Newsletter Thursday Term 4 Week 7 20th November 2014 Principal’s Message Music Instrumental Night Thanks to our Music teacher, Mrs Joy Dawson for organising Tuesday night’s instrumental presentation night. It was great to see students from Yr 1 to Yr 7 perform so capably and confidently. Thank you also to our instrumental teachers for the wonderful work they do with our students. Classes 2015 Classes for 2015 are currently being finalised. Any issue you feel teachers should be aware of should now have been brought to their attention. Students are informed of their class teacher and grouping on Thursday November 27. No changes are possible after classes are announced. P&F Meeting- Yr 4 Band/ Instrument Proposal- 3 Sports Houses Proposal Our music teacher Mrs Joy Dawson consulted our P&F at the August meeting regarding a proposal to provide access to an instrument (band) and lessons for a large number of our yr 4 students. The proposal is intended to provide this access in a cost effective manner for our families. This was discussed again at last night’s P&F meeting and it was very well received. Full details will be provided to the parents of our 2015 Yr 4 students in the next two weeks. This promises to be a very valuable opportunity for these students next year. Thanks to the P&F for their support of this initiative. Also at last evening’s P&F meeting our PE teacher Mr Matt Bradforde discussed the implications of a possible move to three sports houses. More information will be provided if this proposal is to be progressed. Last night was our final P&F meeting for the year. My thanks to this year’s Executive: President Mrs Michelle Jenkins V President Mrs Julie Darley Secretary Mrs Leesa Dalton Treasurer Mrs Julie Powers A report on P&F activities for the year will indicate that much has been achieved to better the school experience for your children. I encourage you all to become involved in this association when the opportunity arises at the P&F AGM February 25 2015. Best Wishes to our Yr 5 Students We wish our Yr 5 campers well for the next two days as they enjoy the activities of the YMCA Camp at Joyner. Special thanks to Mrs Emma Canavan who has organised this wonderful experience for our Yr 5 class. Thanks also to other staff assisting: Mrs Melissa Lucas, Mrs Kim Barrett-Coade, Mr Michael O’Rourke and Mrs Susan Stock. I look forward to joining the group for tonight’s activities. This camp is a valuable opportunity for the group to bond and explore their leadership skills before taking on this vital role within our school next year. Address: Apperley Street, Banyo Qld 4014 Phone: 07 3267 7306 Fax: 07 3267 1217 Email: [email protected] Website: Banyo-Nundah Catholic Parish: Ph: 3266 1444 Fax: 3266 4088 Office: 20 Donkin Street, Nundah Principal’s Message Reminders Term 4 Whilst the finish line is in sight we will not be distracted from the many important events remaining this year: Yr 5 Camp (Nov 20/21) Pastoral Care meeting (Nov 25) Board / P&F Exec dinner (Nov 26) Yr 1 (2015) 1-1 Parent information evening Nov 27 Family Christmas Picnic (Nov 29 4pm-6pm) Christmas Concert (Dec 3 – 9:15am) Reports sent home (Dec 3) Yr 6/7 Grad (Dec 3) 2015 Classes announced (Dec 4) Adrian Fabila concert (Dec 4) School Concludes (Dec 5- 12pm) There are also many ‘year level specific’ activities for you to be aware of in the coming weeks. Best Wishes for the rest of the Term Peter Performing Arts Night Thank you to all the students who performed at the Performing Arts night last Tuesday. You were fantastic. Thank you to Mr Surawski for MC. Thank you to our wonderful Instrumental teachers Louise Fossa, Matthew Hobbs and Bryn Samuel. A thank you to the parents volunteers who helped me on the night and a big thank you to Mrs Solly for organising the raffles for me and helping me on stage. Bands News Thank you to Chelsea and Dominic who came to the Band Spectacular yesterday. They were beautifully behaved.The Band Spectacular is a 100 piece Concert Band made up from 6 different Catholic schools in the Bramble Bay region. We practised 7 songs and performed to St. Joseph's and our wonderful parents later in the afternoon. Year 4 Band Next year we will be starting off the Year 4 band program. Your child in year 3 will be starting the program early in the new year. I am very grateful to the P & F for donating $5000 to the program and to school for donating so we can get this program started. Mr Hobbs and myself have been running this program at St. Kieran's, Brighton for 2 years now and it is running very successfully. Can't wait to hear them perform. Instrumental News Instrumental notes will be coming out next Tuesday. If you would like your child to start or continue their lessons please hand the note back to the office by the end of term. Joy Dawson Music & Instrumental Teacher APRE’s Message The Infancy Narratives The richness and depth of our new Religious Education program is evident in the study of the Infancy Narratives that are at present being unpacked and explored across the year levels. The birth of Jesus is written in both Luke and Matthew’s Gospels. Each tells the story slightly differently though the central message is the same. The Saviour was born in Bethlehem, the city of David, to the virgin Mary. Classes are looking at the life behind the text; for example why Luke’s Gospel might mention shepherds and not the magi that Matthew writes about in his Gospel. The students are learning at a deeper level and this makes the birth of Christ so much more than just a story. This link, though in cartoon, explains that even though history has changed the story, the central message of the birth of Jesus remains the same. Please have a look at the posters on the wall outside my office on the Infancy Narratives. Year five have been looking at the differences in both Gospels in relation to the birth of Jesus. The depth of learning and understanding is obvious in the high quality pieces of work. Well done Year Five! St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal Thank you to all the families who have donated gold coins to our St Vinnies’ Christmas appeal. We will be presenting a cheque to the local St Vincent de Paul branch during our final day liturgy. All money needs to be in by next Friday the 28th November. So please keep digging deep to help those at Christmas who have so little in our local area. Library Christmas Display We are very lucky and cherish our school offices and how they continually reach out and beyond in their support of our school. Mrs Anne Morgan is one of these lovely officers who spend countless hours of her own time to ensure that learning and life at St Pius for our student is meaningful and rich. Anne has created a Christmas display in the cabinet of the library like no other I have seen. It is both creative and spectacular. To quote one of our students, ‘it is amazing. It combines both books and Christmas. Two of my favourite things’! Standardised Testing This week students from year two thru to year five have been involved in PAT testing (progressive achievement testing). This will be an annual online test, similar in form to the NAPLAN tests, so we can track progression in students’ academic levels over the years. This explanation of the testing below is from the ACER website. ‘Progressive Achievement Tests are an Australian, nationally normed series of tests designed to provide objective, norm-referenced information to teachers about their students’ skills and understandings in a range of key areas. At the centre of each PAT test is a described proficiency scale, providing both quantitative and qualitative data on student performance, making the PAT tests ideal for understanding students’ current strengths and weaknesses, informing teaching and learning, and monitoring progress over time’. Thank you to Mrs Sharnee Heibloem for all the time and effort in implementing these tests across the year levels. Book Packs If you ordered your child/ren’s book packs on time they will be delivered to your child’s current classroom next Thursday afternoon (27th Nov) for you to pick up. Mozzie Spray Due to the sudden beautiful rain the mozzies have been stirred up, please spray your children prior to coming to school each day. Blessings Kim Banyo Nundah Catholic Parish-Sacramental Journey 2015 The parish is now inviting parents to enrol their children into the next phase of their sacramental journey; Penance, Confirmation and First Holy Communion. Parents of children who are in Year 3 or older and whose children have been baptised in the Catholic Church are invited to an information session on Wednesday 4 th February 3.30pm-4.30pm at St Joseph’s school library, Leslie St, Nundah or 7-8pm at St Pius school hall, Apperley St, Banyo. You will receive a handbook about the dates of the sacraments and small group sessions, as well as 'God Work' to take home and complete with your child before the first group session. You will need to bring along a photocopy of your child/ren’s Baptismal Certificate and the fee of $35. For further information please contact me by email [email protected] I am looking forward to working with the children and their families as they continue their Sacramental journey. God Bless, Angela Greathead PARISH MASS TIMES Saturday evening Nundah 6pm; Sunday morning Banyo 7.30am, Nundah 9.30am; Sunday evening Banyo 5pm. Sports News Students in the older grades certainly seemed to enjoy the Water polo clinics last week which is great to see them having a go at sports they may not have had prior experience in. However, we don’t stop there as we have some more exciting dates and events coming up for all grades. Take a look below: Friday 28th November: Splash and Swim for our Year 1 and Year 2 students at the school pool. These students will be involved in some fun games and races with the support of our wonderful swim instructors starting approximately at 8:40am. Cant wait to see all our little sharks and mermaids splashing it up in the pool. Also on Friday 28th November: Years 3 – 6/7 students will participate with their class in a fun and high intensity 30 minute basketball clinic run by our friend Lucian from the North Wizards Basketball team. The timetable is below with a very special event planned at lunchtime – the very first STAFF v STUDENT BASKETBALL MATCH!! Bring it on kiddies!! TIME CLASS 9:30 – 10:00 YEAR 5G 10:00 – 10:30 YEAR 6/7G MORNING TEA 11:10 – 11:40 YEAR 4G 11:40 – 12:10 YEAR 4Y 12:10 – 12:40 YEAR 3G 12:40 – 1:10 YEAR 3Y 1:20 – 1:40 STAFF v STUDENT BASKETBALL MATCH Tuesday 2nd December: The lucky students who have PE on this day will need to BRING THEIR TOGS as we will be having our last PE lesson in the pool with myself and Mrs McMahon. Prep G and Prep Y will also be having a free swim during the middle session of that day with some extra parental support. If any parents are willing to help out during the middle session of the day and want to come for a swim please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or let Miss Halena or Mrs Hayes know. Yours in sport Mr B P&F Message The AGM will be held 25th February 2015 If you are interested in getting involved in the school’s P&F, please nominate for the positions of: President Vice president, Secretary Treasurer Nomination forms for P&F positions are available at the school office. School Uniforms All St Pius School uniforms including hats and bags are sold at Lowes Toombul Please name ALL of your child’s items Please check Lost Property regularly for forgotten and lost items. St Pius Swimming Caps are available from the school office for $8 each (COMPUSLORY) Tuckshop Volunteers for Friday 21st November Christine Digby Kelly Grant Rochelle Cole Amanda Heatherington 2nd break Helpers are always needed and welcome if you can spare some time on Fridays. Please order by THURSDAY unless you are away sick. If ordering Friday we ask that you only order cold food at first break (no toasted or hot rolls). Christmas Mass Times Wednesday 24th December 6pm Banyo and 8.30pm Nundah 25th December 7.30am Banyo and 9.30am Nundah. There will be no evening Mass on Christmas Day Yoghurts $1, banana, strawberry, vanilla. Cheerios - hot or cold, 4 for $2.50 Volunteers needed please call Theresa Appelton on 0407 115 662 Free Lunch Competition Have your lunch order in on Thursday and your name will go into a draw each week. 2 winners will be drawn each Thursday to enjoy tuckshop lunch for free on Friday. Free Lunch Competition Winners announced on awards page No 6 STUDENT AWARDS Prep G - All Prep Green Girls Prep Y - Ishana Chaudary Year 1G - TBA Year 1Y - TBA Year 2G - Makayla Coats & Vince Espiritu Year 2Y - Arielle Martin & Ajay Sundhoo Year 3G - Billy Nunn & Georgina Oldham Year 3Y - Rebecca King & Trevor Kalambe Year 4G - Ashley Thompson Awards will be present at assembly on Monday 24th November Year 4Y - All Yr 4Y Year 5G - All Year 5G Year 6/7G - Danielle Ryan PE Class - Yr 1Y Music Class - Yr 3Y Tuckshop Free Lunch Awards this week go to: Junior - Lilliana McDonald Yr 2Y Senior - Jacob Bougoure Yr 4G Congratulations and enjoy your lunch Helpful Parent Reminders We are a NO NUT school as we have children with all different types of nut allergies. 2015 Bookpacks - collect from classrooms 27th November School Fees for Term 4 are overdue to be paid. St Pius swimming caps available for sale in the office for $8 each (compulsory). Qualified Swimming contact - Rae 0411 862 441 (for swimming lessons). Banyo Community Swimming Club contact Gary Kehl 0401 820 231 (flyer on page 7). All St Pius School uniforms are sold at LOWES Toombul including hats and bags. If you are not receiving the weekly newsletter or the school fees each term please notify the school office ASAP to have your email address updated. All phone number, address, and or email changes please notify the school office by email to update ASAP on [email protected]. No hat, no play policy. Please send spoons with snacks and lunches when required. When your child receives sacraments in Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation in the Catholic Faith please send a copy to the school office to update information. Direct Deposit forms for school fees are to be completed each year, available now for 2015 Volunteer forms for parent and grandparent helpers are to be completed each year. Medicines/action plans stored in the office - please collect on Friday 5th December Upcoming Dates... Monday 24th November Assembly Yr 5 Swimming classes Prep to Yr 3 (apply sunscreen at home) Yr 1-7 free swimming at lunch 1.20pm (parent volunteers needed) Tuesday 25th November Pastoral Care Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 26th November Mass Yr 6/7 Yr 3 Science Incursion Prep excursion Twelfth night theatre - An Australian Bush Christmas Board and Exec P&F Dinner Thursday 27th November Preps Splash & Swim 11am to 1pm 2015 Book packs arrive into students current classrooms Parish Finance meeting Yr 1 (2015) 1-1 Parent information evening Friday 28th November Yr 1 & 2 Splash & Swim 8.40 to 10.30 Yr 3 swimming lessons moved to 11am Basketball Clinic Yr 3 to 6/7 9.30am to 1.40pm Saturday 29th November Family Christmas Picnic - oval 4pm-6pm (BYO everything) Monday 1st December Yr 6/7 Splash & Swim at Chermside pool Swimming classes Yr 4 & 5 (apply sunscreen at home) Tuesday 2nd December Yr 3 Pool and Pizza Party 8.30am to 1pm PE classes are swimming (parent helpers for Preps -11.10am to 1.10pm) Wednesday 3rd December Christmas concert at 9.15am Yr 4 & 5 Splash & Swim 11.10am to 1pm Last AFL AusKick on oval Reports sent home Graduation dinner for Yr 6/7 Thursday 4th December Adrian Fabila Concert 9am (Gold coin donation) Classes announced—transition 12.10pm (for students) Free swim for all students from 2pm Friday 5th December Farewell Liturgy in church at 11am School concludes at 12pm Wednesday 28th January 2015 First day of school for all students (special arrangements for Preps either starting 28th or 29th January 2015) BANYO COMMUNITY SWIM CLUB St Pius School Pool Redhill Road entrance Come along and see how much fun it is. We are a friendly, relaxed swim club the whole family can enjoy. You don’t need to be a super fast swimmer. Points are based on improving your own times. We offer half length races and the not so confident competitors have a competent swimmer in the lane with them at all times. All ages and standards are welcome. Cost is $35 per swimmer or $70 per family for the season. More information please contact Gary Kehl on 0401 820 231 St Pius Playgroup Under 5s Every Friday during school term 8.30am to 10.30am in the school hall, $1 per week, including tea & coffee Final program for 2014! Limited places available. Resilience Skills for a Happy Life! Confident Kids ® + teens is a fun and innovative coaching program for kids 5-14yrs that aims to boost confidence, emotional resilience, social skills and brain power. Students discover their strengths, and develop resilient thinking skills to reduce stress, anxiety, worry, or negative thinking. Essential tools to navigate the teen years! Our team of experienced Psychologists will coach, encourage and support your child to be all they can be! Medicare and private health fund rebates apply. Register and book online today at Or contact us at [email protected] for more details. Groups held at our Kelvin Grove clinic. Co-ordinator: Angela Wilcox Mobile 0432 835 536 PRECISION PILATES PILATES - Pilates strengthens the stabilizers of the spine, pelvis and shoulders through mat based abdominal exercises to improve coordination, posture and rehabilitate injuries. The breathing techniques will help improve stamina and promote relaxation. Benefits: Improve posture and coordination Increase flexibility, tone and strengthen Increase lung capacity Core stability and balance Reduce stress and fatigue Reduce low back pain Helps to flatten abdominals Less time off work due to injury/illness When: Thursday 7.30 – 8.30am @ Nudgee Beach Rev, meeting on basketball court Friday 6 – 7am @ Banyo Memorial Park, meeting at Rotunda Come and give it a go! These classes are provided FREE by Brisbane City Council Sharon Shepherd Advanced Pilates Instructor, Diploma Fitness, M: 0439 996 049 E: [email protected] YEAR 1 STUDENTS WANTED to take part in an exciting research project investigating the early development of literacy and numeracy skillsA team of researchers at The University of Queensland is seeking Year 1 students to participate in a study that aims to investigate how early literacy learners process sounds and numbers. Each student will be asked to complete some listening, speaking, and reading activities that are similar to tasks the students will have performed at school and two simple computerized tasks involving deciding whether two words rhyme and which of two numbers is the larger. The computerized tasks will be completed while the student is in a MRI scanner so that we can record how the student’s brain processes the information. This is a very safe procedure with all students being carefully screened beforehand to ensure their suitability. All assessments can be undertaken outside of school hours either at the student’s home or at The University of Queensland. At the completion of testing, each student will receive a $20 book voucher and a picture of their brain. Their parents will receive a brief written report of their child’s test results and $50 to reimburse them for any travelling expenses. The children may not benefit directly from the results of this study, however, the study will contribute to our understanding of the language processing difficulties that result in reading and numeracy problems. Your child’s participation in this study is totally voluntary and he/she may withdraw at any time. If you would like further information, please contact the principal researcher, Dr Wendy Arnott, on (07) 3365 9725, or email Do you have a child between 2 and 10 years old? If “Yes”, share your parenting experiences Researchers at the University of Queensland invite you to participate in a cross-cultural parenting study involving parents residing in Australia and Indonesia. Share your parenting experiences by completing an online survey at the website: For further information, please check the website or contact Agnes Sumargi at (07) 33656207, e-mail: [email protected].
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