) 1,554 (997) (997) 11,740 16,953 28,693 143,593 14,312 19,083 33,395 908,195 82% 89% 86% 16% 78,710 714,742 7,801 1,261,636 1,340,346 625,604 $ 1,340,346 602,151 $ 609,952 - Other fees & charges Property appraiser Tax collector Total other fees & charges Total expenditures Fund balances - beginning Fund balances - ending Year To Date 6 FIDDLER'S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES DEBT SERVICE FUND SERIES 2013 (REFUNDED SERIES 2006) FOR THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Current Month REVENUES Assessment levy Assessment prepayments Interest Total revenues EXPENDITURES Debt service Principal Interest Total debt service Other fees & charges Property appraiser Tax collector Total other fees & charges Total expenditures Excess/(deficiency) of revenues over/(under) expenditures Fund balances - beginning Fund balances - ending Year To Date Budget 47,688 1 47,689 $ 520,221 1,698 4 521,923 $ 562,087 562,087 93% N/A N/A 93% - 45,706 45,706 465,000 71,413 536,413 0% 64% 9% (1,566) 953 (613) (613) 7,204 10,404 17,608 63,314 8,783 11,710 20,493 556,906 82% 89% 86% 11% 48,302 458,609 5,181 519,240 $ 567,542 108,933 $ 567,542 $ $ % of Budget 92,731 97,912 7 FIDDLER'S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES DEBT SERVICE FUND SERIES 2014-1 (REFUNDED SERIES 2002B) FOR THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Current Month Year To Date $ 50,021 3 50,024 $ 545,670 399,326 163,936 3 1,108,935 EXPENDITURES Debt service Principal Interest Total debt service - Debt service Cost of issuance Total debt service Total expenditures - REVENUES Assessment levy: on-roll - net Assessment Prepayment Special assessment - direct bill Interest Total revenues Other fees & charges Property appraiser Tax collector Total other fees & charges Total expenditures Excess/(deficiency) of revenues over/(under) expenditures Fund balances - beginning Fund balances - ending Budget $ % of Budget 587,110 163,936 751,046 93% N/A 100% N/A 148% 163,935 163,935 165,000 364,673 529,673 0% 45% 31% 7,500 7,500 171,435 529,673 N/A N/A N/A (1,642) 1,000 (642) (642) 7,518 10,914 18,432 189,867 9,174 12,231 21,405 551,078 82% 89% 86% 34% 50,666 919,068 199,968 900,008 $ 950,674 31,606 $ 950,674 $ 20,615 220,583 8 FIDDLER'S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES DEBT SERVICE FUND SERIES 2014-2 (REFUNDED SERIES 2002A) FOR THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Current Month REVENUES Assessment levy Total revenues $ EXPENDITURES Debt service Principal Interest Total debt service Excess/(deficiency) of revenues over/(under) expenditures Fund balances - beginning Fund balances - ending $ Year To Date Budget - $ 326,207 326,207 $ 1,030,645 1,030,645 32% 32% - 326,207 326,207 305,000 725,645 1,030,645 0% 45% 32% - - - 8,913 8,913 $ 8,913 8,913 $ % of Budget 8,913 8,913 9 FIDDLER'S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES DEBT SERVICE FUND SERIES 2014-3 (REFUNDED SERIES 2005) FOR THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Current Month REVENUES Assessment levy Total revenues $ EXPENDITURES Debt service Principal Interest Total debt service Excess/(deficiency) of revenues over/(under) expenditures Fund balances - beginning Fund balances - ending Year To Date Budget - $ 180,804 180,804 $ 551,570 551,570 33% 33% - 182,770 182,770 145,000 406,570 551,570 0% 45% 33% - $ 277 277 (1,966) $ 2,243 277 % of Budget - $ 2,243 2,243 10 FIDDLER'S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES DEBT SERVICE FUND SERIES 2014-4 (REFUNDED SERIES 2005) FOR THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Current Month REVENUES Assessment levy Total revenues $ EXPENDITURES Debt service Principal Interest Total debt service Excess/(deficiency) of revenues over/(under) expenditures Fund balances - beginning Fund balances - ending Year To Date Budget - $ 190,863 190,863 $ 579,188 579,188 33% 33% - 192,937 192,937 150,000 429,188 579,188 0% 45% 33% - $ 293 293 (2,074) $ 2,367 293 % of Budget - $ 2,367 2,367 11 FIDDLER'S CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT #1 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND SERIES 2005 FOR THE PERIOD ENDED FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Current Month REVENUES Total revenues EXPENDITURES Capital outlay Total expenditures Excess/(deficiency) of revenues over/(under) expenditures Fund balances - beginning Fund balances - ending $ Year To Date - $ - 170 170 170 170 (170) (170) (122,265) $ (122,435) (122,265) $ (122,435) 12
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