PRAYER CYCLE Those in religious orders and communities Cambridge Street, Cricket Club, Tennis Club, Bowls Club, Drovers Croft Myrtle Bank, Stacey Bushes Industry, White Alder Those with cancer and those who fear it. Those carrying HIV and those with AIDS. Willen Hospice. PLEASE PRAY FOR RIP ANNIVERSARIES AN NIVERSARIES COLLECT David Gates Glenys Helmsley Sid Davies Vera Speaks Joe Caudle Helen Legh Margaret Rapjohns Betty Wise Hilary Western SHEIL KATRINA ADRIAN PERRY SHEILA EILA STONE Roger Smith Joan Garwood Annie Lincoln Pam Earl EUNICE WILLIAMS Vernon Jones, Francis Dewick, Gladys Wood, Robert John Marson Ivy Johnson, Gwendolyn Jarrett, Connie Calverley, Wilma Stirling Gladys Marjorie Amundsen, Kathleen Donovan, Queenie May Smith Donald Payne, Bryan Law, Fred Richardson, Olive Goodridge Francis Smith, Alan Amos, Doris Wilcox, Rose Ellen Spink Eternal Father, who at the baptism of Jesus revealed him to be your Son, anointing him with the Holy Spirit: grant to us, who are born again by water and the Spirit, that we may be faithful to our calling as your adopted children; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. PREPARING A CHURCHYARD CHURCHYARD MANAGEMENT PLAN During the first quarter of 2015 we will be preparing a Management Plan for the churchyard at Holy Trinity. This is an opportunity to take stock and take a strategic view of what we have, what we are happy with and what we need to change in our management of a vital resource for the church and the wider community. We have faced many challenges in 2014 which mainly arose from a lack of volunteers to fulfill routine tasks. It is an ideal time for this activity as we prepare for the growing season ahead. We will be using a resource pack from 'Caring for God's Acre', a charity that helps congregations to make the most of their churchyards, to help us in this process. If you would like to get involved, do let me know. If you have an interest in any of the following it would be good to hear from you - wildlife, plants, lichens, grassland management, memorials, gardening and the churchyard as a spiritual resource. The aim is to have something ready to present to the PCC at its meeting on Thursday 12th March. Once I know who would like to contribute I will be able to hold an initial meeting, hopefully in about a week. It will be the first time we have taken on such a task so it should be a stimulating and enjoyable journey. Roger Wythe 07710 415894 & [email protected] Wolverton BAPTISM OF CHRIST in IN TOUCH January 11th 2015 THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST CHRIST is always special for me because it links my baptism and Jesus' baptism together: an act of commitment and faith that we both experienced, and that Jesus commanded his disciples to continue after his ascension. Today in our service, there is an opportunity to renew our baptismal vows and make the sign of the cross on our forehead to remind us of Jesus baptism, and our own (even if that was made when we were still very small). Celia is our preacher this week and she writes.... Our Baptism whenever it happened, is an outward sign that we are claimed by and have access to Father, Son and Spirit, now and every day. Like Apollos in our Acts reading, we can be strengthened for our mission in the world and dip into that well again. VISITING PREACHER - next week we are delighted to welcome Rev John Vincent CF, Senior Chaplain 101 Logistic Brigade. He will be sharing with us his role as a military Chaplain at both services. SHEILA STONE'S FAMILY FAMILY would like to express their thanks for all the messages of condolence and support that they have received since Sheila's death. It has meant a great deal to them: thank you. A NEW PILGRIM COURSE is going to start on Monday 9th February, meeting at Gill's house. This is a really great space for asking questions about God or Jesus. It is particularly helpful for those who are new to church or Christianity, or re-connecting with it after a break. If you might be interested in joining us, do speak to me. Gill Readings: Acts 19:1-7 Mark 1:4-11 8am 9:30am 11am 11am 1pm Holy Communion (CW) (CW) at St George's Morning Morning Worship at St George's Parish Parish Eucharist at Holy Trinity Interment of Ashes at St George's Thomas Max-Grant Whether you are a first time visitor or one of our regular worshippers, we offer you a warm welcome to our family and hope you find what you need among our worship and other activities. Please introduce yourself to one of the welcomers and feel free to stay for a time of friendship and fellowship over coffee after the 9:30am and 11am services. Children of all ages are welcome – please feel free to meet their needs wherever is most comfortable and please ask if there is anything you need or can’t find. KidZone happens on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month at St George’s and Sunday Time on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th at Holy Trinity. The teams at both would love to meet you. Large print bibles and song books are available, and we have a hearing loop system at both churches. **DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY ** DIARY* thh 9am Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) Mon 12thh 7:15pm Pilgrims' Course at Gill's house NOT THIS WEEK Resumes February 9th Tue 13th 9am 10am 3pm 7:30pm th Wed 14 7:30pm 9am 10:15am 1pm Thu 15th 9am 9am Fri 16th 12:10pm #16 4:30pm 7:30pm Sat 17th 9:15am th0 SUN 18th0 (Details: Gill) (Details: Gill) (Details: Gill) Fun for all the family: refreshments, activities, crafts, interactive bible story & songs. Bell-Ringing at Holy Trinity (Details: Mick Nimmo) Contact Mick for details (321011) or just turn up. House Group at 108 Church Street (Details: June) Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity Bridgebuilder Trust Prayer meeting Funeral of Eunice Williams at Crownhill (Details: Gill) (Details: Gillian) (Details: Gill) Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity Soup and Prayers at St George's Winter Night Shelter: setup begins at St George's Winter Night Shelter: guests arrive at St George's (Details: Gill) (Details: June) (Details: Graham) (Details: Graham) Breakfast and Prayers at St George's (Details: Stephen) EPIPHANY 2 / WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIA CHRISTIAN UNITY 1 Samuel 3:1-10 8am 9:30am 9:30am 11am 11am 3:30pm Holy Communion (BCP (BCP) BCP) at St St George's Parish Eucharist at St St George's Morning Worship at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) (Details: Gill) (Details: Gill) Funeral of Sheila Stone at Crownhill (Details: Gill) Funeral of Katrina Adrian Perry at Crownhill (Details: Gill) Occasional Anthem practice at Holy Trinity (Details: Carole) th Wed 28 7:45pm RECTOR Rev Gill BarrowBarrow-Jones Morning Prayer at Holy Trinity Holy Communion at Holy Trinity Tuesday Time at St George's Readings: Wed 21st Tue 27th 12:15pm CONTACTS John 1:43-end [email protected] 222802 Usual Day off: Friday CURATE Vacancy ASSOCIATE CLERGY Rev Dr Richard Sturch CHURCHWARDENS Holy Trinity Pat Gates 07811 256 427 Peter Leedale 07766 110 918 St George’s David Mainwaring 563051 Anne BlairBlair-Vincent 313007 PARISH ADMINISTRATOR ADMINISTRATOR Gillian Bull Mott [email protected] 07462 301 853 Mon--Thurs 4pmMon 4pm-6pm Sat 10:30am10:30am-12:30pm A change just for this week Fri 30th 7pm Feb 1st 4pm rd Feb 23 -- Star Party at Holy Trinity (Details: Pat) A presentation, food and drinks, and observing if conditions permit. Taizé Service for Candlemas at Holy Trinity (Details: Gill) Fairtrade Fortnight begins (Details: Stephen) St-George-the-Martyr-Wolverton Holy-Trinity-Old-Wolverton EDITOR: Stephen Mott [email protected] Items for inclusion, please, by 8pm WEDNESDAY THE GIANT CHRISTMAS CARD CARD that we signed at St George's rather than sending lots of individual cards raised £50 for Age UK. Thank you very much to everyone who contributed. COFFEE MORNING Tuesday 3rd February 10:30am to 12noon at St George's Church WHY NOT PUT those New Year resolutions into practice by joining one of the coMPass courses? All courses are FREE this term. Leaflets are at the back of church, or find out more and sign up at Courses this term are:• “You Are Here” (a picture of the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation) Thursdays from 15th January All Saints Church, Milton Keynes Village 7:45pm • “Sharing Faith” (how do I talk to people about my faith?) Tuesdays from 27th January St Mary’s, Woughton on the Green 7:45pm • “Choosing the Right Government” (Biblical perspectives on election issues) Mondays from 9th March Holy Cross, Two Mile Ash 7:45pm FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT Monday Monday 23rd February to Sunday Sunday 8th March Parking permits are available from church if you need to park in the Agora car park during services and events at St George’s. E&OE
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