ST WILFRID’S SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES Sat 6:15pm 8:30am 10:30am 12:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm Vigil Mass Quiet Mass Family Mass Liturgy of the Word for Children Sung Latin Mass EF Sung Vespers Benediction WEEKDAY SERVICE TIMES Monday 30th March Monday of Holy Week Mass at 8am & 12.10pm Tuesday 31st March Tuesday of Holy Week Mass at 12:10pm Wednesday 1st April Wednesday of Holy Week Mass at 12:10pm Thursday 2nd April Maundy Thursday See Holy Week Service Times Friday 3rd April Good Friday See Holy Week Service Times Saturday 4th April Holy Saturday See Holy Week Service Times CONFESSIONS Twenty minutes before Mass and Saturdays from 10:45am - 12:00 PRAYERS AND DEVOTIONS Rosary: Monday to Saturday after the 12:10 Mass Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon - Sat from 11:30am to 12:00 SUNDAY 29th MARCH 2015 Sunday Readings: Year B YORK PALM SUNDAY Weekday Readings: Year 1 Divine Office Week 2 YOUR PRAYERS ARE ASKED FOR… Pat Kerrigan, Bridget & Noel Crompton, Ken Whitehead, Tamara Madej, Muriel Snape, Elsie Lyon, Franca Tomasini-Snowdon, Rachel McHale, Sharon Gray, Connie van Donck, Ann Bamford, Anne Preston, Gordon Whittaker, Fr Gerry Hurst, Joe Hudson, Veronica Chadwick, Frances Cole, Maureen Pearson, Jennifer Cairns, Joan Wilkinson, Anne Walsh, Chris Smith, Marilyn Johnson, Elaine Brighton, Diane Lyons, and Tom Massey; for the ill and their carers; for all who died recently, and for all those with anniversaries at this time. PALM SUNDAY The 10.30am Mass today, Palm Sunday, will begin fifteen minutes earlier at 10.15am for the Blessing and Procession of Palms. The Blessing and Procession will begin from the car park. HOLY WEEK AND EASTER SERVICES CHRISM MASS Tuesday, 31st March 12 noon at Middlesbrough Cathedral. A coach will leave the Memorial Gardens at 10.00am costing £10. There is a list to sign in the church porch. Only payment in full guarantees a place. MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY IN HOLY WEEK: Mass times as usual with Stations of the Cross each day at 11.30am. MAUNDY THURSDAY No Mass at 12.10pm. Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7pm. Watching at the Altar of Repose until 11.45pm when we will end the period of watching with Compline. GOOD FRIDAY No Mass at 12.10pm. Matins and Lauds at 9.00am; Children’s Stations at 11am; Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion 3pm; Stations of the Cross at 6.30pm HOLY SATURDAY No Masses during the day including 6.15pm Vigil Mass. Matins and Lauds at 9.00am; Easter Vigil and First Mass of Easter 9pm EASTER SUNDAY 8.30am Mass; 10.30am (Family Mass); 12 noon Sung Latin Mass; 6pm Vespers and Benediction READERS AND EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION IN HOLY WEEK Please sign the list in the porch if would like to exercise these ministries at the Holy Week Services. MAUNDY THURSDAY WALK TO ST GEORGE’S ALTAR OF REPOSE On Maundy Thursday we will walk in prayer from St Wilfrid’s Altar of Repose to St George’s Altar of Repose leaving at 8.45pm. Please be there at that time if you would like to take part. CHURCH CLEANING FOR EASTER AND AFTERWARDS Br Henry is organising a team to have a thorough clean of the church on Holy Saturday, 4th April. We will begin after Matins and Lauds at about 9.45am. In future we hope to have a regular cleaning session after the 12.10am Mass every Saturday when the church is free of weddings etc. The Fathers will get involved in this too. Please see Br Henry if you would like to help. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena: VISITORS FOR HOLY WEEK AND EASTER Wednesday after the Rosary READINGS AT MASS NEXT WEEK Acts 10:34,37-43; Colossians 3:1-4; 1 Corinthians 5:6-8; John 20:1-9 We have a number of visitors for Holy Week and Easter. Fr Peter Gee, the chaplain of the Oratory School in Reading and Fr Stephen Brown, Chaplain of Bradford University will be with us to help out with Easter Services. Mr Eamon Manning and Mr David Chadwick will be guests in the house to give us a hand with other things! We welcome them. POSTER FOR HOLY WEEK AND EASTER The Knights of St Columba produce a poster for Holy Week and Easter for people to put in their windows as an act of witness. You fold down the “He is Risen” panel when Easter comes. Copies of the poster are available in the porch to take home. DAY OF DIVINE MERCY St Aelred’s Church, Sunday 12th April 11.30am until 4pm. Full details on the poster in the church porch. ORATORY CLERGY COLLECTIONS, GIFT AID AND STANDING ORDERS 21st/22nd March. Loose Plate: £539.95; Gift Aid £97.50; Total £637.45. Thank you very much. Fr Richard Duffield Parish Priest Fr Nicholas Edmonds-Smith Br Adam Fairbairn Br Henry O’Connell PETERGATE HOUSE, 11, HIGH PETERGATE, YORK YO1 7EN 01904 624767 [email protected] OTHER PRIESTS IN THE PARISH Fr David Standen P-in-C, St Joseph’s Fr Mark Drew The Diocese of Middlesbrough is a Registered Charity number 233748 The Oxford Oratory Trust is a Registered Charity number 1018455
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