Newsletter Thursday Term 1 Week 1 29th January 2015 Acting Principal’s Message Welcome to the 2015 school year. It is with much excitement that I join the St Pius School community as (Acting) Principal for the 2015! (This is while Peter Surawski takes on the Acting Principal role at St Peter’s School, Caboolture.) I trust all St Pius returning families have enjoyed a good break. To our new families who are joining the St Pius community for the first time may I extend an especially warm welcome. I very much look forward to working your child/ren’s educational journey with you. This year is already shaping up to be filled with much learning and excitement, and I look forward to meeting parents, families and carers of our students as the year unfolds. Please feel free to come and introduce yourself to me when you see me out and about. We commence the school year with 80 students new (or returning) to St Pius School! 73 of these students are in Prep. In total we currently have 318 students enrolled, with 37 members of staff to support their learning journey. The school is certainly growing, with this being the first year of 3 Prep classes. New to Staff Aside from myself, there are a number of people new to our staff for the first time, with some also returning. Mr David Stewart will teach in Year 5G (job sharing with Mrs Kaye Carr). Mr Nathan Croft is our new PE teacher and Mrs Sharnee Heibloem is back from maternity leave, (job share teaching in Year 2Y, teaching our LOTE – Japanese to Years 5 and 6, and undertaking some other focused teaching initiatives). Mrs Belinda Café-Jones will be the school officer in Prep R. Mrs Jenni Buechler will take on a support role in the administration area and Mr Tim Heibloem will provide us with IT expertise. Mr Matthew Hobbs will be assisting as an Instrumental teacher. Mrs Lesleigh James has decided to take some much deserved long service leave, so in her absence Mrs Carmel Spargo will move solely to the Finance Secretary role. We are very fortunate to have these people with us and all have much to offer our St Pius community. David Stewart Tim Heibloem Belinda Café-Jones Nathan Croft Jenni Buechler Matthew Hobbs Staff News Over the holidays, Mrs Emma Canavan (Year 5 teacher in 2014) welcomed the safe arrival of baby Matthew on 8th January. Congratulations to you and your family Em. He is beautiful! Teachers and School Officers Starting the Year... Our dedicated team of teachers officially commenced the school year on the 19 th January with professional development, with our school officers joining us on the Thursday before the students returned. For 2015 we have identified several areas on which we will focus. During the Term 1 pupil free days we engaged in learning and discussion relating to: ~ Teacher Individual Professional Development and Learning Plans ~ Reading to Learn, Learning to Write ~ Positive Behaviour for Learning ~ Religious Education and the Religious Life of the School ~ Reviewing various aspects (or components) of the school ~ The theme for 2015… A light for all to see ~ Transitioning students into new classes ~ Student Protection, Code of Conduct, Bullying and Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policies, together with a variety of workplace health and safety areas, and ~ General administration matters. What a busy few days we had! As a community of professionals, we value our own learning and development, and very much appreciate having this time available to us. In addition to this, much time and effort has been put into the school grounds over the break to have them looking fabulous for the commencement of the school year. A big THANK YOU goes out to our groundsman, Mr Dave Brown, for his fantastic work in maintaining our school facilities. Address: Apperley Street, Banyo Qld 4014 Phone: 07 3267 7306 Fax: 07 3267 1217 Email: [email protected] Website: Banyo-Nundah Catholic Parish: Ph: 3266 1444 Fax: 3266 4088 Office: 20 Donkin Street, Nundah Acting Principal’s Message Student Protection Significant amendments to Queensland legislation dealing with the mandatory reporting of child protection matters came into effect on 19 January, 2015. In addition, there are new requirements reflected in the revised Brisbane Catholic Education Student Protection Processes for how Principals and school staff need to respond to these amendments. Currently the staff at St Pius is engaged in mandatory student protection training. Shortly I will provide to our parents and carers information around the updated processes. Please take time to familiarise yourself with this information when it is available. Remember, STUDENT PROTECTION IS EVERYBODY’S RESPONSIBILITY. Meeting with Year 6 School Leaders This week I took time to meet briefly with our Year 6 students who all, in one way or another, play a significant part in student leadership this year. I look forward to working with them in this important role, as the year unfolds. Monday’s Assembly All parents are welcome to our first formal assembly, commencing at 8.40am, on Monday 2 nd February. At our weekly assemblies we will pray together as a community, celebrate birthdays, recognise our Live, Love, Learn recipients, share class work, acknowledge achievements and share school news. A reminder that formal uniform (Years 1-6 is worn on Mondays). Parent Information Evening On Wednesday evening, 11th February, all classes / year levels in the school will host a Parent Information Evening. The format for the evening will be similar to recent years: All Gather in Church at 6.30pm … prayer and I will lead information sharing to areas relevant to all families. 7.00pm… Move to classrooms for the first round of teacher information sharing. For those parents / carers who need to attend more than one class presentation, these sessions will be repeated at 7.40pm. Class teacher topics include: class routines, expectations, homework, communication, parental involvement, curriculum content / focus etc. From 7.40pm, parents are invited to enjoy the welcoming hospitality of the P&F, in the Hall. Please drop in to hay hello! It is expected that each family is represented at these information sessions. If this is not possible, please advise your class teacher/s so that important information can be shared with you. Access to Important School Information Can I please encourage all families to access the 2015 St Pius School HANDBOOK, which is available on our school website at The link / booklet contains a good deal of important and practical information which you will need access to over the course of the school year. From curriculum to communication, facilities to fees, sickness to safety, permissions to P & F …it’s all there in one handy reference point. Parking, Drop Off and Pick Up Protocols Could I remind all families using the school Parking, Drop Off and Pick Up protocols we follow at St Pius? With our student numbers growing, we want to avoid frustration! Please keep reading for further details. PICK-UP ZONE PROCEDURES We use the Brisbane City Council “LOOK OUT” Program for our afternoon Pick Up Zone in Apperley street. Following are the procedures; these ensure that our children are safe, and that our system runs efficiently. Parents need to register details if going to use pick up zone of an afternoon. PICK-UP AFTER SCHOOL The only supervised pick-up area is in Apperley Rd. A teacher supervises children from 2:50 to 3:05 as they are collected by car. Any children not collected by 3:05 are taken to the school office. The school does not supervise children beyond this time. The school will attempt to make contact with the parents if a child has not been collected. Children who are not collected due to parents running late will be sent to Outside Schools Hours Care (fees apply for parents). Address: Apperley Street, Banyo Qld 4014 Phone: 07 3267 7306 Fax: 07 3267 1217 Email: [email protected] Website: Banyo-Nundah Catholic Parish: Ph: 3266 1444 Fax: 3266 4088 Office: 20 Donkin Street, Nundah Acting Principal’s Message Email Protocol In this era when we seem to be on call 24/7 due to the penetration of technology blurring the lines between work and family, I would like to draw your attention to our email protocols for 2015. The school email address - [email protected] - will be monitored and responded to during normawork hours. Generally it will not be monitored at night or at weekends. Work email addresses of staff members, including the teachers and the school’s leadership team, will also be monitored during work hours. Remember however, much of a teacher’s day is spent leading teaching and learning. Further, please do not expect an immediate response to a late night email or one sent during the weekend or holidays. All staff members have family commitments and a life away from school. We need to keep the balance right so I am asking for thoughtfulness when considering sending an email late at night – and perhaps expecting a response before work the next day. I would expect that an email will be responded to as quickly as possible - usually within 24 hours. Parents and Friends AGM This important meeting in the life of the school community will be held on Wednesday, 25 th February. Everyone is warmly invited. Term 1 Across the School Date Claimers The following key events and dates are significant to our school. Please note these in your diary or on your calendar. These will be progressively updated as the term unfolds: Principal’s Message A Reminder of Term Dates, 2015 Brisbane Catholic Education has provided us with the following information, which was correct at time of printing Anticipated Public Holidays for 2015 Monday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Saturday 26 JANUARY 3 APRIL 4 APRIL 5 APRIL 6 APRIL 25 APRIL AUSTRALIA DAY HOLIDAY GOOD FRIDAY EASTER SATURDAY EASTER SUNDAY EASTER MONDAY ANZAC DAY Monday 8 JUNE QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY Wednesday 12 AUGUST BRISBANE EXHIBITION PEOPLE’S DAY Monday 5 OCTOBER LABOUR DAY HOLIDAY NB: This information was correct at time of publishing. Progressive amendments to this information (if any) will be published in the school Newsletter, and in addition can be located on the Queensland Government’s Industrial Relations website at: http:// 2015 PUPIL-FREE DAYS (subject to change) Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 27 January Nil Nil Monday, 19 October We publish these dates well in advance so that families can plan their holidays around normal school days. Given the number of holidays students already enjoy, we would hope that there will be very few requests for early holiday departures, or additional holiday time during the school term. We thank you, in advance, for your understanding and support in this area. I wish all our students and their families a happy, positive start to what is shaping up to be an exciting school year at St Pius. We further wish Mrs Lesleigh James all the best for an enjoyable long service leave. Quote for the week… The most influential of all educational factors is the conversation in a child’s home. (William Temple) (Ref: Warm regards, Margo Carwardine Live, Love, Learn, and in the spirit of St Mary MacKillop’s motto for life, Never see a need without doing something about it. APRE Message Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. Buddha Welcome to 2015 at St Pius. I hope you all had an enjoyable, peaceful Christmas and a New Year filled with blessed family moments and cherished times. I especially welcome all our new students and families to our most beautiful, caring school. I would like to extend a very warm welcome on behalf of the staff and families to Ms Margo Carwardine, our Acting Principal for 2015. Margo comes to our school with a wealth of Catholic primary leadership experience and an amazing passion for quality teaching and learning. I look forward to working alongside Margo this year as we lead this wonderful school in all its pursuits. It was lovely to see so many familiar smiling faces Wednesday morning as we started the first day of the school year for 2015. The children all seemed happy and eager to begin work and there was a definite positive buzz of busy learners in all classrooms. As school begins, we come together with renewed energy and enthusiasm, ready to give of our best and to meet whatever challenges may lie ahead with courage and generosity. This year our theme is “A Light for All to See”. The United Nations (UN) General Assembly has proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL 2015). This United Nations observance aims to raise awareness of the achievements of light science and its applications, and its importance to humankind. As a global initiative, this year provided an opportunity to raise awareness of how optical technologies promote sustainable development and provide solutions to worldwide challenges in energy, education, agriculture, communications and health. Beyond this global, secular focus, the year also has potential for Christians to reflect on the wonders of blessing of light in our lives, and Christ as our light. The staff have reflected on how their light can guide and empower others this year. We pray that the light of Christ may become part of our everyday quest to love one another and be the hands and heart of God here at St Pius. This theme will be entwined in our assemblies, class covenants, liturgies and classroom learning. Let us Pray God of all hope, Bless the learning and the wisdom of our community. Continue to open our hearts and minds to Christ, as the light of our lives. May the light of Christ guide us, may our prayers be completed in acts of justice and love, May all we do lead to You. We make this prayer in the name of Jesus, Light of the World. Amen Pastoral Care Parents Our Pastoral Care group is a living example of the St Pius parents being active witnesses to the caring, nurturing hand of God. Each class will have a pastoral care parent and assistant. The Pastoral Care Program aims to ensure that St Pius retains its Josephite core values, where positive relationships are valued, and where all endeavour to act to ensure that everyone is included and supported. The role of the Pastoral Care Parent Class Representative encourages communication, connection and care among parents at the class level. Some tasks of this representative can include: * Organising a class parent contact list *Coordinating class assistance to a family in need * Organising an occasional class social activity * Welcoming new families *Supporting the P&F The role is supported by the parent coordinator, Sue Vanden Bergh, and myself. There is a meeting once a term. We are in the process of finalising the pastoral care parent reps for each class. Our Pastoral Care Prep Parents have already been assigned and we thank Sharon, Aleisha and Tenielle for accepting this role. Many parents, at the end of last year, voiced their interest in becoming a PCP for their child’s class in 2015. If this was you or you would like to be considered as the PCP then please email Sue Vanden Berge [email protected] or myself [email protected] by next Tuesday 3rd February. Please state your name, your child’s name, their class ( eg. 3Y) and a mobile/ phone contact. Please don’t hesitate to contact either Sue or myself if you have any questions. We would love for many to apply and we will support you all the way. All PCP will be introduced to their class at the Parent/Teacher Information Night on Wednesday, 11th Feb. There is an induction night during Term 1 where we will go through the guidelines and protocols of being a member of the St Pius Pastoral Care Program (and share a cuppa and supper). Thank you to the parents who gave of their time last year to be part of this amazing, caring group in 2014. You are a gift to our school. APRE Message Swimming Swimming lessons commence next week Monday - Years 4-7 and Friday -Yr1-3 Prep will commence swimming lessons on Friday 20/2 (week 4) Please remember all swimmers must have a swimming cap. Lunchtime swimming Yr 2-6 commences next Monday 2nd Feb for Term 1. All students must have returned a new 2015 swimming parental consent form to participate in Monday lunchtime swimming. (blue form was sent home with every Yr 2-6 child this week) New Sports House Names and Colours Last year it was decided that as the school numbers are growing so should the number of sports houses. After much consideration and consultation with the school community the three names and colours were decided on and they are MacKillop (Blue) – named after St Mary of the Cross. Mary is the saint that our school’s values, charism and identity are based on. The Josephites were the founding sisters of St Pius. Carroll (Red)Fr Vincent Carroll saw the need for a Parish school and so he asked the Sisters of St Joseph to open a school here at Banyo. Joseph – (Gold) St Mary’s order was named The Holy Order of St Joseph. Next week the children will find out which house they will be a proud member of so stay tuned. Coloured house shirts will be available from Lowes in the near future. These shirts are not compulsory. The children will have several opportunities throughout the year to wear these shirts. These include the carnivals swimming, cross country and athletics and St Mary MacKillop day. Other days may be added. Blessings Kim Welcome back to another year of learning and love; welcome to our parish schools (St. Joseph’s, Nundah and St. Pius V, Banyo) where children love to learn and learn to love; a special welcome to new families, teachers, and staff. I said at Masses over the weekend that it has been very quiet, even boring at times, during the school holidays. I also asked parishioners to pray for our parish schools. It is so good to hear again the sound of children’s voices. As I visit the class rooms I will be interested to hear who had the best holiday. I’m sure I will get lots of interesting and honest answers. I will also be reminding the children that there was no holiday from being a follower of Jesus and that his ‘3 H’ rule is for every day: Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be Holy. During this academic year may our school communities grow in love and learning. Every Blessing. Fr. Bernie. Vacancy- School Crossing Supervisors Casual positions exist for School Crossing Supervisors at ST PIUS, BANYO and multiple schools throughout the region. Please tell neighbours, friends and family of these positions available. Please help us to help our students. School Crossing Supervisor positions are for up to 5 days per week on a roster. Remuneration $27.49 per hour. Contact the Brisbane North Road Safety Office for more information Phone: 3863 9873 Email: [email protected] Flyers sent home with students this week were: RDS Reilly Dance Academy—0412 741 415 / 3359 4502 Nundah Wavell Soccer Club - / [email protected] Grasshopper Soccer - 0414 582 312 / Saints Junior Rigby League & Netball Preps only—School Banking Info pack For more information check in school bags Lunchtime Swimming Notes were sent home this week with Year 2 – 6 students, which must be filled out and returned to the classroom teachers, who then knows which child is allowed free swimming time in the pool at lunch on Mondays. Instrumental lessons Instrumental lessons will be starting next Tuesday. I am in the process of getting invoices and information out to all parents involved. If you would like to start your child in Music lessons we offer the following: Year 1- Drums, Piano and Guitar (afterschool only). Year 2 and Year 3 Drums, Piano and Guitar Year 4 Drums, Piano, Guitar and the Year 4 Band Program Year 5 and Year 6 Drums, Piano, Guitar, Band Instruments The Instrumental lesson permission sheet is attached to the newsletter. Please fill it out and return it to the front office or email me on [email protected] Joy Dawson Music Teacher P&F Message Uniform Shop Parent Information Evening Wednesday 11th February In the Church at 6.30pm afterwards wine and cheese in the hall All uniforms & bags are sold at Lowes Toombul P&F AGM Wednesday 25th February at 7pm All positions are open With nomination forms available from the school office. Leesa Dalton P&F Secretary [email protected] School Messages Absent/Illness You must inform the school by phone on the absentee phone line by 9.30am each day when your child is sick or away from school. The phone number is 3267 7306 then press 1 to leave a message. ie: child's name, class and reason they are away and for how long if known. Volunteering All parents and grandparents volunteering in the school for classrooms, excursions, tuckshop, swimming etc are required to fill out the volunteer pack for 2015 and each year. Please see the office for forms. Please name ALL of your child’s items The St Pius Swimming Caps are part of the uniform. Cost is $8 each from the school office. Tuckshop VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Tuckshop commences on: Friday 13th February For all students 1st and 2nd breaks On Monday 2nd February 8.30am until 10am Theresa will be available at the tuckshop to answer all questions you may have about volunteering. We are in urgent need of new volunteers for 2015 and if your interested but are not able to come on Monday 2nd February, please phone Theresa on 0407 115 662. School Hat Please remind your child to bring their hat to school every day, as no hat means no play and kids need to play. Head lice are active in schools so let’s try to keep them out of St Pius. All care givers are welcome, and we currently have a couple of grandmothers who are a great help. Labels Please name and label ALL items worn and brought to school including lunch boxes, and drink bottles. All volunteers for tuckshop are required to have filled out the volunteer forms available from the school office. A new price list will be put out for this year shortly. Qualified - Swimming lessons 0411 862 441 / [email protected] Thankyou for your active assistance in these areas Have any details changed for you? WE NEED TO KNOW Phone numbers Address Emergency contacts and numbers Email address Sacramental information updates We need to know of any changes so all your information is correct and accurate. Please email or drop a note into the office if any of the above is relevant to you and your family. Thankyou School banking day is FRIDAY Prep’s will be bringing home banking information packs. Once you open an account at the Commonwealth bank then bring deposit books to the school to be started on Fridays. ABN: 45199085148 Instrumental Lessons St. Pius Instrumental Permission Form for 2015. In order to streamline operations, I have implemented a new policy for 2015. To reduce paperwork processing for both myself and my clients the JD’s permission form now covers the entire year. In every other aspect, operations will continue as normal. Fees will still be invoiced on a term-by-term basis. If circumstances change and you need to withdraw your child, this can be done at any time, and will take effect at the end of that school term. Withdrawal should be confirmed via email. The teachers for 2015 are as follows: Matthew Hobbs (Band Instruments*) on Tuesday (limited amount of lessons); Louise Fossa (Guitar, Bass Guitar, Violin and Piano) Tuesday and Thursday; and Bryn Samuel (Drum) on Tuesday. * This is a separate program to the Year 4 Band Program. Term 1 Instrumental lessons will start in Week 2. All other terms the lessons will start in week 1. Full payment is due upon receipt of invoice. The structure of our program is such that there is little to no flexibility. As such we are unable to make up lessons missed due to student sickness or holidays. In the event of a lesson being missed due to an excursion or teacher illness, we will offer a replacement lesson. If there are any credits on your account these will be deducted from your next term fees. Please note there are no student cancellations during the term. Cost $30 per Individual lesson per week (normal rate is $35) $17 per Group lesson per week We have increased our fees due to operating costs. Invoices will be sent home when the permission slip is handed in. Please fill out and return the following form to the front office. If you have any questions or would like to sign up via email, you can contact me on [email protected] Thank you for encouraging your child to be part of the Instrumental Program. Joy Dawson Music Teacher Instrumental Coordinator ……………………………………………………………………………… (Return form to class teacher by Thursday 4th December 2014) (one form per child) My child______________________ in Yr_________will participate in the Instrumental Program for 2015 Cost of: $17 per group lesson or $30 per individual lesson. Instrument:____________________________________ ____Individual ____ Shared (Please tick the appropriate lesson type) Contact Name______________________________ Contact Phone number ________________________ (Please tick) emailed invoice____ printed invoice____ Address ___________________________________________p/c_______ Email Address________________________________________________ (please print clearly) Signed ____________________________________Dated____________ 27 January 2015 Dear Parents and Carers Please find attached a summary of responses received from the two major parties to issues that we have put to them in the lead up to the State election. The full response from each party is available on the QCEC website. We are grateful to both parties for their responses and we provide these responses to you as voters to inform your own decision making as it relates to Catholic education. We urge you to consider the responses provided and the impact each party’s proposed policies may have on your child’s education. We have also received responses from the minor political parties. These responses are also available on our website. We welcome responses from all parties. Yours sincerely Mike Byrne Executive Director Queensland Catholic Education Commission Queensland Catholic Education Commission GPO Box 2441, Brisbane Qld 4001 Ph +61 7 3316 5800 Fax +61 7 3316 5880 Email: [email protected] Web: Carmel Nash Executive Director Queensland Federation of Parents & Friends Federation of Parents and Friends Associations of Catholic Schools in Queensland GPO Box 2410, Brisbane Qld 4001 Ph +61 7 3336 9242 Fax +61 7 3236 1293 Email: [email protected] Web:
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