St. Patrick’s Parish 34 South Alder Street, Campbell River, BC V9W 2M8 [email protected] email 250-287-3498 phone 250-287-2127 fax Parish Missions: Tahsis, Gold River and Sayward “Blessings on Him who comes in the name of the Lord.” Pastor: Rev. Jan Grotkowski, SDS Temporary Office Assistant: Heather Walsh OFFICE HOURS for the week of MARCH 29 - APRIL 4: closed Saturday, Sunday, and Monday OPEN: Tuesday 8:30 am - 12:30 pm, Wednesday 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm, Thursday 8:30 am - 3:00 pm CLOSED FOR GOOD FRIDAY Baptism and Marriage: by appointment * Sacraments or Anointing for the Sick or Holy Communion at home or in hospital - Please call the Parish Office _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Masses for Holy Week Holy Tuesday - 10 am Mass Yucalta Holy Wednesday - 9 am Mass Holy Thursday, April 2 - 7 pm Mass Good Friday, April 3 - 6:00 pm Celebration of the Passion of the Lord Holy Saturday, April 4 - 8:30 pm Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday, April 5 - 9 am Mass - 11 am Mass 1st Friday (each month) - 10:30 am at Evergreen Care Home Confession - Saturdays at 4 - 4:45 pm or by appointment *exception - 3rd Saturday 4:30 - 4:45 pm ________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ St. Patrick’s Preschool * Please call the Parish Office to register * Tuesdays & Thursdays 9 - 11:30 am St. Vincent de Paul: 250-287-4911 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015 If you know of someone who is ill or in need of our prayers, please call the Parish Office at 250.287.3498 or email [email protected] Let us pray for our family & friends that are at home or in Evergreen, Ironwood, New Horizons & Yucalta Lodge care homes. Let us pray for family & friends that are sick, recovering or in hospital, and for all who need our prayers including: Amalia Tancon, Dana Ohlinger, Sarah Kiley, Paul Harding, Dot Malo, Natalia Corrigall, Mary Pattison, Howard Harding, Anna Guidi, Betty McDonald, Reine Berns, Gina Streuby, Liz Epton, Mary Patterson, and Bernadine Sharp The Word for Palm Sunday: God, the Passion and death of Jesus are expressions of his love for us. Jesus freely chose to suffer and die so that our sins could be forgiven and we could be reconciled to the Father. The motivation our Lord had for doing this was his great love for us and his desire to be faithful to the will of his Father. By entering more deeply into our Lord’s passion, we can come to experience more fully his great love for us. Holy Week is the week which precedes the great Feast of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday - it includes the last days of Lent and the beginning of the Easter Triduum. During Holy Week, the Church celebrates the mysteries of salvation accomplished by Christ in the last days of his life on earth, beginning with his messianic entrance into Jerusalem. On Holy Thursday, Mass at 7:00 pm, we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist and the Priesthood. During His celebration of the Passover, Jesus gave the apostles His model of servanthood to carry forward as they became the first priests of the Church. The symbolic action of the washing of the feet is a visual reminder of Christ’s mandatum (or mandate) to humble service. As the ritual takes place, we are asked to recommit ourselves to lives of loving service. After the Last Supper, Jesus led his Apostles to a quiet place of prayer. Our personal vigil with Christ begins as we honour the Blessed Sacrament following Mass. Following age-old tradition, the altar will be cleared in preparation for the service of the Lord’s Passion. The starkness of the sanctuary should impress upon us that Jesus emptied himself totally for us on Good Friday only to fill us with his blessed joy on Easter morning. The Sacred Pascal Triduum: Through his Paschal Mystery, the Lord Jesus redeemed the human race and gave perfect glory to the Father. By dying, Christ destroyed our death; by rising, he restored our life. For this reason, the Easter Triduum, when we celebrate the suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord is the high point of the liturgical year. The Easter Solemnity is to the year what Sunday is to the week. Good Friday, Celebration at 6:00 pm: Through his suffering and death, Jesus reveals his boundless love for us. In submission to the will of his heavenly Father, Jesus offers himself for our redemption. By his suffering and death, Jesus defeats the power of sin over us. At the same time, in his saving act, Jesus demonstrates the extent of God’s mercy and love for each of us. What sacrifice are we willing to make in response to great love? On Holy Saturday, Mass at 8:30 pm, the people of God remain in prayer and fasting at the tomb of the Lord, meditating on his sufferings, death, and descent to the dead. Throughout this day the faithful are invited to continue the solemn paschal fast which they began on Good Friday. The Church abstains from the Sacrifice of Mass today (no 5 pm Mass), with the altar left bare until the Vigil service. During the solemn vigil service, a night of prayer which looks forward to the celebration of the Lord’s resurrection, mourning will give way to the joys of Eastertide, which we will celebrate for fifty days until Pentecost Sunday. Holy Week in our Parish... - March 30 - April 5, 2015 Holy Monday March 30 9 am BWOB&WC Church Cleaning 31 Holy Tuesday Holy Wednesday April 1 Holy Thursday 2 The Lord’s Supper Good Friday 3 Passion of the Lord 4 10 am Mass at Yucalta Lodge 9 am Mass 7 pm Mass 11 am Celebration in Tahsis 8:30 pm Easter Vigil Mass 6 pm Choir Practice (Sat. Mass) 9:30 am Adoration After Mass Adoration in the Small Hall 2 pm Prayer Cenacle 2:30 pm Celebration in Gold River RCIA Reception to follow Mass in the Large Hall 10 pm End of Adoration 6 pm Celebration in St. Patrick’s Collections from March 21 - 22 Sunday $ 4,174.74 Votive $ 75.85 Lenten Mission $ 1,218.60 Share Lent $ 2,989.75 Thank you! Sunday 5 Easter Sunday 9 am Mass 11 am Mass 7 pm RCIA 7:30 pm Choir Practice (11 am Mass) Holy Saturday 3 pm Mass in Sayward “For this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew 26:28) Lord, on the first Holy Thursday you promised, with the bread and the cup, Your body and blood for the remission of all my sins. Oh what amazing love! How could I ever show my appreciation for Your love? How can I best serve You who has loved me first and given His life for me? May I come worthily each time I approach your altar. Amen. Thank you for your generous donations to the Share Lent Campaign. To date, we have received over $3,300! Although the campaign has ended, further donations will still be gratefully accepted. If you need more information, contact Lorraine (250)287-3418 The Italian Cultural Society will be hosting a Family Dinner on April 25 at 7 pm, with doors opening at 6pm. For tickets please contact Giuseppina; (250)286-1879, Frank, (250)287-7619; Tony, (250)923-4521; or Gino, (250)923-6301. But hurry! These tickets sell fast!! Mass Intentions March 31 Holy Tuesday Yucalta Lodge 10 am the deceased members of the Puharic family April 1 Holy Wednesday 9am Hank Lazarski + offered by Mary April 2 Holy Thursday 7 pm Elizabeth Houston + offered by Mary April 3 Good Friday 6 pm Ritchie Bromley + Bookstore: The Living Faith booklets for April, May, and April 4 Holy Saturday June have arrived. We also have a new supply of Sunday 8:30 pm Peter Daniel McPherson + Missals and YouCats. Come in and see the new selection of offered by the CWL Crucifixes, Bibles, and books. The Knights will be holding a garage sale on April 18th, please consider donating any saleable items you may have. Plants and seedlings are welcome too! Contacts are John Dawson, (250)286-0187, and Henry Schulte, (250)286-6640 Would you like to receive the bulletin in your home each week in full colour? Call the office to join our bulletin email group. (250)287-3498 April 5 Easter Sunday 9 am Bob Bourque + offered by Jim & Carol 11 am Natalie Soucy + Please be considerate of those with scent sensitivities when you are preparing for Mass. Thank you! ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Takes place every Wednesday following 9:00 a.m. Mass until 10:00 p.m., and the First Friday of the month following Mass until 3 p.m. NEW TO THE PARISH /CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please come to or call the office. MOVING AWAY: Please let the Office know so we can keep our records up-to-date and send you your income tax receipt. Joe Dinn Tel 250-830-WOOD (9663) ISLAND FUNERAL SERVICES Elk Falls Crematorium 151-D Dogwood Street, Campbell River, BC Joe Dinn Locally Owned & Operated Tel 250-286-0718 Campbell River: 250-286-3103 Ph: 250-287-3530 #107-250 Dogwood St. Campbell River, BC Eugene Henry Registered Physiotherapist Sutton’s Campbell River Funeral Home A D V E R T I S E R S • Alarm Systems • Security Patrols • Monitoring From $25/month • Static Guards Campbell River’s Best Value in Funeral and Cremation Services Since 2000 Photo Tech Your Imaging Adventure Store Downtown between the Royal Bank and the Library TK * 250-286-1233 Brook G. Kiddle *Law Corporation Tees, Kiddle, Spencer S Lawyers, Mediators Suite 200 - 1260 Shoppers Row 250-287-7755 • Free Courtesy Cars O U R 151-D Dogwood Street, Campbell River, BC 250-287-3366 3989 North Island Hwy. Phone: 250-287-8258 • Private Insurance & ICBC Claims & Glass Replacement 502 South Dogwood Street Campbell River, BC V9W 6R4 Phone: 250-287-4812 Fax: 250-286-1733 S U P P O R T Proudly Serving the Community Since 1913 1631 Island Highway Campbell River, BC Canada V9W 2E6 Phone: 250-287-8816 [email protected] Graham J. Kelly Investment Advisor Independent Wealth Management Patricia Brenan Associate Broker - Real Estate Sales Willow Point Realty • 2116B S. Isl. Hwy. Office: 250-923-1521 • Fax: 250-923-4533 Cell: 250-287-1191 • email: [email protected] P L E A S E Flooring & Blind Specialists POSTERS AND BULLETIN BOARDS: Please check with the Parish Office before hanging posters in the Parish Centre. The cost of printing our parish weekly bulletins is offset by the support of these businesses. Most are parish members. We ask your support of them. Phone: 250-286-7229 • 1690C Maple Street, Campbell River, BC New to the Parish? Or have you changed your address? Please contact the Parish Office (250-287-3498) or complete this form and deposit in the collection basket. Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ P. Code: _________________________________ Offertory envelopes are available in the Parish Office, please write your name, address and phone # on the first envelope you use.
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