welcome! more announcements March 29, 2015 We are so glad you have chosen to worship with us today. GOT QUESTIONS, LOOKING FOR INFORMATION? The Welcome Desk is staffed with some exceptionally friendly and knowledgeable folks. Bring your questions to the Welcome Desk before or after the service. CHURCH FAMILY PICTURE BOARD: If the picture taken a few years ago is still a good representation of you/your family (no aging children etc.), please let Pam know. Please contact Pam Shetler at 503-873-9335 to schedule a time to take a picture. This is FREE and you needn't be a member to be on the bulletin board. We want to see ALL your smiling faces!!! name address Welcome, we’re glad you’re here! March 29, 2015 THINKING AHEAD: Parking is a problem on Easter. To reduce crowding, those that are able, please use the school lot. email home phone cell phone Announcements & Welcome Praising God Together In Song Praying Together Prayer Focus: John & Eriko Houlette, Indonesia □ 1st visit □ 2nd visit □ regular attendee □ new contact info ages: □ 0-5 □ 6-12 □ jr. hi □ high school □ college □ adult □ senior adult □ I’d like to talk with someone about my church office notes STAFF MEETINGS: The church office staff meets Tuesdays from 9:30 – 11 a.m. If possible, please contact us at another time. FIND US ON THE INTERNET: For information about Church Events go to www.silvertonfirstbaptist.org and click on the calendar. Click on the event for information regarding the time of events. MISSED WORSHIP SERVICES: You may check out a DVD copy from the library, or listen online at www.silvertonfirstbaptist.org. Giving Together Scripture Reading: Mark 11:1-11 Choir: Ride On, Ride On in Majesty Hymn # 82 Blessed Be The Name (Children 4 years through 2 nd grade may go to Children’s Church) spiritual journey. □ I’d like a visit/email/phone call from an Elder. All songs used by permission, CCLI License No. 1139596 (circle one) □ I want to trust Jesus Christ as my Savior. □ I want to be baptized. □ I am interested in membership. □ I want to use my spiritual gifts and need more information on how I can serve: □ sharing my faith □ teaching □ praying □ helping □ giving □ encouraging □ mentoring □ __________ □ Interested in information about life groups □ Missed sermon: You may check out a DVD copy from the library, or listen online at www.silvertonfirstbaptist.org contact info Scripture Reading: Mark 11:12-19 229 Westfield St. ° PO Box 1800 ° Silverton, OR 97381 503.873.6181 ° Fax 503.873.7100 Office Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.silvertonfirstbaptist.org Learning Together: “What Happened After Palm Sunday?” Office Hours are Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – Noon & 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. Hymn # 57 Our Great Savior Elders: Youth Ministry Contact: [email protected] Jack Holt, Chairman 503.873.4233 Pastor Tom Smith 503.999.4160 Dan Garland 503.881.1891 Brian Harding 503.508.2772 Check the Far Side Youth Facebook page Deacons: [email protected] Prayer Ministry: Administrative Assistant: [email protected] [email protected] (vss. 1-2 and 5) Benediction coming this week today’s opportunities 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Sunday School Worship Service Return Easter Baskets LifeGroup at Holt’s LifeGroup at Looney’s LifeGroup at St. Clair’s LifeGroup at Franklin’s High School Youth Meeting Check with LifeGroup leaders to see if they are meeting Easter Week announcements th Monday Tuesday 30 st 31 st Wednesday 1 nd Thursday Friday 2 rd 3 3-4 th 4 Saturday NEW DIRECTORIES are available at the Welcome Desk. Please check that your information is correct. If a correction is needed please let Debbie know ASAP at 503-873-6181 or [email protected]. th A BAPTISM service is planned for Easter Sunday, April 5 . If you would like to participate please indicate your desire on a communication card or call the Church Office 503-873-6181. Please indicate 8 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. Service. April th 5 th 5 th 25 MEMBERSHIP: the following people are recommended by the elders for membership having: 1) completed a membership application; 2) attended a membership class; 3) given testimony (written and verbal) of saving faith in Christ; and, 4) been baptized as a believer. Pat Smith, Barbara Johnson, Tom & Sheri Bashor, Tim & Julie Yount, Jeanie Kuehn, Spring Quick, Denise Yung, Jim Derr, Steve Maurer, Mark Merriman, Diane Rehm, Mark & Margaret Franklin and John Lieuallen. Please contact an elder if you have any input about a prospective member. AWANA: Pray that the clubbers will work hard to finish the handbooks they are working on. We have five more regular club nights before our closing program. Contact Jim Garrard 503-873-6231 for more information. GIVE FOOD to Silverton Area Community Aid (SACA). For April they need canned fruit, cereal, healthy snacks and pasta. As always they welcome all contributions. Thank you for your faithfulness! coming soon Jr. Church During 10:30am Service Only. Child Care At Both Services. Quarterly Reports Due Bridal Shower for Bethany Ross nursery workers Today Easter Sunday Infants 2&3’s Infants Sunday School 8:45 am D. Baggett C. Prewitt JoAnn Mitchell 1st Service B. Schmidgall Sub Worship Service 10:15 am R. Duerst C. Nielsen Irene Sinn AJ Stoddard 2nd Service P. Gerig Julianna Shetler Spring Sunday School Adult Bible Classes: Apologetics & 1 Peter Dan Garland Room 110 (Downstairs) Ephesians action items LifeGroup at McCullough’s Bible Study at Katie Pool’s Church Staff Meeting LifeGroups at Brown’s and Freeman’s Encouraging Word Bible Study in Fireside Room Awana ~ Black Out Night Middle School Choir Practice LifeGroup at Pool’s Good Friday Service T&T Girls Overnighter – 10 a.m. Saturday All Church Work Day Prep for Easter Easter: 8 a.m. Service, 9:15 a.m. Continental Breakfast, 10:30 a.m. Service th ALL CHURCH WORK DAY is Saturday, April 4 from 8:30 a.m. to Noon. Come and help get our Church and grounds ready for Easter! COMMUNITY GARDEN Plots available. If you are interested or know someone interested in having a plot, please pick up an application from the Welcome Desk or contact Stacey Stark at 503-989-5113 or by email: [email protected]. Please pray that the garden would draw in non-believers. If you are interested in being part of ministry opportunities involving the garden, please contact Stacey. 6:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 6:45 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Bill Brown Room 111 (Downstairs) 2 Samuel Duke Ricketts Room 207 (Upstairs) 2&3’s R. Murphy L. Freeman R. Murphy C. Smith Children’s Church Tonya Prewitt Sub Prayer Focus: John & Eriko Houlette, Indonesia Prayer Requests: For wisdom about partnering in church planting. For wisdom concerning the renewing of Eriko’s re-entry permit to the U.S. We will need to spend an extended time in the states this summer to resolve this. For Eriko’s research in the earthquake zone. Our support need of $470 per month. Praise John successfully passed his oral defense of his doctoral thesis. Graduates in May. □ Please share only with the Elders and staff. □ Please share with the church email prayer chain. If you have a confidential concern or request please contact an Elder by phone or email. Do not write here. I/we would like to pray/praise God for: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________
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