Coming Events - St Pius` Primary School

Term 1: March 26, 2015
St Pius Primary School: Phone 3267 7306 Fax 3267 1217 Email [email protected]
Principal Ms Margo Carwardine
What an enjoyable
event Saturday’s
St Pius Race Day
was. It was wonderful to spend time with
parents and friends from our
community, meeting some
for the first time. The rain may have
stopped the races but didn’t put a dampener on the fun factor.
to Adrienne Coats
and Tameka Wendt,
for their organisation
of this gathering.
Tomorrow we very much look forward to
welcoming Arch Bishop Mark Coleridge
to our parish for a few days.
With other staff, I will join our
Year 6 students in celebrating
the mass at Corpus Christi
tomorrow morning. Archbishop Mark will visit our school
tomorrow afternoon, and it will
be a great opportunity for our students
to meet the leader of our Catholic Archdiocese. This time last year I was privileged to undertake a Pilgrimage to the
Holy Land and Rome with a number of
other senior leaders within Brisbane
Catholic Education. Archbishop Mark
was our ‘tour guide’.
He is a very learned man, who has a
wonderful knowledge of scripture and a
very gentle way of sharing this with
young and old.
I encourage you to
join him in celebrating
the Palm Sunday
mass at our Holy Trinity church, here in
Banyo, this Sunday at 7.30am.
Journeying Through Lent
As a Catholic, Christian community, we
continue our journey through lent. In
previous newsletter editions during Lent,
I have written of our Lenten traditions of
Prayer (opening our ears to God) and
Almsgiving (opening ourselves to others). This week I encourage families to
consider the third of the Lenten traditions – Fasting (opening God’s ear to
us). It is inspiring to read Pope Francis’
message on Lenten practices. In part he
suggests that, if we are going to fast
from anything this Lent, even more than
sweets and alcohol, we fast from indifference towards others. In his Lenten
message, the Pope writes… Indifference
to our neighbour and to God also represents real temptations for us Christians.
Each year during Lent we need to hear
once more the voice of the prophets
who cry out and trouble our conscience.
The Pope talks about the globalization
of indifference. He says, whenever our
interior life becomes caught up in its
own interests and concerns, there is no
longer room for others, no place for the
poor. God’s voice is no longer heard, the
quiet joy of his love is no longer felt, and
the desire to do good fades. He continues that, We end up being incapable of
feeling compassion at the outcry of the
poor, weeping for other people’s pain,
and feeling the need to help them, as
though this were someone else’s responsibility and not our own.
Coming Events
Friday 27th
Arch Bishop Mark visiting
Monday 30th
Prep—Palm Sunday at assembly
Prep Open Day starting 9.30am
in the Prep classrooms
Thursday 2nd
Resurrection Prayer 8.45am
Hour of Power Caritas Walk
Last day of Term 1- 2.50pm finish
Friday 3rd to Sunday 19th
School Holidays
Friday 3rd
Good Friday
Sunday 5th
Easter Sunday
Monday 6th
Easter Monday
Monday 20th
School resumes, Term 2
Term 1: March 26, 2015
Principal Ms Margo Carwardine
Student Awards
Our giving can flow from our fasting. Can
I suggest, as a family, have a go at:
PG Oscar Fennell
PR Joseph Hawke
PY Joseph Hawke
1G All of Yr 1G
1Y Angus Stewart
2G Sam Jenkins
2Y Sam Clatworthy
3G Michael Kennedy
3Y Alison Coutts
4G Holly Simms
4Y Rebecca King
5G Isabella Wilson
6G Charlie Broad
PE - Yr 5G
Music - Yr 1G
Library - Kibir Sood
are presented
at assembly on
30th March
All welcome
Living simply so that others may
simply live;
Having simple family meals without television;
Fasting from screen time to spend
time playing a family game;
Fasting from gossip or from making mean comments;
Taking the family on a picnic;
Going without snacks during Lent;
Not buying ‘take-away’ food during
(part Ref [email protected] )
P&F Meeting
Thank you to those parents and carers
who made time in their busy lives to attend last night’s P&F monthly meeting.
This is an important way to connect and
build community at St Pius. Of the many
things that were shared during the gathering, I was able to advise the community that we have formally commenced our
funding application for the next round of
building works at St Pius. I had previously advised the P&F that the next stage of
facilities planning would be application
for an undercover PE and gathering
space for whole school, extending from
the lower carpark, over the oval
(adjacent to the existing Year 1 classrooms).
Following discussion with BCE Building
Services and our Project Consultants,
they are of the belief that we take this
application and combine it with what
would have been the second phase…
putting it all in the one, first application.
This means the application may now be
summarised as:
classrooms over the ground slab nearest
the pool has commenced. I have explained to the students that this is like the
skeleton of the building. The other half of
the site this week has seen the pouring
of the ground slab. It’s exciting to watch
this space continue to evolve.
Informed Professionalism
Last week I was fortunate to attend the
Brisbane Catholic Education Leadership
Forum. Part of the day saw Dr Lyn Sharratt (from the University of Toronto and
who works extensively with Prof. Michael
Fullan) work with principals and others
around the theme of what great leaders
do, particularly when it comes to building
collective capacity, and looking at assessment, student learning data and instructional improvement. I look forward in
working with the St Pius staff as we explore further what good teaching looks
like and how it is achieved.
Quote for the week…
We live in a world in which we need to
share responsibility. It's easy to say "It's
not my child, not my community, not my
world, not my problem." Then there are
those who see the need and respond. I
consider those people my heroes..
Fred Rogers
quotes/32106.Fred_Rogers )
Prep 2016 Enrolments
Element A = New PE Covered Area
Element B = New GLA, tuckshop, PE
store, lunch covered area, convert existing tuckshop to student toilets.
We are currently accepting applications for Prep
Please, if this involves your family, or you know
of friends who have a child who will be eligible
to enrol, visit the school website or contact the
office as soon as possible.
Estimated Total Project Cost
(incl. Fees): $ 1,811,370
We have commenced Interviews
I will keep the community informed regarding the progress of this application.
Building Work
The timber framing work for the three
Children born
1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011
are eligible for Prep in 2016.
Term 1: March 26, 2015
Principal Ms Margo Carwardine
Lower Playground Use After School
It has come to my attention that a number of families are gathering in the lower playground on the play equipment outside school hours, particularly after school. I am respectfully asking families not to do this. There have been a number of accidents in this
play space recently, and our staff are working with the children to follow safe play practices, which we are closely supervising. Use of this area outside school hours is exceptionally problematic, so can I encourage families to instead gather in nearby local
parks. Examples of such parks, with facilities include:
Park name
Banyo Memorial Park
300 St Vincents Road
Banyo Library and Community
Hall, fitness station, playground,
skate facility, water (bubbler/tap)
Churchill Circuit Park
27 Churchill Circuit
Picnic area with electric barbecue
(Batchelor Place), playground
(Batchelor Place)
Nudgee Recreation Reserve
290 Elliott Road
BMX facility, skate facility, soccer facility (Brisbane North District Jr)
Patonga Street Park
25 Patonga Street
Basketball/netball facility, picnic area
with electric barbecue, playground,
water (bubbler/tap)
Patrea Street Park
1004 Nudgee Road
(Ref. )
Warm regards,
Margo Carwardine
Live, Love, Learn,
and in the spirit of St Mary MacKillop’s motto for life,
Never see a need without doing something about it.
Principal’s Ice Cream Award
Presented to
Maddie Hanford
Year 4
…who came to the assistance of a Prep student in need.
Maddie turned what could have been a very awkward situation into one where
care and compassion shone through!
THANK YOU Maddie. You saw a need and did something very practical and caring about it.
St Mary MacKillop’s spirit lives on at St Pius.
(Each week in 2015 a member of our St Pius community will be selected to receive the Principal’s Ice Cream
Award. The award will acknowledge the recipient’s contribution to the school community that reflects the
spirit of Mary MacKillop. Aside from receiving a certificate the recipient will receive a voucher for a medium
take home pack of Baskin Robbins ice cream. Thank you to the school family who donated this prize.
Term 1: March 26, 2015
APRE Mrs Kim Barrett-Coade
Quote: ‘Beware of getting too comfortable! When we are comfortable, it is easy to forget other
people’. Pope Francis
Cupcakes for Caritas
A big THANK YOU to the Year 4 parents, teachers and children for organising a very successful cupcake stall and many helpers this morning to
raise money for Caritas. A special thanks to Mrs Lorraine Reiher for all
her hard work in making the stall a tremendous triumph. The children raised well over
$440 to help the poorest of poor. Thank you again to the St Pius families for supporting
this venture.
Sacrament of Penance
Congratulations to all our students who received the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) for the
first time last week. The Catholic Sacrament of Reconciliation has three elements: conversion, confession and celebration. In this Sacrament we find God's unconditional forgiveness; as a result we
are called to forgive others. Later in the year we will celebrate and acknowledge the children who are
receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.
Archbishop Mark’s Visit
As mentioned, in Ms Carwardine’s newsletter, the Archbishop of Brisbane is visiting our
school and parish this Friday through to Sunday. Year 6 and a number of staff will journey to
Corpus Christi Nundah on Friday to join with students from St Joseph’s and MacKillop College in celebrating the parish mass at 9am.
Archbishop Mark is then visiting our school from 2pm onward. He will visit a few classes and
then join the whole school for a blessing and talk. You are more than welcome to join the
gathering from 2:30pm tomorrow afternoon in the assembly area.
Archbishop Mark will be celebrating the Palm Sunday mass
with the Holy Trinity Parish on Sunday morning at 7:30am.
Our Parish
Holy Week
Next week is a very significant week in the Catholic Church
liturgical calendar, Holy Week. Holy Week leads up to the
Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. The Resurrection is
the ultimate triumph of love over sin.
This year, as a school, we are reflecting on this week in a different manner than in previous years. We will start and end
with a prayer reflection. The preps will perform the Palm Sunday story for us on
Monday’s assembly. Then each year level has taken on a different part of the Holy
Week story and represented it in a different medium. These reflections will be set up
in different areas of the school and classes will visit that part of the story and complete the activity that has been detailed. This allows for a more age appropriate,
hands on learning in a prayerful, reflective manner.
Yr 1 – Jesus washes the Feet,
Yr 2 – The Last Supper,
Yr 5 -The Agony in the Garden,
Yr 4 The Arrest and Trial,
The Staff - The Crucifixion,
Yr 3 - The Empty Tomb and
Yr 6 -The Resurrection.
The Resurrection story will be in the form of a whole school prayer reflection in the
hall at 8:45am on Thursday morning just before our ‘Hour of Power Walk’.
We want the children to realise that they are part of the Resurrection. The message
in the resurrection is to love one another and to act on this love. There is no better
example of this than for the St Pius community to raise money and walk for the underprivileged of this world.
Nundah Banyo Parish
Holy Trinity Catholic
St Vincent’s Road
Banyo Q 4014
20 Donkin Street
Nundah Q 4012
Office hours
9.30am –4.30pm
Monday to Friday
Phone: 3266 1444
Fax: 3266 4088
[email protected]
Mass times
Wednesday 9.00am
Thursday 7.00am
Sunday 7.30am
Sunday 5.00pm
Term 1: March 26, 2015
APRE Mrs Kim Barrett-Coade
The Hour of Power
Next Thursday, at 9:15am, the school community will walk for ‘The Hour of Power’ to raise money for Caritas. I sit in
my office and I am amazed at the daily stream of class money that is being sent in. Thank you to all families who
have donated or will give money to this most needed cause.
Also, thank you to the parents and family members who have volunteered their time to assist on the day. If you are
able to attend the walk please fill in the form included in this week’s newsletter. (next page)
We will set out for our walk at 9:15am after a small prayer reflection in the hall. To ensure safety of all no child will
be running the course but we may have a challenge or two along the way. (Curious yet???)
Thank you
Our prayers, this week, are with Ms Rachel Miles as she mourns the passing of a family member.
She has asked me to write a thank you for the thoughts and prayers given by all and especially her
year 2G class.
‘I would like to thank the 2G parents for the beautiful flowers and kind words this week. It
means a lot to me and my family’.
Thanks Rachel Miles
Anzac Day
Last week, I wrote about the many ceremonies and activities the
Banyo RSL Sub Branch has organised for the centenary of the landing in Gallipoli. They have asked us to nominate students to either
attend the book launch at ACU or where WW1 medals in the march
and service on ANZAC day. Please read the extract below from last
week’s newsletter and email me your wish for your child to wear
theWW1 medals in this year’s Anzac Day March and Service or be
part of the book launch.
As you are all aware ANZAC day this year commemorates a century since the
landing in Gallipoli. Therefore, the Banyo RSL Sub-Branch have organised a myriad of activities and ceremonies to mark this auspicious event.
Our school, in years previous, has had great representation at the Banyo ANZAC
Day march and service. It makes me proud to walk with St Pius Primary as they
respectfully march for those who gave up so much for our rights and freedom.
This year again we will gather at Melville Place, Banyo. Students will need to assemble by 6.40am on the, 25th April. The children need to be in formal uniform
with the proper school hat and black shoes.
The school has been asked to nominate ten students to participate in a Community Links Program. This involves students wearing medals and a small plaque pertaining to one of the `Banyo Boys’ who enlisted in WW1. The children will wear
these medals during the parade and service. Please email your child’s name,
class and your name to [email protected]
There is also a book launch at the Australian Catholic University on Friday, April
24th, at 6.30pm. The book is for school aged children and is about the various personnel who enlisted from our local area in WW1. It has been writ-ten by local historian, Elizabeth Nunn. The book is titled, `From Beehive to the Hornets Nest.’
Beehive Hill is where the ACU now stands. The organisers would like 15 students
from various grades at our school to attend. Students need to be accompanied by
one parent only. The launch is limited to 200 people. Preference to attend this
launch will be given, firstly, to students who have ties to locals who fought or
served in a war and secondly, students who had relatives who have served in any
of the wars. If you don’t have these connections, and are still interested in attending, you can still nominate to attend and I will let you know as soon as possible.
Every Week
8.25am Mondays
Lowes Toombul
(Orders in on Thursday)
School Banking
Monday Yr 4,5,6
Friday Prep—Yr 3
Lunchtime Swimming
Mondays Yr 2-6
Music Lessons
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Under 5’s Playgroup
Please email your interest to me if you wish to attend the book launch on Friday, 24th April, at 6.30pm at the
Australian Catholic University. [email protected]
School web site [email protected]
Term 1: March 26, 2015
Mrs Kim Barrett-Coade
Hour Of Power’
A teacher is on duty in the
assembly area from 8.15am
Bell Times
Assembly, into class
Dear Parents,
On Thursday, 2nd April, St Pius students and community will participate in a
First Break
‘The Hour of Power’ walk. This will involve all students and staff members
return to class
navigating the school block for the duration of an hour from 9:15am-10:15am.
This activity will require volunteer assistance. Parents/Carers will be required
Second Break
Be stationed around the circuit to ensure the safety of all children,
return to class
Hole punch the student passports as they complete each block,
Monitor/provide first aid/rest area for students requiring a break,
Students dismissed
Navigate the circuit with students or
If you are able to attend and assist us in our Caritas Walk by fulfilling a role
School grounds
could you please complete the form below and submit it to the school office by
are out of bounds
Wednesday 25th March.
after hours
Last year was a great St Pius community event due to the number of volunteers
and eager participants. So come along and enjoy the morning!
Parent Volunteer Form
I will be attending our St Pius ‘The Hour of Power’ walk and am able to assist by:
(please tick)
Being stationed around the circuit to ensure student safety
Hole punch student passports at each circuit
Monitor/provide first aid in rest area (good if you have preschoolers).
Walking with my child’s class.
Doing any job allocated
Parent Name ________________________________________________________________
Child’s Name ________________________________________ Class ____________________
School web site [email protected]
Term 1: March 26, 2015
APRE Mrs Kim Barrett-Coade
Baby Blessing
At St Pius, we delight in good news from our families. Each term we welcome our new borns
with a blessing at assembly.
On Monday 30th March we will have our first baby blessing for the year during the Monday
morning assembly. If you have a new baby to our community please come to this assembly and
receive a blessing for you and your baby.
If you are able to be there please RSVP to the office with your name, your babies name and the
name and class your child/ren are in.
Special congratulations to Carol, Wade and Adara Menses-Kahler on the birth of their baby girl, Lorelai Grace
Our prayers and blessings are with you all.
Parents please remember to supply your child with a sunscreen bottle or tube. Please
ensure that it has your child’s name and class on it.
All Volunteers
Please sign in and out at the school
office when volunteering.
Visitors badges must be worn when on
the school grounds and in classrooms.
Blessings Kim
Sports Mr Nathan Croft
Hi All,
The countdown to Easter has well and truly begun. It has been a busy few weeks with the finishing of
the swimming carnivals and the start of our cross country training. All PE classes have been working
really hard in lessons, learning about, and practising for the cross country. I encourage those who are
interested to keep up their training over the holidays with lots of activity and one or two training runs,
this will keep up the fitness the students have been working on in class and at training.
Cross Country
The school cross country will be run early in term 2, so make sure that kids are out and active
over the break. There was a great turn out of students at training this week. The students all
put in a great effort working on their aerobic (long distance) fitness. I hope this continues next
week for our only session on Tuesday morning 31st March at 7.30am on the oval. All students
are welcome.
Kind regards
Nathan Croft
HPE teacher/ Sports Coordinator
Do you have the Skoolbag app on your phone?
Term 1: March 26, 2015
Tuckshop Theresa Appleton
Volunteers for Friday 27th March are:
Christine Digby
Beryl Oldham
Trina Wylie
Rochelle Cole
Free Lunch Winners
Congratulations to:
When ordering ice blocks please just write “1 x Ice block - 50c or $1” on the bag
(no flavour needed as the child can choose their own flavour on Fridays).
Caramel Brownie flavoured milk will replace Banana flavoured Milk
Please make sure to use the 2015 Tuckshop Menu prices
are available on the school website [email protected]
Sushi must be ordered on Thursday
Sharni Nunn
Prep Y
Natalie Ryan
Yr 5G
All tuckshop orders are to be handed in on Thursdays of each week for your chance to go
into the draw to win your lunch for free.
We are in need of new volunteers, please phone Theresa on 0407 115 662.
All parents and grandparents volunteering in the school for tuckshop, classrooms, library,
excursions, swimming etc are required to fill out the volunteer pack for 2015 now available
from the school office.
P&F Information
The P&F is continuing to support through financial assistance many areas in the life of the school, including: The Arts ~ Sport ~ Music ~ Busses to Zone Swimming, Cross Country, Athletics, and Gala Day
~ choir and band performances ~ the Gardening and Craft Clubs ~ Pastoral Care.
TOTAL contribution $6,550
This is made possible through the P&F Levy families pay as part of our school fees.
Also, in order to allow everyone to have a chance to be involved in school social activities, each year level will be
given the opportunity to organise one of the annual events. The events and year levels are as follows:
Mother's Day Stall & Mother's Day Breakfast
Years 3 & 4
(Thursday 7/5/15 & Friday 8/5/15, Breakfast Friday 8/5/15)
Father's Day Stall and Father's Day Disco
Preps, Years 5 & 6
(Stall Thursday 3/9/15 & 4/9/15, Disco Friday 4/9/15)
End of Year Event (Picnic on the Oval)
Years 1 & 2 (Date to be advised)
Calling Year 3 and 4 Volunteers!
We will be holding our Mother's Day Stall on Thursday 7th May 2015 and Friday 8th May 2015. Students will be
given the opportunity to purchase gifts during class time on this day. On Friday 8th May 2015 the stall will be open
again for half an hour in the morning and half an hour at the end of the day.
The Mother's Day Breakfast will be held at 7:30am on Friday 8th May.
Please mark this date on your calendars and in your diaries.
We would love to hear from year 3 and 4 parents who are able to assist with these 2 events.
The next P&F Meeting will be held on a TUESDAY night (instead of a Wednesday night). It will be on Tuesday
28th April 2015 at 7pm. As always ALL ARE WELCOME. Attending the P&F Meetings is a great way of finding out
and having a say in how we as families can support the learning of our children, ask questions and get answers to
anything we are unsure of and help to keep our wonderful, friendly school community alive and thriving.
Kind regards
Leesa Dalton & the P&F Committee
Term 1: March 26, 2015
School Crossing
Casual positions exist for School Crossing Supervisors at
ST PIUS, BANYO and multiple schools throughout the region. Please tell
neighbours, friends and family of these positions available. Please help us
to help our students.
School Crossing Supervisor positions are for up to 5 days per week on a
Remuneration $27.49 per hour.
Contact the Brisbane North Road Safety Office for more information
Phone: 3863 9873
Email: [email protected]
Instrumental News
St Pius Under 5’s
Held in the school hall Fridays 8.30am
Cost $1 providing coffee, tea and biscuits
Angela Wilcox
0432 835 536
Parish News
Banyo Nundah Parish
Sacramental Journey
Instrument News
Could you please let me know by
email if your child IS NOT returning
to Instrumental lessons for Term 2
as we are not sending out enrolment
forms at the end of each term. If your
child would like to start lessons could
you please contact me by email at:
[email protected]
Only students from Yrs 2-6
(No forms are at the school office my email
is the only form of contact to both stop and or
start lessons.)
Please be aware there are very limited
spaces in the Instrumental program for
next term.
By now the children will have all received their
Godwork 7, 8 &9. Please work on these together
during the school holidays and bring them along to
our next group session on Saturday 2nd May at
Nolan Hall. I encourage all Sacramental families to
come along to meet the Archbishop on Saturday
28th March. See below notice. As the children involved in the Sacramental Journey are becoming a
fully initiated member of the Catholic Church it is
also recommended that they come along to Sunday Mass regularly. In particular, I encourage
families to come along to the Holy Week ceremonies in preparation for a joy filled Easter.
What’s so special about Holy Week?
Sacramental Families are invited to meet
Archbishop Mark Coleridge on Saturday 28th
March 10.15-11.15am at Nolan Hall.
The Archbishop will talk with the families and
Holy Week Craft will be provided.
Please confirm your attendance with Angela
by email.
Yours Musically,
Joy Dawson
God Bless,
Angela Greathead
Sacramental Co-ordinator
For more details please email Angela at
[email protected]
Term 1: March 26, 2015
Entertainment Books are heading to St Pius
The second annual
Parish Raffle 2015
Five great prizes to be won
1st Prize Travel Voucher $2,500
2nd Prize Gift Shopping Voucher $1,000
3rd Prize Gift Shopping Voucher $750
4th Prize 16 GB Apple Mini iPad $400
5th Prize Gift Shopping Voucher $350
The new 2015 | 2016 Entertainment Books are coming
A book will be sent home with each family for you to check out, on
29th April 2015.
Total Prize value $5000
Date of Draw Sunday 21st June 2015
Draw Venue Nolan Hall after the 9.30am Mass.
Ticket price $2 each
Order your new 2015|2016 Entertainment ™ Membership today to
receive up to $195 in Early Bird Offers!
Choose from the traditional Entertainment™ Book or the NEW Entertainment™ Digital Membership, which puts the value of the Book
into your iPhone or Android smartphone!
Each membership has hundreds of 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for
restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotels, shopping, groceries and travel
and contain over 2,000 offers that you can use whenever you like
until 1st June 2016.
PLUS St Pius retains 20% of the price of every Membership
sold which goes towards our fundraising!
Order now:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact –
Julie Powers - 041 888 4504
Your Details
Have any details changed for you?
Phone numbers
Emergency contacts and numbers
Email address
Sacramental information updates
We need to know of any changes so all your information is correct and accurate. Please email or visit
the office if any of the above changers are relevant to
you and your family.
Are you receiving your school fees by email?
Are you receiving the newsletter by email?
These could be different email addresses depending
on your enrolment paperwork. If you are not receiving
either email please inform the school office staff know
Ticket sales will start from
Saturday 18th April 2015.
Single tickets/ booklets will be available after every weekend masses at Banyo and Nundah at the
church front foyer from ticket volunteers.
Ticket sales will end on Sunday 14th June 2015.
More Volunteers are required.
For further information please get in touch with
any of the following contacts.
Email: :[email protected]
Parish Secretary: Pauline at 3266 1444
Fund Raising Committee: Doug 0407 055 764
School reminders
Apperley Street becomes a one way street
for school drop off and pick up times
(exiting onto St Vincents Road only)
Please bring a copy of your school fees account when paying accounts at the office
Swimming caps are now available in the
school office cost of $8 each
Inform school office of all changes to your
contact details at all times
All Volunteers must sign in at the school
office and wear a visitors badge at all times.
Term 1: March 26, 2015
Redgum Book Club
Please refer to the catalogue for ordering options.
The school no longer processes payment or orders
for bookclub. 5 easy ways to order include:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (02) 9997 5850
Ph: (02) 8445 2355
Post: Reply Post 30, PO BOX 935, Mona Vale, NSW
Term 1: March 26, 2015
Term 1, 2015
Mini Vinnies
School News
“People will never believe in us, if we do not show love and
compassion to those whom we wish to believe in us.”
- St Vincent de Paul
Dear All, we are looking forward to
getting into the year with you!
The Vinnies Youth Queensland team
aims to inspire young people and
refresh their awareness about real life
issues regarding homelessness and
The St Vincent de Paul Society
Queensland are delighted to be
working alongside many schools and
communities to benefit those in need
by giving not just a hand out but a
hand up as well. By working with
students involved in Mini Vinnies or
Social Justice Groups you help us to
raise awareness and support for those
who need it most.
Vinnies Poster
Competition & Book of
The Vinnies Youth poster & Book of
Prayers competition is on again in
Term 2!
The St Vincent de Paul Society is
encouraging school students to take
their creative ideas and passion for
social justice to the public eye by
creating an A3 Poster which will be
used to educate and encourage
people all over Queensland.
communities the opportunity to:
Encourage students to actively
respond to social issues
occurring on a local & global
Educate others and be an
advocate for Queenslanders and
those who are marginalised and
Have your school recognised for
“Creating awareness to make a
difference”. The Poster will be displayed
in Shops all around Queensland.
Mini Vinnies at Sacred HEART. . . has made a START!
Samara Thompson, the Youth Facilitator for Mini Vinnies,
Rockhampton Region, visited Sacred Heart school on 9th
March, 2015. We had a great turn out of around 50
students from across Years 3 to 6. Mrs Thompson
explained how easy it was to help others less fortunate
than us, in simple but effective ways. Mrs Thompson told
the class inspiring success stories about schools in the local
area. The students showed great interest while deciding
on the idea if Mini Vinnies was something they really
wanted to do, by asking lots of questions!
Those students who are convinced about joining the group
will take part in a liturgy and an induction ceremony at the
School Assembly on Friday, 27th March 2015. Samara
Thompson and several St Vincent de Paul representatives,
including our very own Mrs Annette Williams, from the
local Conference will attend the ceremony in support of
these young people.
Term 1, 2015
St John’s School - GOOD deeds from the previous year
St John’s School Silkwood years 4 to 7 Mini Vinnies group travelled to Tully Nursing Home on December 3rd, 2014 via stop over at
the Tully Men’s Shed and QCWA.
The students had first hand view of what happens at these venues and how valued their work is in our community. They
entertained the residents at the home with song, dance, music and drama and the residents really appreciated the visit. The
residents of the home have contributed so much to our community in the past so it was our turn to bring them Christmas joy.
All the students at St. John’s made Christmas cards and hanging mobiles which were presented to the residents as our gifts, with
the hope to be displayed in their rooms.
Thank you to Mr Maley, Mr Russell and Mrs Williamson for all their support and all the staff and students for their contribution
to the 2014 Tully trip.
Through the kind donations of St John’s School Silkwood and parish families the students reached their target of 100 items, plus
more for their Christmas hampers. On Friday 5th at our final school mass we handed over these hampers to Mr Lou Crema
representing Tully SVDP plus $550 which were funds raised throughout the year to assist the needy at Christmas time.
An incredible effort all round.
St Patrick’s Primary School Mini Vinnies, Gympie are ready for Easter!
Our Vinnies Youth Worker Emili Pitter visited St Patrick’s Primary Mini Vinnies Group to join in on the creative flare. Students
are getting ready to support those in need this Easter by selling hand decorated Easter bags. The students are excited to see
people who have bought their bags in Gympie.
All the best for sales !e
gearing up for
Does your school do AWESOME works for Vinnies?
Send through your pictures and stories NOW to be featured in the next
School Newsletter!
Updated February 2015. Please discard any old menus.
Please hand Tuckshop orders into Classroom by Thursday.
Please write your bags like this:
(Opening of bag at top please)
Sam Smart
Sam Smart
1st Break
2nd Break
Pikelets with butter & syrup $1.80
1 Snack Bag
1 TOASTED Ham/cheese &
tomato Sandwich
1 Banana Milk
1 Apple Poppa
1 ice block
Enclosed $6.
30c change required. Thank you.
If change is only 20c (or less) we will presume that you would like to leave as a donation.
Please advise if you would rather have your small change returned to you (via your
Pikelets with butter/jam/golden syrup
Mini banana or chocolate muffins (min. 2/Must be pre-ordered)
2 thick Rice Cakes OR 2 Cruskits OR 8 Jatz with your choice of spread
 Butter & Vegemite/syrup/jam/cream cheese or sliced cheese
 Made as close as possible for 1 break so they stay crisp.
Assorted plain sweet biscuits
Cool Pak Popcorn
Boiled egg (peeled)
Apple OR Orange cut into wedges
2 Pineapple Rings (Golden Circle Thins)
Ham, Block Cheese and Jatz bag
Vege Bag -2 carrot sticks, 2 cucumber sticks, 2 tiny tomatoes & 4 Jatz with cream
or Block cheese (or any combination of 10 items in total)
Hot rolls with Parmesan and Colby cheese or Garlic and Colby Cheese
$1.80 (4 pikelets)
$2.50 (6 pikelets)
2 for $1.60
.50c (2 biscuits)
$1.00 (4 biscuits)
Egg, Spaghetti OOPS, or Baked Beans
Vegemite / Strawberry Jam / Golden Syrup
Vegemite and cheese
Cheese only
Other Fillings for sandwiches/Lavash or rolls
Please advise your combination of salad fillings/meats/sauces etc – all same price
Please advise if you want TOASTED
Tomato Sauce
Diced Chicken Tomato
Spreadable Pickles BBQ Sauce
Baked Beans Carrot
Cream Cheese
Cucumber Pineapple
Salt and Pepper
Mild Mustard
Half Lavash (keep fillings simple so they can be rolled properly)
Any combination of above fillings
Vegemite and Cheese
Water (600ml)
Poppa’s (250ml) – Apple/Orange/Sunshine or Tropical Punch/Golden Pash and/or
Pineapple Juice
Plain Milk (300ml cardboard carton)
Flavoured Milk (300ml plastic bottle) – Chocolate/Strawberry/Banana
Small Custard Cup (100ml)
Large Custard Cup (120ml)
Jelly & Custard Cup
Jelly only (green/red/blue – no custard)
Yoghurt (no chunky bits type) Banana/Strawberry/Vanilla
*** SUSHI *** (available 2 break only)
Must be ordered by Thursday end of school hours as the order has to be sent out.
Sushi is delivered fresh in time for 2 break on Friday. No orders taken on Fridays.
Teriyaki Chicken
Chicken Avocado
Chicken Mayo
Chicken Deluxe
Tuna Avocado
Tuna Mayo
Teriyaki Beef
Egg Salad
Honey Chicken
Spicy Chicken
Salt & Pepper
All Sushi
$2.60 each
Chicken with special Teriyaki sauce & lettuce
Roasted chicken breast with avocado (no mayo)
Roasted chicken breast with Japanese mayonnaise
Chicken breast schnitzel with Japanese mayo & lettuce
Plain tuna
Tuna with Avocado (no mayo)
Tuna with Japanese mayo
Crab meat seafood extender with Avocado and Mayo
Beef with special Teriyaki sauce and garlic
Mashed egg with special mayo & lettuce
Plain avocado (no mayo)
Cottage Pies
(normal size meat pie with potato on top) Comes with spork to eat it with.
Fishfinger Burger with lettuce and mayo
Pasta shells with tomato based sauce and sprinkle of cheese
Pizza with tomato paste, cheese and ham. Add pineapple @ no extra cost.
School size pies (approx. size of 2 party pies).
BBQ or Tomato sauce to be ordered on bag if required – no extra charge.
Lunch time Rice Box
White rice with a small dash of sauce, peas, carrots, corn, egg, ham, chicken.
(or can be made to suit)
Hot Dogs (served with butter, Frankfurt and tomato sauce)
Chicken Burgers –
Sweet Chilli Chicken Burger (served with butter, Chilli Chicken Tenders – very mild,
– lettuce and mayo) OR
Plain crumbed chicken burger (with mayo and lettuce)
Cooked sausage on a roll (served with butter, sausage and tomato sauce)
Burger, cheese and sauce (beef pattie, cheese, butter and tomato sauce)
Burger and Salad (beef pattie, butter and salad and tomato sauce)
Salad Boxes – choice of ham/chicken/egg plus salad items.
Comes with a slice of buttered white bread.
Add pineapple
Fresh fruit salad bowl
Fruit only
With custard
If adding CHEESE to hot dogs, sausages or chicken burgers PLEASE ADD .40c
FROZEN TREATS (available 2 break only)
Please order frozen items on their lunch bag. We attach a sticker to remind them to come and collect
frozen items from Tuckshop, after they have eaten their lunch.
Fruit Juice ice block (plastic tube type)
Pine Lime Crush
 Very cold, crunchy texture (made with real crushed pineapple)
 Generally suited to the older children
Ice cream Sundae – small tub of low fat vanilla icecream with small squirt of
Chocolate/Strawberry or Caramel topping & 1 smartie and a few 100’s & 1000’s.
 It is small enough so as not to be bad food.
It’s merely to make tuckshop fun.
Choc Coated Vanilla Ice Cream (on a stick)
Children are not permitted to buy ice blocks etc for other students. There are many reasons for this
rule, so we are not able to exempt anyone from it.
Should your child have any special dietary needs please advise. We are here to try and help.
Please be aware the word butter is used as a common term only. We actually use heart friendly
margarine and low fat products where possible.
Eggs are free range.
Please use a brown paper bag for each break. Your order is placed in this bag to deliver to the
children. It is very important that their names and class are on each bag. Listing food first, then
drinks, followed by dessert is very helpful to our volunteers. We have hundreds of bags to read,
so very clear writing in black or blue pen is really essential.
Please never use sticky tape of staples as the bags get torn. If the bags are folded over, the
money rarely falls out. A good way of doing bags is to place money in one bag and then fold it
inside the other one. Or use a paper clip or rubber band around folded bag.
If you run out of bags please write your orders on envelopes or on 2 pieces of paper placed in a
plastic bag with the money. Paper bags are charged at 10c each.
We prefer correct money even if you have to give us your small change. It is difficult for us to
make sure your change gets home safely. All we are able to do is sticky tape it to the outside of
the lunch bag, and often the littlies throw it away. If you don’t have correct money and are only
due back a small amount of change, please consider this as a donation to the school (unless
advised otherwise).
On rare occasions, if you have to send a large note, we really appreciate it if you can do the
figures and tell us what change is due. When the amount is larger it is sent to the child’s
For families who wish to put money in older child’s bag, please write clearly on all bags who has
the money and which child/class it belongs to.
At present it takes approximately five hours to process the bags ready for Tuckshop. The volunteers really
appreciate if you can follow the above instructions to make their jobs a little easier.
If you are away on Friday but have already ordered and paid, just ring the office and ask them
to let us know and we will cancel the order and refund your money.
Should you wish to know anything about the running of the Tuckshop, please feel free to come and visit
when you see us there.
VOLUNTEERING – we do have a roster but you are welcome to come in when you have a free day even if
you can only stay for an hour or two (normal day is 830am – approx. 2pm). Some preparation and sorting
of orders is done on Thursdays at 845am for a couple of hours (help is appreciated on Thursday too).
I can be contacted on 3267 3184 or mob 0407 115 662, or leave a message at the office.
Thank you for ordering from Tuckshop.
Theresa Appleton (Voluntary Tuckshop Convenor).