. From the Pastor's Desk... We are Easter People!!! Spring cleaning can be a bit dangerous. As I opened yet another box I thought I had already gone through a long time ago, I saw picture of a young man. For a moment I did not realize who it was. He was a twelve or thirteen year-old in a cream sport coat and a fancy shirt. As I looked harder, this person I did not initially recognize was, in fact, me. After the surprise wore off I began to think of how much different I am today, than I was back then. Not just with physical changes, but in my intellectual and spiritual growth. While in many ways I am the same, there is no way I could ever go back. I know too much and life’s experiences have taught me lessons that would help me make different decisions. We are Easter people, people of the resurrection. When we were baptized we were initiated into the body of Christ. This means that we have been united with Christ, made one with his fold. Thus, we are living our lives into the Glory of something more. While we have hope in our lives, we know because of what we have seen and heard and how we have grown in our faith. Being people of the resurrection we are called not to be stagnant but to be ardent and active. We are not called to be separate from the world, waiting and hoping, rather we are ever growing and changing. As it was written in the Hebrew Testament: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to throw away; a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace. What gain have the workers from their toil? I have seen the business that God has given to everyone to be busy with.” Life is full of change and growth. Who we are today is not the same as who we were yesterday or the day before or even tomorrow. While it is sad to let our old selves go, it is a celebration to grow in our life with Christ and the Holy Spirit. Yours in Christ, Rev. Bryan J. Franzen APRIL WORSHIP SCHEDULE APRIL 2 - MAUNDAY THURSDAY John 13:1-17, 31-35 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Sermon: "The Bread and the Cup" APRIL 5 - Easter Acts 10:24-42 Mark 16:1-8 Sermon: "The Easter Story Not Written" • Christ the Lord is Risen Today, #113 • Be Not Afraid • Eat This Bread • Christ is Risen, Shout Hosanna, #104 APRIL 12 1 John 1:1 - 2:2 Psalm 133 Sermon: "Live Forevermore" • Blest Be the Tie That Binds, #438 • How Very Good and Pleasant • Now Go in Joy APRIL 19 Luke 24:36-48 1 John 3:1-7 Sermon: "Children of God" • Jesus, the Very Thought of Theem #310 • Fairest Lord Jesus, #306 • May the Lord, Mighty God APRIL 26 John 10:11-18 1 John 3:16-24 Sermon: "Love" • Brethren, We Have Met to Worship • Help Us to Accept Each Other, #358 • Go With Us, Lord, #535 PRAYER CHAIN Call Tami Young, 554-9364, or the church office with your prayer request. ADULT SUNDAY MORNING CLASS is beginning a new series, “An Invitation to The New Testament”. Using Matthew’s Gospel as our starting point, the Sunday Morning Bible Study class will examine how the early Christian community wrestled with the implication of the story of Jesus for their lives. As we watch the DVD’s, we will discuss what it means to be the community of Jesus’ followers today. Starts at 9 AM in the Hiding Place. DEACONS' FOOD DRIVE On Sunday April 5, CANNED TUNA is being collected at the front of the Sanctuary before the morning worship service for donation to Second Harvest Food Bank. Collecting in MAY: MACARONI AND CHEESE MIX MAY 2015 ISSUE of “LIFE TOGETHER” will be mailed on May 1, 2015. Deadline to submit articles/announcements/news for this edition will be Friday, April 24, 2015, 5 PM. WOMEN OF WESTMINSTER Come hear another of our women share her story! Wednesday April 22, 7 PM, in Mission Hall. WRITING GROUP In this group all women are invited to share something they have written or to listen to others share. Saturday April 11, 10 AM. WORKING WOMEN are meeting for dinner on Sat, Apr 18th, at 5:30 PM. Please call Nancy at 408-286-2267 for more info, including location. SPRING CLEANING AT WESTMINSTER Easter is coming, and it would be great if Westminster’s facilities just sparkled. Our maintenance crew has a set series of cleaning tasks, but there are many other cleaning tasks that need doing on a regular basis. What if every member or family of Westminster adopted a small area and tidied it every 3 to 6 months? Look for signup sheets on the bulletin board in Mission Hall. Second Saturday Potluck & Bingo Night Saturday, April 11, 2015 Fireside Room 5:30 PM - Potluck 6:15 PM - Bingo By popular demand, BINGO returns to Game Night. Grab your cards and markers and compete for amazing and interesting prizes! As always, children/friends welcome. For information, contact Mary Anne James, 650-9692341 or [email protected] ELECTRONIC WASTE RECYCLING FUNDRAISER will be held on the front lawn of the church to raise funds to help support the annual Women’s Retreat. Clean up your garage or storage room and bring us old TV’s, monitors, laptops, cell phones, printer cartridges, computer/audio equipment, printers, copiers, VCR/DVD players, fax machines, microwave ovens, etc. To volunteer to help with this event or for any questions, please e-mail Lorraine Chretien at [email protected] or call the church office. MEMBERS & FRIENDS IN NEED OF YOUR PRAYERS Jacky Andje, Olga Deviar, Steven Frost, Dorothy Hedlund, Mary Anne James’ father, Mary Anne and family, Sophia Kaphphe, Karen Lewis, Barbara Lecus, Melinda Schell, Nancy Schell, Darlene Shinada, Tami Young, Tami Young’s mother ORGANIST SEARCH The search for a new organist has begun. We are looking for someone to play our lovely Spencer pipe organ in worship and to accompany the choir, in addition to other worship-related duties. For more information and full details, applicants should apply to Pastor Bryan Franzen at 408-771-9853 or [email protected]. UPCOMING CONCERTS... CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CORNER... Saturday April 18, 2015, 3 PM UPCOMING EVENTS... Flauti, Dolci, and Amici II More recorder consorts and mixed ensembles from around the Bay Area including: the Peralta Consort, SDQ, Hotte Ayre, Ars Subtilor, the White House Trio, and Ensemble Sonoma. Saturday April 25, 2015, 7 PM Monteverdi Brass Quintet Renaissance Prayers, Dances and Songs Richard Roper & Robert Wilkins (trumpets), Don Benham, Brendan LaiTong, Mike Cushing (trombones) play early choral works arranged for modern brass instruments. In this program, music by Dufay, Marenzio, and from the dance music collection of Pierre Attaignant. http://monteverdibrass.com/ Saturday May 2, 2015, 7 PM Valley of Heart's Delight Giuseppe Sammartini, Shining Star of the Baroque Angelique Zuluaga (soprano), Claudia Gantivar and Melissa Cocco-Mitten (recorders),Farley Pearce (viola da gamba, baroque cello) and Yuko Tanaka (harpsichord). This season's program features one of the greatest composers of the baroque era, Giuseppe Sammartini, who influenced many later generations of composers with his distinct Italianate style and introduction novel elements of form and style into a wide variety of genres--especially the symphony. Easter Egg Hunt, Sunday April 5th WPC’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt is happening on Sunday, April 5th following our 10:30 AM worship. Our Easter Egg Hunt is an open event to include our surrounding neighborhood children. Fourth-ofJuly Parade Float Planning Meeting Come lend a hand as we design our Fourth of July Float. We are meeting in Mission Hall on Monday, April 20, 7:00 PM. Christian Education Parent Huddle Meeting Our next Meeting will be on Sunday May 3 at 12 Noon in E-114. Sunday School Teachers Needed Our Sunday school program is expanding and we are in need of additional Sunday school teachers. If you feel called to children & youth ministry I encourage you to contact me to see how you can get started. No prior teaching experience is necessary, just a love for children and the desire to teach God’s word. Friday Family-Friendly Films Our family-friendly film series presents “G” and “PG” rated films for the whole family to enjoy as well as take away a good message. This is a free event open to the public and presented in our auditorium style sanctuary. Our next movie presentation is on Friday, May 1, 2015 @ 6:30 p.m. and we will be watching “ The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe ”. (Rated PG) Free popcorn will be available while supplies last. VBS Announcement Our VBS Summer Nights is scheduled for Sunday, July 12Thursday July 16th. The exciting theme is “Hometown Nazareth Where Jesus Was a Kid.” We are transforming WPC into Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth. Registration forms are now available in the church office. We are requesting as many volunteers as possible to lend a hand as we create this incredible experience for our children. We have flexible volunteer slots for those who only can commit to one day or even assist for the entire week. We are also looking for assistance in creating our sets and the July 4th parade float, which kicks off our theme. Please sign up at the Christian Education table following worship or contact me directly. In Christ, Chris McKee Director of Children & Family Ministry WHIRL SUNDAY SCHOOL CALENDAR Programming for Preschool to Grade Six DATE TOPIC Spring Unit 04/05/15 04/12/15 04/19/15 04/26/15 Save the dates... 05/03/15 Sat, May 23, 2015, 7: PM: The Albany Consort 05/10/15 Sat, June 6, 2015, 3 PM: The Peralta Consort 05/17/15 Jesus Is Risen Early Believers Share Jesus Appears to Disciples The Good Shepherd Let Us Love One Another Abide In Love Matthias Is Chosen SCRIPTURE SEASON John 20:1-18 Easter Acts 4:32-35 Easter 2 Luke 24:36b48 Easter 3 John 10:11-18 Easter 4 1 John 4:7-21 Easter 5 John 15:9-17 Acts 1:1517,21-26 Easter 6 Easter 7 !!"#$%&'($)*$+,%&*$%-$./0$))$+%'#%% 1$/)2"3/)$+%4+$/56)$+"73%8*9+:*% ;;<<%=*7/)7%>?$% =73%@'/$A%8>%BC;DE% ! We are worshippers, wounded healers, and equippers in a community of welcoming and nurturing faith. HOLY WEEK EVENTS AT WESTMINSTER… PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 29th 10:30 A.M.—Traditional Palm Sunday Service, including Parade of Palms by the children. MAUNDY THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd 6:30 P.M.—Annual Maundy Thursday Soup Supper, communion, and worship service will be held in the Mission Hall. 8:00 P.M.—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room. (Note later than usual starting time.) EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5th 6:30 A.M.—A Sunrise Worship Service on the church's front steps, including music and message. 9:00 A.M.—An Easter Breakfast will be held in the Fireside Room, which will include egg puff casserole, sausage, bacon, hot cross buns...No charge; free‐will donations of $2 will be accepted. 10:30 A.M.—Traditional Easter Worship Service, with special Easter music from our Choirs. 11:45 A.M.— An Easter egg hunt for the kids will be held on the front lawn immediately following the morning worship service. On the Web: www.westpres-sj.org WPC Office 408.294.7447 [email protected] CLASS: SOLVING THE MYSTERY OF PARENTING TEENS Registration: http://solvingmysteryofparentingteens.eventzilla.net This 7-week parenting class on Tuesdays 7-9 PM is based upon the book, Positive Discipline for Teenagers, by Jane Nelsen and Lynn Lott, and is geared towards parents/caregivers/those who interact with pre-teens/teens. You'll walk away with some powerful parenting tools to help improve your relationships with pre-teens/teens. Positive Discipline uses experiential activities to help you to "put yourself in pre-teens'/teens' shoes" and gain more understanding on the road to more effective parenting/interactions. A very powerful activity, Parents Helping Parents, is done most weeks so participants will help each other resolve current life challenges with the preteens/teens in their lives. Cost of class includes a handout packet and the book Positive Discipline for Teenagers. Discounts given to parenting partners (Two persons - can be spouses, friends, neighbors, etc.) who sign up for class together. Cost of class: $175 individual/$310 parenting partners. Meets at Westminster, E-114. Class Meeting Dates: April: 28 May: 5, 12, 19, 26 June: 2, 9 Topics covered include: The Challenges of Parenting Teens Parenting Styles Know Yourself, Know Your Teen How to Motivate Teens Using Encouraging Communication Problem Solving With Teens Letting Go Scary Behaviors? Take Care of Yourself For questions or more information: [email protected] 408-359-7257 All submissions for LIfe Together should be sent via email to the church office at [email protected]. Hardcopy submissions are strongly discouraged. The deadline for newsletter submissions is on the 21st of the preceding month. Please limit submissions to 250 words. All material may be edited for length. Those submitting photos must obtain permission of those pictured for use in print and online. Hardcopy submissions and anything received after the deadline will be included only if space and time allow. Any information submitted to Life Together may be placed on the Westminster website unless the person submitting the information requests otherwise in writing.
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