Congregation Temple Israel 1140 W Governor St Springfield, IL 62704 (217) 546-2841 (217) 726-9857 (fax) [email protected] Barry Marks, Rabbi Sari Wancket, President March 2015 Adar/Nisan 5775 Calendar of Events– March Friday, March 6 Saturday, March 7 Friday, March 13 Saturday, March 14 Friday, March 20 Saturday, March 21 Friday, March 27 Saturday, March 28 Shabbat Eve Services……………...……….....6:00 pm Musical Service featuring Barbara Seidman Oneg Shabbat hosted by Lindy & Bill Seltzer and Michael Stern Shabbat Morning Services………………..…..9:00 am Ki Tissa Exodus 31:18—33:11 Shabbat Eve Services……………...……….....6:00 pm Joint Temple Service at TI We are hoping to have a group of women from Israel, who are coming to Springfield as guests of the International Visitors Bureau, offer a presentation on “Changemakers: Women Promoting Peace and Security” Oneg Shabbat hosted by Hilary Frooman & John Lee, and Suzanne Schriar & Loren Iglarsh Shabbat Morning Services………………..…..9:00 am Vayakhel-Pekudei Exodus 37:17—39:21 Shabbat Eve Services……………...……….....5:30 pm Joint Temple Service at TBS Professor Gary Zola on “ Lincoln and the Jews” Oneg Shabbat hosted by Nancy & Adam Porter and John Morse Shabbat Morning Services………………..…..9:00 am Vayikra Leviticus 3:1—4:26 Shabbat Eve Services….……….……..……. ..6:00 pm Oneg Shabbat hosted by Rita & Jack Victor, Barbara Wolfson and Henry Wolfson Shabbat Morning Services…………....….…..9:00 am Tzav Leviticus 7:11—38 March Candle Lighting Times March 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 5:38 pm 6:45 pm 6:52 pm 7:00 pm Other Events Wednesday, March 4 Megillah Reading and Dinner…………………………6pm (see flyer for details) Tuesday, March 10 Sisterhood Book Group..…1:00pm You Shall Know Our Names Ezekiel Nieto Benzion Temple Israel Thursday, March 12 Adult Education Series .…7:00 pm With Adam Porter Saturday, March 14 Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament…………....…6:45 pm (see flyer for details) Wednesday, March18 Board Meeting …….……...7:30pm Mondays, March 2,16,23 Talmud Class…..………..12:00 pm Sunday, March 29 Annual Meeting…….…...12:30 pm PAGE 2 The Rabbi’s ReMarks Around this time in late February, I am eager for the advent of spring and more than ready for winter to come to an end. Alas, nature seems to have other ideas; the past week has brought us close to a foot of snow and the most frigid temperatures of the season, and more cold and snow are in the forecast for the week ahead. I find solace in the fact that on the snowiest day so far this year and with our parking lot totally inaccessible, we still managed to have a minyan for Shabbat morning services. Special thanks go to our custodian Gina Cihlar, who was out early on that Saturday morning to clear the sidewalks around our building. Great job, Gina! We deeply appreciate your dedication and your hard work. Gina’s son Eric and a friend also managed to clear our parking lot with a snow blower by late morning I am looking forward to our Purim spiel, Megillah Mia, based on the music of the Swedish pop group ABBA, which will be presented on Wednesday evening March 4th. Our choir puts a lot of effort into preparing for its annual musical presentation. The parodies of popular songs from various genres (in past years, we’ve presented Motown, Beatles, Beach Boys and Broadway, to name just a few) are a musical Midrash that embellishes and expands upon the Biblical narrative. The plots are imaginative and sometimes far-fetched (as rabbinic Midrash is on occasion, as well) but always amusing and entertaining. Please join us a for a fun evening. I am delighted that Barbara Seidman has been on hand for the first Shabbat evenings in January and February to lead a Shabbat Shirah (Sabbath of Song) and that she will be with us as well on March 6th. Her music adds a wonderful ru’ach (spirit) to our Shabbat worship as well as a sense of freshness that comes from learning new songs as well as different settings for the familiar words of the liturgy. March will be a busy month in our local Jewish community with our Texas Hold’em fund raiser on Saturday evening the 14th, our annual congregational meeting on Sunday afternoon, the 29th, and two joint Shabbat eve services (at TI on the 13th and TBS on the 20th). Our B’rit Yisrael joint Religious School program will be focusing on Purim and Passover during March and on the celebration of Israel’s independence during sessions in April. Our students seem to enjoy the project based learning curriculum we are using to cope with the challenge of a small student body spread out over eight grades. We do a lot for a small Jewish community, and while we might be shivering because of the cold, we do maintain a sense of warmth, closeness and intimacy that might well be the envy of larger Jewish communities. Thanks to all who make this possible by leadership, by volunteering, and by participation. Rabbi Barry A. Marks Daylight Savings Time Please remember to set your clocks an hour forward on Sunday, March 8. PAGE 3 President Message As I mentioned last month, March is filled with TI activities. As a member of the choir, I always look forward to our megillah presentation on March 4. We all work very hard to present this show and we appreciate singing in front of a large crowd. This is a good opportunity to invite people from outside of the Jewish community to experience an unusual service. Inviting non-members to our poker tournament on March 14 is essential to the success of the event. Our annual meeting on March 29 provides the opportunity to hear about all of the great things that we have accomplished over the last twelve months. I am pleased to announce that we will soon be improving our building’s overall accessibility. Plans are underway to convert the women’s restroom on the main floor into a unisex handicapped accessible restroom. The men’s restroom will also become unisex. This project will be started when funding is secured. Our current budget does not have sufficient funds for this project. We are asking for donations. Money can be sent to the temple office. Please designate the contribution for the “restroom accessibility project”. The overall budget for this project has not yet been finalized but the estimated cost is $3000. There will also be an as yet undetermined cost for floor replacement. I am looking forward to the arrival of spring next month. Pesach is a holiday where we get together with family and friends and celebrate renewal and warmer weather. Sari Wancket To Temple Families The Board is planning to initiate a “Mazel Tov Squad” With Rabbi Marks’ blessing we are planning to add a small celebration to our Friday night services, starting once a month. We are asking our members to email us to let us know of special simchas like birthdays, anniversaries, the birth of children to our families, or other special events that Rabbi can announce from the Bima. The congregation along with some choir members will sing a song of celebration to salute these special events in the lives of our members. We would hope that you would join us at that service The Board is planning to add a new musical element to our Friday night services. We are asking that all interested members who play a musical instrument to contact Rabbi or Ozma to take part in the services which we hope will be a once a month event. PAGE 5 Yahrzeits– March 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 19 20 20 Jeanette Schwartz Julius Schwartz Ralph G. Simpson Samuel B. Smith Sophia D. Weiner Fannie Greenberg Rebecca G. Erenske Bertha Iglarsh Evelyne L. Marks Mary Baer Moses Ben Wainer Mary Kohn London Reva Dorman Sylvia Feldman Mary Devera Cohen Mary-Shields Porter Abraham Gordon Arnold Pell Morton J. Oberman Rose Seigel Harry Gordon Fannie Snyder Julius Weiss Rebecca Audice Roberts David Rubin Henry Ludwig Lilly Klein Philip Marks Rebeca Singer Rose Stern Thelma Hornstein Estelle Barnholtz Eugene Clyman Fay Fishman Jeanette Oberman Rosa Knopping Sol Sanders Anna Carl Jane Manfield John Julius Greenberg Roger Alan Potish Ben Goldstein Charles Abraham Charles Paris Joseph Feuer Rev. Manuel Bass Bessie Gudder Hannah Hacker Ida Yaffe Irving Rossoff Ruth Hilch Blair Simon Schwartz Paul Ochman Albert Seigel Mendel Korish 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 Willie Wancket Anna S Barker Fannie Davidovitch John Cohn Sabina Werner Albert Victor Harry Matlins Morris Strum Aida Rovin Herman Tanner Lloyd Sanders Dr. Maurice London David Epstein Dorothy Kaiserman Sol Weinberg Vivian Clyman Bloomie Stein Edward Levin John Pollack C. Sidney Stone Charles Faingold Jacob Oberman Mayme Vinik Sam Nagorsky Sara Grebler Sisterhood Tributes In Memory of Irene Hamrick Jerry & Annette Schwartz Norman & Jackie Perlmutter Get Well Barry Weiss Norman & Jackie Perlmutter Ida Ruth Victor Bette Kaiserman PAGE 4 Tributes– March GENERAL FUND Yahrzeit Of: Gustava Skovronsky by Gina & Ken Kaeser Molly Linder by Owen Linder Arnold Pell by Mor r ie Pell Irwin Weiner by Monika Weiner -Robert In Honor Of: Pam LeBlang by J odi & J oe Wallace Ida Ruth Victor by J odi & J oe Wallace Rhoda Augustine by Bette Kaiser man In Memory Of: Carlos, Andrea & Jason Reynolds by Elaine & Gar y Reynolds RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Yahrzeit Of: Joseph Isaac Cohn by Sar a Cohn Br own Erma F. Cohn by Sar a Cohn Br own Rose Pell by Car olyn & Mor r ie Pell In Honor Of: Autumn Rose Lipsky by Selma & Caleb Melamed Ida Ruth Victor by Deb & Har r y Ber man In Memory Of: Deb Abelson by Car ol, J ay & J osh Kitter man and Sari Kitterman Weil Irene Pell Hamrick by Car olyn & Mor r ie Pell Irene Pell Hamrick by J ulie Seidman Irene Pell Hamrick by Douglas Hamr ick, Mar cia Br una & Suzanne Eldridge Irene Pell Hamrick by Zena Shae CARE COMMITTEE FUND In Memory Of: Cece Stern by Michael Ster n FAMILY FUND In Honor Of: Julie Seidman by Bar bar a & Bar r y Seidman In Memory Of: Deb Abelson by Bar bar a & Bar r y Seidman FEUER BROZGOLD FUND Yahrzeit Of: Rose Pell by Flor ene Pell Rose Pell by Fr an Feuer Rose Pell by Flor ene Pell MUSIC FUND Yahrzeit Of: Molly Weiss by Sandy & Bar r y Weiss In Honor Of: Jerry Jacobson by Sandy & Bar r y Weiss Autumn Rose Lipsky by Sar i & Mar k Wancket Joe & Jody Wallace by Sar i & Mar k Wancket Community Events The Jewish Federation of Springfield,Illinois and Temple B’rith Sholom Present “He Was One of Us !“ American Jewry's Relationship with Abraham Lincoln with Dr. Gary P. Zola Gary P. Zola is the Executive Director of The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives (AJA) and Professor of the American Jewish Experience at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) in Cincinnati. In his academic capacity, Professor Zola edits The Marcus Center's award - winning biannual publication, The American Jewish Archives Journal— one of only two academic periodicals focusing on the total historical experience of American Jewry. Friday, March 20, 2015 Temple B’rith Sholom (1004 S. 4th St.) 5:30 p.m. Brief Kabbalat Shabat Worship Service Dr. Zola’s presentation Dinner/Dessert* and Question/Answer Session *Dinner/dessert reservations, $18 per person, bring your own wine RSVP to Temple B’rith Sholom at 525-1360 or [email protected] by Tuesday, March 17 for attendance and reservations for dinner/dessert. Condolences… To Dan & Judy Weisman on the passing of her sister, Margaret Lindsey To Mary Saunders and Spencer White, on the passing of his sister, Darcy White TEMPLE ISRAEL OF SPRINGFIELD 1140 West Governor Street Springfield, IL 62704 Phone: 217.546.2841 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Springfield, IL Permit No. 379
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