TENDERFORM Provider: Name and Nature of service to be offered by the Service Estimated cost of the Service: Rs. 1. Name of the Service Provider: 2. Address of the Service Provider: 3. Whether service Provider is 4. Tender Notification No. Individual or Registered Partnership Firm or company' & Date: 5. Period for which the Service is being offered: 6. Amount on which the Service is being offered: the service Provider 7. Number of Activities/services/Personnel offered by for execution of the Services: 8. Whether the service Provider is registered, if yes, then give Regn' No' , Date & Name of authority with whom it has been registered' D.D. No. Date Amount Drawn on Name of Bank Signature of Service Provider Name of Service Provider as signed With the Rubber Seal UNDERTAKING: have gone through and fully understood along with the Tender Form and I hereby u also undertake to abide by the instructions I time for due discharge of Service Agreement of Service Agreement/Contract' compliances, requireri-ents and payments etc. in discharge Place: Date: Signature of Service Provider Annexure- TECHINICA! BID Name of the Contractor/Agency/Ftrm applying for providing outsourcing services. (attach attested copy of I certifi cate of registration) 2. Postal Address a J. Telephone/FA)VMobile No. of the C ontractor/A gencY/F i rm 4. ffi ntractor/Agency/F irm Public Sector Private or (Whether ProPrietor or Sole or Undertaking Partnership or Cooperative Society etc.)? The tenderer should attach a resolution passed by the Executive Body authotizing the specific OfficeriPartner for signing the documents. 5. Name and mobile number of the person to be contacted. 6. Whether the tenderer Possesses requisite experiences? Give details the and attach certificate. 7 [articulars of License obtained from Labour Department Haryana and Security License obtained from DGP office Haryana. (attested copy of the document to be attached). 8. PANiTAN No. obtained (attested copy of the document to be Oetaits of attached). 9. 10. The details of Service Ta:r No. allotted to the agency/firm. (attested copy of the document to be attached). of registration with Employees Provident Fund Commissioner' (attested copy of the document to be attached). Details I ll Fi"anciat resources, assets in terms of tenderer's proPertY (movable and immovable) held on the date of submission of tender. (Latest audited balance sheets of previous three years 4re also to be attached) t2. Details of Earnest Money (fo be attached with Tender Form) No. DD Name of the Bank Branch : : : Date l3 Profile of the agencY/firm (i) Technical Man power on roll (ii) Financial Annual turnover in Lacs. (iii) Miscellaneous ISO certification of the firm. YesA.lo l4 Declaration in the form of Affidavit, duly attested by Executive MagistrateArlotary Public, that the individuaVfirmlagency including its partners and share-holders, was not black listed/was not defaulter in depositing the EPF,ST etc./prosecuted by any Departments/ StatutorY Bodies/Institutes or by any Court of Law, and fully under stood all the terms and conditions contained herein and undertake myself/ourselves abided by them is to be attached. Place: Signature of Service Provider Address Date: UNDERTAKING: I have gone through and fully understood the terms and conditions supplies as those Annexure-I & II alJngwith the Tender Form and I hereby undertake to abide by all the by issued be to instructions the terms and conditions and also undertake to abide by of Service Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University from time to time for due discharge and Agreement and I furthei undertake to comply all statutory compliances, requirements payments etc. in discharge of Service Agreement/Contract' Place: Date: Signature of Service Provider Annexure-2 FINANCIAL BID I Narne of the Service Provider/Agency/Firm applying for providing outsourcing services. 2. Postal Address 3" Na.neana mobile number of the person to be contacted. 4. S ervicelnamini strative Char ges@ -%o I/We certify that I/We have read over the tender document containing detailed terms to ensure that and conditions of the tender. l/We undertake that it is my/our responsibility provide the being the employer in relation to persons engaged/deployed by me/us to of monthly servtes/activities under this Service ugre.rn" tt as well as to make the payment all not ith all of the undertake VWe Tenderer. the be claimed by Act, 1948' Labour Laws as applicable viz. Payment of Wages Act, 1936, Minimum Wages (Regulation and Labour contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1948, Contract or Abolition) Act, 1948,-EPF Act, 1952 and ESI Act, 1970 as amended from time to time any other rules framed thereunder from time to time by the Central or State Government. Place: Signature ofTenderer Date: Address TERMS & CONDITIONS/AGREEMENT 1. The Service Provider should be a Labour License and Security Services License Holder duly registered from the Concerned Department having experience in the related field and also having ESI/EPF/ST and PAN/TAN No. from the concerned Department of the Government. 2" The manpower to be provided by the Service Provider should observe the minimum qualification prescribed for the relevant activity/service for direct recruitment. 3. The Service Provider should have the necessary skills, knowledge, expertise, adequate capital and competent personnel, system and procedures, infrastructure and capability to perform its obligations in accordance with the terms & conditions of the contract agreement and to the satisfaction of the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind. 4 The Service provider should have complied with and obtained necessary permissions/ licenses/ authorizations under the State and local authorities and also should have obtained all required permissions/licenses for carrying out requ ired services/activities. 5. The Service provider should possess at least "Satisfactory" Work Performance Certificate. The Service Provider should have a valid Permanent Account Number and Tax ldentification Number/Tax Assessment Number issued as per provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 7. . The Service provider should be a valid licence holder under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and also have been allotted "Establishment Code No.'i by the Commissioner, E.P.F. Organisation constituted under the.Employees' Provident Funds and Itliscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. He will submit an affidaviVundertaking duly attested by the lst Class Magistrate that he is not a defaulter in depositing the EPF as well as Service Tax etc alongwith Tender Form. I The Service provider must not be debarred during the last three years by any University/lnstitute as well as the State Govt. of Haryana for doing business with it or any Autonomous Bodies. An affidavit duly attested by the lst Class Magistrate should be appended with the Tender Form. 9. Financial bids shall be evaluated on the basis of administrative charges quoted by the tenderer since all other charges are statutory in nature. 10 The Service Provider shall submit an undertaking on monthly basis that he has complied with the provisions of all Labour Laws viz. Minimum Wages (DC rates), E.P.F., Service Tax and Maternity Benefit etc. 11. The Service Provider shall re-appoint the same manpower on priority basis in case of redeploymenU extension of contract. The manpower to be actually deployed by the Service Provider can be increased or decreased according to requirement. 12. recurrence of any The Service provider shall take corrective steps immediately to avoid which are noticed by incidents of negligence, carelessness while rendering the services the Departments/ Institutes/ Branches/ Offices' 13 into service The service Provider shall have full capacity, power and authority to enter continue to have full Agreement and during the continuance of said agreement, shall and obligations as capacity, power and authority to carry out and perform all its duties to take all contemplated therein and has already taken and shall and continue the obtaining of necessary and further actions (including but without limiting to jurisdictions) to authorize to execution, necessary approval/ consents in all applicable delivery and performance of agreement' Ranbir Singh 14. The Service provider shall operate and provide services to the Chauhary University, Jind at its various offices/departments on 6 days a week. between the 15. Fees and charges for the services to be rendered will be as agreed to parties. in favour of service Provider shall give an undertaking by the 1Sth of each month the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University that he has complied with all his statutory 16. The obligations. 17. agreement The regularity of the performance of the service will be essence of Service shall take all and shall form a central factor of Service agreement. The Service Provider possible steps to ensure to maintain its performance as determined by the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University from time to time. 18. lf any of the personnel of the Service Provider indulges in theft, negligence or any illegal/irregular activity, misconduct, the Service Provider shall take appropriate action against each erring personnel and intimate accordingly to the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University or the University can take action in accordance with law. 19. The Service Provider shall furnish a personal guarantee of Managing Director/Partner /Prop./President of Cooperative Society, guaranteeing the due performance by the Service Provider of its obligations under Service agreement. 20. The amount of Earnest Money deposited by the Service Provider shall be retained as security deposit with the University and will be refunded after 30 days of completion of service subject to indemnification claus€ of the agreement. 21" All payments made by haudhary Ranbir Singh University shall be after deduction of tax at source wherever applicable as per the provisions of the Income Tax Act. 1961 22. . The Service Provider, being the employer in relation to persons engaged/employed by it to provide the services under service agreement shall alone be responsible and liable to pay wages/salaries to such persons at the applicable DC rates which in any case shall not be less than the Minimum wages as fixed or prescribed by the State Government under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (Act Xl of 1948) for the category of workers employed by it from time to time or by the State Government and or any authority constituted by or under any law. He will observe compliance of all the relevant labour laws. 23. The Service Provider shall ensure that the payment to the workmen deployed by him is disbursed from his own sources in the presence of an authorized representative of the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University positively by the 7th of each month after getting their attendance for the concerned month verified from the concerned Branch/Office. The Service Provide(s) shall disburse the wages on DC rates as applicable from their own sources and thereafter submit the bills for payment to the University. Thereafter the University shall make the payment of the bills at earliest. These rates shall remain valid for the terms of agreement and no enhancement what so ever shall be claimed by the Tenderer. The Service Provider shall regularly maintained Attendance Register in the respective Branch/Office where the workman are deployed by hirn and ensure that the workman mark their attendances regularly in the attendance register. 24. The Service Provider shall produce the register of wages OR the register of wages-cum-muster roll/Attendance Register/EPF/Service Tax/GlSMelfare Fund (if any) receipts of the preceding month along with his monthly claim for re-imbursement by the 1Sth of respective rnonth after disbursement of wages to the workmen of the previous month. Failing which the payment of bills will not be released and the entire responsibility for such delay will lie with the Service Provider. 25. The service Provider shall pay minimum wages (DC rates) as prescribed in the of default in this agreement by way of account payee Cheque/bank draft and in case shall have the regard.or any other deficiency/default in providing services, the University right to terminate the agreement by giving 15 days' notice' style' 26. The Service provider shall issue identity cards, on its own name and handling/trading to its personnel deputed for rendering the said services, which at the Chaudhary Ranbir option, would be subject to verification at any time' Every Singh University's prescribed uniform and worker/supervisor appointed by the Service Provider shall wear the provided by the badge bearing his name and designation while on duty. The same shall be may refuse the Service provider at his own cost. The Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University identity entry into its premises to any personnel of the Service Provider not bearing such card or not being perfectly dressed. 18 years' The 27. The Service Provider shall not employ any person below the age of be credible and antecedents of the personnel deployed by the Service Provider should healthy, above board. All the persons engaged by the Service Provider should be physically fit and free from communicable diseases' close 2g. The services rendered by the Service Provider under service agreement will be under University. The supervision, co-ordination and guidance of the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh as may be Service provider shall frame appropriate procedure for taking immediate action advised by the chaudhary Ranbir singh university from time to time' 29. lt is specifically made clear that the Service Provider alone shall be responsible to take whatsoever disciplinary action against any person(s) who raise any dispute and/or claim against the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University. Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University shall under no circumstances be deemed or Service treated as the employer in respect of any person(s) engaged/employed by the provider for any purpose, whatsoever nor would Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University be liable for any claim(s) whatsoever, of any such person(s)' 30. The Service agreement will be on the principal to principal basis and does not create and shall not Ranbir Singh University deem to create any employer-employee relationship between the Chaudhary provider. The Service Provider shall not by any acts, deeds or otherwise represent and the Service Ranbir Singh any person inat tne Service Provider is representing or acting as agent of Chaudhary Universi$, except to the extent and purpose permitted herein' Ranbir singh University shall not be liable for any obligations/responsibilities, legal or otherwise, towards the Service Provider's 31. Chaudhary employees/agents directly and/or indirectly, in any manner whatsoever. 32. Service provider shall obtain all representation(s)/permission(s)/license(s) etc. which arel may be required under any labour or other legislation(s) for providing the services under service agreement. 33. lt shall be the Service Provider's responsibility to ensure compliance of allthe Central Govt., State Govt. and Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University Rules and Regulations with regard to the provisions of the services under service agreement. The Service Provider indemnifies and shall always keep Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University indemnified against all losses, damages, claims, actions taken against Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University by any authority/office in this regard. 34. The Service Provider undertakes to comply with the applicable provisions of all welfare legislations and more particularly with the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970, if applicable, for carrying out the purpose of service agreement. The Service Provider shall further observe and comply with all Govt. laws concerning employment of staff employed by the Service Provider and shall duly pay all sums of money to such statf as may be required to be paid under such laws. lt is expressly understood that the Service Provider is fully responsible to ascertain and understand the applicability of various Acts and take necessary action to comply with the requirements of law. 35. The Service Provider shall maintain accurate accounts and records, statements of all its operations and expenses in connection with its functions under service agreement in the manner specified by the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University. 36. The Service Provider shall forthwith upon being required by the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, allow its authorized representatives to inspect, audit or take copies of any records maintained by the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall also cooperate in good faith with the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University to correct any practices which are found to be deficient as a result of any such audit within a reasonable time after receipt of the report from the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University. However, upon discovery of any discrepancies or under payment, the Service Provider shall immediately reimburse the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University for such discrepancies or overcharge. 37. The Service Provider shall at its own expenses make good any loss or damage suffered by the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University as a result of the acts of commission or omission, negligently or othenrvise of its personnel which providing the said services at any time of the premises of the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University or othenruise. 38. The Service Provider shall at all times Indemnify and keep indemnified that Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University against any claim on account of disability/death of any of its personnel caused while providing the services within/outside the site or other premises of the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh or any other University which may be made under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 claim for or any other Statutory notifications hereof or otherwise for or in respect of any Acts sustained by the damage or compensation payable in consequence of any accident or injury or working or the personnel of the Service Provider or in respect of any claim, damage Person compensation under labour laws or other laws or rules made there under by any provides the whether in the employment of the Service Provider or not who provided or shall be service at the site or any other premises of the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University as provided hereinbefore. Ranbir 39. The Service provider shall at ail times indemnify and keep indemnified the Chaudhary singh University against any claim by any third.party for any injury, damage to the property or person of the third party or for any other claims whatsoever for any acts of commission or at the omission of its employees or personnel during the hours of providing the services Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University's premises or before and after that' 40. lf the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University is made liable in any manner whatsoever by any whatsoever in order, direction or otherwise of any Court authority or tribunal, to pay any amounts party in any respect of or to any; of present or ex-personnel of the Service Provider or any third University all event, the service provider shall immediately pay to the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh Ranbir such amounts and costs also. In such cases/events the decision of the Chaudhary Singh University shall be final and binding upon the Service Provider. The Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University shall be entitled to deduct any such amounts as aforesaid, from the security deposit and/or from any pending bills of the service Provider. 41. ln the event of failure of the Service Provider to provide the services or part thereof as mentioned for any reasons whatsoever, the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University shall be entiled to procure services from other sources and the Service Provider shall be liable to pay forthwith to the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University the difference of paynnents made to such other sources, besides damages at double the rate of payment and the security of Service Provider shall remain forfeited. 42. The Service provider shall not claim any damages, costs, charges expenses, liabilities arising out of performance/non-performance of services, which it may suffer or judgment otherwise incur by reason of any acUomission, negligence, default or error in on part of itself and/or its personnel in rendering or non-rendering the services under service agreement. 43. Service agreement shall be effective for a period from and can be extended further for such period and on such terms and conditions as may be'deemed fit and proper by the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University. 44.The Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University shall have the right to immediately terminate service agreement if the Service Provider becomes insolvent, ceases its operations, dissolves, files for bankruptcy or bankruptcy protection, appoints receivers, or enters into an arrangement for the benefit of creditors. 45. The Service Provider shall furnish to the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University all the relevant papers regarding its constitution, names and addresses of the management and other key personnel of the Service Provider and proof of its registration with the concerned Govt. authorities required for running such a business of Service Provider prior to entering into service agreement. 46. The Service Frovider shall always inform the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University in writing about the change in its address or the names and addresses of its key personnel. Further, the Service Provider shall not change its ownership without prior approval of the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University. 47. Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given between the parties under service agreement shall be given in writing at the following address or such other addresses as may be intimated from time to time in writing: Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University Service Provider 48. lt is understood between the parties hereto that during the course of business relationship, the Service Provider may have access to confidential information of Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University and it undertakes that it shall not, without Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University's prior written consent, disclose, provide or make available any confidential information in any form to any person or entity to make use of such information. This clause shall survive for a period of 5 years from the date of expiry of service agreement. purposes. In 4g. Service agreement shall be deemed to have been made/executed at Jind for all the event of any dispute related to the interpretation or rights or liabilities arising out of service.agreements, the same shall, at first instance, be amicably settled between the parties. lf any dispute is not setiled amicably, the same shall be referred to the sole arbitrator to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University. The award given by the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. The venue of arbitration shall jurisdiction only. be at Jind and all related disputes shall be subject to Jind Courts 50. The University reserves its right to reject any or all the Tenders without assigning any reason. 51. Canvassing in any form is strictly prohibited. The tender(s) submitted by the Service Provider who resort to canvassing shall be liable to rejection. 52. The CRSU reserves the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender and the tenderer shall be bound to perform the same on the rates quoted' 53. Submission of tender by a Service Provider shall imply that the Service Provider shall be bound by all terms & conditions of tender. List of Annexure: A. B. C. Detail of services sought to be provided. Fee, Charges & Terms of PaYment. Undertaking. Signature of Service Provider WITNESSES: 1. ANINEXURE.A Details of services/activities to be provided: Signature of Service Provider (with seal) ANNEXURE.B Fee, Charges & Term of PaYment: 1. Total amount for which service is being offered by the Service Provider and accepted by the Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University, Jind is Rs. (Rupees 2" Mode of payment will be on monthly basis on submission of bills. Signature of Service Provider (with seal) ANNEXURE-C UNDERTAKING S/o Sh. R/o Di recto r/Pa rtne r/P ro P. of. (Name of Service Provider), do hereby execute this undertaking on month of year AgencY/societY of day of that I have complied with all my statutory obligations arising out of and in performance of my service agreement with the University for the month of Place: Date: Signature of Service Provider (with seal)
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