THE HEARTBEAT April 2015 Nampa First Southern Baptist Church Coming up @ NFSBC: Contact Us Office Phone Hours 9 am – 2 pm M-F 208.466.0682 April Good Friday Service 03 6:30 pm Join us for this special service and celebrating of the Lord’s Supper. Pastor Shaun Matako Senior Pastor April 208.697.0058 05 [email protected] Pastor Jerry Van Buren Easter Sunday April Seniors Social 07 See article inside 208.463.4887 April Ladies Breakfast Pastor Randy Jackson 18 Senior Ministries 208.466.4402 [email protected] Pastor Butch Schierman Worship Ministries [email protected] Student Ministries 208. 514.5962 [email protected] Shawna Strasburg Ministry Assistant & Children’s Ministries 208.284.0870 [email protected] Rich Mathews Deacon / Care Ministries (208) 463-9323 [email protected] Joyce Jones Finance Ministries 208.466.0682 April 1 @ 5:30 PM We will be having a Fellowship Dinner followed by a time of family worship. We will be asking for a donation of $3 per person or $10 per household. If you would like to volunteer for setting up, serving or clean up, please contact the church office @ 466.0682. SEE YOU @ DINNER! The ladies will be meeting at their regular time for breakfast, fellowship and prayer @ 10:00 April The Lord’s Supper 26 We will gather around the table of the Lord during our evening service . April 1 - Burritos w/ Beans and Rice, salad and dessert April 8 - Spaghetti, Bread, salad and dessert April 15 - Pulled Pork, salad and dessert April 22 - Potato/hamburger Casserole, salad and dessert April 29 - Pork Tacos, salad and dessert First-Time visitors eat for free! RSVP to church office @ 466.0682 Meetings this Month: 07—Church Council @ 6:30 pm 14—Missions Team @ 6:30 pm1 21—Deacons Team @ 6:30 pm 28—Christian Ed @ 6:30 pm April 2015 By Dr. Shaun M. Matako “Disciple” dəˈsīpəl/ <noun> a follower or student of Jesus who accepts His teachings both in word and in lifestyle Are You A Disciple of Christ? This is a question that all of us really have to ask ourselves and only we and God really know the truth. It saddens me to contemplate how many people come to church on Easter Sunday or any other Sunday for that matter and really think that they are a “follower of Christ.” I mean, that is what we are called to do. To be a follower of Christ. Jesus, in Mark chapter two was walking along the Sea of Galilee and saw Simon and Andrew fishing when He said to them, “follow Me.” Now, if that’s all that Jesus said, the brothers would be under no compulsion to do anything but to just show up where Jesus was and watch Him do the things He did. But, that is NOT all Jesus said. He said, “follow Me….and I will make you fishers of men.” Jesus said they would continue to be fishermen but instead of catching fish, they would catch men. When we make the decision to “follow Him” we make a decision to become a follower or disciple of Christ. That means that through the process of regeneration by the Holy Spirit of God we surrender our character and motive in whatever noble profession we are already in to become what God has predestined us to become. From that point forward we begin to surrender ourselves, our desires and our dreams of what we want out of and for life and begin to follow after and work towards those things that God wants for ourselves and for others. We call this Kingdom living. Actually what Jesus said was, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.“ Matt 6:33. If you are seeking God’s Kingdom, then you are in fact a disciple of Christ. That means that you are intentional and deliberate in your: 1. Worship: first, you attend, then you give Him your full attention in worship through singing, giving, listening and learning. 2. Prayer: you pray seeking to discern the will of God for your life, selflessly putting your own desires beneath what God wants for you. 3. Bible study: you read His Word daily seeking to hear instruction, learning of sin to both avoid and confess, and also promises that you can trust in. 4. Service: you look for ways you can give to God from tithing to working in life-giving ministry that is selfless. 5. Soul-winning: you have a desire to see others come to Christ and look for opportunities to ask them to “Follow Him”. This is what it means to “follow Him”. If you cannot or will not deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him, then clearly you are not a disciple and have not experienced the “New Birth”. That means that today you are in need of salvation which God offers freely to you by His grace. Right now you can receive it by faith, if you will determine to repent from your way of thinking, and become a follower of Christ. The choice is yours. I beg you to choose Jesus and follow Him. The day is coming when God in Heaven will once again make the declaration, “It is finished.” In that moment, in the twinkling of an eye, the wheat and tares will be sorted, the sheep and goats will be separated. Those that follow Him will go with Him because they are the sheep that hear His voice and He knows them. The Bible clearly teaches that if you are not a disciple of His He will in fact say…..”I never knew you.” You have today, you have time, you better be sure. Pastor Shaun By Pastor Jerry Van Buren that had been filled by the person who died. Do what you have to do to survive On Tuesday, April 7 at 10:00AM we will be taking the van and going on our annual trip to the Chocolate facStep-stone 5: Searching tory in Weiser, Idaho for lunch and your favorite for meaning. Even we as chocolate or ice-cream treat. Join us we are going to Christians may naturally have a great time. For the musicians question the in the crowd- there is Pickers Parameaning and dise. For the non-musicians, you will Senior Social purpose of life. be free to wander around the streets How could God let this happen? The death April 7, of this charming small town which calls for you to confront your own spiritualiprovides lots of local color. ty. You may doubt your faith and have spirStepstones of “Understanding the six needs of mourning*” Chocolate Factory in Weiser Step-stone 1: Accept the reality of the death. Knowing it in your head needs to get into the heart. Too many in our society do not want to acknowledge the death of a loved one. Funerals and Memorials are for the purpose of helping us accept the reality of the death of a loved one. Step-stone 2: Let yourself feel the pain of the loss. Do not avoid it, repress it or deny it. And in the process, nurture yourself physical, mentally and spiritually. Step-stone 3: Remembering the person who died. Some suggestions might include talking out or writing out favorite memories; Giving yourself permission to keep some special keepsake of “linking objects;” Display photos of the person who died. In our music room, at Judy’s suggestion, is a photo of my wife Sharon. It is significant to have it in the music room where we spent so much time doing music. It is as if she is looking down with approval. Step-stone 4: Developing a new self-identity. The way your define yourself and the way society defines you has changed. You may need to take on new roles itual conflicts and questions racing throughout your head and heart. This is a normal part of the journey and so you move through it at your own pace. Step-stone 6: Receiving ongoing support from others. There are three groups of others out there. Those in neutral, who are neither, helpful, or hurtful, and then there are those who will be hurtful to your mourning process. i.e. Get over it! Get back to normal! He or she is in a better place! But cultivate those who are there to hear your story and will listen and support you. The helpful person will appreciate the impact of the death has had on you. They will allow you the space you need to get thru the process and be there when you need them. *Source: THE WILDERNESS OF GRIEF, Dr. Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph. D. Companion Press, Fort Collins, Co. Tuesdays Bible Study 10 am @NFSBC Thursdays Karcher Estates Ministry 1:30 pm 3 Ways to Prevent an Attitude of Entitlement in Your Kids Andrew Linder An attitude of entitlement poses a It’s good for our kids to earn the things greater threat to our children in their they want by working to get them. That’s future as adults than it may right now, the called real life. importance of curbing it right now is Don’t expect that your kids can live in vital. An attitude of entitlement robs a fantasy land all their childhood by getting person of an attitude of gratitude, servant everything they want, and it not affect hood, and the desire to work hard for them when they enter the real world of what they have. adulthood someday. The older they get, However, there are some things that, as the more this point applies. As they get parents, we can do to prevent this older, increase their opportunities to work attitude in our kids that the world around hard for what they want. It’s a win-win for them so naturally tries to instill. both of you. Also, encourage your kids to Here are three opportunities you can earn money to pay for gifts they will give intentionally give your children to help to others. This allows them to be the them avoid an entitlement mentality. ones to actually give, instead of just mom Give them opportunities to: and dad giving for them. 1. WORK HARD for what they want Secondly, give them opportunities to: Who ever said that a child deserves an 2. GIVE BACK for what they’ve been iPod, tablet, or game system, just because given they bear your last name? Is a parent just Every child ought not to just expect a Grizzly Gus for refusing to give their kids that being a part of a family means an whatever they want, or automatic right to all are they rather just exerthe benefits of a famcising good and effective ily without any contriparenting skills by laying bution of their own. down some rules and If everyone in the limitations. family benefits from The next time your food on the table, child wants that new clean dishes, clean “something”, try one of clothes, and many the following: other things, then it’s 1. Let them work around not too much to exthe house for payment How to nurture and attitude of gratitude pect that everyone (allowance) on chores instead of an attitude of entitlement. can contribute to completed, etc. cleaning off the table, washing the dishes, 2. For certain items, agree to pay for the and folding the clothes, etc. second half once they have earned the As much as we love our kids, somefirst half. This still puts the ball in their times we’re guilty to only give, give, give, court to take initiative to get what they and rarely expect much contribution in want. return for the overall good and success of 3. Encourage them to learn a trade or the family. Helping our kids understand develop a talent working or making sometheir responsibility to give back will be a thing that can give them a small income. preventative to an entitlement attitude. Our kids have done duct tape pens and Thirdly, give them opportunities to: wallets as well as mowed lawns and shov3. EXPRESS THANKS for what they have eled snow. In addition to normal times like birthdays and Christmas, there are always going to be people who choose to be generous to your family and your kids. It may be grandparents, friends, or just acquaintances who desire to be a blessing. In any case, it’s very important to use those opportunities to teach our kids to be intentionally grateful by giving verbal and written expressions of thanks. Teach your kids that a handwritten note for gifts they receive is still one of the most effective forms of gratitude. Have them make personal phone calls or home visits to people who have done special things for them. Nothing can seem less appreciated like when someone gives of their time or money to never hear from the person on the receiving end of their sacrifice. The more we teach our children to be thankful and to express it, the less of an entitlement attitude they will develop. It’s not hard to spot an attitude of entitlement in a child nowadays. You can hear it in their voice and see it on their face from a mile away. And no one enjoys it, not even the child who possesses it. It’s taxing on the child, the parents, and anyone else within earshot. But on the opposite extreme, how refreshing is it to meet a young person who is willing to work hard, not afraid to give back, and naturally expresses gratitude? I think you’d agree, they’re diamonds in the ruff. What a blessing we can give to our kids and the people whose paths they will cross in their lives by nurturing into their hearts an attitude of gratitude instead of an attitude of entitlement. The difference between the two is night and day. One looks for opportunities to give while the other seeks only what it can take. Join us for this special service and celebrating of the Lord’s Supper. Join us Easter Sunday! We will keep our regular schedule with Sunday School, Morning Worship and Evening Worship. We will be celebrating in believer’s baptism during the morning worship service! 04 - Ray Smart 13 - Geneva Wadlington 05 - Sunny Thompson 17 - Shawna Strasburg 05 - Homer Tidd 23 - Kathy Hilderbrand 06 - Hunter Gamble 24 - Dylan Filan Happy Anniversary 11 - Tyler and Sunny Thompson 30 - Dave and Shawna Strasburg The women’s prayer breakfast is Saturday, April 18th, at 10:00 am. All women are encouraged to come pray and fellowship. A NEW series………The Book of Ruth is a book of relationships, none more important than our relationship with God. In this series of messages, Pastor Shaun will unpack the relationship that God cultivated between Naomi, Boaz and of course Ruth. We will see how His grace empowered each of them and how He will empower each of us to live a life totally surrendered to Him and that both He and us will be very pleased with the results of that life. [email protected] Pastor Shaun’s TEACHING @ NFSBC On Sunday Evenings we will be celebrating heading back to the beginning with an verse by verse teaching from GENESIS. Our worship features the “Good Old Boys” and the classics from the past. On Wednesday Nights following dinner, we are working through a verse by verse study in the book of Mark enjoyed with a time of family style worship with some of todays best Christian music selections. 417 Almond Street Nampa, ID 83686 “Developing a Heart for God, A Heart for Others and a Heart for Serving”
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