PRAYER CYCLE The communities of Taizé, Iona and Corrymeela The Police Force, Fire Brigade and Ambulance Service The mentally ill, Chadwick Lodge, the Campbell Centre, Marlborough House, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, psychologists and counsellors PLEASE PRAY FOR Glenys Healey Sid Davies Joe Caudle Margaret Rapjohns RIP ANNIVERSARIES AN NIVERSARIES DOREEN VINTON KATH STIMSON BETTY WISE Jean Winifred Clements, Madge Goldsmith, Ernest Tapp Stephen Butler, Leslie Clifford Baxter, Ronald Linton, Ken Speaks Nellie Smith, Claude Thompson, Harry Mould, Ena Lavington Billy English, Berte Henson , Kevin Leeming, Mary Elizabeth Parry Louisa Florence Saunders, John Galvska, Peter John Lloyd COLLECT Roger Smith Vera Speaks Helen Legh Pam Earl Norman Nash Joan Garwood Sharon Lynch Delphine Cole Almighty and everlasting God, who in your tender love towards the human race sent your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ to take upon him our flesh and to suffer death upon the cross: grant that we may follow the example of his patience and humility, and also be made partakers of his resurrection; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. ST GEORGE'S DAY Thursday 23rd April - Eucharist and Agape meal at St George's. THANK YOU to everybody who made a donation for the Food Bank Fun Run. I ran together with Jacqui Coombs-Reeves from Holy Trinity and together we raised nearly £300. Your support has been greatly appreciated! Anke (& Jacqui) CALLING BELLES BELLES OF THE BENEFICE (BOB) - the men have their Men of the Benefice outings (MOB) so how about the ladies having their BOB ....with a couple of social outings a month, to such places as restaurants, cafés, cinema, etc - suggestions welcome. If you are interested, please speak to Sammy or Pat at Holy Trinity or Anne Blair Vincent at St George's. BRIDGEBUILDER runs a monthly project in schools - JesusQuest - and we are looking for someone who is good with technology (transferring a film from SD card to DVD for use in a laptop primarily, with some other small computer-related jobs) who would be available once a month on a Thursday morning during term time for a couple of hours (9am-11am). We can organise a DBS check. Gillian CHURCH CHURCH ANNUAL MEETINGS th Sunday 19 April (10am) at St George's and Sunday 26th April (11:30am) at Holy Trinity. See your PCC Secretary for further information. Please make sure that you have given your contributions for the annual report to Gillian in Wolverton PALM SUNDAY IN TOUCH March 29 29th 2015 THIS SUNDAY we begin our Holy Week journey together - this morning by beginning with the waving of the palms, then with the retelling of the dramatic events of the Passion of Jesus. By the end of the week those shouts of "Hosanna" will have been changed to shouts of "Crucify Him!" I WOULD INVITE YOU to join in this pilgrimage to cross by asking if you might join us for one of our services this week. There are full details here, but they range from our creative service tomorrow night reflecting on 'The Nail', through the reenactment of the foot-washing on Thursday followed by the meditative silence of 'The Watch'. Climaxing on Friday with our Walk of Witness and the desolation of The Last Hour. And after the silence of Holy Saturday, we begin our celebrations of Easter with the magnificent Easter Vigil and Festival of Light at 11pm that night - it is so mysterious and so beautiful to share the light coming into our darkness. Next Sunday morning there will be joy and rejoicing (and chocolate of course). But this week is a preparation and an entering into Christ's ultimate sacrifice that I would urge you to share with us. CONGRATULATIONS to Charlotte and Scott married at Holy Trinity yesterday. CONGRATULATIONS to John and Sarah Dolphin on the arrival of their baby girl Emily on the Feast of the Annunciation this week (Wed 25th) - a sister for Henry, she weighed 8lb 8oz and all them are doing well! If you might be able to help provide some meals for John and Sarah at some point - please speak to me! Gill Readings: Mark 14:1 – end of 15 (dramatised reading) 8am Holy Communion (BCP) BCP) at St George's 9:30am Parish Eucharist at St George's 11am Parish Eucharist at Holy Trinity Psalm 118:19-25 (p736) Congregational Response: 4pm O give thanks to the Lord for he is good. Taizé service at Holy Trinity Whether you are a first time visitor or one of our regular worshippers, we offer you a warm welcome to our family and hope you find what you need among our worship and other activities. Please introduce yourself to one of the welcomers and feel free to stay for a time of friendship and fellowship over coffee after the 9:30am and 11am services. Children of all ages are welcome – please feel free to meet their needs wherever is most comfortable and please ask if there is anything you need or can’t find. KidZone happens on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month at St George’s and Sunday Time on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th at Holy Trinity. The teams at both would love to meet you. Large print bibles and song books are available, and we have a hearing loop system at both churches. **DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY* Owing to Holy Week and school holidays, a number of our regular activities have been suspended or altered. th Mon 30 MONDAY OF HOLY WEEK 9am Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) 7:30pm Service of Reflection at St George’s (Details: Graham) Creative service reflecting on 'The Nail' Tue 31st 9am 10am 3pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Wed 1st 9am 7pm 9pm Thur 2nd Fri 3rd TUESDAY OF HOLY WEEK Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity Holy Communion (BCP) at Holy Trinity Tuesday Time at St George's (Details: Gill) (Details: Gill) NOT THIS WEEK Fun for all the family: refreshments, activities, crafts, interactive bible story & songs. Resumes Tuesday 14th April Bell-Ringing at Holy Trinity (Details: Mick Nimmo) Contact Mick for details (321011) or just turn up. House Group at 108 Church Street (Details: June) Lent Group at St George's (Details: Anne B-V) Walking and Praying with Christians of the Middle East WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK WEEK Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity Occasional Anthem practice at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) (Details: Carole) In lieu of Good Friday - note change of date & time for this week only Night Prayer at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) MAUNDY THURSDAY (Details: Gill) 9am Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) 7:30pm Commemoration of Last Supper with foot-washing at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) 8:45-10pm The Watch (silent meditation) at Holy Trinity GOOD FRIDAY 9am Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity NOT THIS WEEK 10am Short service of Prayer at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) 10:15am Churches Together in Wolverton Walk of Witness(Details: Gill) Gather in Holy Trinity Church car park 11am 11:30am 2pm th Sat 4 9:15am 11pm SUN 5th Readings: 8am 9:30am 11am Tue 7th Wed 8th th Sat 11 Churches Together in Wolverton service, Agora car park Soup & Rolls at St George's (Details: Stephen) “The Last Hour” at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) EASTER EVE Breakfast & Prayers at St George's (Details: Stephen) Easter Vigil and Festival of Light at St George’s (Details: Gill) EASTER DAY Acts 10:34-43 John 20:1-18 Holy Communion (BCP) at St George’s (Details: Gill) Easter Eucharist at St George’s (Details: Gill) Easter Eucharist at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) 10:30am-12 Coffee Morning at St George's (Details: Shirley) 2:30pm Funeral of Kath Stimson at Crownhill (Willow) (Details: Gill) 7/7:30pm Quiz Night at Holy Trinity (Details: Pat) Teams of up to 6. £7 per person, includes fish & chips. Tea and coffee and other drinks available for a donation, or bring your own. Please book by April 8th. CONTACTS RECTOR Rev Gill BarrowBarrow-Jones [email protected] 222802 Usual Day off: Friday CURATE Vacancy ASSOCIATE CLERGY Rev Dr Richard Sturch CHURCHWARDENS Holy Trinity Pat Gates 07811 256 427 Peter Leedale 07766 110 918 St George’s David Mainwaring 563051 Anne BlairBlair-Vincent 313007 PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Gillian Bull Mott Mott [email protected] 07462 301 853 Mon--Thurs 4pmMon 4pm-6pm Sat 10:30am10:30am-12:30pm St-George-the-Martyr-Wolverton Holy-Trinity-Old-Wolverton EDITOR: Stephen Mott [email protected] Items for inclusion, please, by 8pm WEDNESDAY CHRISTIAN AID WEEK May 10th 16th. Can anyone at HT help with some door-to-door collecting this year around the Parish? If you would like to help, could you please see me after the service today and let me know which street/s you would be willing to cover. Thank you. Gay CARPET TILES IN ST GEORGE’S The carpet tiles in St George’s have been there for almost 40 years and are in desperate need of replacement. The PCC has authorised this and we are hopeful that it will be laid before Easter. As the cost will depreciate our funds we thought that maybe members of the congregation and parish would like to contribute towards the cost. There is a Fund Raising board at the back of church, if you would like to purchase part of or a whole tile for £5. Any contribution however small will be gratefully received. Many thanks. Sue GENERAL ELECTION - MEET THE CANDIDATES MK Mission Partnership has arranged an opportunity for you to meet the candidates for Milton Keynes at the forthcoming General Election. St Andrew’s Church, Gt Linford for Milton Keynes North at 7:30pm on Tuesday 28th April, and The Guildhall, Church of Christ the Cornerstone, for Milton Keynes South at 7:30pm on Wednesday 29th April. All electors in the Constituencies are welcome. If you would like to pose a question to the candidates, please forward it by e-mail to John Moffoot at [email protected] by Sunday 19th April. CHRISTIAN AID has been offered a collection point outside Tesco in Wolverton for Friday 15th May, which is during Christian Aid Week. Would anyone be able to help for an hour or two on that day? If so, please contact Laura on 01908 319632 or [email protected]. Parking permits are available from church if you need to park in the Agora car park during services and events at St George’s. E&OE
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