St. John’s Regular Activities. Morning Worship at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday morning. Evening Service at 7:00 p.m. on the last Sunday of each month. Women’s Fellowship 2:30 p.m. fortnightly on Tuesdays. Leader Ellie Jones. Friendship Circle 7:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday. Jackie & Mike Heslop. Church open for Prayer 10 – 11 a.m. every Friday. Enter by the vestry door. Organiser Jean Owen. MethSoc for Students Rev. Chrissie Howe 01248-353140 email: [email protected] Events Diary March 2015 Sunday 1st:12 noon St. John’s Annual Church meeting. Friday 6th: 2 p.m. Women’s World Day of Prayer; Penrallt Baptist Church.. Tuesday 17th: 7:30 p.m. Circuit Meeting. Sunday 29th: 7 p.m. Evening Service at St. John’s. April 2015 Friday 3rd: 10 a.m. Good Friday service at .St. John’s. Friday 3rd: 11 a.m. CYTÛN Walk of Witness starting from St. John’s. Sunday 5th: 7 a.m. Easter Morning Worship on Roman Camp. Sunday 5th: 10:30 a.m. Easter Communion at St. John’s. Arrangements for Notices The next Notice Sheet, for March 8th 2015 will be produced by Howard Jackson. Telephone 01248-810050, email [email protected] ________________________________________________________ Orders for Fair Trade Real Easter Eggs I would like to order the following Real Easter Eggs:Real Easter Egg Dark Chocolate Real Easter Egg Special Peace Easter Egg Number at £3.99 at £5.50 at £9.99 Grand Total Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tel no. _ _ _ _ _ _ Date _ _ _ _ _ Total £ £ £ £ St. John’s Methodist Church. Sunday 1st March 10:30 a.m. Communion Service led by Rev. Chrissie Howe, followed by the Annual Church Meeting in the church hall. Please join us for tea/coffee in the hall afterwards. Fair Trade goods are on sale; Easter Eggs ordered and paid for one week will be available for collection from the Fair Trade Stall the following week. Order forms are in the Notice Sheet and on the Fair Trade stall. Please write prayer requests for today’s intercessions in the Prayer Request Book at the back of church. This Week: Thursday 5th 2:30 p.m. Lent Study Group; Week 2 - Israel. In St. John’s Vestry Friday 6th 2 p.m., Penrallt Baptist Church; Women’s World Day of Prayer. Sunday 8th March 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship, led by Jean Owen. . St. John’s Methodist Church, Bangor Superintendent Minister: Rev. Chrissie Howe Tel. 01248-353140 Email: [email protected] Student Worker: Adam Hawker Email [email protected] Women’s Fellowship It was a privilege to be shown round the walled garden on the Bodorgan Estate at our meeting on Tuesday 24 th February. Our thanks to Mary and Mike Bulmer for arranging this for us, and for the lovely refreshments too. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 10 th March, when June Cooper will talk to us about volunteering at the hospice. All are very welcome. For lifts see Ellie. Ellie Jones. Lent Study Group Rev. Chrissie Howe and Judith Holliman will be leading a Lent Study Group at St. John’s in the vestry every Thursday afternoon in Lent at 2:30 p.m. The group is using this year’s CTBI study material, “Walking and praying with Christians of the Middle East". The topics are: Week 2: Israel - Covenant with Abraham, Sarah and us. Week 3: Egypt - The Law revives us. Week 4: Iraq - Questioning, Rebellion, Redemption. Week 5: Lebanon - We wish to see Jesus. Week 6: Palestine - Entering Jerusalem. The material is downloadable by the week from the CTBI Web site Howard Jackson. Women’s World Day of Prayer Do come to support this year’s (English language) ecumenical service for the Women’s World Day of Prayer which will be held at in Penrallt Baptist chapel in Upper Bangor on Friday 6 th March at 2 p.m. This year’s service has been prepared by the women of the Bahamas for the people of the world. Anyone who would like to help by making paper flowers to decorate the venue (and the speakers!), or cakes for the refreshments, would be greatly appreciated. All are welcome, men women and children! Ellie Jones. Note on the Bahamas: The Bahamas is over 700 scattered islands, covering over 100,000 square miles between Florida and Cuba. Only a few are inhabited. The two biggest are New Providence and Grand Bahama. The Bahamas lies in the tropics so the temperature is warm, with the hottest months (June to October) being subject to hurricanes. The Bahamian way of life is a unique blend of the customs and traditions brought by the British, who colonised The Bahamas, and the West Africans, brought in by the British as slaves. The spirit of the people is celebrated in art and crafts, music, dance, theatre, fashion, cuisine, cinema, and storytelling. To reflect their colourful way of life, we are encouraged to come on Friday dressed in our brightest clothes. Annual Church Meeting Today after the service, St. John’s is holding the Annual Church Meeting. Please make every effort to attend; all church members are entitled to attend and vote. The major items of business are to receive annual reports from the church organisations and elect the church officers for the next year. The annual reports will be available as a printed booklet before the meeting. Immediately after this meeting the Church Council will meet to discuss urgent items of business. Howard Jackson. Easter Offering The Easter Offering this year is entitled “The leaves of the tree.” The envelopes for this very important collection for World Mission will be with you for the Palm Sunday services as usual. I must stress just how important this is, as it is the only one designated for the World Mission Fund. It has been prepared by the Methodist Women in Britain, and is always inspirational. The service of dedication for this will be on Thursday 11 th June at 2 p.m. in St. John's. I know this is unusual, but we felt it would be good to try for a different time and day for our annual Circuit Service. Sundays seem to be very busy, and not convenient for all. I am hoping we can have a “Methodist” tea afterwards also, so we can have time to chat. Looking forward to the event. God bless, Jean Owen. Bangor Street Pastors Bangor Street Pastors need your prayer support! There are two main ways you can help. First, by praying for us regularly. You need to sign up for our fortnightly email prayer diary. Second, by becoming a prayer pastor. They join our street pastors to pray with them before patrols (usually on Friday or Saturday evenings), pray for them during the first half of the patrol, and provide light refreshments and more prayer for them during the break. We need more people to join this team so that we can have prayer pastors available for as many patrols as possible (you would be asked to do perhaps one night per month). If you would like more information about street pastors, please contact Paul or Magnus by e-mail at [email protected] or telephone Paul on 01248-605365 or Magnus on 07580607186. Invitation from Quaker University Chaplain We are invited to a lecture “What do you want to become?” by Fr. Christopher Jamieson OSB on Tuesday 17 th March at 7 p.m. in the Eric Sunderland Lecture Theatre.
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