9128111854 Wednesday, March 25: Term 1 Week 9 Wishing everyone well and looking forward to seeing a number of you at this evening’s upcoming Dance Fever extravaganza at Homebush. Principal’s News Dear Parents and Friends of Sacred Heart Along with all Archdiocesan parish priests and Catholic school principals, I accompanied Sacred Heart parish priest, Fr Phil Linder, to Homebush yesterday to listen to the newly installed Archbishop, Anthony Fisher, deliver a keynote on his vision for education in the Sydney Archdiocese. Archbishop Anthony spoke with great enthusiasm, urging everyone to embrace the ‘great adventure of the Gospel’ with open hearts and preach it with joy in our schools, homes and churches. He is a great advocate of the Angelus, a prayer of particular significance within the Christian tradition. The Angelus is an ancient prayer recalling the events of the Annunciation, when the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would conceive by the Holy Spirit and become the mother of God. The prayer honours Mary’s great ‘yes’ to God; offered humbly, faithfully and obediently. Through this prayer we reflect upon and celebrate the great mystery of God sharing in our humanity, becoming one of us in the person of Jesus. The Angelus is usually said at noon each day. Bells are customarily rung to encourage people to stop work, if only for a few moments, and reflect upon God’s gifts to us and our own ‘yes’ to God. Currently at Sacred Heart we recite the Angelus, as a whole school, each Friday at 12.00 Midday with our Year 6 Liturgy leaders, leading the short prayer. Our new Archbishop has issued an invitation to all those in our Sydney Catholic schools and office communities to join with him in a daily act of ‘pausing, thinking and thanking’ and praying the Angelus, observing that ‘with 100 000 of us praying together each day it will be a wonderful act of solidarity and communion.’ Beginning today, the Feast of the Annunciation, individual classes will be praying the Angelus in their rooms at 12.00 Midday. Over the initial weeks of Term 2 teachers will have a specific focus on the Angelus prayer in Religious Education lessons in order to make the prayer relevant and meaningful in the lives of our children and indeed the teachers’ own lives. I hope to be able to share a full presentation of Archbishop Anthony’s vision with you at some time in the near future. One element of it that resonated very strongly with me was his raising of the issue that, based on data from the CEO ‘2014 Survey of Religious Attitudes,’ children at an ever younger age are showing all the hallmarks of being ‘moral relativists’ who believe that there are no real ‘moral absolutes’ and that morals are a matter of personal choice because there are no definite rights and wrongs. Only 5% of the 13873 Years 5, 7, 9 and 11 students surveyed strongly disagreed with the contention that morals are a matter of personal choice. Vince Campbell Principal Term 1 Calendar WEEK 9 Wed, Mar 25 Thurs, Mar 26 Fri, Mar 27 WEEK 10 Mon, Mar 30 Wed, Apr 1 Thurs, Apr 2 Dance Fever Interschool Challenge Yrs 3-6 Yr 3 Class Mass @ 9.15am Anne Sargeant Netball Clinic Yrs 4, 5 & 6 from 12.15-3pm Marie Bashir Centre Parent iPad Workshop from 9-10am Cake Stall Yeronga Pop-Up Shop for winter uniforms: 9am – 12.30pm Primary Undercroft Dance Fever – Parents invited to view lessons (futher details in this newsletter) Holy Week Liturgy in Sacred Heart Church @ 11.30-12.30pm (and not in the School Hall) Last Day of Term 1 General News Ice Block Friday This Friday, March 27 Every year the Year 6's raise money for their graduation by selling ice blocks (water based) at lunch time on a Friday. They will be selling them at the beginning of second lunch for $2.00. Please help support your Year 6 Leaders and remember to bring in your money to buy an Ice Block on Friday, March 27 Save the Date: Sacred Heart School Disco Save the Date: Sacred Heart Disco - Saturday, May 16 Kindy – Yr 2 3.00pm to 4.45pm Yrs 3 – 6 5.00pm to 6.30pm Planting Seeds for Tomorrow 8 Cardinal Street, MOSMAN NSW 2088 t: (02) 99696600 f: (02)9960 4312 e: [email protected] www.shmosman.catholic.edu.au Page 1 Save the Date: Outdoor Movie Night The Sacred Heart Outdoor Movie night is set to return Friday, May 8. Rug up in your onesie and relax watching a movie with your friends and family. More details to follow. Parent iPad Workshop A reminder that the Parent iPad Workshop is on this coming Friday, March 27 at 9am till 10am. At this workshop parents will learn how to set necessary restrictions on iPad’s and learn how students will use their Google Drive. Please complete the following Google Form to register your attendance (or absence) at this meeting and to assist in what topics you would be interested in learning about for future workshops. http://goo.gl/forms/TwCUsQYmrl Cake Stall – Monday, March 30 Depending on numbers the workshop will be held in either the library or school hall. David McConachie, eLearning Coordinator Caritas Australia Monday, March 30 All cakes cost one gold coin Proceeds go to upgrading the school hall into a multipurpose learning space Many thanks Year 2 fundraising team Dance Fever This term all children from Kindergarten to Year 6 have had the opportunity of experiencing the Dance Fever program. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning new dance skills as well as developing very good social skills. On Wednesday, April 1 (Week 10) we will be having our final Dance Fever lesson for the year. We would like to invite all parents to attend the lessons which will be held in the Infants Undercroft. Times are as follows: 8.50-9.30am Kinders, Year 1 and Year 2 9.30-10.10am Years 5 and 6 10.10-10.50am Years 3 and 4 Hoping you will be able to join us. Pauline Dinale, Assistant Principal Yeronga Winter Pop-Up Shop Yeronga School Uniforms will be visiting the school on Wednesday, April 1 to sell the winter uniform from 9.00am12.30pm. Their Pop-Up Shop will be set up in the Primary Undercroft area. Naplan Dates Years 3 & 5: Please make note of the following dates for Naplan Tues, May 12 Wed, May 13 Thurs, May 14 On St Patrick's Day, Year 6 Mission Captains and leaders held a cake stall to raise funds for Caritas Australia. Combined with money collected for the mufti day, a total of $1100 was raised. We would like to thank the Year 5 & 6 parents for donating all the cakes and goodies. Thanks to all students and families for their generous contributions. Caritas donations are still being accepted and will be brought over to the parish on Holy Thursday. Kind regards, Mrs Whyte and Year 6 leaders Please see the Year 6 blog for some St Patrick's Day photographs: http://year6shm2015.blogspot.com.au/ Basketball State Challenge October 2015 This year the Basketball State Challenge is in Albury on weekend of 17 & 18 October. Like previous years we will be holding trials in Term 2 in the mornings before school across each of the boys & girl age groups. The years eligible for the State Challenge are Years 3, 4, 5 & 6. We envisage like previous years taking 8 teams, 2 Junior boys & girls & 2 Senior boys & girls. A note will come home Week 1 or 2 of Term 2, with all the information you need to know. Please read the note carefully and make sure that if your child wishes to try out for the Challenge that they are available for the 3 morning trial sessions allocated to their age group, as well as 2 or 3 training sessions in Term 3 and the actual weekend of the challenge if they are selected. Thanks, Emma, Annie & Irenie Staff Development Days for Terms 2 & 3 Staff Development Days for Terms 3 & 4 (pupil free): Term 2 No Staff Development will be held during Term 2 Term 3 Monday, July 13 Term 4 Friday, October 30 Language Conventions & Writing Reading Numeracy Planting Seeds for Tomorrow 8 Cardinal Street, MOSMAN NSW 2088 t: (02) 99696600 f: (02)9960 4213 e: [email protected] www.shmosman.catholic.edu.au Page 2 Lunch Orders – Arena’s Deli Lunch Orders – Arena’s Deli From Term 2 Arena’s Deli will no longer be supplying lunch. Therefore we welcome any suggestions as to potential suppliers. If you have any ideas or know of any suppliers who will be keen to take on the role, please contact the office. From Week 10 (Monday 30th March) both the Bardwell and Cardinal Street (lower) gates will be closed at 3.30pm. Therefore to pick up your child from sport or after school care you will need to enter through the main gate. This is a security measure, especially as it gets darker in the winter months. In order to reduce the incidence of disappointment please make note of the following two points: 1. On any given day, children’s orders must be entered via the website (www.arenasdelicafecucina.com.au) by 9.30am for that day. Outside the website, any orders placed directly by phone will incur a $5 processing administration fee 2. Please instruct your child that any differences from what has been ordered, is to be brought to the attention of the school office as soon as the problem is identified so that the issue may be brought to the attention of staff at Arena's Deli, immediately. P & F Working Bee – Thank You Going Home Messages Closing of Bardwell and Cardinal St Gates A huge thank-you from the P & F to all the families who attended Sunday's Working Bee, our first for the year. Everybody worked extremely hard and after 3 hours the school grounds were left sparkling and spotless! If at all possible could you please make ‘going home arrangements’ with your child before dropping them off to school. Thank-you also to the families who opted to contribute financially. We received $1000 in contributions and these funds will be used to cover the gardening costs of our school grounds. We realise, however that at times things do change, so if you do need to ring and change arrangements could you please ring before 2.00pm. After this time it is often difficult to get messages to the class as they may be at sport, assembly etc. Yoga & Meditation for Kids Traffic If you would like your child to learn Yoga and Meditation please see the flyer from ‘Zenbodymind’ at the end of this newsletter. Zenbodymind is run by Claire Brickley who was one of our Yr 5 teachers last year. Classes are as follows: Tweenies: Tuesday @ 3.10pm in the music room. Mini Yogis: Thursday @ 3.10pm in the music room Clothing Pool Changes for 2015 As we transition to the new uniform next year, students in Year 2 and above may still wear the old school uniform until the end of 2015. We have a limited amount of stock, and orders can be placed via email and will be sent home with your child. We will not have any open mornings this year - but do email us if you'd like to come in. Donations of new and old uniforms can be left at the office. Thanks, Julie Dodson and Michelle Giglio: [email protected] Sacred Heart School Uniform To order your uniforms on-line please follow the following steps: 1. www.yerongauniforms.com/shm 2. Select the item you wish to purchase 3. Choose your size 4. Add item to your cart 5. View your cart proceed to checkout 6. Log In – Register for purchase history 7. Select payment: Credit Card, PayPal, EFT 8. Select Delivery – Home: Roselands Store: Sacred Heart Children who travel home by car are asked to congregate on the front steps in Cardinal Street. Teachers supervise the children and put them into their parent’s cars which are lined up in Cardinal Street. Cars then move off and turn left into Military Road in a one-way flow. The pick-up system works from 3.00pm to 3.20pm. Any remaining children are taken back to the school office. The system exists for the safety of the children. The system works well if everyone does the right thing – move off one way into Military Road, no u-turns in Cardinal Street, obey the street signs, don’t block the pedestrian crossing. We encourage all parents to use the crossing rather than darting across the street – you are role models for the children! Please DO NOT leave your car unattended in front of the school (8 Cardinal St) during the hours of 8.00-9.00am and 2.303.30pm as this is zoned as Drop-off and Pick-up area only. Please DO NOT DOUBLE PARK in Bardwell Road, Cardinal Street or in any streets surrounding the school as it is highly ILLEGAL. Please use the school’s designated Drop-Off & Pick-Up zone in Cardinal Street. FINE EXCEEDS $304 + 2 DEMERIT POINTS Please be aware that the Council rangers do patrol the area and have no hesitation booking vehicles that are illegally parked. Car line pick up times Where parents have children across the grades, younger children will wait with older siblings and be picked up with them. The times are as follows: Kinder & Year 1 from 3.00 to 3.05pm Years 1, 2 & 3 from 3.05 to 3.10pm Years 4, 5 & 6 from 3.10 to 3.20pm Please display on your sun-visor your last name and the child/children’s grade e.g. LEE 5B & 2B Planting Seeds for Tomorrow 8 Cardinal Street, MOSMAN NSW 2088 t: (02) 99696600 f: (02)9960 4213 e: [email protected] www.shmosman.catholic.edu.au Page 3 Whole Day Absentees As the attendance rolls are now electronic it is essential that if you are late you or your child MUST sign in at the office before going to the classroom. If you arrive after the starting time of 8.40am they will be marked absent unless signed in at the office. Community Notices Anaphylaxis & Food Allergies We have several children in our school who are severely allergic to various varieties of nuts and certain foods. Their allergies are actually life threatening, so we ask all parents to refrain from sending their children to school with the following foods: nuts, peanut butter sandwiches or dippers, nutella sandwiches or dippers, muesli bars with nuts or net-based products in them, cakes or chocolate bars with whole or partial nuts in or on them, satay flavoured noodles, meat or other products, chocolate coated nuts, chocolate bars coated in or containing nuts (eg. Snickers or Picnics). Please tell your child not to swap or trade their food with others. Please also be mindful when sending in treats for your child’s birthday. We prefer water iceblocks only. Many sunscreens and lip balms contain certain nut oils which can also be harmful to anaphylactic children. Term Dates for 2015 Term 1: Term 2: Term 3: Term 4: Wed, 28 Jan 15 Mon, 20 April 15 Mon, 13 July 15 Tues, 6 Oct 15 to to to to Thurs, 2 April 15 Fri, 26 June 15 Fri, 18 Sept 15 Fri, 18 Dec 15 Parish Notices Parish Bulletins To view the Parish Bulletin please click on the link below. http://www.shnparish.org.au/index.php?option=com_content&vie w=article&id=75&Itemid=55 Planting Seeds for Tomorrow 8 Cardinal Street, MOSMAN NSW 2088 t: (02) 99696600 f: (02)9960 4213 e: [email protected] www.shmosman.catholic.edu.au Page 4 Active Kids Sports Camps @ Sacred Heart Mosman During the upcoming school holidays I will be running my Sacred Heart Sports camps for kids in Kindergarten to Year 4 Camp days will be April: (Week 1 Tuesday 7th, Wednesday 8th, Friday 10th) (Week 2 Wednesday 15th, Friday 17th) Please note due to OH & S, numbers for camps have been reduced to 20 kids per day MAX ...first in first served. Apologies in advance if camp fills and you miss out. The fun action packed sports camps run from 9am-3pm at school, students can arrive early from 8:30am and leave at 4pm. If you would like your child to attend please let me know via email and try and return your registration to me prior to the camp or on the day if organised prior. I will be on the playground from 3-5pm Monday - Thursday to return rego, or return to front office in sealed envelope. If you would like to know more about camp please contact me at [email protected] Planting Seeds for Tomorrow 8 Cardinal Street, MOSMAN NSW 2088 t: (02) 99696600 f: (02)9960 4213 e: [email protected] www.shmosman.catholic.edu.au Page 5 Planting Seeds for Tomorrow 8 Cardinal Street, MOSMAN NSW 2088 t: (02) 99696600 f: (02)9960 4213 e: [email protected] www.shmosman.catholic.edu.au Page 6 Planting Seeds for Tomorrow 8 Cardinal Street, MOSMAN NSW 2088 t: (02) 99696600 f: (02)9960 4213 e: [email protected] www.shmosman.catholic.edu.au Page 7 Planting Seeds for Tomorrow 8 Cardinal Street, MOSMAN NSW 2088 t: (02) 99696600 f: (02)9960 4213 e: [email protected] www.shmosman.catholic.edu.au Page 8
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