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Розклад Богослужінь у Страсний Тиждень
і Пасхальні Свята, 2015
Одним із напрямків імміграційної реформи, яка була оголошена
Президентом 20 листопада 2014 року, було надання дозволу для
батьків громадян США і держателів грін карти знаходитися в США
без загрози депортації (Deferred Action for Parents of US Citizens
and Lawful Permanent Residents). Ця програма також дозволяє
батькам громадян США і держателів грін карт, які на
сьогоднішній день знаходяться нелегально в країні, подати
клопотання про надання дозволу на працевлаштування на 3 роки і
поновлювати цей дозвіл кожні 3 роки.
Імміграційна реформа для батьків не надає для них ніякого
імміграційного статусу
Слід зазначити, що імміграційна програма для батьків не
передбачає надання для них якогось імміграційного статусу або
створення передумов для отримання грін карти. Якщо ваше
клопотання про відстрочення депортації буде затверджене, ви
зможете легально знаходитись на території США протягом строку
дії дозволу без загрози депортації. При цьому ви зможете
отримати дозвіл на працевлаштування (а пізніше і Social Security
Number), який матимете можливість поновлювати кожні 3 роки.
 Хто має право отримати дозвіл на знаходження в США без
загрози депортації?
Ви зможете отримати дозвіл на знаходження в США без загрози
депортації і дозвіл на роботу при дотриманні наступних умов:
1. Постійно проживали на території США з 1 січня 2010 року до
сьогоднішнього дня.
2. На момент проголошення імміграційної реформи (20 листопада
2014 року) знаходились в США.
3. Не маєте імміграційного статусу з 20 листопада 2014 року.
4. Маєте дочку або сина, які є громадянами США або особами, які
мають посвідку на проживання (грін карту) незалежно від віку
або їхнього сімейного статусу.
5. Успішно пройшли criminal background check (не були
притягнуті до кримінальної відповідальності за вчинення
злочину, серйозного правопорушення, або трьох чи більше
проступків; не створюєте загрозу для національної безпеки і не
належите до категорії осіб, які підлягають терміновій
 Коли подавати документи?
Початок прийому клопотань про відстрочення депортації та
отримання дозволу на роботу було заплановано на травень 2015
року. Але одразу ж після оголошення цієї реформи, 26 штатів
подали позов до федерального суду в Техасі проти адміністрації
Основний аргумент, який висувають штати проти
незаконності програми відстрочки депортації для батьків, є
перевищення повноважень Президентом при прийнятті
імміграцйної програми для батьків. Відповідно до Конституції
США, тільки парламент наділений правом приймати законодавчі
акти і визначати внутрішню політику держави. Президент же
належить до виконавчої влади і зобовязаний виконувати закони,
які пройшли в парламенті. Так як імміграційна реформа не була
затверджена в установленому Конституцією порядку
парламентом, вона не має ніякої юридичної сили, а тому
Президент не мав права запроваджувати її на практиці.
Адміністрація Президента відстоює іншу позицію і вважає, що
Президент був уповноважений запровадити імміграційну
реформу, так як голава виконавчої влади має право на власний
розсуд визначати коло осіб, які становлять загрозу для
національної безпеки і підлягають негайній депортації.
Федеральний суд в Техасі вислухавши аргументи двох
сторін, видав ухвалу, яка тимчасово призупинила дію цієї
імміграційної реформи до тих пір, поки суд не винесе рішення
про легітимність впровадження цієї реформи в імміграційну
На даний момент USCIS очікує остаточне рішення суду
щодо конституційності імміграційної реформи і не розглядає
клопотання про надання дозволу для батьків знаходитися в США
без загрози депортації. Остерігайтесь шахраїв, нотаріусів і так
званих імміграційних консультантів, які спонукають вас до подачі
імміграційних петицій зараз і обіцяють вам надання дозволу на
працевлаштування в найкоротший проміжок часу.
Наш третій парафіяльний Український фестиваль відбудеться у
Суботу, 27 червня 2015 року з 12 год. дня до 8 год. Фестиваль
буде проходити на шкільній площі
і в шкільному залі і
традиційну українську їжу/напитки,
музику, виступ танцювальних колективів, лотерею 50/50 і
Четвер 16 Квітня о 7 год вечора у церковному залі. На
збори запрошуємо усіх парафіян, хто готовий допомагати у день
Фестивалю своєю працею і талантом
Великий Понеділок, 30 Березня
6:30 веч.– Акафіст до Страстей Христових
Великий Вівторок, 31 Березня
6:30 веч. – Літургія Ранішосвячених Дарів
Велика Середа, 1 Квітня
6:30 веч. - Літургія Ранішосвячених Дарів
Великий Четвер, 2 Квітня
9:00 рано - Літургія Василія Великого і Вечірня
7:00 веч. - Утреня Страстей (Читання 12 Євангелій)
Велика П’ятниця, 3 Квітня
9:00 рано -Вечірня з виложенням Плащаниці
7:00 веч. - Єрусалимська Утреня
Велика Субота, 4 Квітня
1:00 - 2:00 по пол. - Сповідь у Церкві
2:00 по пол. - Свячення Пасок у шкільному залі
4:00 по пол. - Свячення Пасок у шкільному залі
5:00 по пол. - Свячення Пасок у шкільному залі
6:30 веч - Надгробне
7:00 веч - Обхід і Воскресна Утреня
Неділя, 5 Квітня - Великдень - ПАСХА
9:00 рано - Служба Божа (укр.) – співає хор Боян
(Після Літургії буде свячення пасок на вулиці біля церкви)
11:30 рано - Служба Божа (анг.)
Розклад Богослужінь на Великдень
( за Юліанським Календарем)
4:00 по пол. - Свячення Пасок у Шкільному Залі
9:00 рано - Св. Літургія (укр.)
Свячення Пасок після Літургії на вулиці біля церкви.
11:30 рано – Св. Літургія (анг.)
Запитання до Священика!
Хто такі "русини"?
Таке коротке запитання, а так широко потрібно на нього
відповідати, але постараюсь коротко. Справа в тім, що колись,
до кінця Другої світової війни, сучасна Закарпатська обл. не
належала до України, але на її території з поклон віків
проживали слов'яни, потім у Х столітті переселилися на ці
європейські землі угорці, і з часом на території Великої Моравії
заснувалася так звана Австро-Угорщина. Так ось австрійці та
угорці називали слов'ян, місцеве населення, русинами, що
значило на той час не угорець, а українець, або руський. Ці
місцеві слов'яни-українці, ще до приходу угорців, до Хрещення
Русі, були вже християнами, а в ІХ столітті солунські брати
Кирило і Мефодій принесли на ці землі, на той час Велику
Моравію, свій грецький обряд. Так між слов'янським народом
взяв старт і сьогодні діючий східний, грецький, або його ще
називають православний обряд. В ХІ ст у Церкву закралася
схизма, і ці християни не зі своєї вини опинилися поза
Церквою, і лише в 1646 році в каплиці ужгородського замку
священиками, які опинилися поза Церквою, була підписана так
звана Унія, що значить була ліквідована ота схизматична рана
на Тілі Христовому, поновлена єдність з престолом св. Петра.
Священики, котрі підписували єдність, були слов'янами,
українцями, або тоді їх називали русинами. Тому інколи і
сьогодні так називають Мукачівську Греко-католицьку єпархію
- Русинська Греко-католицька Церква.
Чи можна попросити священика почитати Євангеліє
над головою особисто (від переляку і для душевного
спокою)? Чи може священик відмовити у такій
Cвященик і є для того слугою Божим, щоб служити Богу,
задовольняючи прохання вірників. Так, як він читає над
головою хворої людини молитву на зцілення, може прочитати
й Євангеліє, але Ви мусите пам'ятати, що результат, як
молитви, так і прочитаного Євангелія, залежить від Вашої віри.
Скажіть, будь ласка, що означають слова під час
переміни Святих Дарів: "Твоє від Твоїх Тобі
приносимо, за всіх і за все"? Завжди задумуюся над
цими словами, але добре їх не розумію.
Христос на Тайній вечері, коли встановив Тайну Пресвятої
престолонаслідникам таке доручення: "Це чиніть на мій
спомин". І коли священик проказує слова: "Твоє (що Ти нам
залишив) від Твоїх послідовників, Тобі Богу приносимо (за
Твоїм дорученням, на Твій спомин), приносимо за всіх тих, за
кого правиться Літургія і за відпущення їм всіх гріхів їх.
Holy Week Services
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, before you
dismiss the Holy Week Services because
they’re long, remember that you’re willing
to watch four-hour movies and games that
go into overtime. Whatever your motivation, remember that what started well at
the beginning of Lent should end just as
well. Holy Week, is the week preceding
Easter, which climaxes with the Crucifixion
on Good Friday and ends with the joyous
Easter. Let's explore the meaning of each
of the solemn days of Passion Week and
the liturgical services celebrated on these days.
 Great Monday: recall Blessed Joseph of the Old Testament who was beaten by his brethren, left for dead, and
enslaved by foreigners. While his father, Jacob mourned
for his son, Joseph was gloriously reigning as a lord of
Egypt, and later saved his father and his people. This
prefigures the salvation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who
was sold for 30 pieces of silver, arrested, condemned
and suffered His bitter Passion for us ... then rose gloriously having granted life to those in the tombs!
 Great Tuesday: recall the Lord’s parable regarding the
wise and foolish virgins. The wise virgins continually
awaited the coming of their Master with alertness, their
lamps burning through the darkness. The foolish ones
went to sleep, assuming they would have enough time
to prepare at the last minute. But the Bridegroom came
in the midst of the night, rewarding those who kept
watch for Him and casting out those who wasted the
opportunity to prepare to meet him.
 Great Wednesday: On this day, the Church gives us
the example of the adulteress who, once she met the
Lord, realized the gravity of her sins, fell down before
Him and washed His feet with her tears and precious
perfumes. The Church brings forth for us on this night
the holy oils, and celebrates the Sacrament of Anointing
for health of body, mind and spirit.
 Holy Thursday: On this day at 9:00 a.m. for the first
time in our church we will celebrate Vespers and the
Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great and recall how our
Lord, preparing to offer Himself as Priest and Victim,
revealed to His holy apostles the Sacred Mysteries: His
Body and Blood, broken and poured out for the life of he
world. Thursday evening at 7;00 p.m. the Matins of the
12 Passion Gospels will be served. The complete Passion
narratives of each of the Gospels are read to dramatically tell the story of the Passion and Death of Jesus
 Great Friday: During the Matins service the full account of the Passion and Death of Our Lord is read solemnly. Day of Strict Abstinence from meat, eggs and
dairy products. Good Friday observances include the
Veneration of the Holy Shroud. The Holy Shroud is the
representation of the sheet that Christ was buried in.
There is a procession of worshipers carrying the Crucifix,
banners and the Holy Shroud, with the priest carrying
the Eucharist and the altar boys carrying lighted candles
and the wooden clappers. The congregation circles the
church and reenters symbolizing the journey from the
Crucifix on Calvary to the tomb. The Holy Shroud is
placed on a representative tomb and is surrounded by
willows, candles and flowers.
 Great and Holy Saturday: This day is a day of hope
and waiting.
It is a day when parishioners visit the
Holy Shroud to worship and kiss the wounds of Christ.
The Night of Holy Saturday features the most moving
and joyous celebration in the Church. The Procession
begins with hymns that mount in tension, urging the
faithful to watch and wait. The Church grows ever darker until all lights and candles are extinguished. Suddenly, the priest exits the Sanctuary with lighted candles,
singing, "Thy resurrection O Christ our Saviour…"" The
tension that has been building throughout the week
breaks as one by one, candles are lit from the paschal
candles, the church suddenly breaking forth into light.
Singing the Hymn "Thy Resurrection O Christ our Saviour," all process outside the Church, the doors are
closed. The Matins of the Resurrection begins outside
the church with jubilant singing of "Christ is Risen" and
incensing of the faithful. When the doors are finally
opened the Church is resplendent with all lights on and
candles burning. The Royal Doors are open (and remain
open throughout Bright Week – the period between
Pascha and the Sunday of St. Thomas). Matins concludes in an air of joy and celebration. The clergy and
faithful continuously shout "Christ is Risen!" "Indeed, He
is Risen!" throughout the remainder of the Service. The
usual ending of the service is replaced with the singing
of Christ is Risen and the celebration of the Resurrectional Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.
ACS Teacher Mrs. Melanie Lawrence
is a recipient of the Teacher of the Year Award.
The Knights of Columbus are a charitable, Catholic fraternal
organization, deserving of their own accolades and recognition for
their service to community, but on Saturday, March 22, they were the
ones doing the honoring. At their Annual Shield Awards and Dinner,
the San Salvador Council 299 honored members of the local Perth
Amboy Police and Fire Departments, as well as Catholic school teachers and community volunteers.
Assumption Catholic School had quite a fine representation at
the dinner. Alumni Brian Lopazanski and parent of current students
Katie and Nathaniel Perez, Michael Perez were honored for their work
in the Fire Department. Our school, represented by Father Ivan Turyk
and principal Michael Szpyhulsky, was honored for our volunteer work.
Students who participated in and won the basketball free throw contest sponsored by the Knights were on hand to receive trophies and
certificates. Awards were handed out by Ed Troche, parent of alumni
Christopher Troche, who, it is worth mentioning, will soon be graduating from the US Naval Academy.
The shining star of our school for the evening, was the recipient of the Teacher of the Year award, Melanie Lawrence. Mrs. Lawrence has been teaching at Assumption Catholic School for over 30
years. For six of those years, she even served as principal. As she
drew inspiration from some of her own teachers - she can trace back
her love of poodles to stories her third grade teacher told about her
own pets (does that scenario sound familiar to anyone?), and it was a
seventh grade teacher that encouraged her to refine her writing skills
(did you know she usually writes her junior drama plays herself?) - so
too does she inspire generation after generation of students at ACS.
Her love for education and dedication to the Assumption Catholic community shows and inspires in almost everything she does, from her
teaching, to her many after school groups, and her volunteering at
No matter what you may do with your life, whether you are a
fire fighter, a teacher, or something else entirely, it is always the hope
that you pursue your dreams not for the recognition, but because it
helps you live a fulfilling, and happy life. But sometimes, the recognition is nice. Congratulations to all the 2014 honorees!
Please call 732-826-0721 or visit us at
www. assumptioncatholicschool.net
Across the Aisles.
On Sunday, March 22, 2015 forty six parishioners from our
parish traveled by bus to Philadelphia to participate at the Healing
Service and Veneration of Relic and Icon Blessing of Blessed BishopMartyr Mykola Charnetsky, C.Ss.R at Ukrainian Catholic Catholic Cathedral. It has been said that, “Faith is a journey, not a destination.”
And for the 46 pilgrims their journey was richly rewarding.
Ukrainian Archbishop Stefan Soroka led the service, in which
the faithful were anointed with holy oil. He also blessed a newly commissioned icon of Blessed Mykola, which will be available with the
relic for prayer and veneration at the golden-domed cathedral.
Known as “the healer of souls,” Blessed Mykola was beatified
by St. John Paul II in 2001 in Lviv, Ukraine. Many personal testimonies
are recorded of miraculous healings through his intercession, and
many of the faithful brought their prayer intentions to Sunday afternoon’s service.
Blessed Mykola, born in 1884 in Ukraine, ordained to the
priesthood in 1909, and entered the novitiate of the Redemptorist
Fathers in Lviv in 1919. In 1926 he was appointed apostolic visitator
for Ukrainian Catholics in four areas of Ukraine, working zealously for
the union of the church. He was ordained a bishop in 1931. He was
arrested by the NKVD, the Soviet secret police of Josef Stalin on April
11, 1945 and sentenced to six years of hard labor in Siberia. According
to official records, he underwent 600 hours of interrogation and torture and spent time in 30 different prisons and camps.
Terminally ill, in 1956, Blessed Mykola was permitted to return to western Ukraine, where he secretly continued to fulfill his
episcopal obligations in the underground church. In the midst of the
cruelty and oppression that he suffered in imprisonment and exile, he
was distinguished for his evangelical patience, gentleness and limitless goodness and holiness. During his lifetime he was considered by
the faithful to be a holy man. As a consequence of his sufferings, he
died a martyr for the faith on April 2, 1959 in Lviv.
How to Put Together a Traditional Pascha (Easter) Basket
Verbna Nedilia - Palm Sunday.
The general rule is place in the basket foods from which one
has abstained during the recent Great Lent and Holy Week.
The center piece of the basket is the Pascha, a beautiful,
golden loaf of wheaten bread made with eggs, butter and milk.
The loaf should be round and decorated with a cross or a
braided crown symbolizing the Lord Jesus Christ, the "living
bread" which we need to eat in order to have life within us( Jn.
The meats ( Ham and Kovbasa) in your basket symbolize the sacrificial animals of the Old Testament which foreshadowed the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.
The dairy products ( Cheese) remind us of the Promised Land where milk and honey flow which signifies the spiritual wealth of God's kingdom.
Eggs are the great symbol of the Resurrection of Christ
who emerged from the tomb like the new life of a chick breaking forth from an egg.
Chrin, horse radish mixed with grated beets. Chrin, symbolizes the bitterness of Christ's Passion mixed with the sweetness
of our salvation, as well as the white of His purity mixed with
the red of His blood.
Salt, a shaker of salt should be added to use on the eggs
reminding us that the faithful are to be the scriptural "salt of
the earth".
The last non-food item in the basket are the famous
Pysanky, better known as Ukrainian Easter Eggs. Traditional
pysanky take a lot of time and skill to make. The eggs are not
meant to be eaten but are usually blown out and reused for
years to come. They are also meant to be given away, a real
sacrifice after all the work that goes into the making of these
gorgeous eggs.
The Easter basket is covered with a “linen cover”, usually
embroidered with a picture of the Risen Christ or symbol with
the words "Christ is Risen" is placed over the foods when
brought to the church. During the blessing of the foods, the
cover is taken off the basket to display the foods and a white
candle is lit as a symbol of the Light of Christ.
Funny how we set our clocks to arise at 4:00am or
5:00am to be at the job by 7:30, yet when Sunday
comes we can't get to church for 11:00am to praise the
one who gave us the jobs!
Funny how we call God our Father and Jesus our
brother, but find it hard to introduce them to our family.
Funny how small our sins seem, but how big their" sins
Funny how much difficulty some have learning the
gospel well enough to tell others, but how simple it is to
understand and explain the latest gossip about someone
Funny how we can't think of anything to say when we
pray, but don't have any difficulty thinking of things to
talk about to a friend.
Funny how we are so quick to take directions from a
total stranger when we are lost, but find it nearly impossible to take God's direction for our lives.
Funny how people want God to answer their prayers,
but refuse to listen to His counsel.
Funny how we sing about heaven, but live only for
Funny how people think they are going to Heaven but
don't think there is a hell.
Funny how it is okay to blame God for evil and suffering in the world, but it is not necessary to thank Him
for what is good and pleasant.
Funny how when something goes wrong, we cry,
"Lord, why me?" but when something goes right, we
think, "Hey, it must be me!"
Because of the cold weather in the Carpathian region neither palm nor olive trees are able to thrive, and even other
trees rarely blossom in time of the celebration of Palm Sunday. For this reason our ancestors in Ukraine introduced the
custom of blessing willow-branches, which, at that time, are
already budding (pussy-willows). Pussy-willows also express
the liturgical symbolism of Palm Sunday in a proper manner.
During the winter the willow tree seems to be dead and yet,
with the coming of spring, it sprouts and gives a sign of life.
Thus the willow-branches bring to our mind the wood of the
Tree of the Cross, while the buds (a sign of new life) remind
us of our own glorious resurrection. The blessed branches
should be carried home as a sacramental, as a visible symbol
of Christ’s presence. They should be entwined on the crucifix or used to decorate an icon, and to serve as a ‘‘sign of
salvation," and a ‘‘pledge of protection and blessing" during
the coming year. In some regions they place these branches
into the hands of the deceased making them joyously ready
to meet Jesus on the day of Resurrection.
After the service, parishioners gently tap
each other with the willows, in imitation of
the scourging of Christ while repeating:
( The willow hits, not I; A week from now
will be Easter - Loza bje, ne ja bju, Vid neni
za tyzhden' bude Velykyi Den') The tapping
with the willow also signifies the wishes for
health, happiness and wealth.
Pastor’s Corner.
QUESTION: As Christians, do we have the right to kill to defend
ourselves or be killed and love our neighbors and forgive?"
Yes, as a human being, you have a right to kill another person
in order to defend yourself against that person’s killing you.
Someone who defends his life is not guilty of murder even if he
is forced to deal his aggressor a lethal blow. Legitimate defense
can be not only a right but a grave duty for someone responsible for another’s life, the common good of the family or of the
state. Killing another person should be our last resort of selfdefense; if possible, lesser means of self-defense should be employed.
QUESTION: "Can Angels see the future?"
Even though Angels are endowed with great intelligence far superior to human understanding; they are not omniscient. There
are certain limitations to angelic knowledge. An angel does not
know future contingent events. An angel does not know the
mysteries of God’s grace unless God reveals them and does not
know the secrets of the heart and the motivations of the will;
only God knows these. Remember what Jesus said about the
Angels not knowing the time of His second coming. Jesus unequivocally affirmed that the day of the Parousia (2nd Coming)
was something unknown to everybody except the Father. (Matt.
24: 36).
QUESTION: "What are the Knights of Columbus?"
The Knights of Columbus (K of C) is an international, fraternal
organization of Catholic men founded in 1882 by the Rev. Michael J. McGivney of New Haven, Connecticut. The organization
was established on the principles of charity, unity, and patriotism, and its purpose is to provide a system of fraternal insurance benefits to the members, promote cultural relations and
engage in a variety of religious, educational and social activities.
Annually, the K of C contributes over one hundred million dollars
to charitable works of the Church and gives fifty million hours of
community service. They number over one million and a half
Knights in membership.
QUESTION: "Why is St. Joseph often depicted in art with a lily
in his hand?"
Even before Christianity, the Ancients held the lily in great esteem for its chaste appearance. For the Christian world, the lily
became a symbol of pure virginal love. Gabriel, the angel of the
Annunciation, is often portrayed holding a lily. So is St. Joseph
because of his chaste, non-sexual marriage to the Virgin Mary.
St. Joseph was not the physical father of Jesus. Jesus was conceived of God the Holy Spirit; Mary had no other flesh and blood
children. Mary is ever Virgin. ("Dictionary of Symbolism," H.
Bredemann, Menolian Books).
VOL. LIX – 13
MAR. 29, 2015
Epistle – Phil 4:4-9; Gospel – Jn 12:1-18, Festal Tone
Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015
9:00 AM Lit. + Roman Ambrozewycz r/by Roman & Cathy
11:30 AM Lit. For God’s Blessings on Our Parishioners
Myrovannia and distribution of pussy willows after Liturgies
Holy Monday, March 30, 2015
6:30 PM – Akathist to the Divine Passion of Christ
Holy Tuesday, March 31, 2015
6:30 PM Lit. Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Holy Wednesday, April 1, 2015
6:30 PM Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Holy Thursday, April 2, 2015
9:00 AM Liturgy of St. Basil with Vespers
7:00 PM Sacred Passion Service,
Reading of the twelve Gospels
“Matins of the Holy and Saving Passion of our Lord”
Good Friday, April 3, 2015
9:00 AM Good Friday Vespers and
Procession with the Most Holy Shroud
(School Children and Choir ‘Boyan’
will alternate in singing the responses)
7:00 PM Jerusalem Matins (Holy Name assemble 6:30)
Holy Saturday, April 4, 2015
6:30 PM – Prayer at the Tomb – “Nadhrobnoye”
Solemn Procession (Altar boys assemble 6:15)
7:00 PM – Resurrection Matins
(Responses sung by Choir ‘Boyan’)
Resurrection of Our Lord, Pascha, April 5, 2015
Epistle – Acts 1:1-8; Gospel – Jn 1:1-17
9:00 AM Lit. For God’s Blessings on Our Parishioners
(Responses sung by Choir ‘Boyan,’ Ukrainian)
11:30 AM Lit. for all Parish Volunteers (English)
Myrovannia - Anointing of the Faithful
with Holy Oil after Liturgies
Vigil at the Lord’s Grave
Attention Holy Name and St. Ann’s members:
We have a sign up sheet for the traditional Vigil at
the Lord’s Grave. We are asking for two people for
each hour, one a member of Holy Name Society and
one a member of St. Ann's Society. Please sign the list
in the vestibule.
Blessing of Easter Food Baskets
Baskets will be blessed in the school hall on Holy
Saturday at 2:00, 4:00 and 5:00 PM. On Easter Sunday
baskets will be blessed following the 9:00 AM Divine
Liturgy, outdoors, weather permitting, or church hall.
Pussy Willow Branches
We thank the Putykewycz and Zakanycz Families
for donating the beautiful pussy willow branches for
Palm Sunday in memory of:
Sviachene – Easter Dinner
The annual Sviachene, a traditional Easter Dinner,
will be held on Sunday, April 19, 2015 following a 10:00
AM Divine Liturgy. Only one liturgy will be held that
Sunday. (Saturday liturgy remains the same). At the
Sviachene this year we will be honoring our former
pastor, Rev. Roman Dubitsky, on the 50th anniversary
of his Priesthood (no gifts please, only prayers, at Fr.
Roman’s request). The dinner will consist of traditional
Easter food, such as ham, kobasa, eggs, paska, cold
salads, beets with horseradish, etc. The dinner and a
short concert will be held in the school hall. Tickets
are on sale following Saturday evening liturgy, during
Coffee Hour and after the 11:30 a.m. Sunday Liturgy or
at the rectory during office hours. Please purchase your
tickets in advance! The cost is minimal, $10 per adult
and $5 for children age 6 to 18. Children under 6 come
free. This event is all about the parish family coming
together to enjoy each other’s company, to enjoy an
Easter meal together. Join us for this traditional event!
Welcome to Assumption Church!
Welcome to our worship today. Whether you are a
member, a regular visitor or a newcomer, we are happy
to have you with us. We pray that you enjoy your time
with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and with our
church family. Please know that we are Catholics in
communion with the Bishop of Rome, His Holiness Pope
Francis I, whom we recognize as the visible Head of the
Catholic Church. We are a "Sui Juris" church (meaning:
of one`s own laws). We are not "under" the Roman
Catholic Church, but rather "in communion" with the
Roman Catholic Church. We are two equal Sui Juris
Churches, going forward side by side in our faith
journey, as we both recognize in communion the
authority and leadership of the Successor of Saint Peter
the Apostle. The local Roman Catholic Bishop, the
Bishops of the United States, and the whole world
recognize us as being fully Catholic. As part of the One,
Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, we are identifed
as Eastern Catholics and share the same faith and we
have the same seven Sacraments. The difference is
that as Eastern Catholics, we have a different way (or
Rite) of expressing our Faith in regards to Liturgy,
customs, theology and spirituality. We welcome you
today to worship with us. May God bless you. Alive in
Welcome, Your Grace, Bishop Komar
We wish a warm Welcome to our special guest,
Bishop Hryhoriy Komar, Auxiliary Bishop of SambirDrohobych Eparchy, Ukraine.
Ukrainian Festival in Our Parish
Our third cultural festival will be held on Saturday,
June 27, 2015. As always, the festival will feature the
church tours, entertainment, dancing, family activities,
vendors, traditional Ukrainian food/drink and more.
The Festival will be held on the school playground and
inside the school hall. Parishioners who are willing to
work some hours at the festival and be chairpersons of
designated working areas are welcome to come to the
FIRST FESTIVAL MEETING on Thursday, April 16 at 7:00
p.m. and take part in the discussion. We are always
looking for new ideas and would like to hear yours.
Metropolitan Stefan will celebrate Holy Thursday
Services in St. Ann’s Church, Warrington, PA
On Holy Thursday April 2, Metropolitan Stefan Soroka,
together with Archieparchial priests, will celebrate the
Divine Liturgy at 10:30 a.m. in St. Anne's Church, 1545
Easton Road, Route 611, Warrington (Bucks County) Pa.
This Divine Liturgy commemorates the institution of the
Holy Eucharist and the Priesthood. At this Divine
Liturgy, Metropolitan Stefan will perform the
traditional washing of the feet of twelve priests and
the Holy Chrism will also be consecrated. All the
faithful are invited and encouraged to attend this
Divine Liturgy on Holy Thursday in Warrington.
We all know family members, friends, neighbors, coworkers, former or inactive parishioners or school friends,
who are Catholic and no longer attend our Divine Liturgy.
The sacred time of Holy Week and Easter is a great time
to invite them to come home to our Church. Think about
it, pray about it, and invite someone to come to Church
with you during these holiest of days for us as Christians.
Yes, there is always a chance that you will be rejected or
your invitation will fall on deaf ears. Just remember that
Jesus often experienced the same kind of rejection and He
did not give up. So if your invitation receives a negative
response or none at all, just wait a few days and ask
again. In the meantime, pray for that person, and don’t
give up on them no matter how long it takes. It is hard to
persevere and it is hard to be rejected, but just be
patient and kind and trust in the Lord. Those precious lost
souls are certainly worth the effort.